tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle August 12, 2024 4:30am-5:01am CEST
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says you're planning a trip to make sure you miss nothing about is on the w travel. i hope you enjoy the trip here as much as i did. what about you? what's your opinion? feel free to write your thoughts and the comments across the globe. the effects of climate change are evident dentist suffering it's causing floods. storms and droughts are becoming more common. some infectious diseases are on the rise, and there are more and more heat waves of study shows. we're now exposed to twice as many days of extreme heat as we experienced between 19862005. so how can we protect ourselves from the heat and every day lights in good shape has tips and advice for everyone. because it's not just the sick, the elderly, and the very young who are at risk doctors worn. it can affect anyone you owe me even if we all healthy.
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the it's a hot summer on average this year in europe, with daytime temperatures often reaching well over 30 degrees celsius in many places. then it's best to find a shady spot. but not everyone can. this kind of heat is just unpleasant. it can be deadly. i'm not going to hit long periods of hot weather, so dangerous because your body needs to keep its cold temperature at around 37 degrees celsius. the next, the limit is 42 degrees. i think the density is fine, 50 if we exceed that internal temperature, we die. humans have 2 ways of keeping that cool temperature at 37 degrees. the us
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just west thing. when swift evaporates on our skin, it cools us out, blood vessels can also dilate when they expand the flow of warm blood to the surface of the skin and limbs increases. that rate can comb or easily be reduced. the body's most important shop is to keep cold temperatures at around 37 degrees. when it's really low, i'm outside of the process is that mike, for instance, be helping to stave or sickness can get neglected. and they are kind of cool because the body is so busy focusing on this 37 degree target. the soul of these is even that i think god puts it begins. if the body can come down to the heats. first symptoms include swollen legs, a hot red face, dizziness, fainting, and folding, blood pressure, in extreme cases, heart attack or kidney. so you find you can talk. no, it's just a few days ago when there was another whole spouse. we had one patient who fell
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fast asleep in the sun. i need emergency services have to treat him, but extreme overheating. his temperature had already risen to 40 degree, most of us, that's a life threatening situation and he could have died in my lease. so he ended up in intensive cash on the dimensions and the finance and the if that's oh, yeah. don't as like christina, should be an amish look. no, just how dangerous heat can be. they have set up a medical network to raise awareness about the risks. but many people are oblivious components of patients come in with symptoms of puzzled them. i see that the symptoms of extreme heat, but they don't recognize them potentially on the fine. it's important to keep an eye on older people when it's hot. they need to drink a lot more, but sometimes they don't really feel thirsty when you don't drink enough fuel system doesn't have enough fluid to run off. then the body goes to conservation
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mode. without war, you stop switching and conte cool down. you stop needing to urinate and you'll be becomes darker in color. your body temperature continues to rise. and this thing is assumed which day and that's why it's so important to drink, at least one of the last i want to per hour. so your body can really counteract the race temperatures who to template with all splashing, come with seniors on the only ones in danger when the temperature is rise. alexis vulnerable patients are at risk old people's children, the chronically sick. but that's what makes it especially dangerous. it can affect anyone can view a me even if we are healthy. so it's not a good idea for anyone to exec themselves physically when it's halt. because exemption creates even more heat. kevin each box in the
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done. if i exercise the now i raise my body temperature further because my muscles are active and that ultimately creat, see to move on to speaking kind of stuff big. that's a few a. so if i exercise in the mid date, i could end up collapsing the system. i'm on cooper and i'm cry stuff eclipse because you can also help your body cool down with cold compresses. cool, refreshing foot boss. and of course, by making sure you drink plenty of water. heat is particularly exhausting if you're pregnant. if that to you, please try to keep out of the sun and make sure you drink plenty of liquids that helps your baby remain cool to the m. the arctic fluid helps to keep temperatures in the wound stable. but studies indicate that he's increases the risk of
