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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  July 31, 2024 2:02am-2:31am CEST

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service or dead, and hundreds have been arrested across the country in the past 24 hours. in that time, the opposition has started presenting evidence of what they call systematic motor fraud. as the countries all forward hearing leader and sits on the legitimacy of his victory. then as well as to seem determined if their votes are encountered at the ballot box, they will make their voices heard on the streets. nicole fairly chamberlain and this is the day. the news, we are tied to anything he is living under the same government and it is always seem to sign the lease if it's bearable. a products one with 70 percent and maybe even more
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crisis to grow theater. and they want to create the political crisis getting good. i want at least also on the day and ukraine, a shortage of labor because of the war with russia is becoming a major problem for the countries. businesses who doesn't need to talk is tough. the 2 things were bad enough before the war has exacerbated on our problems, our future working age population and our children. they've just up to the left welcome to the show. the streets venezuela had been ringing to the defiant bangs of pots and pans as thousands protest the results of an election. the claim was raked . security forces responded with tear gas and rubber bullets. several people were killed and dozens wounded across the country. the rally started after venezuela's
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authoritarian leader in nicholas madura was handed a 3rd term in office. the opposition claims it won by a landslide and a wave of demonstrations montero accuse us right wing extremists of stirring up a political crisis. that is more and more people demand change and say they no longer fear the origins repression. venus wayne is election results, acknowledged in fury on the streets of kinda thousands of protesters defended on the capital to denounce president nicolas my due to his victory and whatnot. i thought i came to the street because we want freedom, so we got tired of this government. we want to change. we want to be freedom, venezuela. we want our families to return here. we don't want them to leave anymore . we want to be free with our families earlier security forces, 5 tea, a gas and rubber bullets that pro,
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chased as who's saying the election was rig electrical authority. st. madura 151 percent of the vote 5 have yet to show a full breakdown of the results. then as well as opposition claims it received over 70 percent. they may most likely wish to amount and we have in our him the same way the tally sheets, prove that our categorical and mathematically to reversible triumph. the president accused as his opponents of trying to destabilize been as well. why don't you start the blown elect the name of the stream right behind this plan that was screaming fraud. 15 days before the elections of the like didn't sign the agreement to recognize the election results with both of the doors a live in your role has seen venezuela defended into economic chaos. and a mass exodus about
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a quarter of the population has leased the country while his international allies, iran, russia and china have congratulated him on the election when all those, including the us, have condemned the results. several latin american countries as well as international bodies. you in have called on vin as well, or sees to release phasing records from individual polling stations. we can cross over to caracas now and speak to the w corresponding oscars link or oscar. good to see more protests today in men as a way, like you've been out in caracas. what did people tell you what people are english? people are angry and they watched the world to know that when they went out to the most of the people around the, anybody that they knew was inside intending to vote for the opposition. and a lot of people that were witnesses in the voting centers saying that they have fatalities
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that the machine to print out that show that i'm on the one side, this little guy was the rental winner of the selection. so a lot of people are just protesting because many of them think this is the last chance to have change of the country in a democratic way. and they are, they want to defend that right. but they have to have to change in this country in a peaceful manner. the opposition isn't giving an either they've been presenting evidence to back up their version of the election outcome. how is the regime responding as well? the law and a lot of interest, institutions that are loyal to, excuse, administration, have responded with threats. uh, they have already threatened to imprison the maternal and, and one of the most i was we do just they want the responsibility of they want to make them responsible for the deaths and the injured and yesterday's protest. and.
