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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 2, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news wise from berlin, the biggest prisoner swap between russia and the west. since the cold war is now we're done deal. you know, that's one of the same real go over ireland in canada, into america. americans poll whelan and having groups, cubic char on us soil again after hundreds of days in a russian prison, there among $24.00 prisoners swap between russia, the west, germany, and other nations, also coming up to the body of a mazda as political leader as well. honey has arrived into tar to be buried. ron is blamed israel for his assassination and his valid revenge and bangladesh,
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his government bands and opposition party blaming it for inciting deadly violence and recent student demonstrations. but the students say is the ruling party that shouldn't be held accountable for the death of more than $200.00 protesters. the library golf is good to have you with this, it is now a done deal. the united states and russia have completed their largest prisoner exchange since the fall of the soviet union. it was a massive swap involving 24 detainees, 7 countries, and months of behind the scenes negotiations, the us citizens released and the deal were flown to texas early in the morning for medical evaluation journalists, evan goose college and former marine poll whelan were 2 of the highest profile prisoners were released alongside several of russian opposition,
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figures and activists. earlier, the group was greeted at an airport in maryland by us president joe biden, who talented the importance of diplomacy are usually freed and back on us soil. a joyful reunion to these american prisoners and their families, accompanied by president joe biden, and presidential candidate pamela harris. several reporters from the wall street journal were waiting to greet their colleagues, evident gasket, which, after $491.00 days of waiting. gosh, good! which is the most high profile prisoner involved in this one. he was jailed in 2023 and convicted of espionage charges. that he and the u. s. government vehemently denied. he was one of 24 released 16 by the west and 8 by russia. they
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include former us marine po, whelan and us russian radio journalist, as the karma shape from the the exchange was complex and involved some difficult choices. president biden acknowledged concessions made by countries like germany and slovenia. wines is big, different matter a lot. so russian site is also counting a win convicted hackers and several russian nationals detained in the west for spying. were welcomed home into the open arms of president vladimir putin. among them, a russian couple convicted of spying and sylvania,
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along with their 2 children relations between russia and the west have been at an all time low since moscow's full scale invasion of ukraine. but this prisoner as well shows that at least some channels of communications remain open. while i'm joined now by a prominent voice and human rights lawyer, yvonne have lots just a public defender selection of all these anti corruption foundation. before he himself fled russia and for his own safety. we are not disclosing his location is to have all of his good. they have you with this. um, there is this perception here in the west. this was an exchange of 2 very different kinds of people. russia handed over people that it had wrongfully detained. the united states and other countries handed over to russia. people who were clearly criminals. is that how you see it?
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yes it's uh, it's a through and of course so you know, my fortune shows he's, he is video when face when he just the wide adoption seat, the events on a 2 kinds of blue beach. yeah. one group, is he desirable? and it and as a group like human that i activities the like i see the electives like m pay more activities like undesirable. was it easy and they, they bring home. are you available? uh huh. yeah. uh, i took away, i have some people who on design a let me ask you about the release of volume crossteck off to you may know yourself in murdered and exiled this it and right here in berlin. the fact that he has been released the fact that he is a basically
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a free man. now in russia, does that make you worry more for your own safety? the thought that a, a murderer can be sent back to russia who could possibly murder again, that we, we actually, you know, if maybe you think about this very purposely. if you'll be finalize our work, of course, you know, you're going to be as out. could i speak of the you know, we have enough at least to continue our work a mix. i know what we on the stands that i put into the resources to to, to make manual because for us, what you want to phoenix size. so, but the email thinks too much about this. it will be finalize our work, be 9, know, focus on it. what do you think the message approaches message is with this