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miscarriage. newborns are also at risk. babies can't cool down when it's over 30 degrees celsius. what you can do is put the child in it's diapers in the shade without any coverage and use cold wipes to cool it down. and definitely make sure your baby is drinking enough. children get dehydrated, more quickly than adults keep an eye on the baby's fonts and now the soft spot and it's go if there's a depression, it's a sign of a lack of fluids. but no matter if you're young or home, if the sun is beating down, you can start to feel dizzy, and even collapse, getting help quickly is vital that emergency doctoring training. mark phillip saga knows exactly what to do when someone is experiencing heat stress. he's been on duty numerous summer events in gemini, whether it was incidence. yeah, he was hoping to speak to some of the people involved here. how about to be
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standing around for a long time? haven't drunk enough for him? well, the wrong things like alcohol not only doesn't protect themselves enough from the sun, the leading to sunstroke was i pump. what happens when you get sunstroke? it's close by prolonged exposure to direct sunlight on the head and neck, which in flames. the membranes around the brain symptoms include headache, next stiffness, a red hot face, but cool skin. it also causes dizziness and nausea, and vomiting the cause. honestly, just from the stroke isn't usually life threatening, but it's very unpleasant for the person. in fact, it, it can occur in the 48 hours officer and event, but that's the main effects of using done shield myself from the sun, but of them. and also children and popular launch heads in relation to that 40 surface and inside of so couple roughly. so 1st a trainer you did tune demonstrates what to do. in the case of sense, rogue,
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unaffected person should get after the direct sun immediately moving into the shade or a cooler room. keep the party elevated, have them drink plenty of water and cool the neck and head. we've dump towels full blow, heat stroke, on the other hand, can be really dangerous. it's because of the prolonged exposure to or exhaustion in extreme heat when the body stops switching because it locks fluids. symptoms include skin, that's red and hot and dry. a temperature above 40 degrees celsius exhaustion, nausea and vomiting. dizziness, rousing us confusion and a post that's rapid and weak. it's like it's a huge strength, it's always life threatening. the high fever can even kill you. emergency services have to be immediately alerted and 1st aid mentioned to initiate into the 9 to like in an emergency. this means 1st,
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respond does need to get the victim out of the heat immediately. because every 2nd counts, remove warm clothing and elevate the legs, raising the head slightly as well. immediately cool the head, neck, arms and feet with dump towels to lower the fever. have the victim drink as much liquid as possible to make up for fluid loss. moment to body temperature, pulse, breathing, and alertness. if the hot stops resuscitate, then definitely follow from sun, stroke and heat stroke can be best prevented by measures. people can take themselves, learn the basics in a 1st day course thing that definitely if you also consume plenty of cooling drinks and protect yourself from the sun, your good to go to the best as well. if you're sick a few times to make you feel even worse, people with heart or kidney problems or a particular risk and heat can cause ex, i'm a flare ups. people with multiple sclerosis can suffer from increased division
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impairment and motor problems. allergies and breathing difficulties can also be exacerbated because he increases air pollution and not just in big cities. i as work places go, it doesn't get much prettier than this little chapel in southern germany. greece, miss moss is off on his rounds. he's suffered from estimates since he was a child. but now the 46 year old has developed and not the chronic lung disease. c o p d. his symptoms go to especially bad after a recent burial. i think central, we're going from 312 to us. i was walking back from the graveyard to the church. i got the rest of it. i have to stop because of course it's worrying. you wonder what's next between the spike again. because mosse is now being treated at the university of tribe books. medical center is dr. po marie, specialist, diana starts the lease that heat and the effects of climate change making. his
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symptoms was temperature is over 30 degrees celsius and now more frequent in central europe. extreme heat leads to high concentrations of ground level ozone and fine particulate matter. the poland season is growing longer and there's more poland pool that adds up to poor air quality. the combination of heat and pollutants can lead to inflammation and damage and the loans in the top with a leading directory association between higher temperatures and hospitalization and death rate sorted out when the temperature is fine, degrees higher than average has been one. then we just suddenly have 5 percent more patients. so then i said with paul murray, the medical center and then for the full, full, sent me i was of course, an awful lot going to ask him cool in the clinic. one does this not to this extent amc to michelle and moss with his preexisting lung problems the whole day? is it becoming more and more of a problem today?