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busy they've already said that they are investigating different kinds of cases and to incriminate by the marcelo, specifically with a massive hat against the electro cancel. a system in which they said was conducted from north to macedonia and is implicating also a couple of opposition leaders that are not into this within their circle. and the notice in the past my darrow has relied heavily on his security apparatus took washed us and it looks like this is the strategy now again. but i want to know from you where does the military support for him stand today? which is a motor support stands with my the, the, the defense minister probably no longer has already admitted several statements that clearly indicate that he supports what the electro council has of
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finance and in defense to the revolution and to nicholas model. we have once again, 2 parties claiming victory a couple of years ago in our viewers might remember a man called on why though proclaimed themselves as well as president. in a similar scenario, he was recognized by dozens of countries as men, as well as legitimate liter, until he eventually lost support in the country. what lessons did ben as well as opposition learn from that era to well, for one thing, she was elected as president. she was the president of the national assembly of the congress. and now we are seeing that there are ballots that prove. there was a winner in this election and the opposition played the regions game all throughout this campaign where it wasn't free and fair. we had seen
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a lot of obstacles and given to the opposition included persecution, they closed on businesses where they would stay or have been kind of a relation with during the campaign trail. and they kept on it peacefully, playing the game that the government was putting upon them. and now they have to tell is to show that people did in fact vote for them. and the control council is not showing anything. and that's, that's one of the things that they are claiming as their victory. however, o, one of the biggest problems with the opposition has had in the past is being fraction we saw in these last few days. but even the opposition candidates that were independent and are and opposition of the official opposition or of the
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largest opposition they got and said that they do not believe either in these results. so we are seeing one unity and the opposition right now. and that could be a key to the claimant or victory and to keeping up the pressure of what role do using countries in the region could play in resolving this dispute because there has been an immediate response. yes, i think especially the countries in the region, the neighboring countries, they have more of a claim to what could happen. because if the region does in fact, stay in power, we are going to see a massive amount of people migrating again in the the countries that are more affected or columbia in brazil. now we've seen that in the last few hours, then as well as expelled over 7 of at least 7 countries of from the diplomatic
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embassies here. and, but i swear and that results in more isolation for nicholas levels of ministration . but they double down with those that do uh, support them like rush china, uh cuba and the live. yeah. we have about half a minute, but i do want to know is there a scenario in which you do see monroe making concessions? i think uh in either uh, however, this plays out then nicholas, my oldest administration has to negotiate. they have to negotiate either with the international community or with the opposition. but i couldn't negotiate shows or to come after all this place. that was the double use, of course lanka, from caracas. thank you. always great. speaking to you, the enron less the procession again has been sworn in
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before parliament as these law mach republics, 9th president was ask in one a snap election earlier this month. that after his freed assessor abram racing died and a helicopter across you back in may, isn't on your ration comes and been growing tensions in the region. the 69 year old match with the leaders of the palestinian islamic jihad crew and lebanon's has the lot. and the lead up to the ceremony now possessed in is regarded as a reformist, in iran, with one of the most stark indications being his desire to forage better ties with the west. and during his swearing in ceremony, he promised again to pursue a constructive and efficient foreign policy, as he called him outside from nadia bound during his campaign to try and revive the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers which collapsed in 2018 after the united states . unilaterally withdrew from that agreement. he's also previously criticized the enforcement of a runs mandatory. he job laws,
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which will crier women to cover their head and neck in public. and he has pledged to involve more ethnic minorities in his government, a release to expert dining. again, that's going to me now. i mean, let's start with the basics. who is most suit possession? because this get on is an interesting figure. not a very prominent politician. he was, he held a minor, let's say, administer position the government of president hobbs. i mean, the whole issue of thousands, he's a, a physician, a surgeon, not someone who was sailing either from the, let's say, revolutionary guards, hardcore officer corps. neither somebody who else from a clerical background. and that is an interesting case like position count. of course, people say the presidents do not a play made to not play major role because they do not disadvantaged v to stakeholders and policies. but i think of is this can, can make a difference. he is that's a rather populum of minorities. he's from west as
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a by john and his old order always emphasized also the importance of the, you know, of, of, of protecting the rights of minorities in the wrong. so some analysts say, and i think there is some truth in it, consider him a, let's say, face saving solution for the regime of how many we'll get to how the regime feels about him in a 2nd. but 1st i want to look at him being billed as a reform is the reformist of today have very little to do with the ones we knew in the ninety's to that that's certainly true. there is no reform is can no active reform is company around. he's a reformist individual and i, i was actually on his one of the unless who, who had the run up to the election suspected that no reform is candidate make it. and that's why, of course, some people suspect the charade of the regime and bring this reformist into this position in order to have more, you know, margins in dealing with the population, but also dealing with foreign policy. and i think that is a,
