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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 9, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news life from the then ukraine launches another drawing of attack inside russia. troops also pour over the border into the caustic region surprising the russian forces. military analysts say keith is seizing territory from bosco, which could perhaps be exchanged for ukrainian lines in the future. and these while ago used to attend ceased by adults on august 15th, after pressure from the us contact at egypt. how much is yet to respond? the assassination upon us lead it is mountain. the heads of frozen negotiation, the
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i've been puzzling welcome ukraine has consented launched an overnight drug, an attack on a military field in russia. the base is located about 300 kilometers from the ukrainian border. the attack comes, as russia fights to push back and ukrainian incursion closer to the board and the cost license defense bill, as to says moscow is transferring extra troops to the region to repel the ukrainian soldiers who broke through long tuesday. russia has declared the situation in costco, federal level state of emergency hoping to fend off ukrainian troops. russia's defense ministry says this footage shows ukrainian armored vehicles being destroyed as heavy fighting rages for an estimated 1000 ukrainian troops ran through the russian border early tuesday
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into the course region with tanks and other armored vehicles. heavy fighting was reported near the town of sewage where russian natural gas flows into ukraine, raising concerns over a potential stop to trends that flows to europe. ukraine has released the video footage, allegedly showing russian guard surrendering at a border. crossing in chorused. in his evening address, president followed the mirror, zelinski suggested russia should get a taste of its own medicine without referring directly to the incident where she is in this last rush or brought the war to our land and should feel what it has done. we want to achieve our goals as soon as possible in peace time, under the conditions of adjusting peace. and it will be, course has declared a state of emergency in thousands of people are being evacuated. former russian president dmitri met viet have reacted to the incursion on social media. this is no
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longer just an operation to reclaim or re special territories and punish the nazis . it is possible and necessary to enter the territory of the still existing ukraine . to go into a desk, hard to you have to meet pro nikolai. you have to go into keys and further. there should be no restrictions in the sense of any recognized border of the ukrainian rice. moscow has been forced to call in reserves to stop ukrainian soldiers from pushing deeper into its territory. i asked military analysts, maureen, of a wrongful her assessment of the operation as well. it looks like ukraine has prepared. they have at least a tactical surprise for the russians, and tried to emulate what the russians did in har keith. and this is being done, and an absence of a clear strategy of victory and both political and military terms. so the idea
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here is not just to shift the narrative because i'm in the past in the past months . ukraine didn't come out on top in, in the information space also in the western information space, especially. so this is a way to shift the narrative for ukraine on the one hand to boost morale for its own internal audience and its troops, and more importantly to position itself and in a better way if it comes to potential negotiations because we have to remember the wider context and the fact that there will be elections in the united states in november, and this might determine the fate of ukraine. so right now you crane thinks it's better off if it can have that little bit of territory from russia in order to be in a battery negotiating position. and, of course, it would help ukraine to several of the russian logistics. because sutra is where a major roads are. and so we just took a hub. so it is an important town,
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and they are for ukraine, when, for the town and i for seas, or there will be more attacks, legs. there's maybe on belgrade, or maybe on the courage, bridge, or even bolts in order to improve its position. so basically, uh, take pots of russia to keep up the sleeve and negotiations in getting back parts of ukraine. is that what you're saying? that is correct. yes. how far have the ukrainians managed to push into russian territory as well, according to some sources, a took some um for $150.00 square oliver square kilometres of the territory. the problem is however, and that is why i sat, it's a sort of a strategy of tactics. and because ukraine had to move troops from opposite directions and what actually is a 42nd brigade from across the direction. so it's using the forces that it could
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have used elsewhere along the line of compact. and the question is, how and, and how far will you create? and, you know, i'm forces be able to progress or even to hold the territories that they are currently occupying. hands, i'm saying that this is more than for of psychological for immediate fact because elsewhere the ukrainian forces on the premium territory facing the russians are not in a good position analyst moreno around there in eastern ukraine. at least 10 people have been killed in 35 wounded internet attack on a supermarket. ukraine and officials say a russian missile and strengthened store in the town of cost down to the you've got . it's around 13 kilometers from the active combat lines in the region of don't ask you planning and help us regularly come on the russian shelling and the strikes a quick look now at other stories making use today. bangladesh is in from prime
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minister mohammed eunice and other government members have laid rates at the national mine. his memorial day, after being sworn in full, my prime minister, shaken senior, was forced to flee following weeks of deadly anti government protest. from a president, donald trump and his democratic opponent, camelot harris to hold the televised presidential debate on september 10th, the republican. nobody, once multiple debates power says she'll decide like to hold so close contact with henry. so raising from so the a lead over us president joe, by the police in paris separation and you way, a scrap of travis scott cobra point at a luxury hotel. he's accused of violence towards the security god who intervened in a ledge altercation between the performer and he's probably got the lead. is it that you with egypt and contact have demanded the resumption of told to stop the