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exchange is part of the message to suppress those who speak out against him inside and outside of russia. i think this as a mess, i'd share um, yeah for, you know, informational community. and i understand that for the now now what look like, uh, the school person who is in good shape zable. uh, who able to uh, able to make them go see a send these fold, i'm guessing ation. and he wants to, to demonstrate, like a good example that he can, i think he's person that international community can speak. we. so it's assigned for an international community. and of course for, for, you know, community point. so i don't know what, what do you solve? because he bring productions call,
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but nobody speaks him inside that shows that he's software. yeah. mazda, nonsense. you know, he drops off work. he, he just push them out. but the optic, my, mr. bit about the optics of this. so how it, how it looks, we know that by the way of putting is very aware of his image and of the optics surrounding him. of this works makes him look like he's a winner, doesn't it? and he's operated from a position of strength. he's been able to force, basically the west to negotiate with him to get his people back. i mean, this has been a, a win win for him, hasn't i think so. i think so he, he will fly kind of, we are you in. but in basic shape job and of course we grab that uh our cortex who was the pain many years. so already in a reason, i know he's that they are free. but unfortunately, the restaurant you have a lot of political prisoners inside and you know,
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they and if you try to use girl for their lights. yeah. and um, unfortunately, unfortunately this doesn't have so many supplies to, to make exchange them on a, on a or option probably to go prisoner. but before i let you give us a bet, but let me just ask you, let me ask you about the timing of this. why do you think vladimir putin agreed to this prisoner swap? now, it's because, you know, it's, you know, it's not only about what do you mean, but you know, for them have a future stem of the special forces. and uh, you know, times to go and, you know, like, you know, you know, he's, instead of, you know, carl, some uh, he thought that he wants uh class to go, but he wants that could isaac or was it going to rush? and he, he is an id to make an investigation. and all of the, you know,
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all of that, the stem beach stands behind. zip with them. uh, like a special forces, like i diplomatic corp was started the water committee purposely is that door to door to could isaac a back door rush. yeah. they, they started so far. yeah. we visa, you know, bordering uh, cortex. now that's what i now now could i have to go back and that the system now do you months today? is that for just that my you know that it works very well. okay. excel gross and human rights attorney, yvonne pavlov missed a couple of, we appreciate you taking the time. we know this is not necessarily easy for you to talk with this. thank you for western nations released inc. prisoners among them, a russian agent convicted of murder here in berlin as we were mentioning for the
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kremlin, the release of f s b hit man. vadim crossteck off was a deal breaker for german chancellor, olaf schultz. it was a difficult but necessary decision of the box up to some of the prisoner exchanges . a delicate, both have of the circumstances. but this one had particular relevance for gemini young. and jim and chancellor laughed. schultz played a pivotal role in executing the swamp. that's because the key figure, returning back to russia was this man vadim classic gulf. he was sentenced to life in prison for the 2019 mode. and berlin of a georgian who had fought along side chechen militants. it was a politically complicated decision for germany, not least because of the brazen this of the murder. it took place in broad daylight and input in puck, just minutes away from the parliament and sean slurry. you know,
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try to talk about nothing, makes this decision to default and the address sentence to life imprisonment. after running a few years in prison, an easy one. the state's interest in enforcing the prison sentence to be weighed up against the freedom and danger to life and limb of innocent people imprisoned in russia and those on just to be imprisoned for political reasons. us president joe biden acknowledge germany's vital role in the deal are particularly on great sense of gratitude to the chest. the missouri making a may required me to get some significant concessions. germany or state originally concluded they could not do because the person question a collaborative effort then the required co ordination, cooperation, and some sacrifice among allied partners. but
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a successful outcome. so those brought time and very united at last with that families dw political correspondent, julia. so daily, she's following the story for us here in berlin. julia, there was a lot of opposition here in germany to releasing vadim crossteck of what changed. i don't think there is one in single thing that changed the brought to the german government to read to go ahead with the deal. i think it was a longer process of convincing the german government that it was a necessary to release funding. cassie calls to go ahead with a deal. obviously, the german government and chancellor olive shots were in a big dilemma on the one hand, the need to assert the state's interest to keep this person in jail. he was convicted to a life sentence for the murder of another person while he was acting. the judges here believe on the orders of, of letting me a, put in and on the other hand, to secure and guarantee the safety,
