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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 1, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this is data, the news live from berlin is real issues. a warning to a ran for the regression will carry a heavy price, is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu remained silent about the assassination of a top from us leader into the front. runners blaming israel for the attack on is mile neil and his vowing to take revenge. all this happened just hours after and is really striking 11 on the killed. a senior has block commander, is real blaine's him for a rock and attack. they killed 12 young people in the occupied golan heights the
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hello and welcome to our show. i'm seeking beauty in berlin. we begin with the escalating crisis in the middle east, around and home us, or choosing israel, of assassinating her mazda of the top political leader is well, i need to say wednesdays air striking the iranian capital to front not go unpunished. hardline protesters to the streets, vowing revenge and denouncing israel and the us. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has not specifically spoken about the a talking to run, but says there will be severe consequences for anyone who attacks his nation to the i mean not because very challenging days ahead of us. the 5 since the attack and by route threatens have been heard from all sides. well, we all prepared for any scenario and we will stand united undetermined against any threat as well, but exact a heavy price. so any aggression that guidance stuff, so any from you, i'll shoot you over to our correspond atanya,
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kramer and jerusalem. tanya, netanyahu did not speak about in his rainy role in his death. what was his message tonight? when he gave the so short statement to the nation test or shortly after a very lengthy security cabinet ended, he was speaking there from the military headquarters in a tel aviv. and as he said, he didn't acknowledge to. so i can tell ron rich had killed her most polluted vida is ma'am near. but he talked about that. she had told yvonne's proxies a crushing blow, but it was essentially a message to night uh to the is really popular to gone to support, but also to prepare them. what he said would be challenging days ahead as the country now braces for retaliation by the wrong end of the proxies following those strikes and they route into iran. and that's we just heard. he said, that is what i was facing threats from across the region. and that is,
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it is ready for any scenario. you know that around has blamed israel for the strike against india. we know that they vowed revenge for the strike. how worried are people in israel about retaliation to? well, i think the country is really on high alert and it's a bit of a, of a strange atmosphere because when you come in during the day, you know, it is as almost like normal life. but when you talk to people in conversations, there's a boy you know about the retardation, and what such a retaliation could look like to have been reports in the media saying that the wrong will or, or might consider to strike directly a back uh, as israel and there are certain scenarios that are being discussed now. obviously it could be attracted, would entitle, also all of yvonne's proxies like
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a coordinated attack. no, we seen something like this in a pro when iran launch drones and missed us as a, as well. but this is seen as that it could be much, much more forceful. so we're talking about potentially drones and missiles from move on from living on a, from iraq, from syria, from gym, and a launched at israel also. and of course, there's also the question what the targets will be, whether this will be in the military targets, whether be civilian targets. it could be that tell a beef or high a will be a hit. so all of this, of course, is on people's mind or why people are thinking here. you know, this could be really that the region is on the brink off of why the escalation and the conflict is intensifying. what does he need is killing mean for efforts to negotiate a ceasefire and gaza and to secure the return of the remaining hostages or well,
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i think it's more than, yeah, it was as seen as one of the key figures in these negotiations as, as someone from us abroad, he was involved in those negotiations. so there is a big question mark here about what will happen to these negotiations. we also heard from katara, one of the main, a medi ages alongside egypt, crest condemned this coming and also questions how this will go forward. and this is of course, also in the mind of a many families. he is of those who have still their relatives in gaza there over a 100 hostages that are still believe to be in garza. and of course, there's a lot of boring here. what would happen to them? no negotiations where kind of stuck the there where a continuing other was just not any resolved as of yet. but now it seems unlikely that they will start any time soon. dw tonya kramer, jerusalem,
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thank you. is my oh he is killing and the assassin destination of the top has block commander. have prompted please from world leaders were leaders rather for a strange and well motivation for killing the from us leader may stem from the groups. october 7th, terror attacks and israel, the animosity towards honey a goes back long before that. this is man nia. greet surrounds new president. and what would be one of his last meetings just i was off to attending the president's integration. he and his body guard were killed in the strike on his residence in tehran. nia was the political face of hamas. the militant islam is good that carried out via october 7th terror attacks on israel. nea had not lived in guns for several years. but ron, how must from cut to where he lived in exile,
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he became the palestinian prime minister in 2006, and continue to rise through how mazda is ranks eventually becoming its political chief in 2017. how mazda is gone and lead. yeah, he, us in law is believed to be in the most the minds of the october 7th attacks while i need represented how much internationally and moved around the region for diplomatic meetings. he was a key player in negotiations to stop the fighting in gaza. some see a he's killing will be a may just set back to achieving peace in the region. and he has death pain just i was off to israel said it killed celia. hezbollah, come on. the ford screwed in. they would be attacked, also kills at least one woman and 2 children. and we did thousands. israel says it targeted shopping in retaliation for rookie to attack on us soccer field in
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the is rainy, occupied golan heights. the $212.00 children and teenagers is well blamed his blood and wound the military route. it would pay a heavy price secluded being $1.00 of his beloved, needing military figures since it was established by iran, revolutionary god. more than 4 decades ago. off to the israel, how must war broke out on october 7th. so clued was accused by his right of being behind many of the drone in missile attacks that his belie launched against israel . so crude is the most senior has block amanda to be to since 2016 when most of the bad reading the groups minute 3 come on. the in syria died in an explosion in damascus. global lead us via the depth of to see me and he does of is around the greatest enemies when tensions were, where the boiling point could now from an old out regional bowl.
