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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  August 8, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm CEST

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says wells reaches the people there on the move to change this. the paralegals of sierra leone posts up this weekend on a dw, and there has been little good news for ukraine coming from the front lines. russian forces have been winning more and more ground in the east. their attacks against ukrainian ground troops in the don't bass region have been relentless. but this week, according to moscow, ukraine went on the offensive inside russia, a cross border attacking the course, the region that apparently called the kremlin off guard, and one that you cranes most important ally the us may have know nothing about moscow and washington had to acknowledge the attack so far keep has not i bring golf and berlin. this is the day. the
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you should be, the more pressure is accepted on russia, on the rest of the 3 of the will for ukraine. the close at peace with the, with the enemy has taken several settlements. so to, to, i'm aware of the situation as a whole. you prime using titles to heat the enemy wherever it finds necessary on each territory, but also on the territory of the enemy to a different situation requires courage, concentrations to experiment live, just a piece of just false. also coming up, talk about stopping the music, a tear thread, his voice taylor swift to cancel all 3 concerts this week in vienna, austria leading swift ease to make the best of a not so good situation. i was really excited, but then when i got out there a lot of years, but i'm happy that with other people are feeling sane. and we're having a lot of fun with our viewers watching on tv. as in the
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united states into all of you around the world, welcome. we begin today with an unexpected ukrainian attack inside russia that everyone from aust scale to washington is talking about everyone except ukraine. just as at least 1000 ukrainian troops supported by tanks and armored vehicles across the border on tuesday, a state of emergency has been declared in the course of the region and authorities there say that they've evacuated 3000 civilians. so if the criminal appears to have been caught off guard by this attack, the white house may have been kept in the dark altogether. washington is refusing to comment saying that it is waiting to 1st receive better information from keith. as for ukraine, it has remained noticeably silent about the attacks all week. we have more now and this report, hoping defend of ukrainian troops. russia's defense ministry
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says this footage shows ukraine and almost vehicles being destroyed as heavy fighting along the border enters. it's the day a vonda 1000 ukrainian troops runs through the russian border 2 days ago into the courts region with tanks and armored vehicles. heavy fighting was reported near the town of sousa were rushing natural gas flows into ukraine, raising concerns over a potential stop to trying to close to europe. ukraine has released video footage, a latch, the showing russian guard surrendering at a border crossing point. and course in his evening address president for letting me use the landscape suggested rush, i should get a taste of its own medicine without referring directly to the incident where she is in this law, the new rush i brought the war to ireland and should feel what it has done, shall we want to achieve our goals as soon as possible in peace time to share under
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the conditions of adjust peanut so it will be one little it symbol of course has declared the state of emergency and thousands of people are, are being evacuated former russian president to meet we met the death has reacted to the incursion on telegram and called for further invasion of ukraine. this is no longer just an operation to reclaim our official territories and punish the nazis. it is possible and necessary to enter the territory of the still existing ukraine to go into odessa khaki. if need to make life to go into keys and further. that should be no restrictions in the sense of any recognized boat as of the ukrainian rice. moscow has been forced to call in reserves to stop your cranium soldiers from pushing deeper into its territory. but no more now when a cross over to our correspondents and the kindly and keep next to see you. ukraine
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has been noticeably silent on this. why do you think that it's so i think brent they were but by law somebody's experience of the counter offensive weather issues, expectations inside your crime, but also internationally about what they were going to achieve. and then when that didn't come out the way that was expected, there were lots of recommendations. so i think there's a sense of keeping the heads down and living the facts on the ground in co speak for themselves. and there's also the worry about the intentional reaction. so far it seems back to them probably would have been expected to meet you create a perspective we had a people in the jump was talking to the mission committee saying that basically equally and can use german weapons as it sees fit. similarly, kind of fairly, a kind of positive sounds coming out of washington saying that this is basically ukraine's business. decide where and how to fight, even if the us wasn't informed as they say a but for now they all keeping still and we haven't heard a great deal from you. translated. yeah, you craze. president zalinski,
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he has mentioned putting pressure on russia and then what do you think the goal is by saying that well, there are lots of theories right now. some people are saying that this is about taking russian territory that can then be support as part of negotiations in the future for russian by bits of ukraine. it's about trying to destabilize the russian regime by showing russians that the board is on the safe. that for all the results of the money, well the soldiers letting me put in his own me are unable to secure those borders. and i think it's also just trying to destabilize the rest of the dream machine. maybe force them to take away some of that force of nice that happy making a fair amount of progress in recent months in don't pass. so there's lots of kind of concurrent things in this. and as long as the military mass stays, and you can save under at least 20 men, this could be a good investment at that time. and there, if it's, you know, you know, we've spoken many times recently about the fact that ukraine's troops are