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the life and the freedom of the people who were prisoners and russia, and bella roost, and that included in german citizens. so obviously a direct interest from the german government to, to release them. julia, germany is home to many who had sought refuge from the russian government. how did these people feel about someone like about the impressive golf running free again? well, clearly they, i imagine they do not see that as a positive piece of news. the fact that someone who was working for the intelligence services in russia who put him in selves had likely directive to kill someone in germany, a political opponent in germany. i don't imagine people are rejoicing about that, but on the other hand, especially looking at a part of the russian community, those are the dissidence, those who don't agree with food in russia. it is also one of the 1st pieces of good news that come out of russia in a long time. they are relieved, but now a lot of russian opposition figures have been released. and obviously they know the
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price that has been paid for this. but still, there is a feeling of relief or political corresponding julia still dealing with the latest here in berlin. julia, thank all right, let's take a quick look down some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. hundreds of people have gathered at a mosque in doha tar for a funeral service, for the sleigh. and homos leader is male honey and his body guard. multiple officials and religious leaders are attending the funeral. i. d, i had lived in the controller for many years and will be buried there. he was assassinated in what he wanted was a missile, strikes the inside the wrong lease on wednesday, the speculation is now right and out to could succeed him as leader of a mazda is political, really? uh huh. whoever replaces the smile. honey, a, as a mazda is new political leader has to decide on how the militant group will continue with the find with israel,
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and also represent him us on the world stage. the man accused of orchestrating the october 7th terror attacks on israel. yes, yes, and warm is considered a more radical than honey. a bets in war is believed to be hiding in the groups tunnel network beneath the guns a strip and he's expected to remain the chief of homos in gaza. experts believe i'm more likely contender to replace hernia to be. this man colored michelle, a veteran her mazda official. he was previously the leader of hamas, his political office directing the group from exile in 1996. he survived, and his really assassination attempt in jordan. michelle is considered more moderate and he has good ties with cots are in turkey. but his relations with syria, iran and has the last hour over his support for the 2011 eric spring protest. another possible choice to replace honey a is holly ohio,
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a senior hamas leader who also lives in exile. he was the target of, in his early assassination attempt in 2007. l hi is viewed as a powerful figure within her moss who was close to honey a. after honey is death al hi, about to make israel pay a heavy price. well, how mazda has a record is moving quickly to replace assassinated leaders. the selection process this time will be more challenging. many members of the group's main consultative body. the short council are in gaza. so a full leadership meeting is unlikely. i would want to hear the studio now is daniel here, loc. he's a middle east expert and the other and chief of zenith magazine, daniel, it's good to see you again. we've talked many, many times about the law. so let me ask you, who do you think is the most likely successor to? i mean, i think the before mentioned helene here could be an interesting content that he has been involved in the negotiations. he enjoys rather good ties was cut off,
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but also with other i've states um the other person that was mentioned. the hot admission of course, is a veteran. he had been the head of from us for about 20 years. i believe there was an assassination attempt against them by the most sought in jordan and 1997. and the days of that time, the rest of the is really sought agents and they said we will release them in exchange for the anti venom. so these we always deliver that in my, to my knowledge, it's never become a 100 percent clear. that was a deal that these really government would not attempt another strike on following the shot again. but i don't think if these arrangements are, are any longer valid. it's called admission. it was also a cherry hamas at the time. and there was a huge fall out between homos and iran and syria, and the night of the spring and homos as involvement with the muslim brothers and with some of the revolutionary forces in the middle east. but these of course like to interesting, to be honest, i don't want to sound cynical, but i think it's the most coveted job at the moment. most coveted job is not this, not the most coveted job. yes. what is it?
