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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 30, 2024 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin, dozens dead in lance lives in india. andrea small affair trapped in the southern states have got a loss as bad weather and blocked roads tempo rescue efforts. also coming up flashes advantage realized both the governments on the on position claim they won the election, police fire to aggressive protest as accusing prison nicholas my doodle of stealing the boat. and the competition in the olympic tried to let and postpone vickers a for a water quantity the the votes from powers on vive your photo to use of finding it
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so difficult to keep the same clean the i've been assigned as your welcome. dozens of people had been killed in landslides, triggered by months when reigns in india, 100 small. i fear to trap on the mud. and why not district in the southern state of cadillac rescue operations in the, in the area of being hampered by a bridge collapse and unstable ground. the army has sent in 200 troops to help local emergency services. the national weather department is full costing more heavy rain in the region. the w correspondence shortly rather has more on the rescue efforts or what, what is why not is a hayley area dotted with the t estates. so and with this kind of difficult hearing, you can imagine how challenging it is proving for the rescue team. so to be able to
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do their jobs. so as you can see the visuals. so you know, you'll see large amounts of debris and full entries. the in large patches of areas and muddy waters gushing to people's homes. and the situation is compounded by the fact that the 2 bridges that connected these affected areas with the main town had been destroyed by the line sites overnight. the in the artist flow, which is the national disaster response for steam, they've been dispatched to the ground and more teams out on the way as we speak. now, usually berries are the n d r f or the fullest respondents in these kind of situations . in india, but the situation is so grim, it's so serious, but the army has been cold in the air force has been cold. and as you said, 200 soldiers have been deployed to the region. and the 1st priority would be to be to build a temporary bridge, so that these rescue team skin reach those who us to stranded up in these the line sites. but meanwhile, before that happens, the in the out of teams are using ropes to cross these muddy waters,
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the reverse they look like save us now to be able to get through these people who are uh, stranded that and get them to safety. uh, the truck was by the engine, air force has been deployed there to be able to carry out aerial rescue efforts. but that we here have also being had, have put because of the bad weather, the strong wind, so currently in the region and moving inside expected in the next few hours, which is not good news for the rescue teams through age. but what is causing this, a high number of casualties is the very densely populated area. but from what i've gathered, various, it's the suddenness so of this incident and also the timing of the incident. that is the main factor of why we're seeing so many casualties. it happened just after midnight, the readings were much more than expected. so at this with the, i mean its monsoon season. so rains are expected but they will much more than expected. uh and uh, immediately just within a few hours of the rains,
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um multiple lines, flights happen in the area, giving people uh, not much johns to run for their safety. and another of this factor that i have to point out to you a bit a is climate change. experts say that these kind of incidents have gone up in the last few years in india. and they blame a global warming and climate change for these kind of incidents. and they have been dom on so by activist, by climate activists from the government to address this issue. uh, but uh, they say that not much action is, is being taken by the government in disregard. now as far as the government is concerned, as far as the immediate action is concerned, the prime minister has offered all kinds of headphones to the cadillac government in disregard. and they've also offered compensation all for those of the, for the families of those what that and the victims who are recovering at the hospital. the diagnosis charlie, although speaking to me from delhi, thanks so much quick look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world, a passenger train has data and the name, the getting
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a face to people. i mean, during trinity, the howard on them by express train came off the tracks and the eastern state and try to con, official say, a good strain to the nearby. but it was unclear if the 2 accidents were related of the to children have died in a stopping attack in northern england. 11 other people were wounded and a 17 year old suspects is in custody. the attack happened to the community center in south port that was hosting a taylor swift team dunce event for children. emergency crews are trying to contain more than a 100 active fires in the western united states. the biggest plays in california has doubled in size gold, chicken area, bigger than los angeles. thousands of people have flipped the homes to venezuela next, where the country is opposition says it has proved, but it's candidate at window gonzales. one more votes and sundays president of the election, then president nicholas my doodle,
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who is gaming victory. the opposition accuses him of trying to steal the vote. at least one person has been killed in street protests. my duties wanting that his government to respond to any violence with false security forces far tear gospel to disperse a large crowd of protesters in caracas. their crying file over nicholas, my daughters re election. they march down the street binding pups and times on the highways and roads. they burned tires and set fire to election posters for the authoritarian leader. after 11 years in power, madura was seeking a 3rd secure term in office. this prompted opposition parties to unite behind edmondo gonzalez in an attempt to unseat my door. i made widespread discontent over the country, struggling economy. here are the people. the people are the ones who decide and we decided ride moondog. i'm not a politician,
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but really it was the biggest fraud in the world because everywhere it said i'm going to head one. yeah. and suddenly, overnight to bump my door. 0 one. no, no, no, it can't be the the, all these people are upset with don't agree with the results because they're not real business fraud. as far as i'm concerned, i was the we checked everything. there were no madura support, only the supporters. the result sparked expressions of concern over regularity from the united nations united states, the e u, and several like in american countries. although venezuela's autocratic allies, including china, russia and cuba were swift to congratulate my daughter. many protesters came from
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the capitals and publish photography neighborhoods where some masked young man tore down campaign posters of my door. oh, hold on, land posts. the strong man has traditionally enjoyed support in the slums. but under his watch, up to 8000000 venezuelans, a quarter of the population of fled the country. the opposition says it is proof that its candidate won by a landslide. patients with madura may be running as of the country's opposition need the money according how much otto has told supporters to beg candidate and wonder gonzales, $1.00 with over 70 percent of the vote. this is in their code and their code today i want to tell all the new zeros in the country and abroad to all the democrats of the world.
