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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 30, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the we news line from berlin. israel strikes lebanon's capital is really military says the attack on the suburbs of bay roots target is a senior, has, will, our commander will bring you the latest on this developing story. also coming out crowds take to the streets across venezuela again to the nouns president nicholas mentor. i was re election, they accuse him of stealing the votes, as the opposition and the german prisoners sentence to death and bella roost for alleged terrorism. received a surprise part of the
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welcome to the show on the call for our lease. we started with some developing news coming in from lumber, non where the is really army has carried out what it calls a targeted strike on a senior has the luck commander in the southern suburbs of fair root of the capital of lebanon. the military says he was responsible for saturdays attack on the is really controlled, go on heights, which killed 12, children, and teenagers. israel blaine's has blonde, the lebanese arms, grew denies all responsibility and we can get more or less from the w. bear root bureau chief. well, i'm a traitor and dw corresponded to tony kramer, rejoiced from jerusalem. good to see you both. well haven't, let's start with you. what more do we know about the attack at this point or wrong? that meant 20 minutes to 8 o'clock. lucas time allowed last was heard and they
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would have too much smoke. can be seen rising above the solid and suburb of the bodies capital, which is also a house beloved stronghold and a densely populated area. this appears to be and is really drawn, stripe targeting a senior has a lot military figure who, according to reuters, survived the talk, but some reports are suggesting that the, the has blah, a commander was killed in the attack. there's a lot of speculations at the moment, but his fate is yet to be confirmed by his beloved eye witnesses. indeed, proximity of the explosion told us that the targeted building was heavily damaged. scores of casualties have been hospitalized. we haven't yet received information on a fatality. mm hm. developing story, as we say, there is a lot, we don't know at this point, tanya. what are officials in israel se, as well? you see there's a sense right now we heard the 1st statement by,
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uh the uh is where the defense minister you off garland reset has fall across to the right line. we heard of course the is run the army barry on usually quick uh, putting out the statement of claiming responsibility for what they called was a targeted strike on the commander. they said, responsible for the killing of the children, the in most of the times in the is really occupied golden heights and also responsible for other civilians now. and they didn't name uh the commander they were talking about. but they basically, there's a lot of reports here, we're coming out to who he is, a very senior combined. but right now the sense is that everybody's waiting to hear what, you know, what happened there, what is the outcome of this strike and how his phone number respond to that. hm. mohammad, how is hezbollah likely to respond to this?
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or are we here also waiting to see what the real outcome of this is really striking? or you know, tension is speaking in the been on the springs about anxiety and bellwood and fear from why the confrontation at this moment. the very intense moments. so no allow for conducting the little dog up until the date was still a kind of a contained confrontation. but this is certainly a game changer. a clear extension of the use will that rules of engagement and, and somehow reaching the threshold of crossing the red lines. uh there is no doubt that hes below responded to a dock. now the timing and the, the shape and the nature and the geography of this response has yet to be determined as and is anticipated a while ago at the and the been, he's a ford and minister at said that he hopes that has below uh, that will respond any
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a calculated way to this. i talked with just everyone here and bailed is watching and anticipating how this will unfold. tonya, there is a lot of talk about red lines being crossed unspoken rules being broken. how big a sense is there, the, this ongoing confrontation, but you know, has been escalating ever since the october 7th turbo tax basically is entering a new phase. it was the, sorry, my system's over here. i mean, as he rides the side of the happy, nice cross for the tax for over 9 months, know almost 10 months now. intentions where sometimes higher sometimes you know lower, but since this happened on so today, you know that and, and is what it has about to respond forcefully. there was an anticipation that something would happen, but nobody knew of course, but the scope will be
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a when it will happen. and also there were a lot of diplomatic efforts, as we understand the, you know, to, to limit this a virtualization a by its right. but right now, everybody here is also watching a what is going to happen now, what is has been a lot know doing in this case. so you could say in there is a very uncertain moment here, the region certainly on the edge and to, to understand where, where this is all going now and the next hours and days. mm hm. mohammed one last question to you because no matter who you talked to, it seems like israel doesn't want to war. ron doesn't want to war. hezbollah does not want a war, and 11 on certainly doesn't want to war. so how did we get here that as well, you know, we've, we've been following all day long on and the very intense political and diplomatic efforts. and the last i was a to de escalate the situation to contain this situation by pushing his way and to
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avoid a targeting major cities in the non and particularly they do tend to avoid civilians . also a pressure to put pressure on his bottle to exercise restraint in the event of the a is really a top. both parties have been expressing readiness for an all for the most part is i've been saying that they wanted to avoid this war. so we just watching now that at this attack happened on there has been less strong hold nearby to would. how would this on for? and i was, has beloved a respond is we're, we're in front of many scenarios and we're just anticipating and waiting to see whether the hezbollah calculated the response. we bring back this tension to the daily routine of take a for talk on the, on the borders in the south end of the northern is where or when this lead and a needs a on and all up for and the region are barrow,
