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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 13, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is david winters long from berlin. ukraine says it's offensive, and rushes. kursk region is not planned as of permanent occupation. the kremlin orders more vast evacuations. in the meantime, residents scramble to leave as tank and for reinforcements move in to find off ukraine's surprised advance. also, coming on the european union sense equipment and emergency crew is to help. the great deal with wildfires may or athens thousands have fled to safety, but its own commer conditions will allow them to return to their home soon. and
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wind germany's infamous red tape is appearing to be something of a donor for fans of newly legalized canada. the welcome to the show on the call fairly. ukraine says it's does not want to permanently occupy rushes, cursed courageous after launching a major offensive into the territory. last week. more than a 120000 people have evacuated curse and the neighboring belgrade region to avoid the finding. ukraine says it's cross border incursion, aims to, for russian attacks on its territory and pull russian military resources away from the ukrainian front line. or are you crying? surprise attack has prompted a swift response from russia's presidents letting me put in those spaces military
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and political embarrassment. ordinary russians have also been taken aback by the ukrainian offensive russian state media are putting a positive spin on events, but the families of front line troops are becoming increasingly this made money to the business. how russians states media presents suprised incursions from what i see russia will not negotiate with those kill civilians who the destroy civil infrastructure and attack nuclear power facility. use them, you know, during that and that'll get you in the evening news program on state television claims, tv, reporters health rescue locals from a village in the course region. the loan number is reports show a large successful hits on the crane an army well enough that i was really a to to do. but please, but investigative journalists have already challenged the claims some of the russian defense ministers videos reportedly contain old footage. that wasn't even
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filmed on russian territory, but a new crane white russian t. v. viewers don't see this video from the 1st days of the incursion, is believe, to show you, crane and forces capturing russian soldiers among them. conscript it to the russians units along the border consisted mostly of poorly trained conscript soldiers. and experts say that is part of the reason why you're cranes incursion was possible. the conscripts mother started an online petition, demanding president bugging the fortune to remove all conscripts from the border region. they have no military experience and no weapons spare the lives of soldiers who are not prepared for military action. the military's reliance on con scripts did not come as a surprise for many analysts. you may be so nobody promised they wouldn't take part
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in any military duties and they were promised they wouldn't be deployed in the so called special military operational 4 course. what isn't the status of it to least officially find today? the ukraine and incursion that has brought process war closer to people inside russia. according to local authorities, tens of thousands of civilians have successfully been evacuated from boarder regence. these videos, published by russia's emergency ministry show temporary shelters build for civilians. very good. that is good for. they brought the some close. this changing to fish video shared on social media platforms show a different story why they want to show you how they told us to come here for the operation with the to know we're sending to you about their voices will not make russians, dave, to receive any news, you get a cost saving that officer. that was how the russian government and russian
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media are importing on ukraine's cross border offensive earlier think of eastern europe editor roman, going to ranko, told me about the psychological effect as having on ordinary russians. but things are still developing and i think it takes, sometimes for most rushing to digest what is really happening. especially if we take into consideration that they're asking us authorities. i've tried to downplay the fact and still trying to downplay it. um, we don't have scientific data on this um, there are no, no pulse on the incursion of the ukrainian army, but so we can speculate at the moment, but it is really a big thing, a psychologically, as you've just mentioned, because it's really for the 1st time for decades that russia has been attacked by a neighboring state. um, uh, well russians, so to say that to great is not the state. so from a part of the soviet union, but still it has been a silver instead of it is still
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a southern state for most of the world. so the effect is there. and, um, it depends on where you live in russia. if a lives closer to the border where things are happening now in, in western and southern regions of rush, i think the effect is much more. um, um, um it is my stronger. so, um people see all those more than a 100000 dis tac toe refugees. the, this is the 1st time roughly is having this uh, on such a scale. um and of course you can hardly compare it to credit where millions have to flat the country off to the russian invasion. but still, it has an enormous effect on the russian psych and i think it will take some more time for to let it sink in. because because it's such a huge thing, have many analysts say a part of the ukrainian strategy here. so fear, and even this send with the government, among average russians is not working. you think as well,
