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tv   Afrimaxx  Deutsche Welle  August 2, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm CEST

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go ahead and send it out, but i, i'm sitting here and can talk to you also because of the if we chose the getting this for us government every yesterday on the plane to uncover the for the 1st one, my phone call over, i received the 1st cool of to 2 and a half years in prison way was a phone call from president biden to go there, you know, so after, if i don't get a show for this, got a long time in prison, in the solitude confinement it was so difficult for me to talk to him, you'll have nothing to say slang or something even you've done to free us. so thanks for the ship furniture making sending us free. and he said to me, you have a lot of extra human life at the most precious thing. the highest value will be hosted on mine and i think that to them and germany's government and also the government knows that they are going to need somebody to shift control and continued to support as they all have worked together for us,
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hoping to be freed. and in spite of all the international rules, because we weren't allowed to enter this thing in zone to an end to germany, and i'm sure they're going to stay and to find a solution from which may be a non splendid one. but they are going to help us as like, as the people, the to as all have a legal status that they have. no, it's because of their own fault. that's just that all you have to do. just that if he just goes that all you know, basically physical hills you've got who's, how do you see at the moment, both physically and mentally and morally right off to coming to germany. we with is cars taken to hospital and they say it might be a good idea of the 2 or 3 years as pricing would be good to have
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a medical examination. in order to uh to, to meet you and see what your physical status is. your health status is. customers must jordan, you know, something up there. this morning, delegation of the doctors came to see us. they woke us up at 8 in the morning and they said, all right, we have seen your analysis, your x mandation, we have your blood test done. and we've seen you of the victim indeed deficits and yet, and as of which you don't even know why, why do we all have a bit to meet with them in the deficits? of course that's quite give it to mean days. so when you only get when you have a lot of sun exposure and of course we've all under a roof, we sites in the south and we behind a very strict prison received most of the flow of the machine you every one of us has been on the machine you will just send you in
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a so bundled to the so you'll no longer excludes the was in the normal price and regime andre was in a very hot price me received and only through the bars of a windows, we could see the sun, but other than that, physically speaking, we are all right, our physical states, we knew we were fund increasingly depends a lot on your basic psychological condition. you, if you don't fall apart, if you don't lose your discipline, you can keep on. you can, you might even watch must have missed a couple continue. we all understood. we have an important mission or send email if any mission that we or not that i have saved which is imposed. and that was hello sweet, that you have the mission to help our country. and that gives you a lot of strength. you understand your on the side of the freedom and you're like yeah, but you're on the side of the tools. the others on the side does evil and life,
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knowing you're on the right side gives you springs and getting the support getting delayed us from all these people from russia, from people all over the world, 8 heritage. and i would like to thank you. i have received the 10s of thousands of letters. it's difficult to believe really, i believe with you. i received all these letters from all of a rush from all over the village. this was my support, my pillow that gave me energy and health that helped me emotionally and it helped me to survive through every day. does not get an answer from. i understood, i am not alone. there's so many people in the same like me. so i'm absolutely ok. you go ahead. i wish there are some what yeah, it was really said, support is important. and you know, it is especially important when you understand your right for you. if you know you are right, you've tens that he was coach bips who would have something to even somebody is the
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most difficult conditions. it's less to put off with. if you understand just at the end of the day, we are going to be freed. this helps you to be strong to continue to continue as letting activities as well. you can train, you understand, you'll receive letters and of course, the present administration tries to put pressure on you. and that also helps you to offer resistance. and so that is why we got the diagnosis today. only a deficit of with them indeed, nothing else on the other store. let me also add stuff side city school state has that already got regarding a cousin you that's detailed status and it doesn't anybody wish to dollar amount, but i cannot complain about my health problems because that's but it is important to say anyway, it's like a national carly export commission. i see so many companies i lose citizens, friends and colleagues are still in put in prison,