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0 chaise mohammed trained to empty w correspond antonio kramer in jerusalem. thank you both so much for the latest. protesters have filled the streets across venezuela again to oppose election results showing victory for president nicholas montero. and comes a day after at least 6 people were killed in demonstrations and 700 were arrested. the protesters are joining a number of western nations that are questioning the results of the votes and are demanding a detailed breakdown. the vin, as well as election results, acknowledged in fury on the streets of kinda thousands of protesters defended on the capital to denounce president nicholas my due to his victory and what not. i thought i came to the street because we want freedom, so we got tired of this government. we want to change. we want to be free in venezuela. we want our families to return here. we don't want them to leave anymore . we want to be free with our families earlier
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security forces, 5 tea, a gas and rubber bullets at protestors who saved the election was rig electrical authority. st. madura when 51 percent of the vote 5 have yet to show a full breakdown of the results in as well as all position claims it received over 70 percent. they name was taken with the amount and we have in our him the same way the tally sheets prove that our categorical and mathematically reversible trial is not yet provided evidence to support this claim. the president accused as his opponents of trying to destabilize been as well, why didn't you select the blown here, like the name of the extreme right behind this plan. there was screaming fraud 15 days before the elections. they didn't sign the agreement to recognize the election
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results with ballot, but the doors in live in your role has seen venezuela, defendant economic chaos, and a mass exodus about a quarter of the population has leased the country while his international allies, iran, russia and china have congratulated him on the election when others, including the us, have condemned to the results. several latin american countries, as well as international bodies, including the you in have called on venezuelan authorities to release phasing records from individual polling stations. is the best word to describe the country right now. our expectations uncertainty because of that is what they been as well as our leaving seeing stone. they went there and through sold square released by the electoral boar. this,
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the electoral board is mostly from full by the government. so what, what is happening in the country is that the electrical board declared people that's now going to ask the winner, and they gave him the credentials yesterday as the new president for a 3rd time. and this will be, this will take my bureau to be the longest running president in venezuela, easiest result state. but the opposition gradient, they have this highly said that they have to prove that it's moved. the silas one, the election with a 70 percent of the total. and this is why get different from the one that announced from the left throw board because the little boy says that the one with boxing of bones around i mean the bolts bought. and they say it's the gonzales has more than 6000000 volts. hm. bill position is all free. and those those,
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those products boats act and show and then to, to that people add through internet. yeah. and adding to that climate of, of, in security on certain t nervousness is the amount of arrest that we've seen yesterday alone. a prominent opposition figure was reportedly detained today. what can you tell us about that or? yeah, so i told you to, that's already general. more than 700 people have been detained across the country . about 9 people have died so far in several states. so been a swell. i'm at the government says that these are not a peaceful protests. they say these are the same apps and they will read it like that. they, i mean, the 3rd floor is the top slash completely and supports to equal. that's my little little, just the to my little. and they say i pulled the top of the way they all petition says a different story. they say they have their right to be on this trip today. and to
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claim that there are, there are there that they have fall off where the count of the gold yeah. to to that, but it's what i want to look at the role of the military for a 2nd because the countries defense minister as you just pointed out and came out to assure that vendor had the absolute loyalty and unconditional support of the armed forces is that really the case well, it's hard to know what the, what is happening inside the military forces. the military forces have been paying a key role in venezuela to keep modeling power, but especially the higher ranked increased. busy they see, of course push whose support to my daughter, but the situation inside they are being, he's hard because the, the lowest position inside the army, they suffered to think think that regular business while i'm so 1st like short to ship a sofa, gasoline and electricity and and basically that population,
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the military, is that a reflection of the general issues that face, that goes? so it's hard to tell what their reaction will be, need that protests continue over these g, or do they have supported by the way? yeah, we don't have much time, it may be briefly, could you point out the possible scenarios that we're looking at here as well. the international community is participating saying they won't recognize these. these results for us still is taking a key role uh, trying to negotiate with my daughter. it is telling them basically that you have to prove that he wants to election that show them to the world. and of course, and there are several nations broken relations. so with a, with a phone with venezuela, it goes a bit like it happened in the past 2018 when mother little say also a was a question by a kid the result of the let's use that and that time the election,