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he's had to have his exiled out flow measurement. once it's here, you can see how restricted his breathing is. that's about 30 percent of the lungs, normal output them on the know molly capacity to it's funded on that far below what it should be to avoid it getting worse. michelle and mosque will have to avoid pollution as much as he can look like they deliver the loss of develop to brings fresh air boxiness. they have to cope with smoke or other pollutants that can lead to inflammation. then come is a higher the level of pollution the was it gets that so it is. but there is a level where i can say nothing will happen and how long. so if you predicted i'm not going to buy that. why prevention? protecting people? physics dream leads, important thing, this take cit, particles were found in the priest loans even though he has never smoked,
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they could also come from his wood burning stove, or from absolution exacerbated by the heat. he's now planning to exercise more to improve his lung capacity. exercises healthy. but what about when it's hot and sticky? when your heart and circulation are already under strain, that exercise gives them an additional work out. swimming is an obvious option, but don't dive in when you're hot or when you've just eaten alcohol is also a no no. but even if there is no water close, you don't have to skip exercising completely. it's still pleasantly cooling this forest on this summer morning. the seniors running group trains that are often no matter what the temperature some of the stuff these competitive sports when they were the 14. but many have already gone far. 66 year old had to go like
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for example, this the gym and spring champion in her age group was 82 year old hot mood cream a is a sprint. well, chump human hughes. but they take care of when it starts getting hot spots. so it's the only just spend schneider studies health and the impact of climate change. today he wants to show these athletes how to exercise health in the, in the heat 1st room. it's best to do it in the morning in the shade. some i'm in that way you avoid the midday heat and don't put unnecessary strain on your circulation to this and there's usually less of you something pollution. then in the afternoon now you could run and relate evening to low from this is ben schneider has pulled along a few items that make excising in the heat easier on compass unless you can prepare yourself by cooling down beforehand as well as during, during,
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during the session and off the woods. well let's start with pre cooling. so i can see that you can simply spray your arms a little. so your body is already a bit cooler before you start from the after cruise the bicycle into. so i have to admit that i've never spray myself with water like that. it's pleasant underneath and because it's a relatively fine spray, you don't get to what is it you already know these pull packs, you can put them on the back of the neck and knocking the an option for during or after the training session was actually helped me something else that brought that increasingly being used by pros, are these cooling, but just try them on a new really noticed the cooling effect is currently on the effects to body calls itself to what's known as the regulation process control by the hypothalamus. it's ensures that your body temperature ranges between 36 and 37.5 degrees celsius. if it threatens to rise the hypothalamus start sending out chemical messages that die
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late, the blood vessels in the skin. this increases circulation. more heat is released to the environment. when blood vessels die late, blood pressure drops. as a result, the hawk has to composite to transport load. the same time we start switching fluids are released through the skin cooling as they of operate. the bodies cooling mechanisms can lead to exhaustion. it's that for advisable to cool the pony before turing after exercise. also remember to drink a lot. if your body is dehydrated, it can cause headaches, crumbs and dizziness. so it's important to drink before you will count one for the your ring and your in sport. we always these more fluid 3, sweat and then we can reabsorbed by drinking. and you might lose less than 2 to 3 meters during a football match. and we can observe a maximum of one liter of liquids in the same periods. so you should consume cold
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drinks before an endurance run to occur. the good thing, the running group is all set on hot days. you shouldn't the aim to achieve top times because your body is less efficient due to the heat, the hot beats up to 20 times faster every minute. in go stop it. we now starting on strength exercises and we produce a heat during and during sports. and 3 quarters of this like remains in the body is waste heat. and so tony a quarter is converted into muscle strain size, which is why we recommend reducing insurance units and increasing amounts of strength training when it taught us divide strength training in a cool gym is also good in the heat. on hot days outside uv protection is also very important. so don't forget, you'll send screen protective clothing and headgear. put what can happen if you reset your self, for example, because you have to play
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a match in the afternoon. when you call body temperature rises above 30, a to reason 39 degrees, you start feeling well if your temperature goes even higher over 40 degrees, we call that heat stroke flock. to avoid the medical emergency, you should listen to your body and cooled down off direct size. for example, we found towels on display of the senior run this feel well equipped to cope with a whole days ahead of throw. even in an era climate change exercise remains a most what's the best thing to eat when it's hot? our digestive systems need more energy to process heavy fatty meals and that creates more heat. lighter meals are better fruit vegetables, salads, beads, lane, meat or fish,
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or maybe lentils. eat smaller meals more frequently at hot meals are best eaten lukewarm. try water, melon and cucumber is tomatoes, berries, and leafy green vegetables. they're a good source of electro lines. fennel and broccoli provide potassium vital for nerve and muscle function and many other things. experiment a bit and see what suits you. and for people on medication, it's important to remember that drugs can react differently and the heat the frequent heat weighs with a higher temperatures are problem for people like coffee please. uh, she takes medication for high blood pressure and katia arrhythmia. when kids select, for example, when i'm gardening here in the mid day heat or whatever, i get dizzy, then of course i noticed it's done. i caution went on medicaid. so today you'll
