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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 2, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the the, this is the, the news line from berlin historic prison swap between russia and west of nations. american default, the ever guest coverage is welcome back on the american side by the president and vice president. he's a month 20 full for us. those swaps in the biggest deal if it's kind since the cold war germany plays a critical role in this pop, john to the old off schultz is a for the difficult decision to release the russian convicted of keeping in berlin . describe the state sponsored cut off the
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i'm going to expand it, you're welcome us to and mr. evans guest coverage is heading home from the russian . james off to the historic prison exchange, the president joe biden and vice president come to her as well. come to guest provision of the american detainees off to the amended andrew's a base. just a short time ago, they flew in from ducky, by the prison. the exchange took place. the kremlin released explain people, john list dissidents, and all those quotes up intentions. between the west invited me to pull things russia, west of nations, i believe the 8th present as an exchange among them, a russian agent convicted of mazda in berlin. it's the biggest swap of its kind since the end of the cold war, 30 years ago. of the it's the news they've been waiting for in the wall street journal news room for full $191.00 days that colleague,
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the gentlest evan gasket, which has been freed from prison in russia. well gosh, give it. she is the best known. he's one of 20 full people entitled who were released from the negotiations were complex and involved some of the difficult choices. we have me and another one, the ones that i showed. so jim and chancellor, olaf schultz played a key role in the swap. that's because the key fig of attending back to russia was this mine vadim classic off. he was sentenced to life in prison for the 2019 murder in the land of a georgian who had for the long side, chechen minutes since. it was a politically complicated decision for jimmy, not least because of the brazen this of the murder. it took place in broad daylight in it, but in puck, just minutes away from the parliaments in chancery. he meant to talk about nothing makes this decision to default and the sentence to life
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imprisonment after only a few years in jail, an easy one. the state's interest in enforcing the prison sentence had to be weighed against the freedom and change it to life and limb of innocent people imprisoned in russia. those and just in prison for political reasons. us president joe biden acknowledge gemini is pivotal role in the deals. are particularly on great, a sense of gratitude to the chance the manager making a may required me to get some significant concessions. germany or state originally concluded they could not do because a person question, it seemed as something of a wind to both sides. and it's clearly something the russian president intends to make political capital from a time. vladimir putin made
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a rat public appearance, meeting days, returning to russia, the port and offering hugs, flowers and rome woods. while the day away stop the board in ukraine, all men broken ties between most given the west. it is some rag good news, full of sites. they never put difficult correspondent, judas identities following this story for us here in berlin july. there was a lot of opposition in germany to relieving about the caustic of what changed as well as we've heard from chancellor all of shows himself. it was not an easy decision to go ahead with this prisoner exchange and of the german government and shots himself had to weigh the state's interest in keeping someone sentence for murder in jail, with the safety, the health and the freedom of prisoners detains and russia and in belarus, and we have seen from how this is gone,
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that the safety and the life of those prisoner has prevailed. and we've seen that uh 5 german citizens have also be been a freed. we've seen that russian political opponents of loving me a poor thing has also been freed. and but this also comes because all of shows has also said of the friendship with the united states. jeremy wanted to show itself and solidarity with the us. but also because of a certain pressure we kind of imagine coming from the us counterparts trying to push germany to finally agree on this release. and this prisoner swap could not have happened in this scope, had germany not agreed to release a body. and could i think of several of the exchange, the prisoners, as you said, but german citizens, what do we know about them? so the one name that has been more prominent in the news lately is that a sequel key guy. he's a 29 year old german citizen who had been sentenced to death in bella. ruth,
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last june on accusations among others of terrorism and claims that he was acting on the orders of the ukrainian secret service, the ukrainian intelligence. these are all claims that have not been proven. and pico click uh we seen that uh the german government had been relatively quiet on his case. they wouldn't go into detail when asked about it. and he was suddenly pardon, by the, by the russian president on tuesday. and these were all signs that were pointing to possibly negotiations going on in the background. uh, another german citizen is kevin luke. he is a german russian citizen. 19 years old. he had been accused of high treason and had been arrested when he was still a teenager going to school. we also have 2 other german russian citizens, one a lawyer and a cycling activists in saint petersburg and another as a political scientist. and finally, one other german citizen who had been arrested on arrival in russia because he had
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found been found in possession of a 6 gummy bears containing cannabis. and he was accused of drug smuggling believe at the for the moment. but thanks so much for joining us. today indeed, the political correspondent join us underway have going off on the, the big i do not see if you, any of the shuttle for me on this present exchange here, a lot of boats in medicare some months ago that he was interested in the use of but didn't cossick off why it seems odd and caustic of is the kind of t play. yeah, in this swaps and the options got in voltage as well because classical forces they're independent research by our colleagues. has shown that across the gulf, as a secret agent, may have committed the murder on behalf of the nation state supported and who himself are both a secret service agent for decades and worked abroad in the form of the jar for this put you into who has always said this about you from the best side,
