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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 8, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news life from bell in bangladesh who is new in from lita, returns home mohammed eunice arrives that sound kind of important will be sworn in life today. the praises the students whose protest toppled the government saying they sites the country police and be in a say they've preventive and islamist attacked by canceling taylor swift concepts. they arrest 2 man, i'd say one has confessed to closing the attack and he's thrilled the public got the power. so lympics by waiting for gold medals. we made french swimming sensation loss on
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the i been visible and welcome bangladesh as new can take a lead. amount of unice has praise the students who over through the floor attorney and government arriving home at apple, he said they'd saved under this. and given the nation a secondary dependents, the bound to restore law and order the nobel peace prize winner spent the last few days in france for medical treatment. he and his cabinet a set to be sworn in. speaking to reporters upon his arrival at apple, in fact the dishes, you lead a eunice bound to restore lower in order. let's have a list our 1st order of business should be to restore law and order until that is taken care of. we will not be able to proceed to further improve the
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situation that you have shown faith in me. and the students here have trusted me to carry out that duty fight across the residents of bangladesh. to believe in me, if you do that, they're going to be north x at any locations in the country. as a student active, as prompted a policy for her reaction to the address of the most, just returned to the country a few hours when he packed all of us, all of the students are our page of the sacrifices that gave me this is obviously a good sign that he acknowledged the students sacrifices how this thing does the most, but then how the students started to think to see shows on their own and how the coordination supported them. and i believe this is village will find that you acknowledge your thoughts. and he said back, you will try to go about
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a 3000 to work me down as far as our cost and respect. we respect how we look to fix the scenario in the future. that is the violence of a a we've spoken to analysts who say this is a very bold a task situation or no, absolutely not. i will say the violence is over the situation here in bangladesh. use it seem to get to you guys search and uh uh, this is uh, this would be 4 days from the farmer brand new starter. she custody not really admission. we are leaving any punk p clean loaners may have situations. you're already in a box or no on that. that piece have started on his right then there is no police in the communities, obama dish and the i'm yes, deacon over. but as i have said before that we could not see the army to be done. not this will do so much more to protect the minority do project uh, the new things back to that have been happening. so i will say the situation is
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really pretty strongly danced very both of them. i know the people are gonna be the actual best deal living in, get it and see it up. and that's what a lot of liking to predict them. you know, there are so many people invalid. there's the students are waiting, small, larger groups of support groups, and that's people leaving in nearby either the cbs, they're creating smaller groups of the people that the minority do to protect themselves. but i just want to add that this is not the job. this mother, beauty of the students are either disability. yeah, this is where the army showed a wife on it and that's for law in on august the commission shouldn't be taken into control because in this situation, nobody is safe anymore. and like to go on to the minority community, he's locked in, he's got a good, not leave. he's probably in this country anymore. in the smallest semester ration about the type of see their officials in austria say they've prevented a major tragedy by canceling. 3 sold out taylor swift concepts in vienna,
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jew to attend a respect at a price conference, investigate is confirmed the arrest of $2.00 made on suspicion of terrorism. they described them as radicalized is the most of a planning launch scale attacks at the concerts. director of state intelligence said, one of the suspects made a full confession about his plans. the huts stop or things get done. that's what the angela arvizo said that he wants to commit the attack using explosives and not just simply saying we found those web already on productive. his aim was to either today or tomorrow and then kill himself on the launch. a number of individuals is that the super number one, right in the search of his house, we found various substances for bomb making, like a hydrogen peroxide to plastic explosives, as well as other materials like fuses and why is the gigs didn't their methodology . we also found expensive on us propaganda material. machine 21000 bureaus of counterfeits money on drugs, ships the knives handled tons,
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6 tons of line card scaled. and a 40 k which is substances market mesa which actually so it appears it was more than just a thread that led to the cancellation of the concepts. john cummins, a journalist in vienna told us what else do you know, thought he's revealed about the plant? well that's the literally that's right. i mean it's far more than just a trip as far as we understand. but as you've just signing this recent news conference that was held this morning, do far to to use it. the 19 year old suspects has been arrested has come space to planning this attack. and in fact, the police found chemicals in other formation materials as use harm yesterday, even though australia and police cited so he'd been planning is attacked at some time. um, certainly since july the quizzes joe, you said he was going to do something remarkable. so this is not something this just happened on the sparrow at the moment. um and we think that will serve this
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man had uh so one of the agents to the islamic state group though its uh, shows on certain discharge house and see that uh that's where we have a legions. was so yes, absolutely. i mean these, these are really concrete threats. it's not just some sort of vague attack that was in the yes, i don't know. so what sort of disaster has been ability well, a 170000 fans were expected to obtain the tireless waste concepts. the 3 of them i for the next 3 dies and of course the on that side, they will also tens of thousands of people who are going to be outside the top of the stadium. yeah. you can probably giving areas um, you know, tirelessly to your has got numerous fans like everywhere else in the world. and a lot of people want to be there around the concerts. and this is actually what they will tardies think. they think that the attack is probably wanted to just struck at those people outside the stadium, given that it's very difficult cause to get with hands or to get explosives or
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anything like that inside the stadium where the security is, you know, fairly strict and our fans reacting to this information yes, ends up being costs are very disappointed as i'm sure you can imagine. there's also been a lot of questions raised by various people. uh, for example, um some people oswell. how is it the most for you to comp put on a title suite consuming? for example, powers can most certainly be games at the same time. so the questions being asked about those for you and intelligence wide perhaps wasn't this discovery earlier? why did the concept needs to be cancelled? i mean, it's been also claims made certainly from us sources. those things haven't commented on the pets this, this plot wasn't really as well thought out as they've been made to believe that.
