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tv   Notre- Dame de Paris  Deutsche Welle  July 26, 2024 6:15pm-7:01pm CEST

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just as well as lots of analysis and background from our correspondence around the globe and this live fi that you're watching right now. it is also on that app just to click away watching dw use of next part 2 of the dw documentary. i'll be back in the top of the hour with more need see that the growing up as the palestinians ever known, we can't expect much living with a bare minimum without civil rights and with no cost. this is not a good environment. and i know my children and favorite shadow stats oldest. good. on the w for a long time, you would believe i was indestructible. i the grand damn of cathedrals.
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but on that day you found out that i was fragile. the time had come for me to tell you my incredible story. the nice story began in the mid 12th century in the dreams of the bishop of paris movies to selling a dream. that was both fabulous and impossible. it will never stand, but nothing, not even the king of france had been able to resist the determination of my founder, who in $1163.00 less to my 1st stone, it will be not turned um cathedral down to paris. his project exceeded
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everything that powers had seen my bill do set to work with and who was the awesome of new beginnings. they had to try to learn to improve for everything had to be invented stone after stone. they raised me out of the ground. my construction 8 through fortunes and awake and my old enemy itself only bible but in 20 years they successfully completed my choir. i cried for my 1st builders. the hardships piled up and construction dry and gone. fortunately, other builders took over the reins and their condition remained intact. it was they who built my name,
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127 meters alone with its forest of 1300 beams. and its 3 monumental portals which they decorated with extraordinary sculptures. the painted microsoft but it still wasn't enough. so they disassembled what they had patiently built to raise me even higher before crowning me with a spice. in 12 4th, after a use of construction, my 2 towers finally rose above paris. yet this state of grace was the last short lived. in the mid 13th century, my story was only beginning. i had just joined the ranks of nature cathedrals, when a formidable rival came on the sea, a stones throw from my towers, the st. chapin, a masterpiece of virtuosity and elegance, next to it seems to lend beauty all that was marvelous 20 years before now seemed
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heavy and dock the wood construction path to resume the what where to find the strength to begin again the or by chance another encounter occurred between a young master builder and one of the dumbest grows is brought back from the orient during the crusade. all it took was one encounter to start over again. the it is the u. 1248 shown the show has decided to exceed the wonders of the essential valley. by matching the beauty of that most perfect of creations, the
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geometry symmetry. the master builder who takes the reins belongs to a new generation whose dreams are ult mentioned by science. it enables him to create rows, windows of incredible virtuosity for the facades of my trance. the complexity of jones drawing at the rose is evident for it is based on the repetition of the same forms and hence the same blocks of stone. but what really appealed to the bishop and canons was the size of these rows, windows 13 meters in diameter, the largest in all of christendom. the 2 facades of my transcript had to be entirely disassembled in order to achieve this feat. jolanda shows wager was risky, football he's to sylvie, would have shows the taking the risk, the
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builders who could meet this challenge still had to be found for the time. is that changed the, the architecture initiated a century earlier in paris had spread to easy friends. we were took on its main focus from cigna, which is to say, the french, the, on the floor i was imitated everywhere now. well beyond the kingdom's borders. the major cities of europe were snatching away french builders. in 100 years, they would transport more stones than ancient egypt. the good may come as a surprise, but it was in the dark hate of this machine that john sought out his 1st ally for he knew that stone had exhausted its resources and nothing spectacular could be
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accomplished without the need to tell the secret. the beautiful outlines of stone, its angels are also held up by a corset of metal. the skilfully had a few iron staples and beneath the lace work of my windows rods of lan. imagine the metal armature that had to be forged with a large rose windows. the most renowned masters were all employed at other building sites. if you thought about my request, unusual, had trouble finding his man. i need your answer or except thank you. the taciturn smith was young. he had much to prove but the stained glass would require all the skill of the greatest of masters. the
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glass maker of the sun shop and the old man was at the end of his life withdrawn. and his workshop with his daughter. at his age, the adventure was unreasonable that have to resist. my daughter will come to paris to get the designs, think it will be a masterpiece. the shot had rekindled the flame of my building site after the error of stone and wood . i was now entering that of metal and glass. what had these young builders measured? the scope was the task ahead? not only would they have to compete with nature, but they had to move quickly to catch the other cathedrals, unaware of the following. jones, plant stone cutters,
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choose that the blocks for the $33.00 that would hold the immense window in lieu ben smithy, the craftsmanship, the iron armatures that will allow the rose window to resist the attacks of the with the tron. so it's north facade, rises before their eyes. the 1st panels of glass begin to arrive in the the never had a glass maker undertaking such a colossal challenge. each panel had to be drawn 1st in full size, old testament kings and prophets, dozens of medallions over $25000.00 pieces of multi colored glass.
