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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 27, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from berlin. last, the games begin paris 2024 olympic games kicks off in the rain with its dazzling opening ceremony. the limbic flame is lift, introducing 2 weeks of world class sporting action. thousands of athletes are gearing up and spectators are looking forward to was billed as the greatest show on earth. also coming up bangladesh authorities take 3 protests leaders if the cost of a security remains tense and the capital dock uh after the army was called in to qual, days of nationwide unrest here one protestors please. the
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marietta evans, dean. it's good to have you with us. the 1st gold medal of the 2024 parents olympic games has been won with china winning the mix team, air rifle shooting event. the games got underway with a spectacular but rather song, the opening 7000 ab leads from 200 countries, took part and a water born parade down the river since there was heavy rain. but that fail to dance. and the olympic spirit, as huge crowds gathered around the french capital's landmarks, an opening ceremony like no other. this was the 1st the ever open air edition of the events, something many locals took advantage of. the greek delegation let the teams out in keeping with tradition of the athletes with sarah,
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and i did long to send by some serious stop how a 1st came a cab or a performance from lady gog. oh, wow. yeah, the new us probably followed by an explosive entrance from french, molly and cigna. i a nakamura. can paris put on a show? yes, it can. early in the spec titles who are lucky enough to get hold of tickets faced huge queues to get into the event with security measures, even types of unusual following attacks on from says rail network. but neither of those concerns, nor the dreadful parisian weather could dump in spirit, say, instead there's only enthusiasm for the supporting festival to come. of course it's especially uh for us the 1st time was thing the gaming uh a 100 year. so yeah, we're excited grace. i think the way here um from australia we've come all the slides just to say the olympics. i super excited. yeah, i'm super excited. this is
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a bucket list trust for us. so we planned it like a year ago to come here. there is so much high p r in parties. so we are very excited comments echoed by international olympic committee. chief, so must pass. you can feel the wide uh there among the athletes. you can feel divide among the organizers. and this is why we are so confident about the success of the visa games. i was late to the host nations athletes round it off the parade soaked, but ecstatic presidents in manuel macro officially opened the games. and finally, the cold turn was lids by 3 time gold medalists. maurice is that correct? and teddy rhina, now the sport becomes the spectacle. let the games begin to and d, w is lisa lewis joins us now from the french capital for more and we so we can see that the rain has not let us yet in paris. but the games are, of course,
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under ways. so tell us a bit about some of today's sporting action. well, you know, as you said, the lived, the games really have kicked off properly here today in paris. there are lots of different competitions going on. i saw some swimming, some just saw as well, some fencing a just a short while ago. and it's really on the way obviously as you saying it, but it's still, you know, the rain is still pouring down on that. have some impact on the competition. we understand that the mens st skateboarding competition that was planned for today has been pushed back to monday. mind you this bad weather should go way by tonight or at the very latest by tomorrow. all right, well i do have to ask you about last night. the opening ceremony, we just saw that report there, all those colorful images, the spines,
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the challenge of the weather is the opening ceremony being seen as a success for france. i will absolutely say that certainly is what i've been reading. you know, the headlines will say magnificent, slim voice, and the greatest show on it's, i've been talking to friends and i roof over and watch we, we, we, we work alludes to the television really. i was watching the whole for our as it was really impressive if you know, as you said in that report, there were lots of different aspects. you had a cultural aspect. we were taken to the move the to not to them. they were drag queens. that was a fashion, so there was something that was singing, it was just absolutely flabbergasting and extraordinary. and that is also what the to national press seems to be thinking. and this is kind of the beginning of a moment to provide a happy bubble that will take place here in front of them for the next 2 weeks. and
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now we also know that there wasn't just the weather that was challenging. there was this mass of disruption to the train network in france on friday. there was an attack on the rail system. lisa, what's the latest on that? our service is back to normal. do we know who's behind these attacks? there were several kind of similar tamiels acts of sabotage during the night of the 1st day to friday, which cost a lot of disruption on francis tc. the highest speed train now the railroad operates are the essence as looking into that they over the dispatch teams to these different spaces in places across fonts immediately that have been working to repair the network. we understand that at the, the trained traffic is not completely back to norma just yet, but it should be back to them by monday at the latest. that was the definitely is lisa lewis reporting from paris. lisa, thank you let's get a check. now,
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some of the other stories making use the sour to taiwan coast guard has evacuated crew members from 2 stranded ships. there also continuing their search for attends and the a flag cargo vessel thus sank off the south coast during that time soon, but hit the island earlier this week. us secretary of state, asked me blinking isn't laws for a gathering of southeast asian countries, russian for ministers surveillance. ralph is also at attendance. saturday is the final day of 3 day talks on regional issues, including tensions in the south china sea, and finding in the m r. i. c. n. finance ministers from the world's richest 20 countries have pledged to tax the super rich more. brazil, which currently holds the presidency of the g. 20, has proposed a 2 percent minimum tax on billionaires, france, spain, and south africa have expressed support. but the united states and germany have
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dismissed the need for a global deal. former bolivian president eva morales has said there's a real threat of political violence if he is borrowed from running for office next year. in 2019, he attempted to bypass the constitution and seek a 4th term in office. morales is currently blocked from standing for office by the constitutional court. uncontrolled wildfires are causing widespread devastation in western canada and the united states are where fire tornado appeared in california and local authorities declared an emergency. as homes were destroyed and thousands of people were evacuated from the area. a man suspected of starting the fire with a burning car has been arrested, unavailable. nanda is an environmental scientist at the university of waterloo in canada. and she told us what more could be done to prevent wildfires like these.
