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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 28, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin. fears are growing of a wide or middle east conflict after israel a chooses has the law of a deadly attack on the golan heights. these really air force is it struck has ballade targets and lebanon overnight. it says those strikes were and retaliation for a rocket attack and drew's community, the killed 12 children, and teenagers. also coming up if you, if he is observing 3 days of morning for the victims of a last slide in a remote part of the country. a week after the incident diggers continue to search for the bodies of victims. and after heavy rain soaks of paris olympics opening
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ceremony, the river ascent is temporarily closed due to bad water falling. and that means initial training for triad felicia is canceled. the a marion i haven't seen it's good to have you with us. few years are growing of an escalation and the finding along the is for 11 on border following saturdays, dudley rocket strike, a b is rarely controlled. go on heights. at least 12 children and teenagers were killed and dozens more wounded after rockets had a football field and an air of drew's can we dream? israel has blamed me, has the law for the attack bought the wrong back? the militant group denies any involvement the funeral procession, the streets of most of the shows that was and strong. the rocket strikes that
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killed 12 people on a soccer field was the deadliest attack in months. since then, exchanges a fire with the lebanese militant group, hezbollah have escalated for the local drew's community in the israel occupied. go on heights, it's a shock and that no, no you cause we all know the practices in children who are killed anywhere else in the country. oh no, the in the, in the so i'm killing himself in love in the all the children killed him. gone on children other no mean precious. and i'm human being, i really my lives, the how you see the tranquillity, who advice for you pressure i know that we look to so strongly and uh, find a deal and model this guy end up with something come out. so if we don't want to dine thing the fuel long thing them despite regular cross border hostilities, hezbollah denies attacking the football pitch where the victims were playing. but israel's army chief says they have evidence proving otherwise. they'll walk
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efficiencies, but this is the real cause. the who have a thought smoke is there like these into an, an area that wants to kill civilians on spit out. you know, what i mean is really defense forces reactive just hours later, they say this footage shows air strikes against hezbollah, military targets in southern and central 11 on an email, we are a significantly increasing or read in the next stage of flight to the middle of the phone at the same time we are fighting and got as we are also able to tackle very far away or stay to this route. that will be more challenging. i mean, we would increase the readiness. we will actually go back 11 on has warned that a significant attack by israel would lead to a regional war. i did a b correspond, and tanya kramer is at the site of the rocket attack in montreal shelves. and a short time ago, she described the situation there for us. well,
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this is certainly a town in shoak. and in morning we saw the funeral possessions and the 11 children were late to register. understand from police sources at 12. a charge is still officially missing and they're trying to identify the child. now we're standing here at this uh, football pitch where it all happened and people talking to us here. they said it all happened. very saw us. there was an air raid siren and just a couple of seconds later, the heard a hit, a windows children hear all a screaming the ages of a 10 to 20, where killed and manual ret injured. some of them are still some of them seriously injured. in hospitals, so they almost didn't send a chance, you know, to run a, for a small show to which is over there to run for the safety. so the people here still very worried with this to come, but also of course, today it is
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a day of morning here. and now tanya is, we've mentioned israel already launched a number of retaliatory strikes and presumed has the law positions and 11 on can we expect more just the, i mean i said the hand carried out retaliatory strikes already overnight, as they say, deep insights live in them but also in southern living on, on infrastructure, has fuller infrastructure. but of course right now is by just waiting to you to see what if, if you will hear from them of the, uh, it's rarely secure to cabinet. it has been convincing this often noon. prime minister benjamin netanyahu came back from the united states. what they will decide there's a lot of pressure inside from this government to retire good as forcefully. but we also understand from just the magic forces that they don't want to see why the escalation. so it all depends on what sco uh is wrong. it's expected they retired,
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but, and what's the scope and, and when this will happen, because all of this, of course is right. you said there are concerns that this could lead to a why the escalation needs know why the war that was the w corresponding tonya kramer recording for us from motional shops in the golden heights, tonya, thank you. and we also spoke to the w b. ruth bureau chief mohammed straight that and he told us more about israel's retaliation on loving on and possible reactions by his blog. what is why it has been striking the been on over last night? it carried out at least 5 different to the attacks, including now strike deep inside the minis, 10 or 3 near the bottom, back a city ne, the been on nearly 70 kilometers away from the border with its way on to. usually this is followed by a detail you have to be attacked by hezbollah or northern as well. and that has
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been the case this afternoon. has the law claimed at 2 attacks, at least up until now on its way the positions in it know then as well the, the, the on top is on high alert here in blythewood. we've been hearing that it cleared out some key size in both the buttons, a south and east and valley in the event of a possible attack by his way of following the deadly attack on that is what he the occupied golan heights, which is when is blaming on his beloved and his blood is didn't i yeah. so um, you know, indeed we've heard already for several hours, the denials from his blog that it was responsible for that attack on the drew's community. what exactly have they been saying as well, we know that has the lot claimed this claim uh that it carried out at least 12
