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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  August 10, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm CEST

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hi, i'm shopping and i am ready to dive into the hands of the gentleman who to us. you have you have a one to talk to me before you go to the spot and unexpected side to side. the reasoning, any one germany is not just the land of fear. it also produces excellent wine geysers and delays. yours. what should you see when you travel to iceland and flyer drive isn't night train really a good way to travel? a personal experience from nana to venice. all this and more coming up on your own . the
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book 1st we had to london to meet the fashion designer who combines british tailoring with west african culture for they do me a, brings together 2 worlds. that at 1st glance seem to have little in common created by an immigrant, not every designer can use that as a selling point for they don't be conceives his bold fashion to inspire greater appreciation for immigrants. i love everything. i do think stories about london and 7 down in west africa is specific. everything i've led and i've not yet in my life is been from this space. and i'm mixing those 2 words together. following his parents wishes voted, don't be a 1st studied information designed but felt drawn to fashion. he switched studies and worked for dk, n, y, and nike until 2014. when he found that his own label called lab from london,
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i so african go stuff it can function. the storytelling was in, i told a lightweight, i thought maybe i could set up something to change that narrative. to tell this stories for my 1st time. beautiful story, i know about my culture about music, about lifestyle, and it resonated stars like john boy, yaga, samuel, l, jackson, michael, ward, interest alba and rap or tiny tempo. all where lab from the, with the criticism of the 2nd to to produce desire laboratory in may 2023. king charles the 3rd presented full day during the of the award. personally, a great honor for him was never, never a thing that settled to do so very proud moment. and i hope that
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can help change the perspective of how people look at people like me and where i'm from. i'm the perspective of or how we look, life full day has also presented his collections at london fashion week. his like motif remain stories about migration and the experiences and longings that come with it. full day is inspired by what he hears from friends and family and from the people around him day today. these are some other properties that we develop. i'm some of them toes like stories about parents. when they arrived the, the very 1st possible they arrive with and we're telling stories about monday, head into too many mice and a, to me, a monday. ace. and one of the oldest tribes into town. it kinda connected my mom and dad. some both tribes. so they came to london at age 12,
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he was born in 1981 in freetown, sierra leone in west africa. now he regularly visits relative there. the house where he was born is still standing. i believe, immigrants, the fabric of our society. if you look around to immigrants upon the people that build this country for looking in america everywhere and as a people move for various reasons we've made that word, seems so talkative like. no one wants to associate sotheby's mimicry. and i feel like that negative connotation based on change, we need to embrace it. not demonizing. some 80 percent of his labels production is based in london, 20 percent in portugal, france and italy. the designer insist on being able to trace the origins of his garments down to each individual for us. we tend to educate people little bit more about our comments or common process and how he's made and what made it is. love it
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and shot into boss has been able it is because i am i and i don't think any fashion is sustainable, but it, we will, we tend to do is small about being responsible. so we don't produce like we don't have a produce. we develop, don't we design and develop on fabrics? we produce what we need for day, also designs outfits for sierra leone olympic teams, and cooperates with such corporations as dennis and converse. he's also found that a charitable organization in sierra leone. i'm lucky while i am also, how can i get back to where i'm coming from and to help those people become better? because i know if we can help the younger generation, they become better. that generation will be able to change what we could change.