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the name all we know has proof of the truth of what happened yesterday in venezuela . we did it. we did it so there's a list of those. i'm very excited to tell you a that we have 7 to 3.2 percent the and with that results with the what president elect is admitted to gonzalez. the debit card is one of those course. think it has more on the all positions claim it can prove that the ed wonder gonzalez is the winner. well. 2 they have, they say they have the voting machine printouts to prove that,
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and that's 73.2 percent. that she points out is the percentage of the voting listing. printouts that show a majority of votes for a long time. so who, yeah, they can prove those results when compared to the database of the electro council. now, monday, next monday i pretty much all said earlier that they will process each of those printouts that can be verified and will upload that information available to y and auditable when compared with the electronic councils database. however, since last night deal withdrawal council website is down and they have not made available any information or details on the election results. other than the final percentages. that was the de spun. oscar stuck out reporting from cadillac s l yeah . now east. what else? prime minister benjamin this in. yeah. who is buying the tiny ition for a rocket strike that kills 12 young people in days barely occupied golden heights.
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each one of the claims has been allowed, which denies being involved. the group is based in lebanon and backed by it on method. yeah, i was visit to the dues at a village where the attack happened was overshadowed by protests, grief and sorrow on the streets of much the towns. the dense of the tiny drews village, say good bye to 11. it will go out and brought him. the last of 12 victims to be bought it off to the dead. the strike is id occupied, goes on heights, the doors and upon break. this tragedy has struck us and it has shaken our hearts, shaking the whole world in. okay, enough, we hope the war will end, you know, start to do enough not shed resume on saturdays that day. was the deadliest one. is there any control that dirty? since october 7th is viable names 11 and eat on back test will allow me to attend
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for fighting that rocket that had a soccer field. but hes will not denied any involvement. his riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu visited this site of the a tech involved a severe response. i missed the whole, we are bracing the families who are going through indescribable suffering and on these children are our children. at the entrance. they are the children of us, also the state of israel and cannot and will not let it pass. our response will come both of them and it will be severe, the kasha, not everyone, but come deprive me to start visit to the out of drew's village. many professors demanded nothing. yeah. who leave he is not well coming to a village. i guess he's a lawyer and corrupt. he's coming to use the bodies of our children to be on tv.
