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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 27, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin. let the games begin, the paris 2024 olympic games kick off in the rain with a dazzling opening ceremony. the olympics, the yeah, they live exclaim is liz introducing 2 weeks, a world class sporting action, thousands of athletes are gearing up and spectators are looking for to was billed
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as the greatest show on earth. the marietta evans theme, welcome the 2024 power. so when things have gotten underway with a went bought dazzling opening ceremony in pouring rain, the olympic flame was left in the basket of a hot air balloon. $7000.00 athletes took part in a water born parade down the river, send stars including lady gar, garden celine, dion serenaded. huge crowds gathered around at the french capital's landmarks. spectators faced extra time. security in the wake of a series of ours and attacks on the french rail network, just hours before the festivities began. so with the
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opening ceremony over the games have now begun in earnest, and he's obviously some brewers is in the french capital and has been watching some of today's olympic events. well, you know, as you said, the live games really have kicked off properly here today in paris. there are lots of different competitions going on. i saw some swimming, some just saw as well, some fencing a just a short while ago. and it's really on the way, obviously, as you saying it, but it's still, you know, the rain is still pouring down on that. have some impact on the competition. we understand that the man's st. skateboarding competition that was planned for today has been pushed back to monday. mind you, this bad weather should go way by tonight or at the very latest by tomorrow. all right, let's turn our attention now to some other news and guys's home us run health ministry says 30 people have been killed and more than 100 injured in and is really
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striking a school where displaced people were sheltering. israel's military says how mosque militants were using the compound of a central town of the year of the law to launch attacks against troops and added that it had warned civilians in advance. most of gaza is estimated. 2.4000000 people have been displaced at least once in the past 9 months or less bringing the w's corresponding repre, rebecca writers who joins us from jerusalem. so rebecca, what more can you tell us about this attack on the school and gaza as well as you just mentioned, mariana, it is rarely, military has confirmed the consent earlier today that they didn't did carry out these as trying to believe it was multiple as strikes on that that you and school compound housing, about 4000 people sheltering from this war display. some of the areas in gauze are
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that's according to the palestinian civil defense. now the is where the military said that how must have been using this compound to store weapons into plan future attacks on the millet tray. they also said that steps were taken to minimize civilian casualties, but as a reporting there at least 30 people is thought to be data set to be dead by the goals and health industry and also health officials at the on actual hospital. i'm more than a $100.00 injured the some of the video that we're seeing coming out from the ground is shooting harrowing, chaotic, same, sadly. not unfamiliar to people who has been following along in the last 9 months of this boy, seeing women and children who have pain a caught up in these attacks a v. they've severely injured. now we know that the hospitals are already struggling under the she weight of the casualties that they're facing. they've gotten mass shortages and not only beds, but medicines, medical equipment, of course. a few, a numbers of stuff,
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whoever fatigued and traumatized by the things that they have been witnessing over the last 9 months. now this comes just a few hours after he is ready, military announced that civilians in another part of the strip civilians sheltering in an area known as on my own. my wasi near hun eunice in the southern part of the strip would have to leave that area because the is ready, military would be carrying out what they called the operating in full force that's quite from the military statements. so many civilians from that area. also having to, to leave those areas that are considered humanitarian safe areas. that was dw correspondent rebecca rivers reporting from jerusalem. rebecca, thanks for bringing us up to date as well. tom diplomats from southeast asia are meeting in the capital of laws to discuss conflicting territorial claims in the south china sea. and escalating, fighting in, in more rivalry between the united states and china has rattled nerves and the
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region top officials from the 2 superpowers met on the sidelines to discuss ways to diffuse growing tensions while the 10 member states of ozzy and met to discuss the strategic direction of south east asia change, much attention was focused on to guest of honor the united states and china. until recently, tensions between china and the philippines were flaring over a filipino outpost on the 2nd thomas show both countries say it's in a part of the south china sea that belongs to them. of last month, chinese vessels rammed filipinos supply boats on their way to the area. but then a week ago, vision and vanilla agreed to a deal cooling off tensions, at least for the time b, u. s. secretary of state and he blinked and praised both sides for their diplomacy . we are pleased to take note of the successful resupply today. the 2nd time of
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shaw, which is the product of an agreement reached between the philippines and china. we flawed that and hope and expect to see that it continues going forward. while the us, as top diplomat also criticized paging for adding to regional tensions in the 1st place. he met with his chinese counterpart for the 6th time in recent weeks. but for russian for administer sergey laufer of who was also present, there was no sit down with lincoln. the 2 had fairly been in the same room since rush it, and they did ukraine more than 2 years ago. love her upset. he was concerned about a recently announce nuclear agreement between the us and south korea, which the to allies say is and responding to nuclear threats from north korea. on this purpose of the united states recently entered into a joint, a nuclear planning agreement with the republic of korea. you're an employee so far we cannot even get an explanation of what this means, much nor does the bone,