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the mascot and logo of lab from london normally insures that the company will continue to be successful in the future. this figure is one of the oldest art objects in sierra leone and is still a popular lucky charm. today, we will accept to charge a difference as to what would become a better price. and i think that's what i want to do. so i, if i believe if i educate myself about your culture, you educate yourself about my culture. so we can live in how many together, because we understand where each other's coming from. and then those differences of those barriers get broken down. and that's why it's out as the west african culture and british co tour for they don't. dea has proven that seeming opposites can indeed come together in peace and harmony. many people think that fine wines primarily come from france, italy, or spain. however, germany also has a distinctive wine culture which are your remarks report or kind of humble
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discovered on a visit to germany, smalls will region so be so here in france, i mean, it's really kind of you and jim and germany. that's right. germany isn't just a country for beers, it's also a country for why. germany has some of the best way in the world. let me prove it to you. here's everything you need to know about german wide disclaimer. i used to think that german wine wasn't not great growing up in the u. k. the driving line i drank was pretty sweet and honestly low quality thoughts. my german boyfriend is from germany's wine region and after trying the good stuff, i'm a sales caused by re slang is the flagship line of germany. both the climate and the soil are perfect for it. in fact,
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germany is rather more well known for its white wines. and its rest and is the world leader in greece, lang, and piano blount cultivation, portugal drinks the most amount of one per capita in the wild spots. germany comes in 6th place. germans drink arrange 20 liters of wine per year, which is less than their beer consumption. germany's wine regions stretched across its middle and sides, the sand team distinct regions, boost over $15000.00 thin yards. the, the most important export countries to drive by the us, norway, and other lines u k colon on china, especially last 2 weeks. right? it's vocab time here are some words and phrases to make you sign like a german wine x that bind how the grapes that make the one. yeah. got the
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period in which the grapes are harvested. a a list of cuts. yes. this is a colloquial way of saying that the wind is good, but it directly translates to nubile drop. for everything else that you need to know about german wine, i mean thing or re code for who runs her winery according to family. traditions. this ventnor from the most of region knows very well what makes germany's wine culture so special in our regions. it's typical that we have small family businesses and all of the wine, like sell us and wineries are located in the small towns and outside you only find the lenient. it's different if you go to toronto, you have to shut tow in the middle and the wind fuse around personally, i always had the feeling growing up in the u. k. that briefing was quite sweet spot . is that it's definitely not in germany. so can you tell me why that is? always not recently from history. to do is more sweet wines in
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germany because the german people 30 years ago, they had to wine off the meal. the twins beatrice, the meal. and then they want to sit together and have a nice glass of wine, then it's nice to have a little bit sweeter so. so sweet, the wine itself most exported type offline. but no, it is change. so we have now we have more of them. try it in half dry tweaks linked . cool. okay. i hope i've managed to convince you that drum and wine is seriously under rages. sure. german beer is great, but german wine needs more recognition. some of the best wine i've ever drunk casting right here in germany need to try it and you also need to come and visit you to for wine regions, cost you'd like more, your max visit us on youtube. find out everything you've ever wanted to know about
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your or we delve into tradition works and culture shock. price points to get to grips with europe and subscribed to d w. you're a max on youtube. what should you see in iceland, when you don't have a lot of time? the golden circle towards a favorite among tourists and our reporter deanna penny are those gave it a try. after just 2 days, she came away with some unforgettable impression. this is why do you have to be on the golden circle? the most famous iceland guys are sending jets a flutter up to 20 meters into the year. a day. i may think we flush the waterfall and the best place to see where to take tony clay meet the tour. it can also be combined with
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a trip to do blue level. and one of ice lumps must be to places okay. how's the people receive the trucks? of the golden circle every day by the wire. iceland, the land of ice and fire a part of the iceberg nature and others. sites along the golden circle are found in iceland, selves. less than 50 kilometers from the copy to a range of it, which makes them easy to reach and put their attractions to michael, are you ready? you can either rent a car and drive there yourself or join unorganized tour. we'll just for a one day road trip. our 1st stop going for the golden waterfall which is called the golden circle. got his name, a meeting covering for that extend from guy to iceland. we're starting at the upper buick. oh my god.