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they say what's mixed and this is the case right now, once again, that was around was, may or may not in caracas. thank you so much for that update. more than a 100 people has been killed and land slides go out on by monsoon rains in india. and those more or if you're trapped under the mud and the way a non district in the southern state of corolla rescue operations in the hilly region. the earth being hampered by a bridge collapse on stable ground and continuing rainfall. the army has been deployed to assess local emergency services and their race against time. search and rescue operations are under the in india, a southern state of gutter law. mess of lend slides to good by heavy to impulse slip to several villages. the victims i thought another as a disaster, a good wirelessly. good it is. let's around $140.00 i and we heard
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a loud sound and we suddenly came out to the room. it felt like a mountain break down just 30 meters away from my house. we did do it without getting here. then they got huge chunk because it focused on the hill, wiped off and slid down. it was there about 300 to 400 houses on the mountain, on the school nearby on this side of the hill, all i got old school there were about 300 houses on the other side. oh sir. who was the other? got busy and pulled up hospitals and got a lot of filling up with the injured dozens. i confirmed that many more i believe, to be trapped under the mud and to be awfully shown. see, they are still unable to read several hodges areas. the situation is, continues to be very good to be uh, have a situation where
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a large part of the region is to start off and we have not been able to establish secure access to that area. and although we have been in touch on the telephone with some people that and other folks that that are seventies casualties in that region, which remains cut off. and several people are injured. and when the monsoons, greens offer relief from the summer heat. but in recent years, during the season has brought more destruction to the region, the deadly floods and then slides. experts, the climate change is increasing the problem. we spoke to geo technical engineering, jessica holmes, earlier, she explained to us how these land slides quarter of costs. so much devastation as well. i'm sorry, it's actually a good fight between springfield event so far. it should be rachel increases the most clinton of the cycle and then not the step licensed slopes. and so when we experience extreme rental events and bought a car on a large scale, um,
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so i believe that the, the carrier is experienced $218.00 millimeters, a rental, and just 24 hours. and when he considered the fact that corolla typically receives around $3000.00 millimeters in a year, i'm almost 10 percent in one day is pre extreme. and so the need to quite extreme science of hiring. i'm not quite sure what happens, you know, more rainfall and strong winds are expected in the state. we heard it there in the report. those could then trigger more lance lives. possibly. how delicate is this rescue operation? well, the rescue operation is obviously being hinted at the moment. i'm by the bosses and prescription psychiatric alongside. so we know there's bainbridge collapses and broad blockages. and you can see and the image is savvy, the real scale of the issue. and so as people try to get safety and the bad
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weather, i'm such as long as my eyes obviously will. and the end of the reset. but the search and rescue operations, which obviously not good news, the told me land slides per se, or nothing new. but are you seeing a change and frequency or scale as extreme weather events become more common? you just talked about the increase in rainfall in the state of corolla. yes, it's a climate change, obviously, effects everywhere in the world. the effects different regions differently. and, but one thing that i think is coming across all regions of the world is that we're seeing more extreme events, further about the mark stream rainfall all more stream drones. and the monsoon areas, no difference. so to the sea corolla does experience monsoons, and unfortunately, it is, is particularly uncommon for this region of the world for experience mentioned not
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disaster. there was a survey of floods in 2018 and color as well. and, but obviously that is increasing in frequency as we experience more intense range, all events across, across the area. all right, so let's look at what we, what we can do about that your, an engineer yourself. is there anything that can be done to avoid land slides altogether or you know, just keep them from reaching inhabited areas like what happened here? yes. and so we know that obviously climate change is likely to, in increase and frequency of on size. we see. and 12, that's very difficult and it's soft taco there are lots of things that we can do to prevent such lots of life. i'm in the event of alongside. so one option is to increase non side early warning systems and dire rollouts. and that would involve monitoring some of these sites and then we'd be able to improve the bought la,
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anyone, any bonding of the last slide, events occurring. and while in nice thoughts of regions it might be difficult to mitigate against the failure is due to lack of results. it is possible that we could use these any warning systems to provide an advance wanting to people so that they could have up to it, which would obviously result in a reduced loss of life. yeah, the other thing is, so he said i'm direction. i'm is increasing in these areas as well. so if we reduce construction in highly areas, then we reduce vulnerability because the communities wouldn't be affected by month slides as jessica holmes. thank you so much. a quick look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world. heavy rains and saddam's eastern casala problems have left. one of the country's largest displacements, cams, inundated with water. u. n says, more than 11000000 people have fled their home since the civil war erupt in april
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of last year. i, of firefighters in north macedonia are battling while fires, which have been burning since early july. strong winds are fanning the flames and causing fires to spread more rapidly. one man was killed in the country's northeast and there has been significant damage to property and dozens of villages. 3 children have died and a stabbing attack in england. a children, 2 adults remain in hospital. a 17 year old suspect is in police custody. the attack happened and the community center in south court was hosting a taylor swift themed dance event for children to sing or has expressed her horror at the attack state media and bella. ruth is reporting that the country's leader, alexander lucas sango, has pardoned a german who was sentenced to death, but still remain behind bars. rico, okay. was detained on terrorism charges in october of last year and was convicted.
