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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 2, 2024 11:00am-11:15am CEST

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the the, this is the, the news line from berlin historic business wolf between russia and west of nations . america of default, i guess coverage is welcome back on american, signed by the president and vice president pays them on 24 prison swapped in the biggest deal of his kind since the cold war. the i bid is kind of you're welcome us john list. evan. jessica, which has the town home from a russian jane after the historic prison. i exchange the president joe bite and
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then vice president coming on hers, welcome guest of age and the other american detainees. often they landed at andrews a base. they flew in from taki by the prison. the exchange took place by didn't acknowledge the difficult diplomatic choices that had to be made. and the key role us allies played in the swap 12 is called this against are meeting self, which is very difficult for me to use the last man the kremlin, released 16 people, john list dissidents, and others brought up intentions between the west and letting me to pull, teens, russia, western nations have released 8 prisoners among them, a russian agent convicted of mazda in berlin. it's the biggest swap of its kind since the end of the cold war. 30 years ago. it's the news they've been
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waiting for in the wall street journal news room for full 191 days. that colleague, the gentlest evan casket, which has been freed from prison in russia. well gosh, give it. she is the best known. he's one of 20 full people entitled who were released from the negotiations were complex and involved some of the difficult choices we have me and then the other ones, the ones that i showed. so jim and chancellor or laugh schultz played a key role in the swap. that's because the key fig of attending back to russia was this mine vadim classic off. he was sentenced to life in prison for the 2019 the in the in the georgian, who had for the long side, chechen minutes since it was a politically complicated decision for jimmy, not least because of the brazen this of the murder. it took place in broad daylight
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in it, but in puck, just minutes away from the parliament in chancery you know, try to talk about nothing, makes this decision to deport in the last sentence to life in prison months after only a few years in jail. an easy one. the state's interest in enforcing the prison sentence had to be weighed up against the freedom and change it to life and limb of innocent people imprisoned in russia and those of just in prison and for political reasons. us president joe biden acknowledge gemini is pivotal role in the deals are particularly on great a sense of gratitude to the chance the manager making a may required me to get some significant concessions. germany stay originally concluded they could not do because a person question it seemed as something of
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a wind from both sides. and it's clearly something the russian president intends to make political capital. from a time vladimir putin made a rab public appearance meeting days, returning to russia, the apple and offering hugs, flowers and rome woods. while the day away stop the board in ukraine, old men broken ties between most given the west. it is some rag good news full of sites. they don't know, but i think they've got a spot in june. i saw that i was following the story for us here in berlin. turn up, there was a lot of opposition in germany to relieving by the him. caustic of what changed? i don't know whether a much changed, but i think there was a lot of pressure put on on germany to make this decision in a lot of diplomatic talks. involved and finally, the german chancellor, the german government came to this decision and germany, how it wasn't
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a difficult position. it had to way up on the one hand, the safe interest in guaranteeing that a convicted murder. someone was convicted to life in prison would stay in prison and, you know, pay his hand up the price of, of the murder he committed. but on the other hand, it also had to look at the people who were unjustly, in jail, in russia and bella roost, including 5 german citizens. and in the end and the german government decided that the freedom and the safety of these people was, was more important and took the lead. that one is also important to note is that without germany's role and without germany going along with this plan, this prisoner swap would not have happened. so at a certain point the pressure must have gotten so much and the chancellor and the government came to the decision that it was time to go ahead. so several of the exchange business, but german citizens, what do we know about them? as for the one name that has circulated recently in the press,
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and that has been talked about, is that of a legal clever. she's a german, a 29 year old who had been arrested in bella ruse, a country that is a close ally to put things russia. and he had been sentenced to death in a battle. ruth, of for different accusations including terrorism, even though the claims were never really proven, and he was quite suddenly pardoned for this a death sentence on tuesday. and there were hints that maybe negotiations were going on in the background for as possible release, or as it turns out for a prisoner exchange. there also 3 german russian citizens. one of them is a 19 year old student who has had been arrested when he was still a high school students. and he is also with the other 2 have been accused of high treason and also sentence to a prison terms. and the 5th person is
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a german citizen who was arrested on arrival in russia because he was found in possession of 6 gummy bears containing cannabis. and he was being a choose of drug smuggling. germany is also home to many who have sought refuge from the russian government. how did these people i'm thinking about someone like, by the classic, off running for your game as well. it is clearly difficult to rejoice in the liberation of someone who was sentenced to life in prison for murder, especially when a judges in germany is said that the murder had been ordered directly from uh by russian president vladimir putin. but this is obviously not the entire russian community in berlin, but looking at part of the russian community, the one that i know many people's 1st reaction was actually of relief also of joy. it was one of the rare pieces of good news coming out of russia recently,