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some calling using just because of the conviction they believes. and let me say that she has to helps with getting and he's on a part of the full. i mean, when there is a parliamentary meeting over in the press conference and they, when they talk about to check against christmas, we've got the most the guy that missile verify from i'm, will she be a he would like to to come by that? yes, my, excuse me, i think we have the most personal release before i came. so this is to prison which has to do and most people when they hear about to check against the prisoners. think about physical as like, i have to go to check the, the they would break your bones to expose you to electrostatic. so what's the ever they don't hardly ever think about the, the other side, the logic of which it can be worse than physical model. number of torture, as it is clearly shown in an international 32. so we have to find them on the minimum standards of the united nations regarding the treatment of the person would
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say, probably if they've lived with t. and they are each imagine notion as a computing provision, saying that long term solitary confinement which is officially a close to almost a trick or case that go towards national society. because your pro east of your social context. you know, you need some social contexts like you need to go to and food entering the backups . comfortable. so long term solitary confinement. what is cogent, definitely style what people have a home. like when i read the united nations as the provisions you about toward shift, i locked in the big feelings and they say, oh quote, sure, ease of july seems to be apples. only treat confinement for more than 15 days. or if i have been in solitary confinement for over 10 months supply, although not like those international rules but old, violated by russian nevada. and he has been seen sitting in
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a solid tree. conte confinement in a very small sale without any communications, without opportunity to get some fresh air monitors for this. this is a moral and psychological torture. and there are many other ways that means to towards people psychologically. and i think it's only been one of the most beloved traditionals. soviet traditions thought is still alive and it's still used against political process. and always present is not only the 3 of us, but also many others were still there. and that is why i'm talking about the hundreds of prisoners in russia, and that's still in prison. our government ever since the server time does good as not. so when you can show up on your end, the only issue. so for the games through their opponents, they have also full somebody to quote, a war against the families at tradition ever since college times, you know, can be sort of as well as you remember the usual to the what page will be it is
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going to come on this you mean cool, that'll also how does the quotes for the family. so if you could ask the prospect you started with motions to enemies or to people's and so they were, they were harassed. this is still happening until the present day level of excuse me, i spend a present to the years and 4 months on the face and only only one. cool, but what would i make with my wife and do with my lawyer for 2 over 2 years, and this is this funded situation for all of us as well. yes, the day i talked to andre, after you hadn't seen it for 2 years. and, and he said it was, he was allowed to talk to you saw him on the phone only 3 times. but this is not only done to us. it is also going to, um, come lease, uh my credit is sits over there in that prison. do i give them a, could it be to me in this a specialty curriculum? prison said that they don't allow you to go to church. i was always and also
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different question, who should if i have never been given permission to go to church, they said you cannot lease a church when you're in prison. that's in your or what pressed upside is not. so it's the size of what's on the score. okay. so evidently shouldn't have chance, which is good. usually with that put in searching for you. what you do is chanel gets the media associates and you don't want you to give it to us because it would always say that we have a traditional values. we want to do. she defended it to say the families we want to save time and live in good shape. this is what they say, oh, personally. but they don't offer that load their political opponents to what kind of context with families and go to church. and this is what the condition for hundreds of people in a hundreds of the sweetness, personally as in other countries. yeah. yeah. i like to support with entering a new installation for my guy. looks like he's in this situation in this torture is
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so slow with washington. my guy condition it help 20th a great deal to know that you're on the right side. and some people may are sound because of all the site takes about 20 years ago or so. i made the documentary a film about the dissidents in the soviet union. they chose freedom, and that's the title of the planet. this film i us because gave what helped him to savannah, even with these torches in the thomson prison. and he has said only one sentence here. i know i was trying to go see what for isaac. i see. i thought, well, if nice words i will shoot, you put it in the film. you somebody i've been to day. yeah, i have gone through the same experience and i know it's not just beautiful, but it is really true, correct. but you know, so the west side of a lot in a count on those. i know i was right that he alongside andre up involved ro, an area. yeah,
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she knows this would be 3 russian dissidents who were released from russian presents yesterday. given me a press conference today in bone here in germany over the course of the last hour or so, the 3 man, uh, the thing russian, ben made a point of remembering out those who was still being held inside a russian prisons. and 2 of them gave really intriguing insights into life, not only inside the prison, but the process by which they were free to welcome saying they actually did not want to be afraid of watching about press conference along with me is that gives a gosh, i ship it all ski dw report to pick up on, on that point, cuz i just this idea of it that the last 2 speakers of letting me kind of move to i'm a gosh and talked about how fake the, the gods kept coming to the saying in order to be released just sign this document saying we did everything. i said, no, i don't want to go here. this was really an extraordinary testimony from the