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a plausible analysis. so possess count in a way was the last minutes i'm surprised candidate and iran. and i think as i said before, he can make a difference. why? because of course, the, the supreme leader can just side when we're like, what kind of files he wants to take care of. but at the same time, the, the, the president is sharing the cabinet. the president is dealing with security and foreign policy issues. and if you remember a prior to the president, they blamed i easy who died in a helicopter crash. we had a government in iran, which was, let's say, not necessarily reform is but, but, but brother magic and this government managed to forge a deal with the western states with united nations, the socal j. so if you a, the nuclear deal had a raw, the security oriented, but pragmatic and also populous popular policy with possibly be new population. of course, they're not gonna position the honest, i'm going to change the regime. he's not gonna change the stomach republic of a raw, there's no hope that he's going to reform the institutions. but let's say in terms of foreign policy, he also represents
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a certain school in the wrong that believes that they have basically overstretched the power as they have invested in so many files in the middle east. they have entered so many conflict scenarios that it's time also kind of to, to, to, to, to calm down and to find some medical arrangements with western powers. and the 3rd b as, as golf. according to the latest news that i heard you maintenance and americans are secretly negotiating about the escalation in the region. yeah. yesterday i happen to speak to the former head of the most side and he seemed quite optimistic in regards to mr. possessively on saying that his, his election might lead to more dialogue to more diplomacy. to what extent is that really in his hand? so what does that mentioned before? it's not, it's not exclusively in his hands, for example, because the sky on uh, is considered a supporter of the revolutionary gods. at a military institution, very controversial. you'd be repeating powers of discussing to put them on a tyro list. but in fact, he understands that these institutions be, they,
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you know, it's on no moral judgment and both be the military institutions. they play a role to have a role and they can also set time's counter balanced. the influence of the clerics, they can count as uncomfortable as the influence of, of the supreme the, the common a and off some of the more extreme and more radical people in the political spectrum. so if position kion can play a role in foreign policy making as your into lucky to help for depends very much on his personal engagement. but also of course on, on the way that all the combinations dealing with the other company has been around . as long as been able to turn you off, you know, so these 2 leaders know each other fairly well. when can this is, let's say, predict and assess each of this behavior. common a is of course, a principal list. he believes that the institutions need to be maintained if necessary, by force, by violence, by crushing down and protest it. but i'm right. you see that the, the late president of the round was very much a supporter of this idea also. and he also believed that the revolution any ron,
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is not finished. so basically the institutions of the atlantic republic need to use force in order in order to but trust the success of the revolution. but because this can, it's not that kind of a person he believes. i think that uh that the, that the, it's not going to convey nothing by just legal pressing, popular opinion and by trying to, to, to bring him through by 4. which is why he has promised to, to scale back the crack down on women's rights to allow for more social media freedom. do you think radians, believe that he will actually make good on these promises at this point? no, i don't think it'd be reading is, believe it. i don't think your readings are going to buy it from him unless he proves otherwise. and of course that would be a struggle in the institutions. but let's say to come back to the revolutionary god core, the patient purposes keion support. there among these people, of course they, they are the main that they have the profit and the benefits from the system fees. lemme grow public, but at the same time, there is a new generation in loans that is not very religious and does not believe and in,
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in the principles of baseline and revolution alone. and the idea that you need to implement these principles by force and protect the system against a morale ended against a, you know, any, any outside influence. i don't think the discount is that kind of a person. but let's see, see if he wants to reform and if he wants to convince uranium, and if he wants to reform these, allow me were public, which i, i'm not sure if that's really going to work. he would have to face a lot of a lot of a strong opposition among the principals and among those that still believe there is nothing beyond this. i don't know much about his relationship with a how many i don't i don't know uh, to be honest. um, well it, he comedy has been endorsing him and they asked me, they must have been some secret dealing. so of course they have the fact that he's from, from the west as a by john province. and any, ron also may indicate that there are some networks, but i don't know anything about his personal relationship. and frankly,