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what does this mean for the future of home us in gauze? i mean, how do you think i'm us is going to react, moving forward at the moment that i think, uh, i know this tend to overlook that. how mazda and gaza is one thing. but there is hum us ideal energy and there's also support and the aspirations of palestinians and, and in the west bank. and that is a poet. okay. mm hm. people in the west bank are not necessarily pro homeless, but they and the last couple of months i've seen due to the failure of the palestinian authority and due to the constant, let's say oppression and increase of violence. so that homos is the only force that, um how just fighting for that cause of course that's so somehow that somehow is suicidal mindset, but in a way, as long as the war is going on, how most ideology is going to be there. now the question is we, we saw the funeral uh images with a funeral placement, honey and the, the categories to my knowledge, we're ready to expel him. us from the home in the framework of
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a deal. but the idea that would include releasing the hostages and exactly a ceasefire timeline, gaza, but that's not, i kind of just, you know, that they've never confirmed it to me, but that's what i, what i heard. and though the only problem is, of course is on the other side, they see that israel is eliminating assassinating every negotiate of them and also the other people that we have. i'll show you how to hire. for example, of course has been targeted then it's fairly difficult. and now i think the guitar is, may change their mind and say like, well, if we don't, we don't, we, we're ready. but you don't force us into any decision. for sure. israel did not attack him and though, huh, that is an important thing. and that was also part of a that's a, a deal that because ours had to my knowledge with israel and but the american israel had valve since october 7th. yeah. to kill him. so. so this, this wasn't a change in policy, so it wasn't a change. it was one of the main negotiators, right? he was the point man for the hostage because it wasn't changed in policy and for so
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not, i mean they, they made it abundantly clear that every time us political role, political being military or whatever is a legitimate target. and beyond that, i mean about 40000 people have died in the war garza sofa. so the question is, of course, and that's with many is really on a list, but also newspapers and demonstrators on the, on the street to asking, are you at all interested benjamin antonio in the release of the hostages? because if at one point you, you, you kill all the negotiators that can speak on behalf of from us and apparently like make the ceasefire impossible, bye bye, of course, like sabotaging the negotiations. how do you want us to release the hostages? and that is a, a big problem and these are, so do you think so? do you think the prospects of releasing the hostages prospects of the ceasefire of both of those prospects now that i mean not dead, but you hear what prison biden's that? i mean, you know, he's usually not very outspoken when he criticizes, these are government. he said, like the assassination of this man,
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i knew it was not helpful. i mean, and been, you know, measured by his own standards. that's quite a statement. of course, there is huge frustration. on the other hand, what happened in town on a is, of course could bring the, the, the region to the brink of a, of another war. but on the other hand, what we heard in the last 24 hours could also say like a point to was the escalation. because now there's news, and i think that's false news, but political, opportune use about a bomb being was being placed. and so yeah, right. and in terms of, what's that, what does that mean? that means that was a, that was a terrorist assassination and the use of the stomach were public, but there was no violation will be raining as face no attack on the iran from an outside country. so is that news? i don't think it can be substantiated, but it's a political i'll put you into what's the escalation because it allows some sort of a face saving moderate reaction on periods. daniels always, it's good to have you hear this. do to get to get your analysis. thank you. thanks for the invitation. i think with this has government has banned. the opposition is
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a month is allow me party as well as the parties student wing and other associated groups. the ruling party blames him for inciting violence during recent student protests. think of a dash has arrested more than 10000 people in 2 weeks as part of the crack down on descent after weeks of deadly protest rallies ended and the police cracked down in the depths of at least 200 people as the domain to seek justice it's the key to us and the students who are speaking up for those skills and what dc was one of the most brutal states track down in decent years. despite the beautiful just and violence that i'm afraid to ask for accountability. i don't know where to say, we don't use the internet
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restriction loosened videos that show police brutality have show to many the week for good. the student demonstrations against government job go does start that large lead peacefully. but right groups faith the 5th use. unless, if we force in an effort to grow to protest from 200 people, mostly students and young people who think in tens of thousands of people who are suspected of attending the products or the express bit. i'm good at the government are being rounded up. the u. n. has us for the drug screening investigation of these pictures issue the secretary jones is concerned about reported mass arrest of thousands of young people. e is also alarmed by emerging reports about the