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the old master works with the zeal of a man who knows his days are numbered me, the blue paying the of all the colors, the most precious is a deep blue. the blue of kings and the virgin mary drawn from cobalt outer, its formula is jealously kept and its price exorbitant. would be covered with it. colored by copper iron or mangan is the thousands of panes would be sturdily assembled using let's fix the rose windows. we'll have to resist both storms and centuries. when the planes are finished, the glass makers, daughter, escorts them to paris, where they will be installed the laughter pedal. my
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rooms begins to blue the, the night was dangerous during the middle ages. when she would come to paris, the young woman found refuge beneath my votes, among the infirm and the sick, seeking a tour for need the watchful eye of the churchwarden, the cathedrals, police gods. this harlot was conjuring up site to to see where she's a witch. what, what a young woman would be against the cannons, accusations, witchcraft was punishable by death. the reputation of the old master didn't change a thing. the tragedy got the
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better of his fragile house. last way to end the dream of a rose and the life of a young woman. the h. follow me, which the craftsman were a brotherhood. the young woman was one of the s. as for the horrible cannon, people say he threw himself from my towers out of the only one thing mattered phone i billed, is that the return of his daughter would restore the old masters house but it was too late. the
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you no matter the glass working was forbidden to women. like most of the other occupations of the cathedral. the glass makers, daughter would show the error of this stupid rule. she would learn to paint in great homes, the faces of kings, the folds of their clothes. she had attended the best school the smith would melt the legs together, they would finish her father's masterpiece, the their masterpiece. the
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the, i like to say that the newest rose is the daughter of love. like grace, the in 1250 is, begins to radiate its magical light. it is the largest in all of christendom. 20 years later, the 2nd rose window will bloom on myself facade. a visitor during the middle ages describes them so wonderful that the soul can not help but contemplate
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the it is the 1270. i'm a little over 100 years old and my construction is about to finish. the time has come to make my voice heard the bells of bronze giants, the small ones which people call the sparrows weigh 500 kilos. the trifles compared to the enormous $1000.00 bills that would join them later. it says that my stone skeleton can resist their ringing. my builders had the brilliant idea of constructing a belfry, a wooden tower built inside my stone towers. it absorbs their terrible swinging without touching my wills.
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the bills are consecrated, each one christened with a name. do you ask me to the they will sing the sound of the alarm of danger, the cause of peace time the regions will live to the rhythm of my heart. the i will sound when it is time to wake up time to stop work the i will sound the great hours of the history of the
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. i would like to tell you a beautiful story about a cathedral. loved by the humble, pampered by the powerful i could boast of the splendor of my choirs. great panels, sculpted by the imagined, gay of the 14th century, the neutral them majestic, protective sailing the stormy seas of history. the centuries later, grateful kings will offer me their infinitely graceful marbles. the oldest beauty distracts us from the tragedy that is on the phone and the admiration that one surrounded me, how slowly disappeared the in the 16th century. the acts my architecture would have supposed be referred to by a scornful term gothic meaning barbarous and primitive.
