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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 25, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the, the, this is data, but the news line from billing just bought and speaks to the nation of the ending his re, election with us president says it was time to pass the torch to a new general generation after widespread death thought to his fitness to serve an opportunity of set coming up benjamin netanyahu tells the joint session of the us congress that he's roland. america must stand together is where the latest. so to both, to support for the war against come us for the outside, protest is demanding an end to the funding faced of police. plus type the timing as passed through taiwan extreme winds and heavy ryan's back of the
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island. this residence hunker down to the west. storm in all, most of the i'm anthony, i would walk into the program. you as president joe biden has addressed the nation for the 1st time off to withdrawing from the presidential election. rice button stepped aside on sunday after weeks of growing pressure. and so to explain the reasons why he did so in his speech carried live on old magic american networks. let's take a listen to some of what he had to say from the oval office in the white house. to review this office. i love my country more spin the owner of my life to serve as your present. but in the defense of democracy, which is a stake, i think is more important than a title. i draw strength,
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i find joy working for an american people. but this sacred task for affecting our union. it's not about me. it's about you, your families, your futures, it's about we, the people you know racial wakes has become clear to me. i need your 9 my party in this critical endeavor. i believe i recognize presence. my leadership in the world, my vision for america's future. all marriage or the 2nd term nothing. nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. that includes personal ambition. so i've decided the best way for is the past, the tours from new generation. as the best way to unite our nation now the deputy of washington bureau chief anus paul was following job biden speech and gives us
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her thoughts. this was not an easy speech for the sitting president to make. it was to biden's 1st appearance on camera, off there, he dropped out all the ribs. and everyone of course was still focused on his performance. how was he sound? how would he look? and can you convince people that he's still fit for the job until the, you know, the ration of the next president in january 2025? he did. okay. there's no surprises focused on the rest of his presidency. and the job he wants to get done in the remaining 6 months, in his term, see promise to lower costs for hardworking families and grow the economy. he vote to keep defending personal freedoms and civil rights from the right to vote, to the right to choose. and of course, he attacked donald trump without saying his name, mapping out what it would mean if it would be able to bring back to the white house . it's a speech for the history books,
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not because of biden's performance or any groundbreaking news, but because it marks his story making moment a sitting president conceding that someone else is better except to win the race for the. why tell us that is huge, but the performance underlined one more time that fighting has an impressive track record and that it is indeed time deposits on the torch to the next generation. the state w washington bureau chief n as paul that will still in washington and benjamin netanyahu has promised to continue the war in johnson and cold on the united states to stand united with his right dressing a joint session of congress, the ready 5 minutes to defend it, these countries conduct of the war as purchased as gathered outside to demand an end to the conflict. mister mitt netanyahu was met with standing ovations,
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for most from most of the time to find a spot boycotts from some democratic womack. and he blamed to run and it's proxies of for minting instability across the middle east and said he would do whatever it takes to protect his latest. the gentleman that victory is insights, israel's defeat of hum us will be a powerful blow to he wants access of to her and other part of that access. cuz butler, i talked to israel on october 8th, the day after her mazda tech. it is launched. thousands of bits of and drones against us. $80000.00 of our citizens in northerners, rose, evacuated their homes, becoming effectively refugees and their own land. we're committed to returning them home. we prefer to achieve this diplomatically. but let me be clear. israel
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will do whatever it wants to do, to restore security to our northern border, and return our people safely to their homes. all right, let's bring into a biased on a former us ambassador at the game and who also served as a diplomat in several other countries. in the region is with the middle east institute in washington dc and joins us from philadelphia. welcome to you. i want to stop by asking what you think we learned from the as ready prime minister speech today. it's a pleasure to be with you this evening. and frankly, i'm not terribly much, i think that this speech was mostly uh, the prime ministers attempt to defend what is real has done over these past 9 almost 10 months. uh to uh, not really give any indication of the intersection of any
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kind of review of the process or mind. this is really action. certainly no, a vision of where he wants to go after the guys that conflict or the one thing. he was much more careful this time that he was in 2015. when he spoke to the congress about the obama administration's efforts to achieve a nuclear agreement with their ron. this time who is much more careful the balance between the republicans with the democrats, between president biden and president trump. uh and uh, to try to avoid uh, getting in broiled in the us presidential politics. but otherwise it was a very aggressive speech. it was a very uncompromising speech. here was not one that will get people who are concerned about is rails actions very much reason for optimism. netanyahu called for a to demilitarized,