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overstretched. so how can they sustain a new front in this war? well i think it has to be said at this point that for all the stories, if i'd recently about it like success, nice to know so problems, mobilization, mobilization is happening and synchron numbers. people have now entered the ukraine . nutri, and now you know, the supplies coming in from the us, from europe, all starting to kind of replenish the stokes that were exhausted off the counter offensive last year of that 6 month gap in the ukraine being supplied from the us. that is finally being kind of close now, and that is being felt. so ukraine has prepared new brigades, whether it's worth it, whether it turns out that the in the spend intensive lives lost in results is spent, is worth it. we can't tell. but there was a sense that ukraine maybe was hate hiding its capacity and not showing well, it's college and one go in the hope that they could take the rest the by surprise. how were people there and keep the public? what are they saying to what's going on in course can be, do they think that this could be a game changer in this more things
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a bit early for that. but certainly by that kind of, once you've means and kind of the headlines and stories you get sent by people here, it certainly has changed the mood. this was just what you needed for your brand new morale. often months of bad news coming in from the east. so i think certainly from that point of view, it has taken people by surprise, positively. it has shown them that ukraine is capable of doing more than they thought. but i think, you know, that the real kind of deciding will be once we see whether ukraine's able to dig in there and actually hold on to surgery, or it's going to end up being one of these border rates that we've seen before, where the ukraine troops then moved back behind the border with a couple of days. we reported it about concerns in ukraine that the west is no longer as focused on this conflict. that as it was in the early stages of this more could this, this offensive. could it be an attempt to bring attention back to the conflict? i think people here painfully aware that you know, the world's attention,
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especially western tension, is more folks on at least right now. having said that, maybe me and media attention is less, but in terms of results is actually arriving on the ground. that is still happening quite some style and what kind of large kind of permanent basis i think this is more about trying to go with the kind of less obvious routes trying to not play the same game as the russians are doing. not going for the conventional to reward for you create, understands that it conte, we paying by rushes rules as to basically throw the chessboard off the table and try something else to throw the rest the machine kind of off. it's paula, and also maybe not to listen to western capital 2 of them because there's a real sense that they are not willing to risk escalations, russia for ukraine's victory. so ukraine wants to do it itself. yeah. now listening to western capital is it brings me to washington, the white house saying that it had no advanced knowledge of this incursion into course. and how do you explain that is ukraine just doing what he wants right now? i think that sounds like a bit of
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a red herring. it sounded to me like they didn't want to be informed or at least officially. and they didn't want them to russians to be able to say that this wasn't american direct attack on russia, papa. but it didn't seem from the tone of all of the kind of statements we had our dc, they were too unhappy about what has gone on. they said that basically the rule that the western weapons could only be used within about a 100 kilometer as zone along the rest of the border with ukraine hasn't been broken that you kind of stuck to that deal. and so i think this is right now just about the americans trying to kind of say, there's nothing to do with us. ukraine is the silver and country we support you crying and what they do with those weapons is their business. they kind of lead and keep with the leaves tonight because always think you've uninstalled, there is a research trailer with the foundation for defense of democracies. she focuses on russian security strategies and military doctrines. yvonne, it's good to have you with us before we discuss russia. the one quick question to you about the united states. the white house has declined to comment on what is
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happening in court saying that the usaa seeking a better understanding from ukrainian officials. do you think that chief has been keeping washington in the dark about this? thank you very much for inviting me to begin with. what do you crane has conducted today in earlier? absolutely is consistent with the us policy. um, as a previous person just stated that ukraine can do certain things with us weapons, and this is truly a step in the right direction. also this, i do not see how it is violated in any way. are the us policy ok? russia seems to be more open about what is happening in the course region then ukraine is, is this simply a case of the incursion being too big to deny or so russian restores did not come as a surprise at old murray as
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a car where she stated that this was basically the parts of terrorism, instead of stated that there should be serious repercussions for these, but even put it and felt very uncomfortable. and they could not completely deny everything. having said that, these for the show has been putting these weak. and given that there is a mass to rise, the national leads me inside russia and the russians values us renting their leaders based really show has been pretty, is not able to protect human, his own region. so no wonder why earlier today his response was, was, was very concerning. so i guess you might certain, but they can not hide everything. so how much then does this incursion or this attack? and chris, how much of a threat is it to put in his grip on power? that's exactly what she's here because kendra stands very well. there's almost 70