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you will not allow this to happen. that will be that lebanon has gone for an international investigation into the deadly going on strike. diplomatic efforts are also under the, to contain the fallout from a possible if i need a delegation against his will, and prevent a vital vision and conflict. quicker thoughts from other stories making headlines around the world? the german l i no funds are as well as our friends have announced that they are suspending flights to the lebanese, kept the veiled off of the rise and regional attentions. lufthansa spokesperson said it would not presume services to the destination until off the 5th of august. us media as a north carolina governor roy cooper has been drawn from being a possible running nation for the likes, the democratic presidential candidate, tomlin harris. the to have worked together for many years, but it's hold who wants to focus on state level politics. germany is
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going to do some cool. what is expected to strike down. some of the governments planned intellect, total reforms. the changes are aimed at reducing the size of solomon chargers are likely to rule against the measure which king does small appliances or the european union has criticize the use of excessive force against the student protest as in bundle dish demonstrations against unpopular code to us for civil service jobs were met with forced by police more than a 150 people by killed and thousands of fathers detained. the dublin has spoken to a mother whose son was killed in the violence in morning. this mother has lost her only child. according to shop now had a 10 year old son. there's a 100 percent bus shot that by bung lab issues. security personnel on july 18th, along with other students,
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must protesting against the government job cortez. this picture was speaking moments before he was going once my son was mad at how can it ever be compensated? a problem. and he wasn't mad at by civilian vocal, that he wasn't murdered by a random bullet or munition. the matter was committed by law enforcement officer just took out under government orders, and my son was killed by a bullet that was bored with my takes money. what more can i say? i have no way low to. okay. was on the medical records show that he was brought to the hospital with the fire on injury to the head. he was pronounced dead on it. i was i'll see this even though i saw his dead body and i didn't see human lives on fire and the people who made the video from these videos i could see that they were taking my son to the hospital and they were
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giving him oxygen. the entity was shots on the hunt, and it was badly they were pressing on the one towards the end that he was having trouble breathing. and he tells me the course to, to, to, to be do icon dixie show. not if a garments that coupon code for husband is a migrant worker in south dbm. the family was saving money for the huts higher education show that shows the w. her sons, academic transcripts, like thousands of other students believe to only john for a better life, would be to a fed employment system and took to the streets to protest the government cortez the job port measures have since been scaled back. the partial victory has struck lucy, georgia to my desk like shop now sort of also in the thought of he has left behind many dreams, and i also had many dreams. these dreams didn't materialize. maybe he could have
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fulfilled to me. these dreams are causing me upgrade behind, right? not on these memories because some of these make us crying to most that by this, this body isn't here with us anymore. but the memories were forever. we might find them better both by be nice job in redoubt drawn by at the us name kelly. and he's a bunch of issue john, mr. lives in exile in model. most sweden, where he's joining us from this name, but them how buying the, the she's coping with the aftermath of the violence against protest. as in cuba ridge, you see there is a been really novelist to mine, ahmed who was said that the heaviest thing a man can carry on his shoulder is his time scoffing. and there are more than $200.00 coffins like that right now. and patterns across the bottom of the dish are morning, the in depth. so their children, people are extremely sad. but at the same time,
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people are also very, very angry. because the part victory does all these indiscriminate shootings are the police and all the security forces of their own country. so they are also protesting. they're also angry. they want accountability and justice workers. critics, when they get accountability and justice it's highly unlikely in bangladesh because of the last count we received a tele adept. tell the from the students group, they are claiming that 266 people have died. and they're claiming that the number might actually go up to or cross 1000. we have been able to verify some of the names and the lease to, but it's the ongoing process. so a government that actually indiscriminately cubes, its own people. i don't think it's logical or reasonable to expect accountability
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from that same government. so there is this growing dem on growing cry for international intervention in the fall of the you inclusion of inquiry. if that happens, then it come to meet the might of the issue. but it is also important to note that we thought that comfortability phones this actually cannot have no more ripple relationships with the international electors like the real p a new vehicle. and the united nations can tell us something about the situation of student for destiny does. who have been detained by the policies. so they have not only beaten d d, they have been legally detained, and they are being right now kept as hostages at the detective branch headquarters in dock. uh, uh, the some of them,
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6 of them have been for student do you know, if you already wanna provide them to read you aware of the chief of the detective police was having chosen with them. and that has been turned into a propaganda piece and brought customer all the tv channels in bottle of dish. it's like a big tactic attempt at the calm down the protest. and that didn't work. it's really bad because, and the people more of some, the protest he does, who are outside of where in hiding are issue, you know, leading to protest. wheeler keep it there for the moment. but thanks so much for joining us today at the same kind of in the bundle dish done the beginning sign in model most reading. thanks so much kim and i'll send you some of the products and then fix where the men's trying to learn has been postponed. because a flow of water quality in the reverse and heavy rain of the opening ceremony means back to the levels of 2 hi,
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douglas volts corresponding jonathan create and explains why it's so difficult to keep the water clean. the reverse sand has a base of a who problem to find out. why do you have to go down to the power? sue is the 19th century bill network is where the cities waste and rainwater is collected. water coming from the homes, like from toilets, from pensions, from bathroom and water coming from rain is going in the same tubes under the streets and got that getting mixed. the problem is the system cannot use the flow when it rains a lot more. it's done when this happens, explains why swimming in the sand has been banned in paris since 1923. when the water is getting up and as a risk of all the floating, the city, the van is opening and the water is released. we're going to say to prevent the need for this giant underground. the rest of the wall has been built on the banks
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of the sand. but you can store up to 25 big swimming pool of with water mixed. we've ran water so that this water won't go in the same and want to create any pollution, but even that system could be overwhelms in case of heavy thunder storms. and that's why games organizers have been looking nervously at the weather, full cost. if levels of a total lie, the bacteria found in human excrement to, to high swimming events can not take place in the sand. and i often double across one of these are louie in power, as if uh the faith of the trifling depends on the weather. as well, absolutely. and as you know, last week on friday and saturday, we had a lot of rain here in paris fronds actually as much rain as you normally get in 2 weeks over 2 weeks in this period of the year. now we are far to use the organizers,
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you know, technical medical stuff, the old server and, and testing the was uh, constantly to see if the quality has gotten back to sunshine, helps with that on sunday. and monday would really hot days. and today it's going to be very, very hot day as well, but it does take some time time for the so i'm trying to kill all the bacteria. so as you said, you know, the trial thrown has been pushed back to tomorrow morning, hoping that the was a quarter to we'll be back to it by then. however, tonight, the news thunder storms coming probably tonight and tomorrow. so it might be that the competition will be pushed back again, possibly to friday, but if there are a few days of rain friday wouldn't work either. and the other full back date is a tuesday next week. side is gone, seems to catch a break at all, but how often resumes on the french media reacting to the situation?