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and the radicalized post will gossip. if you didn't say how this would be achieved . do you see much of a workable die of to strategy here? well, certainly not in terms of what uh, what. right, uh, private internet, yahoo talked about today. uh, the idea is that it is rarely, military officer operations are going to somehow we to a d, radicalized guys. uh, i think even most israelis most senior as rarely, military officials, intelligence officials, understand that he's never going to achieve that goal. in fact, i think that on the, the car trajectory, well, we should be anticipated. he gives a much more radical cause a much more, a bitter and uh and determined to strike at israel. a gossip population. the counts very, but at least 60 democrat little mac is boy carpet netanyahu space. one reporter
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said it was as many as a 130. absent this. these constitute a democratic party turning away from east ro. i don't know that they're turning away from israel and i think that it's important that we just english between support for the state of israel, which i believe is still very strong. i know i know by partisan basis and support for israel under the current leadership under benjamin that in yahoo. and this very extreme right wing government that he's got in power and uh what they're doing and guys are right now. so i think, i think that if, if not, and you know who leaves the scene, if we have a government in israel that is more positive, more forward leaning, more responsive to the cause, not only of washington, but the entire international community are you will see the support for israel there, but under current circumstances, and again, you know, the tax that he, they,
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that he lead against the demonstrators against people. many of whom are sincere, legitimate, concerned about the situation of guys. and basically calling anyone who disagrees with him, program us, or at an iranian useful it, it is not something that's going to be inclined to strengthen your support among concerned parties during fast time with the middle east institute. thank you so much for your thoughts. it's pleasure. all right, time to take a quick look now some of the other stories making news around the world. this l i think people have been killed after a plane crashed during take off in the pull. the pilot of the plan is the sole survivor and is currently receiving treatment for domestic flight was traveling from the capitol cap man do when it's reported to have slipped off the runway. and the court for $733000000.00 people around the world are still facing front of hung
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up with no improvement since the previous year. that's according to the latest annual report from the us food and agriculture agency. this amounts to one in every 11 people in the world with africa being the wisc affected. generalist, and can you have joined and nationwide protests against if it's to stifle media freedoms. media union site report is up in shaw. t guest and beaten by security force as well, covering anti government protests. so i think kimmie has made land full on taiwan. the talk boone has already devastated the philippines, killing at least 13 people and causing winds for destruction. in taiwan, at least 2 people have been killed. the stillness passed out to the taiwan strait and is expected to hit southern china lights are on thursday. areas in the stones
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pos, preparing for land full. now. the name was rescue. as in taiwan, a still working still working robin to save more, people from the resulting floods. with gusts well over 200 kilometers an hour type and k me turned off, tie one eastern coast, gathering strength. the storm took its 1st victim and tie one before it even made a landfill. a motorist crushed by a falling tree. international travellers scrambled to leave the island rushing to book and other a more expensive tickets. after hundreds of flights were cancelled, thousands of people were evacuated from regions threatens by mud slides. but taiwan is president or most of the country to stay put under the safety, fast safety, fast digit. thanks for everyone. like all do our best. tens of thousands of tie
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when he soldiers, many who were participating in the countries annual war games are on call for relief efforts. in the philippines square came, he struck 1st flood waters in some places reached several meters. hundreds of thousands of people here have had to flee their homes. go tomorrow, but we've been sleeping with the rain started early in the morning. and we will come up around 5 in the morning as to select waters and to the home. rescuers here are raising to save lives. i don't. my mom is still people left behind my wife and cousins and relatives, a split in on her much simples. i'd like to have them rescued because the water does reach the floor and it's all nice. under the impression many are sheltering at this school and the capital manila. others at this church. people say they've lost
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everything. i see it very said we're going to have to rebuild and start from the beginning at at least we a site that's all that is important that we were able to evacuate immediately. jamie is impacted as being felt here and across the region with china also pricing for the store. now before we go in the us fisherman off the coast of new hampshire, a caption, a dangerous 9 months as a breaching while crashed into a boat capsizing the 7 mega vessel. 2 fishermen on board were rescued after being thrown into the sea. now importantly, not at the main, no the while were injured. marine experts, i simply that the, well probably didn't know the boat was the and with that you're up to date for this i'll, i'll see you again have the top of the optics. don't film reveals the hidden
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secrets of the not for the cathedral in paris. don't forget to more needed so you can find out dates on their website at any time you need them that the d w dot com and the social media channels as well. a handle is at dw needs american. we have will see you soon. the growing up interagency there's a palestinian living on, we don't expect much living with a bare minimum without civil rights and with no cost. this is not a good environment. yeah, no, not for my children. and favorite shadow stats oldest hood on the w for a long time you would believe.


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