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excessive use of force by security forces, and credible evidence of human rights violation on whether she government leaves the opposition parties of inciting violence in the recent news. because the bond one party, the democracy swami and its associated groups calling them vote, militant detritus, organizations began cents invasion of a 3rd party who got into it and started attacking the government establishment as many of the government on the public properties this started attacking. and also killing but to also look on solution to many who towards the government responsible for the violence on its own people. for them, the ongoing defiance is not dying down. been to get justice on this big of this story now with naomi who's saying she's a professor of development studies at the university of london professor,
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it's good to have you with this the bangladesh and people are seeking justice. will they get justice? well, thank you. so much for the story this the lines, yes about justice coming and the government doesn't seem to want to back down or to apologize. well to hold anyone accountable for what's happened. i think they seem to be dumpling down in fact, on their argument that this is the opposition that's inside of this. so even undertaking the balance. so no, i don't think right now there's any sign of justice. can you give us a, a bigger picture of why you think these protests have turned so violent? so i think you said it in your intro, in fact, and i think we know this from personal around the world. this is something i study or around the world, not just in bangladesh. we know that on the whole peaceful protests tend to get fine. and when the stink forces come in and, and get him handed to a gas engine, this case really full. i look for other shoot to kill odors. this is really what
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figured divided i'm. but before, before the state forces started using uh, you know, ohms on people, the, the, the really countries militia, the some of their structurally. and it started beating up stoops and in and around the campuses. and before police came in, so there's a whole, there's a whole left multiple layers of fine, it's against the student protest is. and that's really what triggered the mind. it's as far as we can see, i should say your information is a bit limited. yeah, i'm not let me. in fact, lot of you to do with the government closing down the internet. preventing independent journalism or human rights defenders on the ground. the government is blaming 3rd parties for inciting this violence. um its going ahead with banning one of the political parties, in your opinion, does the government, does it have credible evidence that the opposition parties were behind any of this finds? i mean, again, we know some purchase order around the world when they get really fine when they escalate. often it is opposition. parties getting involved,
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but actually we have not seen any evidence yet. that's case in bangladesh. the, the minister, the minister for information put out a list of a sessions earlier today that he claims shows that the b n p image on what the saw me, the opposition parties were involved. but actually there has been no evidence. we've not really seen anything until they arrested of, of the people who've been arrested. so fall something like 13 percent of the arrestees have some kind of fully ation with a party a that is not the alarming, but that's pretty small number of it. it doesn't say anything about any kind of concerted effort or any kind of organized program by the opposition parties to get involved with these projects. i'm. there was good reasons why i could just tell you what those all one is that they're quite weak. the opposition parties mostly are in jail, and the leader is a big part of the z. a is a very sick, she's under house arrest. they, they're pretty much a broken party anyway. and then all the reason is, you know,
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the alarm leak was doing so well, of destroying their own judgments in their own room. why would they get involved? let me ask you this, they've been all of these arrest. and yet the government has released the leaders of the protest movement yesterday. i mean, a briefly, if you can, or are there signs that the government wants to de escalate intentions here? i mean, i think there's no doubt that they would like things to come down and go away, but they don't also want to take responsibility for what has happened. i think they do want to deescalate the tone of their then their communications has been based pretty much sucked to in the last couple of days. and it was on the wrong week ago . so. but, but as i say they're not willing to relinquish power, they're not willing to hold anyone accountable, they're not willing to really apologize and or for any of the ministers or other officials who are in charge of this. so it's, so we kept this a profession. i always say with the university of london professor, we appreciate your time and your analysis today. thank you. thank you.
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you're watching the w news coming up next. dr. young paul is a young can be an after year sent him back home with a 1000 euro loan. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more needs at this event the the .


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