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alex, but tonka is director of the ran program at the middle east institute in washington dc and joins me now for more. alex, welcome to the show. i knew it was killed in a high security guest house of the revolutionary guards on a day when security was extra, it's high because the new running president was being inaugurated. how humiliating is the strike for the regime and so on? oh, it's really difficult to describe how bad this is. i mean this could not been worse . this was a senior member of the circle axis of resistance of iran. some one day ryan has been cultivating ties with, as we just tried to segment since 2017 and earlier than that and for him to show up into around feeling, you know, well received and he was what protected he wasn't. and that is uh to your question, stephen barry's humiliating for, for the reading really. but i might quickly add, this is maybe the most high profile assassination by israel and in recent
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memory. but it's not the 1st i'm in there. if you go back a decade in the happy israel has engaged in many successful, sabotaged and disaster nation attempts on uranium. so i need for any reason for whatever reason, just kind of stop. i want to ask in a moment what that humiliation means for a counter attack. but 1st, do we know how much of the around in security wrap around us has been infiltrated by israel? obviously it's impossible to tell in terms of where the problem is. this is a country with over does enough intelligence services, many of them that are rivals of one another. just to give you an example, the ministry of intelligence, notorious for how it's rivalry with the intelligence branch of the revolution and guards, their sort of competition, jealousy, and so forth. how much of that is in the way of sort of looking for these uh, agents that are essentially working for foreign powers. most thought i would have to assume is one of the best in terms of having info created the rainy and security
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and intelligence communities. and there are good reasons for it. here is islamic republic di, for 45 years, has promised to bring it by the end of the state israel. so the, these radius including their television services, are highly motivated to go after iranian officials, irena and policies. and doing so by recruiting radians and it looks like they're recruiting radius of the highest level of their energy. what does that means, psychologically, for this a randy and security apparatus and for their ability to achieve their aims, when they're so riddled with these kinds of agents, these counter agents. all right. one of the 1st things that had struck my mind when i was writing about it this morning is, as we were speculating about how quickly, how big it arrives, retaliation will be against, is really supreme it, if somebody has come out of need. so many words said they will be a retaliation, and i'm sure there will be a retardation when we question that the,
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how quickly are they gonna resolve? you know, how big they're going to tell you. this is what we need to keep in mind. the reading or she knows is entirely infiltrated. i mean, most type of a me, i'm assuming that most of this, all those real hasn't taken flame toward the floor on which is my penny. it was sleepy, not right. this wasn't an operation done by satellites for listening to phone call conversations and mobile phones. this required top notch human intelligence. meaning you have people in the ringing regime that are working for those res, providing information. and that means if i was thinking logically, if i me wrong, i must a guess or 2nd guess my next steps in terms of what should i do if i go back against israel, what do i not know in terms of where else they are infiltrated? what else they could do to stop in my tracks, and i think that might just create some slower reaction for me around that. a lot of the commentators into west right now are assuming will be the kids that
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humiliation that we spoke about earlier. perhaps that need to save face. does it make a response from around even more dangerous? yes, i mean these res, back in april, hit the range and then to see damascus that was crossing a red line to kill, to senior really in general, the range of a game where he mediated on for the 1st time calling the public that came out and said we have to do solve it now is roll up the i to even more now is real, has to senior member back to the resistance. someone would just hours ago met the radiance supreme leader had been in the reading and call them in middle the senior officials. israel a message is very clear that is going to long reach and the kind of kill common a to could have killed anybody. but it looks at thing so, i mean look, i don't think these relays in terms of their strategy are sure from what i can tell what they want to achieve. but one thing that did want to send in terms of the signal to the rise,
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you want to call to us by supplying his bow off. how much the who would fees and others with missiles and drugs that are attacking us. and you'd be sending away 2000 kilometers, thinking you can just watch the show. but guess why? we're not bringing it to you that seem to be what these really calculations also about. do you think that you, the chances of containing this conflict, this regional conflict have dramatically changed the last 24 hours? look, there's more pressure today than it was just a few days ago. no, no doubt about it, but i always go back to a simple question. i'm ask myself and as a novelist, when he arrives doing the basic cost benefit analysis is original war in your runs interest. and the answer to that, to, to that question for me is clear, you know, iran would not benefit from original more of a regional will drag the united states into that. i will risk the survival does not make republican that is the most precious of a policy they have on the origin. right,
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that's alex the taco with the middle east institute. thank you very much. thank you . and that's it for us. we'll be back in a, in a short interpreted time with more headlines. in the meantime, find it online. d. w. com. thanks for watching. the my name is the calls back. saved loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. that's what it being nosy bay, like good. everyone to king the healthy award winning called called the call back when parties are meeting to site for ridiculous. a meeting to funny stigmas meeting to brennan's.


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