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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 29, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm CEST

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the the business dw, news life from the land. nicholas madura claims election victory in venezuela results shows and the jurors policy winning some 51 percent sunday's votes for the country's opposition coalition rejects those think as they say they one about is putting them on a co co collision course with the government also coming up on the program of pharmacies in the philippines scramble to contain an oil spill off the coast of manila phase, and growing the spilt and become a catastrophe with numerous fishing communities. and they live lives in danger. and ukraine is set to receive along the way, said f. 16 size,
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which is from the west. but how vulnerable with the will to get the to russian attack the how many cubes mckinnon welcome to the program. make less than to do it right. who has been declared the when a venezuela's presidential election by the countries electoral council with 51 percent of sundays votes. but the countries of position coalition has disputed those results. it claims the votes of being manipulated by loyalists close to the president. nicholas madeira has ruled venezuela with an iron fist since taking over from hugo chavez and 20. so i see. and this latest election, victory, homes, him a foot in office, a sorry, meet the i'm nicholas my toodle, the re elected president of the boulevard and republic of venezuela. nicholas my
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doodle was quick to claim victory in front of children and supporters. often b, like daughters council announced he has secured a tut them with the majority of the votes counted the claim. the opposition was also quick to counter it. warranty li onto the telephone, open equilla, and the word that been equilla has a new president elect needs. it wound up gonzales till tuesday on the opposition coalition of bodies which united the stand against my brutal claims that scanned the big 170 percent of the vote. and that the electronics council numbers are fraudulent. the stand off condo is a tense, might accounting with all positions supportive, demanding, to witness the account. i mean, that legation of rigging my daughter was 10 years of time on the use of his
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mentor, julio chavez, altogether. this of these thoughts have used when it's very low for the quarter century election authorities. i'm the judiciary of family under my daughter was tom and a mentoring economy has pretty good over 7000000 people to sleep. venezuelans abroad in columbia federal dina, mexico have reacted with grief and anger the wedding day. today, the defeat of the miserable dictates the nicholas my doodle was obvious enough. today we're going to bend as to whether to be free people's decision should be respectful. i want to be in my home. i want to be in my country. this is not fair, it's not fair. i want you to free then as well as this is our last hope. we will
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decide we will decide for the freedom of venezuela. either we lose or we, we are going to fight. c many international leaders have also reacted with concern calling on election authorities to release more avoiding data. my doodle, meanwhile, has vowed to hold on to follow and prevent violence. now israel says it is preparing for the possibility of a few days of slicing along its northern border with level knots according to 2 is ready. officials is ready, security cabinet toes has already given the go ahead for a response to a real cause. a sack in the occupied golden heights which killed 12 children. israel blames the lebanese millicent group has belie full. the attack has blah is denying responsibility. the is ready, security cabinet has authorized the government to decide on the nature and timing
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of the response. and israel's defense minister has valves to hits its enemy hard while trying to avoid and will that will rebecca riches as dw correspondent in jerusalem? rebecca is randy official saying that the military's preparing for quote, a few days of slicing? what would your interpretation of that be? as well, we've been hearing all sorts of things on your are in the last days since the attack on saturday and a few days of fighting is probably one of the better options. sorry to say, but we definitely expect the response as you've just reported. and we know that the security cabinet is ready, security cabinet had given the power to determine the scale, scope and timing of that attack to the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu and defense minister jo as gallano. now as you just said, you're a long and prime minister netanyahu had both said that his brother will pay the
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price for this attack. they are blaming his blood or his blood have denied involvement. but they say that they will retaliate. and by all accounts everybody, you speak to hit analyst pundits a, you know, people in the security services they all are expecting an attack. in fact, some were saying that they were surprised. it hasn't happened already. we have been seeing some limited retaliations in southern and even further into 11 on a suddenly resembling more of this tit for tat retaliatory strikes that we have been seeing over the last 10 also months. but we are expecting something bigger. and just what that means to the region, whether this will spill out into a wider conflict or as you say that the, that some official saying this could be a couple of days really depends on the size of israel's retaliation. and what they choose to retaliate against. okay. and the war and guns are, is of course, also ongoing. israel has ordered a new evacuation of an area in the strip which it had previously designated as a humanitarian say. so palestinians,
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what more can you tell us about that situation as well over the weekend and area of this, a so called humanitarian area, known as on my wasi in the hon. unit area pops of that were ordered to be evacuated, is ready, military saying that how must have been using it to load rockets from that particular area. and they have some other evacuated civilians. and we've been hearing all of a bombing campaigns continuing in the last couple of days and including that in and around that area. we're also hearing today we've been saying from the idea that they have issued a new evacuation order for the parish and no say red caps, they're in the central gaza. so more areas that would seem to have been cleared earlier in this more that are now being according to these are in the military reuse by how mazda is areas that they are launching attacks from now, those areas have been evacuated as well. now according to monroe, the palestinians,