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auction. who 1st mentioned this and of his testimony on how he was being asked by prison guards to ask me to put you for clemency and to ask the b. and let's out of prison of russia and out of russia. and she, she said very clearly and very visibly angered that he really was against the idea of the think russia she was against any exchange. and, and she really said that she referred to the rest of the constitution, which actually binds russian auditory. it is to expel anyone from the country against their own will. so it is, you know, y'all, sions so that he and wrote a and wrote a declaration in which he said that he actually doesn't and wants to be exchanged. and then i never heard of that is the russian author, which has proceeded with with, with this, with this exchange, same for letting me cut them was i. she also said that she,
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if she didn't sign any request to of letting it put into the exchange. so this is really a very extraordinary and this one, this one um, detailed its, uh either you actually gave to us uh when uh, she told me that she talked to his uh to the russian security official who was a company of him on the way to uncover, uh that's the 1st thing she wants to do is to buy a ticket to go back to russia and then the f as the security official for the company who said, well sure you can come back, you can go back, but you can go back just like alex seen a vanya due to me, and that's the, there will, the only thing that the way through in russia spread the deaf. so this really shows also in the high spirits in which these and men are and how determined they're the they are in the fight against putting still. okay,
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thank you for that because i gosh, i just gosh, i'm an allstate dw revolt, a more it's cost all about press conference given by those, the 3 russian dissidents who are now a free and at liberty. here in germany, we'll have more on that at the top of the. this is the to the
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welcome to put tire time. that's kind of sofas. thanks tourism. what do you get here? you can't get anywhere else in the world. in germany, if you go to a prostitute twice or 3 times as much and the other half the service in 2023, a documentary, uncovered corruption on child abuse. the youngest one, for example, let me show you this was now the film team investigates the the was executive have changed the red light job shadow 6 tourism the
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practice. sounds trying drive is a duel that painted laurice. this is my bed where i can rest on route for the drawing says it's a matter of pride to make the might not wash their faces, but they'll spend cash in their trucks. they become a means of cultural expression for pakistani this reflects the nation's mood. the vibrant colors of pakistani truck cost a spreading around the world. a tech is stony rhodes. a loud and busy and traffic jams are a common slice spent now and then you'll spot an eye catching view. it's on wheels full truck cops. we drivers, it made this truck with lots of love. you could say that it's our home and i assume
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the amount i get a what design should be put on the back of a truck, a sword or an animal and run it. lead to show us how they transform a simple laurie into a beautiful piece of ox on wheels. they've got for everybody up here. first, we create a vehicles frame. then a fitting starts. when it arrives in this workshop, we paint the hood and then hand it over to the artists for decoration. we do all the work here. what are the truck cost is an
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established parts of pakistan's transport traditions. you can see colorful symbols, funeral designs, scenery and animals on pack a stony trucks, some even feet just funny poems. the different vehicles have distinctive designs, for example, and painting a lion. now there are various element. it's depending on what the truck owners want to tell us in advance. along with company logos, drivers and their bosses submit their design requests. each truck is highly personal, expressing the individual likes and tastes of those who spend thousands of hours
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behind the wheel. rashid, his vehicle is much more than a mode of transportation. you go to email, mrs. my truck one symbol is supposed to be loaded in below just and, and drive it to karachi like which can take $3.00 to $4.00 days like the if we get tired. this is my bed where i can rest on roots. for me. we decorate our truck with hearts and passion. i'm going to go to egypt, so you get this one, my vehicle looks good. i feel good now moving, go so you know you, if it's not nice, then i do not like it. even move on. our journey usually takes 3 days a week because we drive with a heavy load. the load with the lake. yeah, they are up to when your tires things. yeah. did it. absolutely. yep. and when were tired, we take a break and sleep like immediately we have a bed and everything else got to see a move if nothing,