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um it's, it's hard to, to mess up the ads. i think if it's working then it's, it's not working that so we can, we can, we can really say that it's, it's, it's working well or working out. i'll explain um this, this more when you're in russia is a tech or any country is a tech, there is more, i think something about riley around the flag. so people, the society is more consolidated and this is what the blood reporting is hoping for . this is what she was addressing uh, just uh, uh, on monday when he spoke about this incursion. so he said that uh, ukraine will not succeed in dividing on a country. so um, i don't think the major major point of this incursion for your credit. i think the major points were, 1st of all, to denver or the russians for us is from don't boss where the fighting is very, very hard for the grading. and i mean, uh, to boost the opinion were all and um, to uh, to show it to the world that you can,
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could still find that it can still hate russia. and, and these can still be successful. the kremlin has a notorious propaganda machine. how is that been reacting to this incursion as well? it's interesting and the rest of the propaganda machine has a big problem and is because it's a, it's basically has normal munition. it goes russian propaganda has been telling for years as being has been telling stories like less, boom, you're great. let's, let's draw up a new clip on your client. let's boom, washington. let's bone berlin so uh they, they can hardly escalate small um, verbally. so um they press a real problem and now watching them listening to them, i see that. yeah, they're basically continue to say the same things that russia has to take revenge on. your brains also has to drop mobile homes on your brain. gosh, what killed you kind of the presence of landscape, but we've caught that old a many, many times before. and on the other hand, russian propaganda has also
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a problem because, and i think he's trying to downplay the, the scale of what is happening. and we are seeing that the trying to bring all the news from other regions of russia, of events. so they're not focusing completely on what is happening cost something you would expect in any of the country. yeah, that was our eastern europe editor, one country rank of great speaking to you. thank you so much. we can now take a look at some other stories making news around the world. today. authorities have arrested an 18 year old man over a stabbing at a mosque in northwestern turkey. the attack injured 5 people leaving 2 of them in critical condition. interior minister has described the incident as random. medical staff across india has staged a strike over the rape and murder of a doctor at a hospital in the eastern city of coal. cut out a suspect has been arrested. protests are spreading with activists demanding tire security. the local social organizations in venezuela say at least 7 people
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have died and 4 are missing out for a gas explosion. in one of the country's largest swans, the glass tore through a 3 story building on the outskirts of the capital, caracas firefighters, a domestic gas cylinder. triggered the explosion. several e u countries are sending crews and equipment to greece to help with all of these deals with wild fires that threatened athens and har neighborhoods north of the capital had to be evacuated. but greece is civil protection minister says there is no longer an active fire front near the city. fire fighters are now tackling many smaller, localized places, rather than one single fi. residents could only watch as huge flames and call this warehouse one of several properties destroyed in the mess of fi, a matching towards the greek capital via cruise that
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we can frame typically you to battle the plays with people pitching in to help wherever possible. i like what are we trying to save all the houses around apart from ours? it's a difficult situation. the firefights isn't everyone here trying their best. the thing is you can't find the nature a medically split up as i get. so people are not in the house next door, the trees were on fire. i don't know what happened because we were told to leave, but the situation is tragic but significant. you came 6 smoke names, residents can only hear and not see, even nearby and helicopters working disliked the fires. strong winds and kinda dry conditions have made that bring the blaze is specially tricky. with flames stretching more than 25 maces high in some places.
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june and july, with the horses month, either recorded in greece, which also recorded its rule mister winter. either the fire is estimated to have been through about 15000 hic day as of land, an area, a logic then man has health is on its way from several e u. countries from italy and the check for public are among those seeming equipment and assistance. thousands of residents remain on standby as the finest reasons, more homes and civil athens hospitals being prepared to take casualties or correspondence. a vehicle of talkie spent the past days in the affected area and gave us this update on the flyers. the situation remains crucial. i'm right now in the very least you have the most affected areas where several houses,
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cars are burned down, you can see it uh, behind me, and uh, as we speak, assets are still falling down. uh so the situation is still uh, crucial. however, most affected areas as we speak are put under control, but as the fire is not completely pulled out, everyone remains on high alert. and also there was a warning, especially for the upcoming hours where the winds are expected to stay as they are right now. very strong or even stronger. so um, everything is still uh, tens. uh well what we saw and especially yesterday is the people um, even those ones were a warrant and, and send the text messages to evacuate. didn't evacuate immediately for several reasons. many of them wanted really to wait until they saw the flames, literally in front of their homes. others wanted to see if the situation is that serious met and he told us they want to protect the properties. they do not know