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the you and the agency that looks up about a city and refugees, they say that only 14 percent of gaza now isn't under evacuation orders. in fact, many of the remaining 86 percent of the strip is, is, has been ordered to evacuate. so, you know, obviously are incredibly difficult time and a difficult situation for the civilians. they're desperately trying to seek shelter that we know that no way in gaza is safe. but yeah, as i say on reclaiming that only 14 percent of the strip now not under those evacuation. what is rebecca? thank so much. let's database rebecca versus reporting from jerusalem. the so let's take a quick look now, some of the other stories making headlines around the world and french security forces have arrested nearly 50 people for intent to disrupt the olympic games through either sabotage or protests. interior ministry did not get further details about the suspects, but french media are reporting that 45 members of the environmental movement
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extinction. rebellion have been taken into custody. at least 15 people have been killed in a months slide, in southeast, in china. that was triggered by heavy rain is the tail end of tyson gimme the route to wrench will down pause to remote areas. the tomb storm, a sized boxes, the philippines. i'm taiwan earlier last week, leaving more than 40 people that, you know, malaysia has submitted its application to membership of bricks and alliance of major developing economies, malaysia's premier on. while abraham confirmed the application was sent to russia, which currently holds the rotating chat over the group. the organization currently has 10 member countries including brazil, india, china, and russia. now, students and bangladesh have announced that they will resume that protest. that's off the prime minister shade casinos, government ignored an ultimatum to release the leaders and apologize for those
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killed and deadly clashes with security forces protests against closest the government jobs spots nationwide on rest and recent weeks, a police crackdown followed leading to classes with less around $200.00 people that including several police offices on the patrols and a nationwide coffee remain in place more than a week after they were in putting upstairs of an environmental catastrophe in the philippines are growing. is the oil from a sunken boat continues to leak into the ocean? the tank has sunk in bad weather of manila on thursday, killing one crew member and creating the risk of a major oil spill foils me is the ocean of manila has caused the fuel is spilling from a sunken tank which went down in rough seas last week. some of the roughly 1400000 liters of oil on board is leaking out. coast guard chains of being using sprays
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which help break down the fuel. cruise plan to siphon the risk of the oil from the visuals hold on tuesday at the earliest, but dive as we're attempting to see a leaking valves. fist, local fishing, cruise one to the government, to hold those responsible to account setup of the problem we have is about the you said the oil is spreading across the ocean and my, my hope the government finds a solution right away and not the, it's a big loss for us, fisher folk, i don't think that was a better good. allow me the boy we have very worried for our livelihoods because all of the fish that with being taken care of might die has not analogous because god is cooling full, the suspension of fishing in manila by to prevent people aging contaminated fish. it's warning all of an environmental catastrophe. if the sun can ships and tie
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a kind of goes, we're to lake and we can get more from jessica nano. she's a filipino environment and climate john list who is based in the capital and then the welcome to d w. now we hear that the coast guards plant deployed, slicing barriers to spelt this oil from reaching the shore has failed. so can you explain to us what this means? both for the city of manila, but also of course full the marine life of the coast. oh sure, um. so speaking to reporters at a press conference this afternoon, the philippine coast guard said that they are stopping the this persons that they are initially placed to contain the spill from the tanker based on the technical advice that it wasn't the most effective way to contain it. and instead, what they are doing is they are now resorting to the use of more containment boons,
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as well as floating booms that will hopefully absorb despair. that is coming from the sunken bank or off the coast of the i'm speaking to reporters earlier. definitely, being coast guard said that it is still very fine reports about the extent of the spill and whether it does actually already reached coastal communities or even extended to large parts of london to be. however, we have seen photographs from journalists and environmental organizations. sensation, groups of what appears to be shiny black oil slicks, which as the government said, they are still confirming what we are sure. offices that the coast guard has said that the government has already that local governments that are surrounding the bee and coastal villages to report immediately to authorities if they see an instance of or reaching the shore. so that the authority scan immediate the respond based on
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the press conference earlier the coast guard appears to be a positive that they will be able to continue to spill the. we're able to seal at least 14 off the valves of the tank and including those that are not leaking. and the plan really is to be got to begin the siphoning of the industrial free will oil from the bank or beginning tomorrow, tuesday, and decide one at least $300000.00 litters of oil for about a weeks time. so that hopefully the vessel will flow to the surface and it will be recovered and taken back to the shore. okay, so from what you're saying does a lot of effort being made and there are attempts to get any size things, all of any oil to be reported. but of course, all of this is quite hypothetical. it sounds like and i presume that the threat to the environment is, is also from the fuel powering the vessel as well as the oil that it is caring now,