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funding and gaza. they issued a joint statement saying only the details of carrying out any ceasefire and hostage release needs to be worked out. as well as said, it would say negotiate has to go hot. well, cairo on august 15th, how much has yet to respond to the recent assassination of thomas's political leader in tehran? why be blamed on israel has raised tensions across the region? so i'm saying it's complicated base efforts. and i also have jerusalem correspond to rebecca bate, as about the likelihood of adults actually taking place, considering all the complications these talk is supposed to take place on thursday a week in this region is a lifetime and anything could happen, of course, we're waiting for retaliatory responses from both hezbollah and iran. should that happen? then? you know, it's very likely that the talks will either be put on hold or certainly certainly delayed but, but otherwise given, given the, the joint statement released yesterday. and then of course, the prime minister's office here is having
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a statement saying that israel will take part in the talks, does mean that they are likely to go ahead on thursday at a yet to be determined. location is, of course, is the latest iteration of a deal. it's based on the framework set out by us president biden at the end of may . and you both sides have us and his round has been close to agreeing on this deal . but there are still sticking points, both sides blame each other for those taking points. so we just have to say what comes out of these latest round of negotiations next week. okay, so run is through those sticking points again or yeah, most of the same issues, kate coming out, we have been talking about this now for months and the various times throughout all of these discussions, these various iterations of various deals. we have been talking about the same sticking points, namely the, the discussion of the token point around the complete cessation of hostilities that something that hamas has been demanding. and it's something that is around is saying is absolutely off the table. it wants to have the ability to resume fighting
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after a period perhaps. so after the 1st phase of the hostage negotiations is complete and some of the hostages have been released, particularly a sticking point. and being reported in this is something around article 14, which of course i don't expect people to be familiar with, but the language is around the duration of negotiations that have mouse and israel as opposed to stopped during that 1st phase of negotiations. now, the original language as it stands now, is that the us casa, and each of those k negotiating partners will make every effort to ensure that these negotiations and, and an agreement for a poem. and it say sign now a mouthful of that language to be changed from make every effort to ensure to transfer up that agreement. but we've been hearing from the as right beside that, that's something they're unlikely to agree to. so of course, while we talk about finding out the, find the details, these find the details are and a very important and still main that both sides are pretty far apart. and as the
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seemingly endless agony continues for the families of hostages, the people of guys are also desperate for the finding to stop. almost round health ministry points the day until little most 40000 palestinians a teen months into israel's will. with him, us thousands of thousands are again forced to flee, meaning has moved multiple times to escape the fighting. now they are leaving hun unice as israel steps up its attacks. once again, there is no safe area. i'm telling you we cannot find a place to stay. we have thrown industries. i'm calling on them and calling on them to see us because we are tired. i go on, we it's hired like god, we had tired it's not just is reynolds
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attacks, but shasta, any sense of security? a lack of food, clean water and basic supplies means it's a daily struggle to survive. we are tired of this life by god. death is better than they let the country cl situation and find a solution. we are tired, we've only $100.00 times. now what is riley attacks have hit 2 schools and guides, a city in recent days because of civil defense agency said more than 18 people were killed. is riley. mo tree said it struck some us come on seemed as you walk, work has been popping up around london and you guess that it's bank c, usually the renown graffiti artists where doubles up as a commentary on society and culture. so fans are asking themselves what the pictures of animals will mean. they're also wondering if the parents,
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5th of the latest edition, is also part of the concept back. the bank sees latest, a housing wolf painted on a satellite dish. and its gone caught in the act. a masked man was photographed grabbing the dish and walking off with it with help from others. shortly after it was unveiled they might as well show me on the outside that one went up soft costs down to the other 3. and i run around the corner sitting around for about 90 seconds, pull it out. so it's a pretty efficient guys popping up over the last few days. bang, c has released a series of animals on london streets monkeys, elephants and it go to my take on
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it. is that what landscapes trying to do is to really get us to think and reflect about the ecological crisis that really threatens and humanity is always the data. meaning that they look, they look very simple. the, the graphics are very simple. but this, this political is indeed the meaning behind the bank, see whose real identity has not been made. public has confirmed the pieces as genuine and social media posts, but has left friends to draw their own interpretations. armando, about top stories. this, our russian officials have declared a state of emergency after a ukrainian going to attack the military airfield in the region basis, located nearly 300 kilometers. the board comes as brushing fights to push back and incursion by finding in troops for the south. a close excel
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now read show, finds out if any of the answers to any human traffic that i've been stolen. i'll see you next hour. the fairly successful legal advice. helping communities in sierra leone in the fights, against robbing and to explore against multinational corporation. probably any of the country's wealth reaches the people there on the move to change that the paralegals of sierra leone reports out this weekend on it.


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