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this is the last time was waterfall in iceland? i mean it's quite impressive classes. tell me why. basically this was spoken with like 2 drops. we have the 1st draw up which is more like a sort of a slope of a cascading waterfall. it's 11 meters and then this sort of goes into this massive drop, which is 21 meters. this sort of combination. and then going into this amazing canyon is really what just makes this quite beautiful. a truly draw all dropping landscape, which changes from one to call the during winter when parts of the waterfall 3 solver for safety reasons, these thoughts leading to the lower viewing platform is closed during the cold months. it takes me about 10 minutes to get there. and this is viviana from downstairs. i think i this one better. i feel like in the middle of the waterfall as we continue our journey to how could i do a volley come to iceland, spain,
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most extra quote and break us see a hot spring. you got it right, the really rare phenomenon that can only be seen in few parts of the planet once, cause we need a tier thermal area such as this one. then we need a water source underground, a sort of water as well. and then we need a vent from that water rest of all the way up to the surface where the water gets pushed off to sort of like a natural told me. the court is iceland is most active keiser spots worthy and hot water into deer. every 5 to 10 minutes, sometimes up to 20 meters, high. smells so me to was like to go with an x. the next steps we had to team, very a national park, a place of great historical significance and
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a unique sonic environment. it's a 45 minute drive from health, cut the body. this is really the 1st time that i walk in between to the tony phase price, right. the part is least the unesco world heritage side. he's a square iceland. it's very 1st parliamentary meetings were held in 930 a deep. so we are a thing really a part for the national park of iceland. so to me, why is it so important? well, you're logically, this place is really significant because i spend is placed on to take 20 tate and thing, but the national park is one of the places where this is really visible. right now we are standing on $1.00 to $20.00 plates, which is the north american through 20 place and just about approximately 5 kilometers. that way we see the ration take 20 paid. and in between, we have sort of in no man's land, which is basically new land, which expands by 2 and a half since the middle of every year. our last stop is the black one,
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which people often combine with the golden circle tour national geographic these, this geo term on the spa. i'm on the 251 there. so the world, it's about one hour from break heavy. so of course we gave it a try. if you come here, listen to this before you jump into water, you must raise your head. and if it has long hair, you have to put it up. the water is great for you as keen, but really bucks for your hair. it's going to and dried and matters because of decide me narrow and concentration. the water, smoky blue shade results from scenic reflecting sunlight. and although the 20 some money made hot springs, i have to say i'm quite impressed to india, the water temperature is 240 degrees celsius. but when he reaches the goal, it's close to $38.00 degrees. so you, one of the case of silly come up from us along with most guess here,
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my teeth, if you come here, take at least 2 days to enjoy with more time for the locations the, the summer in europe has been filled with lots of hot and sunny days this year, and that is perfect weather for a popular cold suit that comes from southern spain. there's a look at how to make a delicious spot show what i think i'm in the i'm coming out at all costs and i'll show you how to make a spot show the cold and the illusion super cold suit. why would anybody want that in southern spain? and portugal where guest spots show originated, they have very good reason. you might be able to guess why they must have testify for you in this region. we encode so because of the heat for them in summer, especially in july and august, we get temperatures above 40 or 45 degrees celsius. so hopefully that was hoping
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i'm not quite in the window. i think what else? to fix a classic dispatcher, you'll need a cucumber tomatoes, a belt, pepper olive oil, salt, vinegar, garlic, and an onion chest. camino real size finds everything he needs in the sun, us market hall in central america. the most important part of dispatch it was the fresh produce here at the market. and much of it is from this area. for example, bell peppers, cucumber is and tomatoes. i mean, is the mother of monica lives on the cost of the soul in southern spain, in the summer, and you can find a spot show on every corner as well as in the last part used to be out as restaurant this isn't the information. this is a traditional tomato apparent tomato and we use this wrapped tomato. no,
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it's much flush year and tasty, or just by hand. it gives the dispatch real greater intensity whom at the end of the nation of the bottom of the windows winowski. for half a leader is concho. more or less, we need half a bell pepper and about 5 tomatoes, 2 garlic cloves, a cucumber, and half and on. yeah, you know, you know, yes, i was on the vegetables are chopped, put, never cooked. and what else is important to achieving a tasty, special? and then it goes to much of the secret of traditional dispatcher was of course, good olive oil and vinegar and united here were using sherry vinegar from head has been left from dana. it matures in the barrel and has lots of bodies united or am i something quoted for you, what we call the vegetables are blended together until they have the right consistency, the reservation. that if you had to tell a traditional get sponsored by the texture, because it's still chunky so you can feel the vegetables never do that,