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attacks on his way any positions yesterday, including 2 attacks on as well, any positions in the golan heights, one of which is really close to mr. sham. so it could be that the messiah did wrongly hit the soccer fields. and mr. jones as well as to is denying this, it is also could be that is why any in deception iron don't fight beside that. hit that uh, soccer field is why is obviously denying this as well. but this has been widely a shared opinion in, in the been on and across the region. so mission in terms is prominent and bring down in pre domina ok resided by a arab drew's. and that's, that's a major reason why his blog wouldn't want to target this around a community. and that's why it's, it's denying any responsibility for the talk. that was the w baron,
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bureau chief mohammed straight is speaking to us a short time ago. all right, let's turn our attention now to some of the other stories making headlines around the world. this. our young voting is underway in venezuela and the country's most closely font election and decades. yeah, president and nicholas enduro who is seeking a 3rd term and office has cast his vote. he's facing a close race against political newcomer and former diplomat. evelyn gonzales is the head of a coalition event, as well as opposition parties will not be at least 15 people have been killed in a months live in south eastern china. that was triggered by heavy rain. is the tail end of ty phone, gave me that brought to rental downpours to remote areas. it passed through the philippines and taiwan earlier this week, leaving more than 40 people that the russian president vladimir perusing, is saying that if the u. s. stations long range missiles in germany,
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he would place similar weapons within striking distance of the west. he made the comments that a speech to mark russia's navy james, united states plans to deploy such weapons in germany, beginning in 2026. molly's northern to our reg rebels, say they've killed and injured dozens of soldiers. and wagner mercenaries in days of intense fighting in teams of often near the algerian border. separate as say, they seized armor vehicles and trucks during the finding molly and armies is loss of leads to soldiers but killed some 20 rebels. so if you o p a now, which is morning, the victims of a last live in a remote part of the country. at least 257 people died of the incident a week ago and hundreds more, remain missing. well, diggers continue to search for the bodies of victims. many people have already buried their loved ones. do the use mario miller reports
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they are still digging, not giving up hope of finding the loved ones another much. it's been 7 days and people are exhausted and devastated. busy so the i lost the 3 family members in the land slide. we have recovered and buried the bodies of them 2 of them. i am now digging and trying to find the remaining body. i don't, i'm incredibly excited about what will happen. 10 bottom on the vehicle for the pain and desperation are everywhere. 15000 people has been affected by this deadliness glance, night ever recorded anything. most of the victims were buried after the rush to help. after the 1st glance light, it followed heavy rains in the montana's remote region. h as only slowly started to
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trickle in and when hundreds of people are still missing, others like a tamika sy saturday. after these a frantic digging, he can find any very his wife assessing that, that very much what i'm that my heart is filled with joy. because i found my wife's body. i wept and searched for 5 days with shovels on my bad hands and the much the couldn't find it. but because when i dealt with the day, jim did god's help, i found a body properly burying his relief to my grief. decisive may not be to come to dallas or his children and one day leaving her to be the sole caregiver of her remaining grandchildren. the 3 of my children and a very together in this grave, these to my grandchildren for the parents and total last 6 family members of
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the town to stories next to the un says people need to be evacuated urgency because of the risk of the labs and no one here wants to leave before finding and burying their loved ones to the lympics now. and the 1st training session for triathletes in paris has river sun has been canceled because of high pollution levels in the water olympic officials. so the heavy rain that soaks the opening ceremony was to blame for the decrees water quality. they do expect an improvement in the coming days bought alternate plans for the try outs on include either postponing the event or moving it to a different river. the cleanliness of the sun was a half day debated topic leading up to friday's opening ceremony dw is lisa louie is in paris and she had more on the water quality situation. and this
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well, in a way, obviously, just as you said, a people here, the authorities have been watching the watering for sending over the past few months that have been construction works. they've constructed an additional retention bass. and because what happens is that if there's too much rain and there was a lot of rain in june, that's why the water quality wasn't that good in june. then the tension base and for waste water plays over them that goes into the sun and that deteriorates the water quality. now, as you've seen during the opening ceremony, it was pouring down with rain that continued yesterday. now the sun has come back and as we do here is crossing fingers that the water quality is good again, on a tuesday and a wednesday when the travelling will start in paris. you're watching the w news, a reminder of our top story. so the middle east is facing a potential escalation of violence after a rocket attack. and the israel occupied golden heights. the strike in which israel
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says has block, hilde's 12 children, and teenagers has raised concerns of a broader regional for per, it's far. it has a lot is denying any rule of the attack you're up to date on the w news, a marion evans team from me and the entire team. thanks for watching the. the we are all set. we are watching close to the, to bring you the story behind the new the will on about come by as information for free might say do to name your innovation green the
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green revolution.


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