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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 27, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, the unit was coming to live from berlin. israel strikes a school building in gaza. the hamas run health ministry says at least a 30 palestinians of sheltering there were killed as wells as it was targeting militants in hiding. we will bring you the latest. also coming up on our show a meeting, a foreign ministers from south east asian countries, wraps up in los top, diplomats from russia and you asked for an attendance alongside of china and other countries. and the gold rush is underway at the paris 2024 olympic games a chinese fair at dazzling the diving to take home the 1st gold medals. the,
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i'm quite richardson, thank you very much for watching. causes how most run health ministry says 30 people have been killed and more than a 100 injured. and then his really air strike on a school where displaced people were sheltering. israel's military has confirmed it targeted the compound and the central town of dare of bala saying how mosque was using it to launch attacks and so that it had warrant civilians in advance. most of gauze is estimated to point 4000000 people have been displaced, at least once in the past 9 months of war were now also hearing reports of a rocket attack, hitting northern israel, a. let's go straight to journalists believe facility. and for the latest there from tele v, thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us. can you tell us more of what you were hearing on this?
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yes, definitely. uh, an unusual uh, incident right now we're in the midst of some similar to some say just um, uh like to clarify what is happening and what the place we're talking about. this is the drew's village that actually is in the blog, which is a, you know, looked at surgery that, that has been helpful, but as well, is there already a next be 2 or 3 of those are, there are drew's, are ups and 3 in the end and have even a most of them please don't have any is ready. id, apparently a rocket loss from self a little bit on the head of the football stadium. and we're right around 9 people were killed. we're talking about kids between the ages of 10 to 20 and around 30 people were wounded in the different stages of bones and this is an incident that they could lead to escalation. now the uh prime minister's office said nothing, nothing you off of which is still in there. washington dc. i'm supposed to leave in
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the next couple of hours. is that conducting a security assessment with the other other ration secure with the rations of israel also outgoing, long distance necessary is talking to editing a lady on the ad. the armies that she's in order to assess what is a happening there on the what the response to this a good the actually be taking a game. this is what everybody was afraid of. a rocket that would be boss from a self deliver on to israel, kill long number of people, not soldiers. we're talking about kids here. the chain, the equation actually the started on the floor. well, very much a developing story here. we bringing you the latest as we get it. thank you for that update. i do want to also ask you now about the is really airstrikes and gaza . what can you tell us about it's targeting the compound in there?
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i'll follow yes. one of the schools in the coming to what the idea of these really, poultry has said, the mos militants were using gas in order to operate. and the lamb for uh, authoration is against his lady soldiers aside cause up and that's why they have bad conduct at this price. why he is ready in fours. now this is not the 1st time that this is happening and we'll be seeing that this happens over and over again. i took personally 2 people from garza and they tell me straight away. that's a um, some of those things do use siblings of structure and we're talking about a school that is inside the human story and zone. um, uh, the big question here is israel risking? it's really just going in the world in order to go more and more of these middleton that they are actually the target as well. but uh, apparently the answer is clear. israel is the, um, uh, a braille advising, hitting a month. even if that means that um, more civilians will be killed and that would,
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of course, trigger this reaction that we're seeing from the world in general. well, thank you so much for that update today that as a journalist of believe, slit in in tel aviv turning now to a 3 day meeting of foreign ministers from a southeast asian nations. it has wrapped up in laws with original tensions dominating the tox. us secretary of state antony, blinking, and his chinese counterpart one he discussed the china is deepening ties with moscow. and what the u. s. calls beijing's provocative actions in the south china sea. while the 10 member states of audience met to discuss the strategic direction of south east asia, change, much attention was focused on to guest of honor the united states and china. until recently, tensions between china and the philippines were flaring over a filipino outpost on the 2nd thomas show both countries say it's in a part of the south china sea that belongs to them. of last month,
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chinese vessels rammed filipinos supply boats on their way to the area. but then, a week ago, vision and manila agreed to a deal cooling off tensions, at least for the time b, u. s. secretary of state and he blinked and praised both sides for their diplomacy . we are pleased to take note of the successful resupply today. the 2nd time of shaw, which is the product of an agreement reached between the philippines and china. we followed that and hope and expect to see that it continues going forward. while the us, as top diplomat also criticized paging for adding to regional tensions in the 1st place. he met with his chinese counterpart for the 6th time in recent weeks. but for russian for administer sergey laufer of who was also present, there was no sit down with lincoln. the 2 have fairly been in the same room since rush it,
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and they did ukraine more than 2 years ago. lover of said he was concerned about a recently announce nuclear agreement between the us and south korea, which the to allies say is and responding to nuclear threats from north korea. the on this purpose of the united states recently entered into a joint, a nuclear planning agreement with the republic of korea. you're an employee so far we cannot even get an explanation of what this means, much nor does the bone, but we have no doubt that this causes additional concern. but at the present or over people, they are trying to bring japan into the scheme of joint nuclear planning blend year the wind farm 3 major powers on the sidelines of the as the on summit, i'm competing for influence in south east asia and beyond. i look forward to productive and constructive. a venezuelan is go to the polls on sunday and the most closely watched presidential elections in over a decade, incumbent and nicholas. my daughter is seeking a 3rd a 6 year term,