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and you can now speak to our political correspondent alex, and i guess alex rico k has been pardoned by lucas and go. what does that mean for him as well? the death sentence has been listed. yes, but this does not mean automatically that he will be a free man any time soon. the state's media agency and better was they have the they have to release the statement including the or mentioning this, this padding, but they have not mentioned anything about the possibility of freak, okay. being a free man. maybe just to give a little perspective for you just earlier today, lucas shank or the lead off better was he has said that he would consider putting read. okay. and then later that day he has pod and him. so it was a one man decision if it is one man decision to pod week, okay, then it is also a one man decision to free him and that decision is in the hands of regression. cool. so we still have to deal with lots of uncertainty here,
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and we only should consider we could pay a free man once he's back here in germany. but we do not know if this is a realistic scenario. any time soon. our viewers sense of the background of this case. how did rick okay end up on death row and beller was in the 1st place as well . it is actually quite difficult to say because we only or mostly rely here on stage media reports from bid our boost, which is almost impossible for us to verify. but i can tell you what the court has said. and the court in bed arose. they have to choose 10 of the most in every activities, extremism and terrorism, among others. and also that he was involved in a placing explosives close to a train station and that explosion has cost the damage of an estimate of around $500.00 euros. so this we had talking about and, and there was also has released a video of course, the stage control video,
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which is widely considered propaganda material. and in this video, we actually see rico k, how he says that he confesses to the other locations that you wanted to go to ukraine to fight russia there, that you then was boards to, to, to build a ruse. and that he posted, participated in those terrorist activities. but again, this is not verified. it is possible that this confession was a false confession. and which was, would of course, mean more leverage to better roost and russia because they knew that germany will do a lot to get its citizens back. you said that, pardon me, him was a one man decision, but there's always a lot going on in the background in these kinds of affairs. so what do you know about diplomatic efforts surrounding the disguise? well, the propaganda video i just mentioned actually implies that the german government was not willing and or not capable of helping but to this is clearly not the case. but for ministry under the envelope,
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she has been very vocal about this case and we expect her to read and also release a statement soon on, on the efforts that have been made to, to, and come to this to this part of me. that was political correspondent alex, i'm a guest. thank you so much. i sports now the all star a spanish bearing of carlos out garage and rough on the dollar reached the olympic mens doubles quarter finals on tuesday night after a hard fight when over telling greece for and wesley colo from the netherlands across and the go on the 1st said 6 for the last and type 2nd said on a time break. but the last year is due and turned on the style. and the 3rd set champions time break, losing just 2 points as they reached a quarter final against americans often project and rumsey. and reminder of our top story today. he is really army says and carried out an air strike targeting. it has the commander in the suburbs of a root, the lebanese capital. the military blames him before
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a saturday's attack until 12 young people in b is rarely controlled. go on heights, 11 east militants, of grove to nice. any responsibility. the estimates for now must stay with us after a short break. i will be back to take you through the day and i sure hope to see you then the
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of the time of crisis ice, hockey 50 rotates and has a big she wants to qualify for the national team, but there is less time for training because winters are getting shorter, despite that, how can she get closer to realizing her dream? she lives up in 45 minutes on d w. the
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wish i could've done more to save, you just click away, find the best document on you to really see the world as he's never seen it before. the drive now to dw talking entry in many countries, education is still a privilege. property is one of the main causes some young children walk in mind, trusts instead of going to class. others can attend classes, the minions of children of the world. we ask why? because education makes the world make up
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your own mind. made full minds. the it is a cycle that many wazoo. 2 ones have come to know all to well over the past decades . elections, disputed outcome demonstrations that are meant with violence. several anti government protests are dead and hundreds have been arrested across the country in the past 24 hours. in that time, the opposition has started presenting evidence of what they call systematic motor fraud, as the countries all forward hearing leader and sits on the legitimacy of his victory . then as well as to seem determined if their votes are encountered at the ballot box they will make their voices heard. busy on the streets of nicole fairly chamberlain and this is the day i.


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