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it's a very complex problem, so it goes all the way from reducing our greenhouse gas emissions to a lower climate change incidence. all the way to what we can do in our forest managements. so we do need to allow some of those smaller fires to burn me to have controlled burn. this is really changing in canada. we need to have more funding going towards preparedness. so we're, we're kind of a reactive country right now, and we do a great job, but suppressing those major wealth buyers as they're getting close to our communities. but we need to use those months where we don't have wildfire to really prepare. so more funding going that way and strengthen our communities and our residents. there's a lot of guidance out there for what can be done at the home level as well as the community level to, to lower wildfire risk. there's a natural process to how that occurs, and at 1st we just kind of need to make sure that the land that's been burned is stable. so there's a high chance of flooding after a while the better occurs. so if we give a time, we keep an eye on it. really,
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there are different plans that start to come in, that slowly lead to like the next succession and end up having bigger trees. but that does take decades after an area husband berg to bangladesh. now where authorities have taken 3 students leaders into custody and then move that officials and assist was for their own safety student protest groups they, the leaders were taken away by plain clothes, detectives, after being forcibly discharged from the hospital. the government has blamed a student protest against civil service job quotas for days of deadly nationwide unrest. some $150.00 people were killed in an army cracked on the protests earlier this month, which started in universities and colleges. are joining me now from dot com is active. as prompted to poll she's, she's a student at john gear in a gar university. welcome to the w prob, to what, what more can you tell us about those 3 students active is to have been detained.
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first of all, as the government has been seeing that the pre student activist, or, or the negatives are being taken away because of their all see safety. i want to remind you all of that, the student activities, the coordinator, and i need his mom and they have been taken away by the government, by the police in plain clothes a hours ago or a. and they have been found that his mom after $24.00, so they do sun outings, mumbled up to 5 days later. and i myself, so my, he just log into hospital that i sold his body was pulled up, was bruises after reaching out after you beat him up. so the government is saying that this is for the so this won't say the but how can i trust the government when the walkman then says i be speaking of the whole nature of speaking of the leaders and the at the end there were shutting themselves to stop the mad and they are beating themselves off really badly and they're taking the arrow from the hospital
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for your families preventive in contact with them. so do we bought? what was your students at all? i don't believe the government's saying that you do for the 50 that well man is the trip ophthalmologist. yes. right now, the government is the she for the nature sprague now. so when be adding to in the hands of the walk in the hands of the police, they could not be safe at all. i wanted to ask also about this government and pose internet shut down. we understand that it's now been partially listed, but there is a country wide curfew still in place. what is the situation right now a dock and see about uh weiss uh got you steal. i agree long and that my other son may have been deployed as already you know, uh, we know that from july 18 bob island is government should have the internet connection including the white and broadband services. so this is my copy of the
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population to the bottom of the sheet 20 girl population from the rest of the was so that we could do we could. and she, i, any of the stories i know before was in a different deal with that. the government is keeping that um, um cd as on on, on the bottom of it, your students and we mama, they should people develop specifically that for how do they believe that this is the live? it's not present a freedom of expression from the government. and if i remind you that you've been the kids, that's really the full. yeah. what's your kids re eval and that you know when you're supposed to talk stuff. i mean, he, the 5 on from the, well, the government deal with inside of their house that too, but the book she was playing in the house and she died that the blood shot that you have any hours. i mean, he was typing up the week knowing well how and the people talked him day for the other new bids that are new. yeah, they're, there have been new but i was raised a point. * and the still in the just trying get their best to shut down our mouse
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to stop our voices, boost matching away our rights and our demand from us. it is indeed a very, very difficult situation for those students. prompted to push an activist in dhaka . we appreciate your time and giving us your insights on dw. thank you so much. you're watching dw news coming to you from berlin. a reminder now of our top story of the 2024 parents. olympic games have gotten underway with a spectacular opening. $7000.00 athletes from $200.00 countries to part and a water board parade down the river since there was heavy rain bobs that fail to damp and the olympic spirit as huge crowds gathered around the french capital of landmarks. the
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you're up to date on dw news, i'll have more headlines for you at the top of the our stay tuned for sure. the, not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day an in depth look, it's karen use events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is this is with the weekdays on dw, you'll update innovation green the let to.


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