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percent of the russians. i believe it's that he needs a great reader which tells you all you need to know how much the values to strengthen their leaders. and that's why i put in has made sure to completely band western media not so he can control the flow, be information, but he can only control it in certain settings. because telegram is gilbert working the case still working on following those channels. and the russians are sharing actual information related to pub course bridges. so no wonder why he believes that his version is actually under the crowd coming from the west. as a matter of fact, she multiple times claimant of choose washington, of, of conducting hybrid warfare against russia. and it is not only that the clean also, den washington is the one on there wanting to go right through his regime multiple times since 2022. so do you think this explains been why russian authorities slowed
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down or, or shut off access to youtube today? so they know is this already several weeks ago and have to tell you didn't come as a surprise because that's the latest put is direct to direct to the free flow and information. there are a lot of russians still watching on youtube and the free flow information is something you put in truly, truly fear. i do believe that what's up might be next, but also telegram generally is a should also worry about those things because went through social media, says 2022 have not been welcomed in russia. and just remind you or were what of people who are watching to be that in 2020, to put in, put forward on somebody and what he calls like a fake news. well, basically, if you use the word war instead of a special order preparation, give a condemned up in about 15 years in prison,
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which tells you all you need to know how much you fears uh, the free flow information. the one thing that is tremendously important. why would never a secure a shame? yes. such things. it's really tells us all we need to know about. pretty is fears. ivana started there at the foundation for defense of democracies about a we appreciate you taking the time start with us and sharing your analysis. thank you. always pleasure to speak with you. thank you. tonight in vienna, austria, they're not talking about taylor swift ability to fill up stadiums with thousands of fans. instead, they're talking about the 2 suspects who were allegedly planning to kill those fans . as many as possible. officials, a, they prevented in islam, is terror attack by canceling. 3 sold out tailors. we have concerts scheduled for this. we can be in a 2 suspects, were arrested tuesday in authorities. they both were radicalized by so called islamic state, the main suspect a 19 year old,
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as reportedly confessed to planning to use nines and explosives outside the stadium, to kill as many people as possible. the swift concepts in vienna has been cancelled, but it's the street so still filled with many of her funds travels from other countries to see her on stage in the stadium. for the nice thing and don't sing in the city center is a console. each of the, the live in seattle, washington 9 hour time difference in yeah, i woke up at i think it was 3 am to try to get the tickets for here and then um. and then one of us in our family got them. and uh yeah, we've been looking forward to it for i don't know like 9 months or so. i'm devastated as well. i've been waiting for more than
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a year for this. i've made out fits and everything with my friends, and it's always a sad be events organizes were expecting around $65000.00 firms to attend each of the 3 is still a concept as well as tens of thousands together outside the stadium each evening. but it'll stream police discovered plans to commit to large scale tara attack. could one of the events forcing them to cancel 3? they arrested 2 teenagers under questioning a 3rd, the main suspect, a 19 year old australian citizen. i pledge allegiance to the as nomic states. he confessed his plans that stop and think about the state essentially that he wanted to carry out the attack to seize using explosives and weapons with which to come on stop and p, about some of the c sugars did. we also recover the ship acted. so he was
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considering both options and his aim was to kill himself and a large crowd at the concert either today or tomorrow. so to see, in addition, we seized a large amount of islamic state propaganda material got $21000.00 bureaus of counterfeit money. steroids like substances, machetes, it's nice unplugged and munition, so i'm sure you choose one to 2 on c sugar stand in the way, cuz the foils terra plot to get the history of chocolate call name a has cools on the national security council to step up security measures keep, the ones believe is why they want to go now to vienna and speak with francisco shaw . and she's a reporter for a pulse $24.00. it's good to have you with is. so it turns out that this was way more than just the threats that lead to the cancellation of these concerts would be . what do we know? what have all street authorities found out and revealed about this plot? so today the austrian of far it is confirmed that they have phone chemicals for building bombs at the main suspect house. they arrested him yesterday and they also
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found weapons for staffing people like mercedes and nice as well as a state police siren. so from that, they concluded that this would have maybe been the way to get in and out with the state police siren as well as for getting the material by i susan ok to so they confirmed a lot of the things that are already going around yesterday. and another big new piece of information was that the 2nd main subject of suspect, the 17 year old, was actually working close to the concert venue. and when they arrest the person next to it, austria's interior minister said that a tragedy has been averted. if you could put that in perspective, force me how many people would have been in attendance if these concerts had taken place? i mean, we're talking, obviously have to be talking about
