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tv   Transforming Business  Deutsche Welle  August 9, 2024 8:15am-8:31am CEST

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the, the cream was like sticking points, you know, 5 or 2 inches. that warranty wants to be finished your studies. now you have a certificate from the train. you can just go back or somewhere else. currently, more people than ever on the world wide in search of a place in life categories. something that is coming very very soon. and yeah, can we learn more about, oh no one nice story info, migraines, why do humming does not get drunk. why do gravitational waves squeeze all bodies? how much do we need per day?
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pond print to help find the office gets much on dw science, outtake talk channel. what problems are rising taurus, numbers closing? in the right quarter of 2019, around 1500000000 international tourist nearly 20 percent of the world's population . this search is evident in places like concrete in mexico. i mean, you'll come in spain while locals are fed up of garbage, noise and storing rents. we're taking a look at the framing tourism industry and its consequences. let's start with the figures as towards numbers rise sort of revenues for the global tourism industry. revenues had some old time, high of almost $1.00 trillion us $1.20. the only major debt was during the pandemic . taurus to write sol solved by more than 70 percent leading to
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a must have lots of employment and the 2nd test. in 2020 a, learn more than 60000000 people worldwide looks that jobs. since dependent make on the world reopening people of re discovered that was the last, this is julia simpson. she represents around $200.00 companies from the travel and tourism industry. we're also going to be looking at all set is going to be growing doubled the rate to general g t p. that does vary a lot by region around the world. but average that we are actually be going to be growing as a set of false to them, the general global economy. here's why most taurus went 220-2300 1000000 to from 85000000 to spain, followed by the usa, italy, turkey, and mexico. with 42000000 let's start with concrete and on the mexican carridy and christ house around 900000 residents that receive 10 times that number of tourists
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biplane loss to move in any of the destination. and mexico. most of these towards came from the usa, canada and columbia. ringback that's a range of options to suit. total budget mexico is a very, very strong market. and it is expected to grow. it's going to break over records that we're going to be record numbers of visitors and record numbers of uh, income that's going to be generated and jump. in 2023 tourism accounted for around 14.4 percent of mexico's g. d. p. by 2034 that's expected to jump to around 15.8 percent. but what's the downside? let's take a look at spain says economic growth is just as dependent on tourism. it smacks the case, but locals on the popular vacation island. definitely you will get set up with must tourism of the
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thousands and now taking to the streets around $14500000.00 visitors went to the bali ark highlands including the yorker in 2023. that's 12 times the local population. the majority of these visitors were from germany, britain and france. and then how do you want me to add you and don't, but i like is if you on the media and we will, but i will get it soon as i tilt up some of the cdn expense. and that's can give you the most people have a how most packing and don't say is uh, gotten into some of the mostly about sending the thing to you. according to media reports, property prices on the poly, eric highlands have tripled over the past decade. the locals are being pushed out and are complaining about garbage and noise pollution of the tourist hot spots such as boston, luna, and venice have similar problems. begins to to offend. his had almost $5000000.00
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visitors in 2023 with only around $50000.00 local, still living in the old town fee has now been introduced to date as a test, but whether it will relieve the bad, none presidents as unclear compared to him in japan is also experiencing over tourism, but we'll come back to about lake tongue fucking mexico. we've made our way to, to do a popular holiday spoked about 2 hours drive from country. according to the latest that goes from 2020 the townhouse around $47000.00 residents, which is an increase of over 65 percent type of the last 10. yes. calling us of 8, i have seen 1st time the problems. this is cost, especially with the trash the town has set up a waste separation system, but the last of the garbage still ends up in the environment. and the waste collection isn't working as it should. i can distill a line for the sort of sorta but apple there. i said in that a local misuse. low give a most i key isn't was, is that, oh no,
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i said as if the building, but as soon this, steven nothing in simple locked up. i see that, but i for the money, have locked into the sales position in the kala. it's clear that the town has grown too quickly assigned to the trustees problems. that's also a big issue with wasteful to disposal. meanwhile, hotels into lima, promoting themselves the sustainable. what does she make us, dont have us to give you a number to ring watching the able to get the the and the more trust a fucking those web we better with they don't get known as the settlement this it but i do the same but i think that we reached out to a hotel that claims the value sustainability to not to a message shows us how and why the hotels thoughts. it's waste, which has been picked up by companies for recycling. the hotel will cite house explains sewage treatment to clean waste full time, and the water quality is checked regularly. plus they generate 20 percent of their electricity from renewable sol since the hotel belongs to the new not people grieve
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had quoted in buenos aires, and it doesn't come cheap at around $300.00 to $1200.00 per night. the balloons are going to be supported on the web with us. as we're selling, you'll get to bring us in the wireless met of a, you know, put us in the next. i'm going to look at the list of your discounts. i just want the federal level to complete them in the moment. so the only thing is the product, guys i see the more complicated with i mean but, but that's one of the nice to know will. this is the located because the park i looked at. so it was because i will spend valuable legal team house this hotel struck the cold with modern tourists. according to booking dot com, 80 percent of travelers safe sustainable travelers important to them. the platforms have 833000 travelers from 35 countries in the regions. but what exactly is sustainable tourism? sustainable tourism development means that tourism must be developed in