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the wood henceforth live in the shadow of other monuments. after the time of cathedrals, came the time of palaces, marvels of the renaissance in the wall family div, with the builder's new master pieces. the then it was the majestic cemetery, a vast size which would out showing so good. but in 1789. the french revolution upset this old world. it brought tremendous hope to the people that proved a difficult ordeal for monuments. the period of uncertainty began for churches like myself. they started by
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removing my bounds. the young republic needed their bronze to cast canon. i was forced to open my eyes. i also embodied the past from which the revolution wanted to make a clean break. even worse, i was linked to the monarchy, to the king who had just been decapitated in the year 1793. my fate is in the hands of a man named byron, an entrepreneur who switched to a lucrative sector. destruction don't think that i was the victim of blind vandalism. baron followed a program established in high places, no symbol of the despised time of kings, and feudalism must remain to demolish. it provided an estimate. everything had to be quantified down to the restoration of the square,
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which would be damaged by the following statues. the wise man to pull some sense decapitated like so many others. my persecutors, spear thick black paint on his own splendid stained glass windows to illuminate flo, the lease and grounds the the art and memory of the middle ages was being wiped out beneath of a runs impassive gate. this grim undertaking took nearly 10 months for a time. i was transformed into a temple of reason to welcome the new revolutionary religion. but nothing could be done. i no longer had
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a room the. the authorities intervened solely as a matter of public health. the tatters from my gown of stone are sold at auction for a discount to serve as ballast the buyers. name is beatrice. he has 24 hours to clear up the promises the sometimes history plays tricks on us. go on to put some effort into it. we don't have much time on that summer night in 1796 in paris, the courtyard of a private mansion hosted or rather mysterious ceremony go the remains of my statues, had ended up in the hands of a self employed, lest they may twos to shelter
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them from the stones of history, the in 18 o 4. i even believe that my past glory had returned with 15000 deaths for an imperial coronation. for it was i that napoleon chose to celebrate the ceremony making him the emperor upfront. the on that day was the cleanest cathedrals. indeed, the splendors of my declaration was leading a cnn peruse rain. and with each season, my condition was, and i was
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exhausted by the centuries, abandoned my gown in tatters. my sad lot, no longer interested anyone. the the return of the king's to the throne didn't change a thing. after all, why would i escape this fate of so many other agent? not even the the home precious to me. inches ruins have a beauty of their own like fossils. they however, within the memory of their past glory but the 19th century would not be migrating because one man rebound during his long visits,
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he would mamma words of hope. i was his vast symphony of stones, the colossal work of an entire people, the this man who was indignant about my salary fate is no more than a poet. but he believes in the power of the world. have you recognized the his name? is victor hugo, the in this year, 1831 with the stroke of a pen. he has saved these unpopular middle ages from oblivion, and brought in turn back to the old congress of my splendor. he re populate speech with imaginary figures. the beautiful as morrenda and the hunchback causing no transforms away from regency, their own. cassandra,
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the novel is a huge success, and it bears my name. no time to pass. it will be the 1st stone of my 2nd founding, the in 18. 44. the brand new commission for historic monuments ordered a major restoration of the cathedral of paris. the giant project was entrusted to 2 young architects. here's the 1st one, a certain eugene view lane. the duke fused barely 30 years old with little experience but a confidence that is disconcerting to believe him, he knows what a gothic cathedral is better than maurice to sally eugene . i would take it as
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a favor if you'd work in our office. wonderful. let's go. history has somewhat neglected his colleague and mentor jombateeste last year. but in the eyes of the commission, he was the more qualified of the 2 i just came from the commission there into the ethics. but they would like to know how much all of this will cost. that's not scared of them. now. i've just had 2 or 3 ideas that i absolutely must discuss with you. and once all these new ideas, large scale work would begin once again. but to be honest, i didn't find this strange do. oh, entirely reassuring was like, you could clearly see the marks on the screen to fix it. in spite of everything, it stood for 6 centuries. the what a pleasure to see the teeming activity of a building side once more. my course of scaffolding, the warm aroma of the forge,