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a lot of young people. lot of teenagers. yes. it's approximately between 180 enter and 1000 people because outside of the venue, the published out here in indiana, there's a big park. so today at the press conference, the interior minister actually said they were expecting approximately to 20000 more people than the venue hold. so me $80000.00 per night outside the venue . and this was also a major security concern because at the concerts of taylor swift, people are lining up very early to and the 1st teeth were already saying we, we didn't know how this would turn out of 60000. people would start buying a while. there was an ongoing commit to our investigation. if it's, it's good. do we know when we come from different authorities? what took them off to this plot? to kill people. it was for an intelligence services which is something that happens
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often in australia. so for the last few big terrorist threats, it was always foreign intelligence services because an austria, the local 1st, these are not able to surveil a digital communication. and they, this is also a big topic of debate by the government. but also just the big question in australia general about how much surveillance would be a lot. yeah. well, you know, luckily if you know, luckily a disaster was averted and we're talking about what could have been or what could have happened. journal is francesca charts from pulse 24 in vienna. we appreciate your reporting. thank you. thank you. all right, i want to bring it now entertainment journalist k g matthews. in los angeles, k. j get to see you 1st things 1st. as taylor swift spoken publicly or issued
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a statement about the plot or her cancelling shelves so far she has not issued a statement nor has her team issue to statement as we already know. she just or she schedule to resume her errors tour in the u. k. on august the 15th, which is one week from today, but so far she is not an issue. the statement were expecting something to be an issue, probably within the next 24 hours. we know that this kind of alleged terror attack has been and remains taylor's with the biggest fear. now. yes. back in 2019, she did an interview with elle magazine and she said, you know, after the attacks that happened in manchester with senior arianna grande's were more than 20 people were killed. and then of course, chase analogy when he was performing las vegas and she saw those attacks and she said that's her worst appear to have something happens to all of the people to come
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and see her train over the next 7 months. so she's kind of a premonition and was always scared in the back of her mind, wondering how to keep oliver being said over her 7 months years to mean like you said, she's scheduled to perform next week in london. and i mean, you can't block out the reality of what could have happened in the end. i mean, what does this mean been for the rest of her tour moving forward to you know, she comes back to the us after doing about the thing about 5 dates in the u. k. and then she goes to canada, and that's is that wraps up her international tour. so really the only other international date she has is in the u. k. and also in canada. but what people are starting to talk about here in hollywood is that in another 2 weeks, we have the democratic national convention where we will have many celebrities that will probably be defending on chicago to support comma, la harris and her presidential bid. and many people have been talking about whether
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or not we might see people like taylor swift or people like beyond say, who people are assuming support her because she blended her music to be used. whether or not those 2 people might show up at the dnc. so that throws another kind of monkey region to the situation. so as we know, security will be extremely tight in chicago moving forward, especially in light of what happened in our street. yeah, it has to be a reality check. not only for, you know, stars like beyond say, taylor swift, but also for the, the security apparatus around their concerts. i mean, according to the authorities in vienna, in austria, the, the main suspect in this case, i plan to stand outside of the stadium and maybe use exposure to kill as many people there. so it's going to, you know, kill people who are simply waiting to get in. i mean, that's something that everyone who's on stage has to be worried about now. so i think i've, i've been going slow or it gets like something happens and then we change the rules
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. and so, you know, of course, what these were known for being outside the people who could not be fortunate enough to buy tickets to go inside. were often allowed to be outside and watch it from the big screen. i think moving forward, you might not see as much of bad happening. there might be some kind of barrier that protects people from going inside. and of course, you know, a lot more metal detector, and i'm also hearing that you'll probably hear a lot more security. well, with security checks, that is when it comes to hiring people to work as security or to work inside any stadium where there's going to be a concert. so a lot of things are probably going to be changing, moving yes or no? do you think she'll go back to the end of the play again? i don't know. i'm hearing that she's giving refund to everybody. so there is a positive good. that's the reason i'm saying it's kind of a dead giveaway that. yeah, but we not. yeah, good point. can you imagine? los angeles is always a good talking with you. thank you. thank you. or the day continues online,
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you'll find us on the x also known as twitter and youtube the the, the news you can follow me on social media. brent dot tv and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see you then every the
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a sometimes the right how that you out to the highlight for every week. not the not the . this is dw news and these are our top story is in official in the course. the region of russia says, finding is continuing in an area where ukrainian forest has made a significant cross border incursion. this week and aid and ukraine's presidential office blamed must scale for any escalation, but without taking direct responsibility for the most serious attack on russian territory. in months, mohammed unice has been sworn in as the new prime minister of bangladesh before the ceremony. eunice praised the students who over through the authoritarian government of his predecessor shaken, seen that he said they.


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