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especially seeing a high number of important political prisoners, political opponents, somebody, me a poor thing being released. this is something that has brought relief despite to the high price that has to be paid was the release of, of didn't cost because they the particular correspond to judas delhi. thanks so much and you're not joined by how jack option laugh from the non profit counter. extreme is in the project tons, welcome. what this entire prisoner swap have gone through if vadim cossick of want involved? no, i don't think that rock shop was interested in any of the other individuals that were released. the key was this murder, a full rated 2 reasons to make sure that he gets rewarded for being willing to be an assassin, but also to make sure that there will be future assassins willing to do that. and no sooner were those rational position politicians on an airplane, into freedom,
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a russian politician event on social media and set these old traitors. and they'd better change the names with because we are coming after them. so yeah, the cycle will continue and for that to be able to continue, you need to get your motorist out of prison rush as a fraud steward s thing west to nose and then releasing them in exchange for its own citizens. i mean, this has been categorized as hostage diplomacy. is that a fed categorization? what i mean is host is negotiations. i think the word diplomacy is, you know, giving it a veneer, hopefully to mislead that. it really doesn't have what happened to you. it was very different from the cold war, where, based on spies caught by the soviet union were exchange for the soviet spies caught by rested by the rest and countries. here we do have spies and murderous on the one side and opposition politicians and rest and citizens who being caught up and charged for lucas toddress or sentence to loot because sentences for small
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infections. so there is no equivalence here in the exchange except a moral duty for us then government to protect us citizens from governments that are now pretty much run like a criminal organization. is this going to be the no, no, in the coming years, difficult to predict what's gonna happen in the future about. obviously russia is not going to stop sending people into uh, the rest uh, to germany, to draw the nato countries behind a hybrid more fair. and as i said already, those opposition politicians have been 2nd by official russian officials. so this will continue on the sides. truth is if russian spies and russian assassins i caught in the rest, we will have to expect again for her best and citizens to be arrested and arbitrary, leach option russia. we were talking about the by the map classic off on the released from germany. so is it fair to say germany played a key role here? absolutely, this was the most high profile case and the most heinous gaze. this man is the
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matter. and a german court found to be a murderer and a mode route on behalf of the russian government. so this is, of course, the most difficult case to release and murder are only after just about 5 years in prison. in exchange for, for some fitness we really did not have committed any serious crimes and rush at all. i'd like to talk about the role of tacky here as well. because all of these exchanges happened under the all species of the talk. this intelligence service is ducky, now effectively the bridge between russia and the west. well, we have seen not for the 1st time that turkey play some kind of a mediator role. a lot of the prison exchanges of soldiers between the ukraine and, and the russian armies have been negotiated and actually in inactive in turkey. turkey has the advantage of being a natal member, but not in a human, but so it is actually perfectly positioned on defense between both wells. i'm to be able to be
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a managing facilitator in this kind of very tricky situation. when i leave at the, for the moment construction live in the context stream is in project. thanks so much for coming into studio. thank you so much for having a quick look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world. at least 3 foot testers have been killed in northern nigeria after police open fire protest . those have taken to the streets throughout the country, leaving the government for the cost of living crisis that has seen food and fuel prices. kyra japan has formerly also denmark for the extradition of anti waiting campaign up on watson, the founder of the sea shepherd active. his group was the last of last month on an international water and when his trip doctor greenland, tokyo, once watson on charges of breaking into a japanese vessel in the and talked take ocean in 2010 or loving, at least by heavy rains as given to these 3 people in the heart of an eastern, focused on homes and roads were in on dated, bringing daily lives to
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a standstill. last spots of buck hassan have seen extreme rainfall in recent months . a thought of the save, the number of rain related deaths topped 200 in july alone. rescue operations are underway in india, off the mountain down pause caused flash floods in one of the countries a malia and states that are kind of these 13 people have been killed. sofa officials say helicopters have rescued. hundreds of people stranded yet. i've been down in the shrine in the region to define has just tightens. hottest, rely on record. temperatures are more than 2 degrees celsius, higher than average, that made of the hottest july as ins. records began a 126 years ago. the new record comes as extreme heat waves, fuels by time of change in gulf. many parts of the blow for people had been killed and 5 wounded. in these randy, as striking the south of lebanon,
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the minutes in group has ballasa is a fire. the number of besides into northern is ryan in reprisal, as belied his van had been exchanging yet daily fi in the area. since that does have all began last october. and the reminder of the top story we are following for you president joe biden and vice president come to hire as have both come. the group of americans freed from russian prisons in exchange. jean john, ms. evans, a guest of age and others were freed. in exchange for russians held in jails in the west, in the biggest deal, if it's kind since the cold war ended your up to date coming up next is due news advocate, but that's after the break. but remember from one use you'll find updates on our website that's dw dot com and on us social media channels i'll handle is at the top 2 news. i'm video strategy and billy and thanks so much for joining us now. but
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then remember, we're back again in about 45 minutes from now with more news and updates. we'll see you then. good by the on the long voyage through the ocean. another how well with the cost for a long time they had to be humans on the journey. now the trenches the company protective of wales and tassels, the results of the ocean conservation start september stalls. i'm dw, the.


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