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the music of chisels against stone. all the just choose that the craftsman of pass down over the center. the 3 on the priority is to reinforce everything that is collapsing to replace ailing stones with brand new blocks. during this 19th century marked by inequality, elite artisans rub elbows with the crowd of laborers who sacrifice their health for a pigeons. the oldest poverty with him badly does tom. we found something 6 centuries of building, modification and destruction had made me an enigma. making sense of this puzzle
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would require the skill of a surgeon and the mind of a detective. this is how the duke turned the entire procession against him. was starting to like him. this 19th century man who spoke of the middle ages as though he had lived at the time the since childhood. this brilliant draftsman dreamed of knights castles, and gothic churches. the, during the course of his travels, he had gathered tremendous knowledge which he was now putting to use for me by redesigning their ornamentation that disappeared the blood when sources were lacking. he just didn't hesitate to give his imagination free reign. he had such an intimate knowledge of gothic art that he was convinced it's spirit came flooding
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back into his drawing. thousands of drawings, the that's how view needed duke began to cover my facade was entirely personal creations. worried expressions. some limitations threatening diagrams. the in late 1847 after 3 years of construction, the til is already empty. they were able to reinforce the sections that were collapsing. new statues were placed in the gallery of kings. but it's a far cry from the promises of the 2 architects who would announce the reworking of the windows and rose windows. and the construction of a sa,
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christy. anger was rumbling in the capital in 1848 driven by misery and a thirst for liberty. for reasons rose up once more against him on the so it would be the century of great revolution. the i had already seen 3 forms of government since my restoration began. monarchy, a short lived the republic. and the 2nd time by which school, by a single disturbing word, madame the capital shook beneath the largest building project and its history by order of napoleon, the 3rd baron houseman, cut avenues and boulevards through the city. my old paris had had its
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day the what would be kind of me in this new city, the someone would have to plead my case if construction were to resume until now. my architects had skilfully navigated the changes in government, but they were not in favor under the i'm buy a. i have is go down in history is the to weather vanes always on the side of power. but and certainly they've shown bad taste. do we really have a choice? we're not going to stop here. to charm the emperor a viewing the duke transformed himself into
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a theatre decorator rotates building builds with kind of these heavy wall hangings. the architect proposed to the server should be to host major imperial ceremonies. his drawings hit, the bulls, nicoli and the 3rd and emperor is eugene. he became infatuated with these new gothic visions. the resumption of work became an affair of state. the money that had been so sorely lacking would no longer be a problem. the it is the year 1853 and my architects now have car loans. the listening only to themselves view unable to do can last who will intervene every way. there isn't a single block,
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a single stitch or loop of my stone lace work that is and scrutinized. during their restoration the despite protest, the gallery windows are restored according to view, nay to dukes wishes. the flying buttresses are completely reworked and crowned with pinnacles the they said my was bristling was an army of gargoyles criticism mounts as you need to do, consulted for inventing a cathedral that never existed. instead of restoring it, you may be surprised, but i can imagine the statues of adam and eve, the level of the rose window, an excellent idea. the restoration turns into an obsession view later duke is not content with reinforcing the south rose window. p, orders it to be entirely disassembled and turned by
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a half the p reconfigure as each of the chapels as a new railings cast and bills as a christy for which he designed all of the painted decorations and furniture down to the least iron where she also designs the liturgical objects, including new, really queen for the holy crown, bought by st. louis, which was finally given to me the just 5 years after resuming work. one final project remains building the medieval
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spire above the pillars of my transcript. it had to be brought down a century earlier, dude which damaged condition. the architects have spent a long time observing my framework, studying the remains of my old spire amid this jungle of centuries old beams. they are familiar with its modest shape through numerous drawings, the interview of all they had accomplished. it was a small undertaking, but fate decided otherwise. the on july 15th 1857 last you suddenly dies. agnes de green saw this but got them on the door. no, no, dispatcher,