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i haven't seen him appear for a long time before the election. and i don't know any internationally around an analyst who brought up his name or consider the human important figure before he's kind of this, you know, before i let you go, i want to look at the bottom picture because this of course happens at a moment of height intentions in the region. israel just struck a target in a 11 on, in the outskirts of a root in response to the has a lot attack on the is really occupied. golan heights. how close are we to an escalation? how big is the danger of an all or at this point where it looks we're very close to it. um, it is actually already happening. you know, let's, let's, let's, let's do a list of reality check. people in the south of lebanon are dying every day. doub environments every day. there are certain like like areas that are know that can't be populated anymore. there is areas in, in the north of israel and villages that have been evacuated to $60000.00 and more . now we have the situation and the goal on heights. so what happened there apparently, and we don't have all the evidence is exactly what the experts have been warning on
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for, for like the last 3 or 4 months. both sides are going to base taking it to the break . both sides don't want to go beyond the red line, but in fact, that provoking each other. and as much as you're trying to return the other side, if you use the weapons of deterrence all the time, then the turns no longer works. one side needs to make a terrible mistake. go too far and force the other into action. and this is actually what we're seeing now. so um, i think these really side is going to, the site is going to respond. it has already responded. this is emily has targeted as a superior hezbollah commander for our ciocca. i knew him by the name of has, which was his nickname among his belies, and of course the united states have also listed him. he's a prominent figure among the long his beloved, we don't know if he, if he is death is not confirmed yet, but uh, uh, these are these on forces. uh, targeted, be rude. and the question is, and that's probably what you call, original escalation. if other outside powers that go into into feel like iran,
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which i think they are not going to do at the moment. and the other is if, as well as going to put the ground forces into 11 on that would be a completely different game. and i think it would cost a lot of is really lies. and i think israel is very much aware of that mentally. scandalous, tanya, get always great speaking to you. thank you so much. thank you for your brain now. we're business. this are facing the bill of lading, labor shortages, more than 10 percent of the population has fled abroad since russia's invasion. and a further 1000000 men have been conscripted into the army, employers or warning they can't guarantee they can keep basic services running and are being forced to look to those who are previously not part of the job market. you can put another boost. i can just dive in wherever i need to go. my legs don't get in the way, like they would for other people. i can just get in where i need to go and do my thing. this is victor. victor didn't lose his likes to rush and mine,
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lost his legs to illness of to retiring on an army pension with vitamin pollutants, troops, and exclaim in 2014 victor oscar! if he was needed back then, the answer was no. that'll changed in february of 2022, with russia's full scale invasion. they need them back, but not in uniform, no fighting pacifically and contract it to keep ukraine soviet era on the vehicles on the move. so it's interesting. i woke up at 4 am on february 24th to make myself a cup of tea. i went outside because i didn't want to wake my wife and i saw the sky light up all of a sudden because of the russian missiles. i felt the shockwave waiting couple cuz i called my friend in the military and ask who is this it? has it started was wondering he said yes, cuz it was like a couple of days later i called again and ask, do you need me? they did speak to is not the only one ukraine's job market desperately needs back and our maintenance estimate nearly 2000000 ukrainians disabilities are currently
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out of the labor market. second minutes, many of those people would return to work. if they could find a job that meets the needs alexander, who are doing his study, ukraine's demography for decades down. look, he says, is blake, for him it was only a little that is tough. the 2 things were bad enough before the war has exacerbated on our problems, our future working age population and our children. they've just often left about since the developed refugees abroad, under the age of 18, to not mean to a pension is allowed to stay behind. the over $65.00 made up almost a quarter of ukraine's population before the war, but only 6 percent of those that have gone abroad. boy is a foss, realizing the times and they could pick and choose between recent graduates is over . the course employee is used to think they can get 25 year olds with loads of
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experience that so that's just not going to happen anymore. the government has identified the program, so it looks on the do was still hasn't done much to address it. you know, that's the sort of thing we already have a government demographic action plan. so then it's not going to talk to supporting your positive that involves getting older people and those with disabilities back into jobs. most of less than that. but it still needs a lot of work for those need to be adjusted and business is still need convincing music and adult showed on the way things stand. there's little support for employers to hire more diverse teams and he finds they don't meet hiring quotas for stuff with disabilities. fines to many businesses still prefer to pay rather than shake up the hiring practices, despite the extreme labor shortage. i don't really know yet that covers him with it only took a few days of being back in the job to feel like i'd never left it was of the i
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felt like i never retired. you put the name the so listening to victor can sound like he doesn't feel like retiring a 2nd time around. he's adamant to learn to stick around as long as this country needs him. and his knowledge with so many young ukrainians abroad are fighting at the front lines. talk see him getting out of here any time soon. i a 3rd time but make sure to stay and farm, stay engaged and stay in touch. you can fall our team on social media. our handle there is apps that we use if it's the wave of the headlines you're looking for. there's always our website that is b w dot com for now though. the entire team here on the day. thank you so much for spending parts of your day. bye bye. the
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