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a way that creates social, cultural, environmental, and economic benefits. monica chia and reset to sustainable tourism. what are the important criteria or so tourism should tempt generate benefits in revenues for the local communities. it should help preserve the culture and heritage of the local communities and generate a with cross cultural understanding and awareness. but at the same time, doing so without damaging the environment, but how much to the locals actually benefit from tourism all inclusive results of aiming and mexico they offer great value. so money increases are a big business case for an upright to is like royal caribbean. norwegian, uncomfortable a breaking in the most cash? not only because you have only glad i can think of a have gone for they didn't send the bad, i guess and police us can they can they didn't buy lot of this team. yes,
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and william for the funding for can no means don't know. so it was a must have a level they for they not in the best i can now tells us that the state tourism law has already been reformed. it's supposed to focus on social development and participation planning also so nearly developed tourist areas. but what about places like to come to kind of do the persona in any way sorted by side capacity of the interest to see a little simple see statements in a similar case is going to squeeze them on that's going to be some is what our lives in our school will be the subscript, the diesel, but also guided me political cause was getting later cut out has collaborated on a new un study on sustainable tourism. so what role do vacation is playing all this? especially those who wants to sustainable vacation. remember 80 percent said it was
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important to them all. fortunately to which do not always be hang responsibly when they go on holiday. and that is for several reasons. number one, the temporary distance of tourist, from the day legal team's responsibilities and restrictions trigger situation know this in hip ation. if tourist i told to not do days, do not go there. chances are uh such an instruction will create what we call a boob maureen. fact, they may start to actually in a way that challenge establish knows all acceptable behaviors. just like a 4 year old beat. but things can change when politics gets involved. a has a few example to share with you my up a, which is in thailand. it is a home to the standing beach make. same was finally on out of the country. those film, the beach, it has been very popular for me is a mess. tourism had actually devastated the ecosystem around the bank.
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thousands of tourists were visiting the national park every day and destroying the coal regions. in 2018, the government closed the base. a full yes. and even after my thing reopened, tourist, the number of tourist that can be allowed in that area is also limited. as we mentioned earlier, kia time and japan has also been heavily impacted by over tourism. total example tourist visiting the districts. they touch the patients close, they tiered allstate models, they take the photos and stop the ways, etc. so the city actually bend the 2 responses and instead they provide tourist to only express bosses on the weekends to some of the major major tourist
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attraction, but not shipped off the coast. back to latin america, costa rica has been sent to funding hotels and tour operators for sustainable tourism 61997 level 2 not located in london. the hottest of the rain forest attracts a $150000.00 tourists annually. they come seeking a different kind of vacation, like eco tourism. one sauce time has specialized in this explains to us that best hotel can provide for the 120 residence itself by embracing the principles of a secular economy. a room costs around $200.00 a night. what this one and cause costa rica image. so send me a link of that week. i don't can, you can watch ok and opening metal cost that we got the in the, when the market the and it gets better. come on budget got absolutely. so not to be and so get a inmate of got a or h o. m,
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fatal located just done for them at the end of most of us, costa rica is economy relies heavily on tourism. there are about 56000 accommodation options available in the country, roughly half of which a state certified. but it's still tricky to gauge how sustainable vacation in costa rica really is. okay. no one wants to postpone is 5 points. the julia could definitely go spell tomorrow as you'll get the kids giving the special. he has no good. and really, as though i've been in a month and you know, i spent this time of year, julia can see how we will know that email has been so wherever is tourism heading, we've seen that the sector revenues are clearly on the rise. but the rump money compared to stick us the most sustainable tourism, while some initiative, some policy decisions all amazing and the right direction, we at least couldn't find a strong trend towards a truly sustainable sectoral business. what do you think? come the tourism sect to become genuinely sustainable. we'd love to hear your
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thoughts and the comments the big problem is not that killing us, and the government is doing nothing to stop doing. that's what i can't imagine is going to try to that when you, when your child risk, your life for political change, it needs to be stronger. positions doesn't change. everything now which i'm forced to suspend or do you stand on fled simply 90 that has been just us and then next on d, w gets ready for an exciting and tell you to look surprised. hi irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to do you have you have
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a one to talk to me before you go to the spot and the unexpected side to side? no, it's not the is the volume in mexico against women and go they kill us just for being when that's finished on the view student. she's risking a lot. even if i really worry about her doing what i can't imagine is going to try to then i will look into 2nd. he's got yes. what drives me crazy. why tell maria? don't be so stubborn. something that happened to you.


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