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legally its like our house. yeah. that was the only reason that we only spend a little bit of time at home compared to what we spend in the vehicle. so in uh, a minute system, so it's being 9 kids already have got a piece of i love my truck, a lot of things. it's our entire world. to set up the news, our home jo, somebody's team, is going to get the moving guys. use of cost is $1.00 of the countries busiest truck jobs on the outskirts of colorado. cheap. hundreds of heavy vehicles come here from across the shrink, from dancing and paintings to the fine arts of colorful decoration. every thing is possible here. transport truck service central to help run the country's businesses . in emeralds workshop, dozens of trucks of painted each mountains. this has become
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a regular source of income for gara, jonas mechanics and autism. we receive over 20 trucks per month. this is one week's work. now we have 5 trucks at the workshop. this one will be done in 10 days and then we'll send it for wiring. so every team works one after another review. now that's how we work. we're in good money. painting costs 200000 rupees. that's 670 heroes. stickers cost 800000 rubies and then we have extra lighting and decoration costs. next to the bill can exceed 300000 rupees around a 1000 euros. 1 truck cost is a mass shop, is visual motif from pack his spelling, the coach of language,
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politics and history. this deeply rooted tradition was initially a way for truck drivers to attract attention. but now it has become a means of cultural expression. the, the floral designs a now not certainly painted on trucks and buses, but don't cause pain sketches. mural a sand stock of old truck costs as even become a total of sports and cultural diplomacy. to understand the progress of this form, we met ali salman ancient cultural entrepreneur and founder of the cold party truck cock project. this art is not only limited to pakistan,
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but we also brought it to the world. we have decorated trucks and buses in several countries, including the us, germany and china, english to promote this art internationally to create more job opportunities. unesco featured us as a creative audit, removed from pakistan because of our contribution to the creative economy. several souvenirs are small tracts and rick shows are being designed for gifts. the whole community is benefiting from this art. our project is entrepreneurial, which is created awareness and jobs because the truck card is recognized locally and internationally. the local artists are the primary beneficiaries. after a long ways rashid is now ready for another jenny and his beloved truck ready to hit the road again the
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a visit to no one in the flat like a scene has long been established in front of my colleague. robin is going to show us around today robin and i are good friends to special known as the drug autism colleague. com. so now we're interested in the back. we're in the middle of much task. and we do, this is a the basically gates and the burden was that you're supposed to be famous from like this seventies or eighties, you know, and berlin was still divided and this was really like the big scene was going on here. david bowie was living here at the time. so yeah, the oh, it's good send. i think we should talk about the not going to show you some stuff. that's it because the streets it has. we have book stores and sex clubs. the sex clubs, restaurant right next door, and both sex clubs and let's not forget the
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appropriate fits of shots. the civic really invalid is for exhibit, but it still need size spaces the
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when i was younger, kind of the best one of the most part of choice, it was stigmatized my generation, the cannabis as a part of our culture. no, we're not. this is the letter alona co, strongly conflict, but sometimes for an expected reason. we the new young generations want to change our region lucky, older generations, equal rejected legalization. and then when generations class in 1st name, it is on the d. w. a cold war or humanitarian catastrophe.
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on the border between poland and beller roost. the number of a legal border crossings by refugees is increasing. and the situation is only getting worse to call us border security. these are organized efforts, but 8 agencies are horrified by the situation. the focus on human in 60 minutes on d w. the sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for but we've got something for you. phenomena. susie is concerned about his eyes on some hostetter. if you do receive a nazi from flesh fighting st. history, remembering nazi crimes is especially important in germany.
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rejection, if the topic is throwing class on, the nations shall fall, as mentioned, i will transcribe and we will post the tv's side thing to remember as a post closer this weekend on dw, growing up in a refugee there's a tennis, tennis and exhibit known. we try to expect much living with them many, many this is not a good environment, not for me and not for my children without civil rights with no prospect. but what can we do? carry on and some last a nice the nice you get there hoping for a miracle in baby's shuttle stops. olga stood on d w. the
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business dw news line from the in that one of the 3 released russian tissue then styles report says that he refused to beg vladimir posting for his release. i can say to him, to be a dictator. i use up and, and i'm not or, and i'm not going to sign any positions from us or to him, to, with the prize winning the rights of funding that kind of move on to his fellow regime. opponents say that we'll keep fighting for freedom in russia also on the program. a funeral of how masters political data is male. jaime takes place in kentucky around promises of revenge against israel for his.


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