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which means in russian. we want to let our people down for these lot in it, putting it was important to prove that the volt that he keeps his board am off the old. it's not just by the prostate go forth all the on the come up for the russian state abroad. and it's not just the all the secret service people who have no been really used to be sold in yesterday is the apple. but may many more. who might continue to work a girl with a spies for the russian state. the russian president also took the unusual step of meeting crossteck off, and the other alleged agents on the air for you. and as they arrived back in russia, what message was he sending the yes, i gave him the help of the 1st and foremost, it's a signal that was in the country and the bulk of the employees of secret service, the support incense of a signal in unmistakable boards at the apple, the reception of a sword. he said, there are the brush i have never forgotten is russians. and this is despite the
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fact that we are dealing here with convicted criminals. but it should be clear to everyone as a secret service will not let you down. you can continue to rely on the secret service and onto the old people and also to say for the russian state, is it actually propaganda media as a whole. now being celebrated as great heroes and on or with the highest state of war, it's about this is also a signal to the outside world, which is ready to release his political prison. there's a button, not all over the left. keep in mind, the swap should have taken place in march back then we'd all explain of all the. however, with an apparently didn't want to release him. this is also the biggest, the prisoner exchange joe with russia, as in the cold war. does it set some sort of a precedent? yeah. well i think it's clear that we are dealing now with this one for always starting the dimensions dimensions here in the positive. it will also slope spot one for vinyl one for 2 and they will buy lots of all exchanges. now we have 8
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countries involve this means that the disease, 6, west them countries plus 30 plus ross continue to maintain their intelligence contexts regardless of, of the, for in ukraine. and yeah, i think these contacts are sometimes even successful. we are seeing now is he, i would also like to highlight the 0 of your key which acted as a kind of media age because ad want gives good relation relation to a to, to letting me put in. and that is means that if they are all, for example, to be any yeah, peace negotiations in the future with ukraine to, to quote, once again, play an important mediating role in the leave it there for the moment. thanks so much for joining us today at the dap. if you got here that you, if you're in a shuttle or
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a hundreds of ease relatives of march through the tennessee, to demand that a ton of hostages held in augusta thursday's demonstration, mach $300.00 days since the guise of all started with a most everest attacks and these rel, i'm off seized, $251.00 people during the attacks on the 7th of october last year, a $111.00 still being held in gaza, including $39.00. these fairly ministry. se is our dead negotiations to the time the hostages are endowed. following the beginning of a mazda is what is it can lead to is mile hard of hearing. 3rd on, on wednesday funeral services for one year were held in the, in a couple days early on thursday, thousands turned out to the settlement a, which was also attended by it on so quickly that i had to allow for many different names is random for the getting upon the year and has threatened retribution is rarely ministries folks about some dining. and i got it. you say is the country's ministry is ready to respond to any attacks size mean?
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so the corner of the i d, f is on high alert in both in defense and in attack. what's on audio forces aren't deployed in the air, etc, and on land it's going to enter prepared for any scenario and especially for immediate offensive action. mommy, honey is death on wednesday came just all is off to is run assassinated. the top has block amanda, for the full quarter was buried in bed, which on thursday, he was killed in and these rarely asked strike in the city late on tuesday. and go over, the killings has spread throughout the region. anger boiled in the muslim world. after his mail, honey year was killed along with his body guard in an air strike on his residence in tehran. iran quickly blamed israel, which had vowed to kill him and other from us leaders after the october 7 attacks, to insist on bull's sunset, it was a wake up call. and in the month of the move is melania is
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an important milestone on the road to palestine becoming an independent state. i say this with full belief, you will see there was less a g n e is remich welled, a revival will begin with the mazda dom of honey. this revival will bring an end to the is really terrorist structure that formerly attended. there were more protests from tunisia to iraq to park is done new year was seen as a moderate voice within him. us many protesters, so he's killing is another sign that is real believes that can act with impunity. which song israel is attacking syria, living on iraq and iran because of the support of the us. we are protesting against the american government and to the occupying scientist for all the diplomats around the world, reacted as well. purging is real and the wrong to avoid escalation diplomatic
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negotiations. i don't know malaysia's prime minister armoire abraham, the condemned honey is assassination on facebook. only to find that his post was taken down. this, he has accused facebook's parent company, metal of cowardice, deep going. nowhere was honey is death felt as strongly as in the palestinian territories. janine, in these really occupied westbank, was filled with palestinian protesters and the militants. some were brandishing weapons and waving the flags of him, us, and islamic jihad, both themes, terrorist organizations, by many countries. the message was clear, honey is dead, but palestinian armed resistance would continue. and with that you are up to date from all news and updates. you can visit our website that said dw dot com or check out all social media channels i have done is at the,
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the news i'm british manager in abilene. thanks so much for joining us. but remember, we're back again in about 45 minutes from now. we'll see you then, to back the come have a page and i'll take the highlights you every week in your inbox, subscribe. now. on the long voyage through the ocean and motor home back we took home for a long time. they had to be humans on the journey but now the premises have become very protect.


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