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but we'll leave it in the blender for a few more minutes to get a somewhat finer text here at the moment. there's one said he was that the sort of thing to refine the texture, even more camino pours the mixture through a sieve until he's left with a kind of juice to complement the suit. he departs from the traditional gus spetchko and experiments with new ingredients every year. for example, shrimp, pistachios, herbs, and even mango ice cream look into that most likely gonna cause punch. and what we try here with the dispatcher is to play with various textures and flavors, and this will be, it has a basically my name is whites trim from monica. this is how much one of the few chopped pistachios inc. i'm and mangle ice cream from the region. yeah. ingredients from both land and lee and as much as to be like, you know, some dispatcher was typical for this area. it's not
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a tradition elsewhere. no. yeah, i show people the dish and often they don't understand it. they said they've never heard of cold, so i'm getting them and i love them when i sold off of you. so if this summer gets a bit too hot, it might be refreshing to give a comb. gus boucher, what try and finally night trains have become increasingly popular in germany once again arriving at your destination while you sleep sounds practical and environmental the friendly. but how comfortable is it your own max reporter lucas. stay good. put it to the test. i am in vienna at the train station and i'll take the night, train you to venice. i wanna find out if it's worth taking the train instead of the plane. so what are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling by my train? let's find out the real
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it's like a it's like a some all so tell room and it's bigger than a thoughts. actually. my sleeper ticket costs 177 years. it's not cheap, but it's more environmentally friendly. for comparison plane tickets can be as cheap as 17 year olds. 927. p s. we leave on time. thank you. you're welcome to drink. and we have here depressed this car. the night stuart, this shows me my cabin. we will be on the road for about 11 hours. the train goes from vienna and passes through south berk villa will be there in 3 diesel before arriving in venice. the like to order my dinner build time to push the button, the
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exclusive, the the optimum pool. i'm excited this hour and i didn't bring a towel, but i found microsoft. i'll give it a try the 1st time so you can use our training the
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to sleep the. it's like a bed in the hotel. just shorter. that's my seat. almost all right here, the good. i can't sleep. i don't know why the tree is standing still right now. i think we're in south burke, the good morning into the the night stewart this turns my sleeping area into a seating compartment. that's because it's time for breakfast, the. it wasn't the best night of sleep. i've ever had,
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maybe i was too excited. we're still about an hour from venice, the and there it is. that release for all of their finally and here is the comparison by train from vienna to venice. the trip use 30 kilograms of seal to clean. it would be about 230 kilograms of c o 2. thank you very much. if there's no time pressure and i'm not on a tight budget, then the night stream is a great alternative to fine. and it's definitely more time it's friendly and real. i'm going to do some sightseeing event. it's, it's my 1st time by the
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bandwidth that we wrap up another edition of your own max. don't forget to check us out on social media for more fun stories from around europe. as always, thanks for joining us and we'll see you again next week. the
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or the crimes of the nazis who is systematically planned near atrocities towards the end of the war was also systematic. noon is operation. 1005 western ukraine researches are uncovered a lesser known chapter of the war crimes. so the victims and their families can finally find some he's in 15 minutes on the w. yes, you is fed up mismanagement. no jobs are few prospect. thomas jim z view,
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the protest and us tire. why the mind has to be met with such brutality conditions holders come in and i just make it a mobile maybe because take this as has died. but the, the be giving the 7 percent in 90 minutes on dw, the how many platforms can you handle single tenuously without having the feeling that it's just too much you might see me, how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking these, the modern because if we do too much,
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we teddy all wrong. we messed things up, risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage, humans and multitasking watch. now on youtube, d. w documents right on the long voyage through the ocean. another how back we were to account for a long time. they had to be a human sunday journey, but now the premises have to come to protect the of the
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you're watching the, the news lar, from balance goals for an urgent investigation of to 1000 flat of both the kids. and then it's danielle strikes on a compound housing. the space people in god is there. as ministry says it's talking to the whole mosque, i'm on center, hidden within the complex i still teach are covered in egypt and condemning the attack. also coming off of our shows and bung others say the country is chief justice and central bank carpenter. have quit as products for the full stove, its former prime minister. why isn't that? as the head of a new into them government calls for unity.


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