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given that several attempts to recover, the sun continued to have failed. i mean, what is the plan if all of this that you've just told us doesn't look, how are they going to deal with this potentially disastrous situation? mm hm. um, well, initially from, from our conversation with the coast guard earlier, the seed positive that the scale of the catastrophe or of this event is already minima. the have told us that from 12 to 14 kilometers of the coverage of the oil spill, it has reduced to about 2 to 4. not to go miles going south, south east. but you're absolutely right. even though that you're already met 1st to try to contain dispelled the reality is, misspelled has already happened. and so really the, the response here is to try to mitigate and prevent as much catastrophe from
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happening. what it means for the why, for the marine life in manila be, is that, you know, it could very much affect the fish and the production and fish catch. a lot of the fishermen have already voiced out their concerns that they would not be able to fish in money to be there have already been restrictions and bands in some areas that are already known to be affected by dispelled. and really, the hope is that it would no longer spread out so much that would affect more coastal communities that really depend on the, on the, on the marine life on monday to be alright. 10 list, just sit in on a reporting that from manila on this oil spill. thank you so much for your time. a new crane anticipation is growing over the imminent delivery of west made
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a 16 fly suggests they're expected to arrive in the coming weeks. and he says they will be a game changer and its efforts to repel russia's invasion. the speculation is rife over when they will be based and many ukrainians are concerned. having the jets in the neighborhood could lead to intensified russian attacks. the long wait is almost over. after months of intense training and preparations at 165 to jets are about to touch down and ukraine. they can't come soon enough for ukrainian president phil automated zalinski. he says the plains are a game changer and no give, keep the chance to break rushes dominance of ukraine's aerospace and keeping the jet safe will now be a priority in speculation. is rife with that will be stationed ukraine is not confirmed where they're going to park the aircraft. but many experts say one
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air force base and west and ukraine is an ideal candidates. the start will cost you and tina face is located roughly half way between keys and the beef. it's home to ukraine, 7th, tactical aviation, to guide and with it. so if you error on the ground shelters, it's a logical option. but in the town of thought or cost, the emptiness just across the river, people concerned many local sites. i appreciate all the support ukraine gets from abroad. but the increasingly fear of being court in moscow is cross is the senate has a fully concentrating such high powered weapons in one place means that the enemy will seek to destroy these weapons. so for us as residents of the town, this is a higher risk factor. we are very worried to the in the moment that the finish line stano, coffee and tina has often felt rushes rather than this conflict. in august 2023 ukrainian authority, say moscow bombed
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a corn storage facility in the region. and as recently as mid july keeps, as it shut down 5 russian cruise missiles at 11 drones targeting style row close the and t net at defense forces in the region say that russia has been stepping up its attacks over the past month. trying to find weaknesses at experimenting with new techniques. but those use at the increasing the explosive charge on the right and just the use the model. nice thing that cruise myself with fragmentation, munitions, the damage lights on the vehicles were political just left to bring your destiny. not everyone believes the 16 so would be able to turn the tide in this war. but at least they would also give you credit trusts to try something new. and we can bring in military analyst and for the military officer, frank led, which is joining us now from oxford in the u. k. good. see you, frank? let's start with what these f sixteens a capable of,
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what can they do that defense and long range weapons comp a good afternoon, but i also an extra capability in the defense domain. and that, unlike my styles, of course, they are dynamic the mind and they can react very quickly, provided of course they are in yet much depends, of course on what to what me solves though beyond grade. i think the intention now is to give them fairly high end the styles, a bunch of calls in the strike domain. that is to say, the bombing function. i think it's very unlikely that we'll be using these i sixteen's total or so very rally takes a long time to integrate the systems necessary on particularly to penetrate extremely strong russian defense system. so they'll have to another arrow to the quiver as well, but there is no way decisive all for that matter. a game changer. and what about the pilots flying these jets? i mean, have the training pilots had enough training to use them immediately and effectively
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compared with nato pilot sounds, sir, is absolutely not. so the probably the best pricing product. so they've had roughly 15 months that will be able to carry out basic kind of defense functions, use the craft, begin to gain experience and integrating the battery systems. but do you have to remember that any, any military aircraft is it is possible system of systems and it takes about a great many years fully to be able to exploit the potential that across like the a 16 and the ideal next the weapon systems. and so within that system on a day to operate, emboldened in groups of molding tool for which tend to be they, they've been up, is used in $95.00 as far as it so know that they're not going to be operating at that level, but they'll operate on their own, and they'll be permitted to afraid of course, within the bracket what they can do, but that by western standards that they're not well trained enough waiting to exploit the potential of a system. so, okay, and,