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heart has to work harder in the heat as your blood pressure falls, affecting the kidneys, dangerous, and the long run, especially when medication is in play. almost all things all when you're on blood pressure medication, you have to be especially careful that it doesn't suddenly plummet to something like a 100 over 60, then you could feeling well or even full sign. you should avoid that at all costs of to us. so it's not often for somebody, the car includes on their family, dr. of come up with a kind of heat plan. the idea is to reduce medication on hot days. maybe 10 minutes and, and medication changes should always be agreed with your adoption. so that all the interaction effects can be taken into account looks. it's just then you can see which medications can perhaps be skipped and just kind of which remain essential vision. but they should therefore always discuss between the doctor and patient us . you my, him display is such an awesome puts into finding the concept originated in the u. k,
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an x. but believe it is urgent, immediate to reduce the number of heat. this car includes a, is feeding the benefit. let me see the detect, the just a number of tablets i take according to the temperatures outside. then i feel fine throughout the day. you book guns and talking about adapting medication to extreme weather conditions. another impact of climate change. he doesn't just effect the way that tablets work. medicines and soft liquid or cream form like suppositories, ointments and costs are up, can also be effected as well as drug patches and sprays. suppositories may turn liquid which can affect how they work, creams and ointments can separate and the heat medication should always be stored in a cool, dry place. an insulated cooler bag is practical,
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especially when you're traveling. climate change also causes psychological suffering for those directly affected, of course, but too many images of natural disasters or fears about the future can harm us to. it has never been in this room in february. normally the freezing depths of winter in gemini temperatures with 6 degrees celsius above average, for the 1st time people will make exceeded 1.5 degrees. and for a 12 month period, climate change is becoming more noticeable in extreme. this can affect to psychologically experts cool. this kind of distress climate time via t. 5 5 the as, as far from the light is completely normal to have feelings about the climate. we molar the ever thing that happens to us and react to motion lean response. we might say the potential consequences of climate change or feel guilty about to run behavior or anger about the inaction of politicians or company. do you want to
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discourage one for you to come on? a tiny katerina from brands like is a psycho therapist and a board member psychologist for future. the association aims to highlight the mental health of society in times of climate change. not without reason, is 2 thirds of the population suffer from climate anxiety. well, the home is nobody seeks treatment for it. it's yet another psychological burden in an age that seems filled with crises. and that's, that's how the regs, climate impacts on mental health includes the type of service for example, because he makes people more aggressive and increases the risk of suicidal behavior . and it negatively affects the brain and more natural disasters, like storms and floods. now post existential threats. if this must flow, these on extreme weather events show that some 50 percent of the population actually developed terms from us express while a greater proportion developed depression and anxiety disorders. just because there
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were peaks in demand for psychotherapeutic tab that we are currently unable to meet, that our system is often overloaded with long waiting times for support with the professional most folks. so that brings on new challenges, including in terms of planning. so does blink familiar? how subtle enough to nano misses the effects of climate change, hoping clearly visible in the central german outlines. for years 2 thirds of the spruce trees here have died to 2 weeks in droughts. climate anxiety in the face of such images seems almost predestined. and so that's the matter for that switch dish . it's important firstly to give climate modeling and was face. i'm with summit motions, like grief for us to feel understood at the top with people who feel the same way for them. this could digest the whole thing emotional lives, but the best way to combat climate anxiety and climate. anger is to be experienced collective effectiveness to work with others to remote change in climate protection
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by implementing reforestation projects. for example, fridays for the future is a well known examples of collective effort. hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets with the use organization to influence climate policy. despite such commitment, it's also vital to simply relax and unwind at times. this makes has info. it doesn't make sense to live in constant fear. we still have to get on with our lives, press that means taking a break, doing mood management, not always consuming crisis news in my foot, also lifting things. be good, sometimes inviting a bit of joy into our lives and unloading to accept things that we can't change. and do you think that accept t until then, dvd, mr. and duncan, research and to a motion is tied to climate is still in its infancy. there aren't many studies on the topic, but one thing is clear, it will be with us for a long time to come in good shape will also future climate
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watching as major mistakes. hours of the day, no labor rights, i'm only paying one thing to financially support this time and these back. they end up losing them in the process. a life in europe comes as a high, a logo in 75 minutes on d w the conflicts and you do the same to tense. she survived. oh sure. it's thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor. he is martin, the degenerates to musicians under the swastika, a documentary about this sounds of power,
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inspiring story about survival of the home and you go get the tennis. i was the only one usually in nazi germany. watch now on youtube dw documentary the we did the urgency, lifesaving foxes week. if i ever think to reach those who need us the most, every folks feeding their future focuses for the hope of life saving. we fearlessly deliver not just next day that every day, thousands of children are still waiting for that in the sponsor of books today. so together we can deliver futures, the
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a business, dw news live from bell in russia, promises a tough response as a battles to push back and ukrainian incursion into its territory. moscow says it's halted to the advance in several areas of the queen's president confirms the surprise offensive also on the program for 5 breaks out at a russian occupied nuclear power plant in ukraine. the fi at is operation, has now been extinguished to both sides, blaming each other. and paris is over to the 2024 olympics after what opening ceremony. the french capital closes the games.
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