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but we have no doubt that this causes additional concern. but at the present or over people, they are trying to bring joy of hand into the scheme of joint nuclear planting. blend you in front of them. 3 major powers on the sidelines of the on summit, i'm competing for influence in south east asia. and beyond. i look forward to productive and constructive patios for ministry says a plane, caring for a former latin american presidents has not been allowed to take off. that's after their destination country venezuela. closed it's aerospace, the former panamanian mexican costa rican and bolivian presidents were planning on observing sundays presidential election and venezuela. crocker's however denies that had prevented the former leaders from entering president nicholas venturo, seeking a 3rd 6 year term in office and is facing his toughest electro challenge in decades . of what are we good these venezuelan believe that is on our current course and
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much these days. are due to us dollars that are in high demand the days of food and petrol shortages may be behind them. but the franchise economy and the devastating impact on his way to have been central to these directions. nearly said to be mentality is a social community leader. she like many venezuelans experiences the impact of the countries sky, high inflation. ok. even though the dollar rate does not go up and prices go up constantly in daily one day. you may have money for food and maybe you do not have money the next day. one day i may have money to pay for transportation and the next day i may not. you have to decide between the bus that items all food. so that's the nature of the situation we live in. the economic concerns echoed by mcconick, carlos alamo. the stories that we used to have everything now we'd like so
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much. it's pushed to stick around to look for money. and that has changed things a lot. but enough is enough. we have to give someone else the opportunity to see if they do it well or badly they might. but i guess the change is dependent on president nicolai's mother who has ruled venezuela since 2013. since then, he's overseen and economic collapse. the mass emigration of millions of venezuelans crushed protests against him and survived international isolation and sanctions. what's on the clear is whether he would relinquish control. in the case of a defeat and sundays election, the i am the only candidate who has the support of the people's power and the communities. because i am the only candidate who has a strong support of the venezuelan military. the good
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polls showed the support of the majority of the electorate firmly tilted in favor of a wound of on solitude with the the main opposition presidential candidate. the former diplomat has been attending rallies with opposition leader maria cody now much of the she was banned earlier this year from running for the job of president. their priorities are to restore trust in venezuela's institutions improve the country's economy, and welcome back. the medians who flats in his way to his financial collapse. they needed this time for venezuela to find reconciliation among venezuelans. yeah, but not shouting enough insults, it's time to come together. they have been waiting for the challenges that venezuelans hoped to be dealt with by the person who leads their country after the elections was to bring into the use of scar shanker,
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who joins us now from caracas. get to see you, oscar. so can you tell us a bit more about what opinion polls have been saying ahead of tomorrow's election in venezuela? it's almost all of the opinion polls are very clear that the has 20 percent lead on the goal of mine will. however, that does not necessarily spell out victory for the opposition. it's the 1st time in years all the opposition united is not fully caught in the selections. and they are going to be very visual editor at the body centers because although voters rock is hard to pull off with the machines, there are still many tricks that we've seen before or lighter system floating portion and other concepts from the government. so although the poll showing majority for the opposition, the electoral council has the final say of the results. so in this case, the opposition witnesses in each border center will take center stage when the results come in to verify if their receipts matches. uh, the final results. well,
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we did mention that some prominent collection observers were barred from entering the country. so is there any hope that this election can be free and fair as well to deal with troll cancel a head, as i said is open to each of these the end pro government. and we have seen a number of obstacles and persecution towards the opposition. during this campaign . it has not been up to now fare and free process. so it was expected that they would not allow the opposition as international allies in the country. these regional leaders were not invited by the government and they knew they were going to meet some obstacles here. but it's part of this pressure to allow once freedoms and been, it's weird. i mean, this past month, we have counted over 80 arbitrary arrests in under a month. a media outlets have been locked in sensors, including a few months back. we have seen obstacles of all kinds towards the opposition and
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independent media. it has been, i can be entirely run also from each other. so to me is that despite all of this, the voting machines are here and are going to give out receipts. and with that, both the opposition base these competed to land and demonstrate their victory in selections. that was oscar shanker, w, as correspondent in caracas. many thanks. indeed for your reporting. you're watching the w news coming to from berlin. a reminder now of the top story. we're following for you, the causes her mouth run, health industry says 30 people have been killed and more than 100 others injured in and is released ranking a school where displays, people were sheltering. israel's military says how mos militants were using the compound to launch attacks against the troops and said it has worn civilians before it strikes. you're up to date on the definitely the news i'm mariann as
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a stain. i'll have more headlines for you at the top of the hour. in the meantime, don't forget to follow us on social media. at the number you need a marion evans team. thanks for watching the welcome to put tire time. that's kind of sofas. thanks to read. what you get here, you can't get anywhere else in the world. in germany, if you go to a prostitute twice or 3 times as much and the other half the service in 2023, a documentary, uncovered corruption on child abuse. the youngest one, for example, let me show you this was her now the film team investigates the was exactly
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have changed.


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