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well, that's quite an interesting situation. a to, to the amusement of lots of people here. the media are watching this over. they know this kind of circle for us started actually way back in 1988 when a full my president jack, should i jack? should i announce that he would take a boss in the sense that never happened. other presidents from is so later on, but they never actually dives into this. and we sold the paris mayer on either i go a short while ago or go for swimming to send and also the know, catch a car. sports minister, however will the will, should be clean for the try as long as that is not clear yet. and also obviously the authorities and the town who have promised. but after the olympics, certain iris at least 10 percent would be open for swimming, not to will that many people actually trust to you know, trust the fewest ortiz to, to actually go force way in this. and i'm certainly going to be writing which a bit longer before actually daring to go into that was so, so,
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so not just you uh fireplace and also not be able to dive into this and today. but what events can one follow these to say? well, today is again, going to be a busy day at the olympics. we will have also. so suppose we will have a, you know, football, beach volleyball will be 21 will be out side in the right next to the eiffel tower . as i said, it's going to be very hot today. there's actually a heat wave warning today with up to 54 degrees in paris. so actually it's better we have some sunscreen during the competition. the french will particularly watch the swimming competitions. little mock shaw, who won a gold medal in the 400 me to medley swimming competition on sunday is going to swim in full probably in 4 different competitions today. and that's what the french will be watching, but will be every, each country is going to watch their own app lease. and they will be really
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a lot of competitions on today during the day. the, the visa new a reporting from products. thanks so much. i us and, and now the big section, germany is mission your has become the 1st the question competitor to win the individually venting title. 3 times glinting the 4th gold medal off his illustrious career of the 41 year old rider, one the individual. competition of the 20122016 games is of the gold was in team inventing in 2012. it was young's 5th of the big metal overall. he also took silver in team eventing of the 2016. they are. these are narrow games. the main street skid building offered another of the days highlights with japan's utah who the government dramatically defending his crown to very talented americans stood in his way though neither huston was in the hunt for gold of going into his finally run countryman jogger each and to get all the seniors on honey gomez find
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the run. and april spectacular. another goal for japan to continue to dominate the street skating event. and sorry for the moment coming up after the break equal africa. i'm british managing berlin. see you in about 15 minutes the,
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the, the, the co africa coming in, donna summer, post escalating to the very higher level the problem resources i'll be coming guess because it's time to change the initiative now office guided mediation to find the eco africa next on d w and the kind of crisis ice hockey image and the last
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50 rotates and has a big she wants to qualify for the national team. but there was less time for training because winters are getting shorter. despite that, how can she get closer to realizing her dream? she lives up in 45 minutes on d, w, the drawing on innovation palestinian exhibit known we can't expect much living with them anymore. this is not a good environment, not to me, and not for my children without civil rights and with no prospect of
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what can we do? carry on and some last day. a nice the nice you get there hoping for america in baby shudders the oldest on d w. the the climate crisis is, are we shipping the world around is and making life much harder for many, but still people on communities often need to be persuaded that it is in the interest to take, amazes, to make the planet sustainable. hello, and welcome to a new edition of equal off because i am some drug the home is a to nobody you all the way from comp hello right to in uganda. hi,
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sandra. it's true environmental protection often.


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