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and what about this issue of vulnerability? i mean, how loanable will they be these jets to russian attacks? a great question. are you still there on the, on the, on the report, some guys, the machine guns. speaking about that, but it goes to factors, the machine guns are less than desperate line of defense and the primary defense is off patriots. nice sounds and it will kind of miss opposite the west, some of getting them. and that's the problem here. when you comes to track these ad across the body, but we should consider both politically and operationally valuable. you've got to defend them and how do you defend to be defended with other defense systems which draws those that a defense systems from other vital areas. and that to me is the main issue here that the, the edge that they offer in the, at is to some extent count abundance by the fact you go to defend them with these reverend valuable, that defense systems. looking ahead to the coming months, the institute for this study of war us thing tank says the russian military is not
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changing its strategy. it's focusing on the done yet region. can you tell us how that might affect this? was it goes forward. i think actually it was the last couple of weeks i've been focusing on the hunt screech in the hands of less than they make constant. if not especially significant gains that for the last few months. and i think we'd know about the apparel because the script coast is one of the objectives. likely objective score fold up for practical deck to scroll. the russians. of course i need you offensive when you do stressed by the russians will continue to stress the already depleted or at least depleting ukrainian mountain power as the you kind of come down to general safety indicated last week or didn't start said right. rough uh, numbers you credit it almost every area. and of course that's, that's of little importance. if, if those, if those troops aren't used, but if they are,
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then you'd be present ukraine's come on. we've done that was where do we put, put our results? how do we cope with with continuing pressing attacks, such as we saw for example and call cave couple of months ago, we may see again in, in uh, in the genetic district more intensively. so we'll provide the cleanings with a significant challenge. i don't see any major breakthroughs. i don't think any serious all of this does, but we will continue to see the kind of steadily being pushed back, i think over the next few months. but like i say no major breakthroughs, no huge crises. i suspect frank, thank so much for your analysis. that's a minute. military analyst, frank language. thank you. i right onto the powers olympics. now in swimming in the river, sun has been cancelled again. so the 2nd day in a row, monday's triathlon training session was cooled off. off so we can down full is affected. also quality organizers said they were confident conditions would improve before the start of the competitions. on tuesday,
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the try phone is the festival and pick event to to be held in the center. my response from is a junior to begin competing next week and a to the paris olympics. so the much anticipated return of us super spelled gymnast simone biles. she was competing in the qualifying rounds. so the team and individual disciplines have returned to the vote was typically spectacular bringing the crowd to it's seats. the full time gold medalist topped the all round standings despite some injury that she picks out during the whole month. and i'm to the how it from the w sports told us more about simone biles and whatnot. injury means the chances of success in paris. if you listen to the coaches, you say, look, it's not an option that she's pulling at best just off the table. but you and i were talking about before we came on about the next, like documentary, about how much pain can you guys for what the injury means if she's going to be in pine and that's up to how she handles that. she's done it before, but she's got 6 days of competition coming up. and then training every single day,
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there's an old thing and support your best ability. is your availability and it's the timing of the injuries and they so the things that will, gavin, how you go, she can obviously out talent, anyone else in the field. she's got the most talent. she's got the most experience and she's got the support, the celebrities of folding out of the grandstands trying to get me. and that'll be the case all the way through, even with an injury. she's still the best in this, in, in, in the, in the field. the men's basketball is another area in which the us are expected to dominate the games. one of the real challenges, serbia, it was the prom james who built the us on board. so the a held the lead from much of the 1st quarter. but the americans want it to $110.00 to $84.00. from the veterans of global support to a place what teenagers dominate, the women street scape board final 14 year old cocoa. yes, she's all was still the show with a standing loss run to take gold. she says she now wants to visit disney land to
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celebrate. and that is what we have time for me to stay with us up for a short break. global off takes a look at have coffee, is quickly becoming a luxury product which routes and heavy rain full taking its toll on hospice. i'm on your campus. thanks so much for watching. the
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china climate perpetrator of climate pioneers. one of the world's largest solar power plants is being built in montgomery in almost a said if the countries electricity supply comes from renewables. and yes, china is investing more than ever in coal based power. tons that home the environments. isn't that a contradiction logo on the next? on d w each tells nice story that people use planned to meet dedicated or
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i am not too dumb to tell the odyssey tricks online. the not done that in 45 minutes on the w, the daniels agency. you belong to the 77 percent comfortable. i just got on 65 last last those top 5. and here's one thing we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so all of the topics i'm much at to you from table top fixed a new culture. and in 15 minutes, let's say parts of our community life on
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the surface is now on the living room. single pools green facades out to the heat down the exploited workforce race and brazil's coffee conversations and trouble brewing how climate change is impacting the cultivation of offering what comp the coffee, the world's 2nd most consumed beverage.


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