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so, you know, maybe you really have no chance of actually succeeding. so the certainly be a lot of questions right. is a lot of disappointment here in jenna from fans or cost. wanted to see the arrival in states like to say from joan cummins in vienna. thank you. a quick look now at some of the other stories making years. a mudslide has killed 12 people and injured several others in china is which one province triggered by heavy rains. the slight, destroyed thousands of homes as the workers of searching for survivors and clearing roads to us, quakes of strunk of japan, southern coast. the 6.9 and 7 point one, magnitude trim is it just of meet us? how good prefect? you said how many of those were issued and waves of up to a meter high were recorded. there were no reports of major damage. police in barcelona, i have ended a search for the cadillac indian independence leda contents which month without giving reason. he returns to spain after 7 years in exile and dress,
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cheering crowds before disappearing. at least had planned to embrace him. like a video reports say he's left the area, the new demonstrations that taking place in the kenyan capital robie against president william, brutal police find 2 guy said people gathering the riley weeks of antique government votes as being driven by ngo over the cost of leaving unofficial in the cost region of russia, it says, find thing is continuing in an area where you crating and force has made a significant incursion. this week and aiden ukraine's presidential office blamed moscow for any escalation, but without taking direct responsibility for the most serious attack on russian territory and months. officials in cost said earlier on thursday that around $3000.00 civilians had been eventually language lectures in strategic studies at portsmouth university and was a british military intelligence officer. i asked him to bring us up to speed on the
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situation in the cost region. it seems that the ukranian 22nd mechanized brigade has now pressed forward, taking my profit goes in the villages to what amount to rustic defensive lines. it's unlikely i think they're going to go much further. this fighting going on in the village or town about 5000 people of so just as we speak, and they seem to be a big help that they've taken 300 square kilometers over the last 48 to 72 hours quite significantly. clearly. cool. the russians on the jump, us, but that's essentially where we are now. it's what the gate side, the russians, perhaps even less. it's not a significant in terms of numbers. we're looking at $3.00 to $5000.00 people all together. and a few, of course, at the complex of itself, we're in the front line likely, which they're to paris and sports. one of the biggest stands of this is on the big so far is french. so now the, all my shot a became i need
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a full swim in history to with 4 individual golds of one games. in an interview with dw, he said it was his fence regardless, 5, a friend has a new style. olympics always receive a boost from a home hero and swim and they on the phone still only 22 is just that you joined an exclusive list of swim is doing full goals. one games. util. the w, the parents public were a big reason for his success. it's kind of shocking at 1st, just 15000 people just cheering for me. i have like goose parents and my entire body. and that was really using the energy through screen us plus possible. and every time was bringing breast where it was kind of crazy. laugh sean was become the face of the games and given host nation friends such a huge lift is a treatment so not quite sunk in yet. i don't think i realize yet. um. i feel like it turns powers for a bit for a week. it's been magic here. it's been
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a success to john picks has been amazing. everyone just what suppressing support and stuff. it's really rare for us special or i kids. um. so it's really amazing to see that special focus, emotional fellows, he's incredible faith of winning the 200 meters. both a flight and 2 to meet his press broke on the same night. even us great michael folks watching on and the joint coach, the bowman wisdom, east coast and my coast are here really want me to that because he was kinda as possible to do. i was never done before. there was a really big challenge for me and i was really excited to, to do it. but i didn't know it was possible. swim fans allow it to be hearing a lot more about little muscle. a subsidies record of 23 olympic godes might seem far away. the france and that was the drink expectations of a full week or 2. john candice from china has made the public debut at san diego.
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so the 1st to arrive in the united states in over 2 decades. the chinese government often gives panders to other countries as good will and pass it. it's known as the pendant diplomacy can take is a going to on the 5 year old male is laid back and 4 year old jan bouldin's female is inquisitive. could be a good match, arrived in june, but that's not really a visa visit, as we're able to see them for the 1st time this week. trying to expand. the diplomacy is often been like a size for repeatedly approving candice from a heart or mind of the top stories. this l. the head of bangladesh as new inform government as arrived home to be sworn in on a jew has praised this bangladesh, the students whose protests tumbled steel for attorney and government saying they saved the country as officials in australia say they've preventative, major tragedy by canceling 3 sol down the taylor swift concepts in vienna, due to
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a terrorist bank at a price conference investigate is confirmed the arrest of the $2.00 men on suspicion of care of the ex down business shows looks at the pros and cons of mass tourism. i bank this organization the come have a page of this out to the highlights you every week in your inbox. subscribe. now. how many platforms can you handle single? attain usually without having the feeling that is just too much? you might see me. how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking diesel, modern meds because if we do too much,
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