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she too would not see his finished work agnes day. but my debt to him is no less. great. no, no, no. be somebody who remembers on that piece last year, the can recognize among the kings in my gallery, the face of this generous cross. the valley duke had lost a friend and someone who kindly contradicted him rebuilding misfire was all that was left. but my last architect was alone, facing this century returned between his taste for the past and an insatiable thirst from a dandy. my restoration work seemed anachronistic. at a time when the industrial revolution was promising,
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the newer of other wonders when long metal deeds stretched in ery structures when large glass domes began to replace the stained glass of churches. how to resist the temptation doesn't matter. the east had already intruded upon the framework of the venerable shots. we could see joe, which had been the victim of the site, the but sylvia need a duke that was an insult to the genius of my abilities. he would make my spire out of hood just as they did in the middle ages. but it would be full of a grace and a virtual city that move east to sally himself with never have dreamed of the view nailer, dukes carpenters carried on the rituals of the 1st builders. they took the art of
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drawing lines to new heights. for the uninitiated, they are no more than strange strokes esoteric geometries. but in these drawings, the initiated could read the farm dimensions and precise location of every being in 186620 years after the start of construction viewing the duke's craftsman raised the framework from my new spite. it's steep slopes feature, the 12 apostles, 12 comp or guardians, gazing into the distance, the all except for one st. thomas, the patron saint of architects. the related to cut the insolence of turning him
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toward his masterpiece and giving him his own features. the the marvel of grace was given a place of pride. 93 meters above the ground that made me the largest monument in paris at the time. and the view lane to duke, one of the most fascinating architects of his time. so he was not simply contend with reinventing gothic architecture. view lane to duke turned me into a book of images, one that enduringly shaped your representation of the middle ages. the my 54 kind myriads which burst forth from his imagination of the sisters of quasi
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moto grotesque and mac the the public was thrilled by his creatures, but without really understanding what drove the all powerful architect the one of them would become my emblem. a melancholy age, the steam, and the stritch who watches the capitals agitation was built in the you may be wondering what i think you're viewing later, dukes great restoration, positive a trial or a resurrection with something else an
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encounter. and like every genuine encounter, it changed both of us. the view new duke didn't just revise my past plan is uncompromising. quest for beauty and perfection was also a tribute to all those that had proceeded to that genius to the courage to the dairy, the dreams which people sadler, the remember, those who built the
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miraculously survived the shocks at the 20th century to almost disappear in a mundane fire yet i've never been closer to you. the grand old queen of procedures, i remind you that humans were able to work together across generations and centuries, to build an incredible monument that surpassed them all. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the she's one of the most beautiful women in the world acumen us on and didn't feel that way for a long time. probably now. i had an issue with my appearance and getting to the side canyon go behind me. and now she's a real trail, like a free man in
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30 minutes on the d. w. and the conflicts own with him. sebastian in the early hours of february 24th just over 2 years ago. you came in joe listed in care of be, i'm mistaken. both on the russian this i'll probably think the city see me up on the money and go, woke up, went out and began reporting in real time. how you can use as follows on a daily basis, complex done in 90 minutes on dw, the dw traveling, besides the t food. wow, fucking, let's go to. so when it comes to sustain dependency information and trend, this is alex texted on d. w. travel, you can have it. what about you and what's your opinion? feel free to write your thoughts in the comment.
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the, [000:00:00;00] the this is dw dues live from berlin just minutes ago before the opening ceremony of the paris olympics and police in france are investigating a case of suspected sabotage. authorities say they believe the arson attacks on multiple high speed rail lines across france were coordinated, causing huge delays and they've exposed security gifts to bring you the latest. also coming up tonight, us vice president cumberland harris secures another major endorsement we call to say show. and i couldn't be prouder doors here and do everything we can get here


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