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but concerns our growing over fairness cut off cost has been accused of blocking international observers. more arriving for the vote, including a delegation of ex presidents who are critical of measure roll. top of voters concerns is venezuela's ongoing economic crisis of what all these venezuelan body bodies on our physical aren't worth much these days are due to us dollars that are in high demand the days of food and petrol shortages may be behind them. but the franchise economy and the devastating impact on his way to have been central to these actions clearly said to be mentality is a social community leader. she like many venezuelans experiences, the impact of the country's sky high inflation. ok. even though the dollar rate does not go up and prices go up constantly and daily. one day you may have money
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for food and maybe you do not have money. the next day, one day i may have money to pay for transportation and the next day i may not. you have to decide between the bus that items all food. so that's the date or do situation we live in. the economic concerns echoed by mcconick, carlos alamo. we used to have everything. now we'd like so much. it's pushed to stick around to look for money. and that has changed things a lot. but enough is enough. we have to give someone else the opportunity to see if they do it well or badly. they might, but i guess the change is dependent on presidents and you go out some other window who has ruled venezuela since 2013. since then, he's overseen and economic collapse, the mass emigration of millions of venezuelans crushed protests again. tim and survived international isolation and sanctions. what's on the clear is whether he
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would relinquish control in the case of a defeat and sundays election. the i am the only candidate who has the support of the people's power in the communities. because i am the only candidate who has a strong support of the venezuelan military. the book polls showed the support of the majority of the electorate firmly tilted in favor of a wound of on solitude with the, the main opposition presidential candidate. the former diplomat has been attending rallies with opposition liter, maria cody now much of the she was banned earlier this year from running for the job of president. their priorities are to restore trust in venezuela's institutions . improve the country's economy and welcome back. the millions who flats in his way to his financial collapse and i called and they said they needed this time to
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venezuela to find reconciliation among venezuelans. yeah. but not shouting enough insults, it's time to come together now or then ring pointing through challenges that venezuelans hope will be dealt with by the person who leads their country after the elections. sports now and a day, one of the parents when he's $24.00 olympic games is underway with the very 1st metals already handed out and the women's, a synchronized roommate or spring board. china is a chain. he went and a chon jani token gold. continuing their country, the domination of the diving event. silver went to sarah bacon and cassidy cook of the united states. and britain opened their metals accounts with a bronze that is best synchronized. ivan is like seeing a mirror image of one diver twisting and turning towards the water. but unfortunately for the australian pair, a miscommunication meant that when it diving for
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a potential bronze medal to completely different dives performed and it doesn't look any better in slow motion was of course the good news for the british team who collected the metals next to the us and trying to get across the day of the you sonya find the car. joining us from the frederick capital for the very latest. hi sonya, the games now underway, but i understand the weather is not playing along. can you tell us how the rain has been impacting things, or that's right. i mean, the organizers of the olympics save the the meal we are constant brain that we've been seeing and powers since yesterday, which if you remember, lead to a very wet, yet still, spectacular. an opening sighted with the yesterday, that queen basically has now begun to affect the water quality in the sand river. and this means that the olympic try actually it's wasn't cyrus, may be potentially false to you to miss that 1st waiting session. you're scheduled
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for tomorrow in the 2nd dribble. i know this, this training session comes just ahead of the quiet for me. they both the men's and women's races, which is scheduled to be held next week. and this does come as a bit of a blow to the french course because the same river, which was once considered very for you to just undergoing something of a consummation in recent years with the virus. oh, i didn't think organize lives and the meal on the double putting in a huge amount of effort and money into cleaning up this river, really investing in a swell. so what treatment plants waste of what the, what the treatment plans. and the idea here is really to kind of ensure that the send is, becomes a key to reboot for patients as well off to these olympic games. i think a lot now it depends on the weather. now another heck of her friends, and of course, the not massive disruptions the crane network on friday i had of the opening ceremony. can you tell us if services are now returning to normal? he was the french drain, operate to ascend, see it says that the situation has certainly improved what it says,
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the disruptions are still in place on, on many lines. it says that it's teams including hundreds of agents on all racing to repair the damage caused by these awesome and sabotage attacks. early on friday, french reported these, say these attacks were highly coordinated way plan the targeted uh, 3 high speed crating that works here in front and that, that was left, you know, really causing the passengers stranded to let to key all csv. a d when really the was ice water in paris as it prepared to host the opening ceremony yesterday. and now we don't know as yet who is behind these sabotage attacks? we've heard from the private us the gabriela todd, who says, we have to be really careful to hear about jumping to conclusions. what he says, it does seem that those behind the attack clearly knew how to kind of inflict the maximum damage and disruption. well thank you so much for your reporting. that is database that sonya found a car in paris. and that is your news update at this hour. stay tuned for our tech
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show shift to coming up next, asking whether a shot pots make a good psycho therapist is more on line to on our website at www. the . the untold story. for details. it just going to be find it here. repos here, every weekend on d w, you can draw the line between the spacings because i don't believe that spaces is i'm all really relevant criteria and any more than i believe that rice or sex is on frontier in. 2 2 2 2 we humans are closer to a chimpanzee.


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