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where to leave and they don't want to leave. and we see uh, we saw people that were struggling to protect their homes themselves, but they told us they were calling for help us. no one came. that was a lot of criticism on that, so this is also a reason they didn't evacuate immediately. now the help they get, they were um there's several evaluation centers set up. then they're a volunteers and local organizations providing the water food, basic medical chairs, a shelter of course, because they haven't been informed officially to come back to their houses and of course transportation. so those ones who don't have their own transportation, emergency crews and italy have also been working throughout the 9th to put out 2 separate forest fires. water carrying planes were used to reach one blaze on a mountain in the sand. who problem is of, is there any, a ground crews say they contain the fire, where they could,
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families had to be evacuated when another wildfire broke out south of rome and tore through. woodland are watching data. we use still the cop a sorry ana users in germany come down from the high end of the criminalization as cannabis clubs face a bureaucratic bus pill. at 1st, let's take a look at some other stories making this around the world. even last because blamed a cyber attack for a technical difficulties during an interview with donald trump on x, the interview was intended to reinvigorate drums been for the presidency and was delayed by 45 minutes. most had billed the interview as a no limits conversation. after endorsing trumps bit coast guards in costa rica intercepted a semis, submersible vessel carrying 2 tons of cocaine to columbia ends. and one, ecuador,
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and citizen has been arrested. the suspects attempted to sink the craft. when confronted by the authorities, signed his se. they've discovered the evidence of a massive reserve of liquid water, very deep within mars researchers, the estimate of the planet could be covered by a layer of ground water up to 2 kilometers deep findings come from nasa. as inside lander, which touch down on the red planet 6 years ago. now as bangladesh is a new interim, government gets down to business. the country's largest minority community is on edge attacks against hindu household. temples and businesses have been reported since the ouster of former prime minister shea casino, anders and bangladesh have traditionally backed her a why me lead part using a secular and the muslim majority nation. most the while there's hope across the bottom of the can somebody,
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there's one the despair. it's already been done. the honda is a died auditor who used to work with jay because he knows of me, league his house of dogs alluded, and the optimize of the most uprising that follows bangladesh has long time prime minister to flee army. so because long distance calls, i'm very scan, i don't know good about if someone sets fire to the house, you felt you don't want to go back to them. but i go for the private say what i thought, i still want to go back to my house and list that because i've lived in that place for so long up to me is south 2nd to i'm on. even though i'm scared of the good in my, i'm the looting that they did not, but for the best article that that's of how the whether you talk to mom louisa's him do is have traditionally bad the of, i mean the, which is seen as a secular party the most of the majority nation. now the feel for the safety that see very, every family, every 5,
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even even talk. even even talk of reading the flats. the i see very the closing the adults. they are not opening the door. we don't confirming who's nothing to lose, and other minority groups have had like, protest in the past week, the money protection and condemning the reason, speed of the tax the he this loan is a student leader and the minister in the new in durham government. he says the tax on more politically than religious the driven to the g, those responsible will have to be brought to drill down a little bit. we called upon the minority community. hopefully they will be assured to the people of bangladesh and the governments of bangladesh will stand by your heart that almost the process is out of it. but that's my mom's, that'd be made by listen, if any resistance i'm a product use. but many walden dealers have stepped up to
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protect neighborhoods and templates if you're wrong in leadership, has called on european countries to stand against the war in gaza. there on has dismissed calls from france, germany and the u. k. to exercise restraint as fears grow of an imminent or rainy, an attack on israel, iran plains, israel for the killing of a mazda as political chief is my own media and tear on last month. a us panel group, a sense to the region is being seen as a warning to or on well, is there any reason to believe or ron will not retaliate or limit it's retaliation? i for this question to fall on dirges. a professor of international relations at the london school of economics, a reading is that the wrong leadership does not really want allow tool is
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a israel. they are taking that time. they are trying to calibrate that attack in a way that does not really provide these riley 5 minutes. that was a pre tax for the full escalation, full side escalation. so to answer your question in, in, in a, in directly i think it will most likely be measured and try to avoid civilian casualties in is rap, iran's new president, mostly protest, skin is considered more moderate then his predecessor is there, or was there hope for the escalation with this new government as well. i mean, we know that the new president, the agenda is the agenda is very clear. he wants to focus on the economy. he wants to open up your, on your society. you want to restore relations with the western governments. but remember what happened on your end is in all duration. uh, best and the smart and honey yeah, was the,
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i mean guess ivana for the wrong in the the ship was killed during the migration. um, it was really great humiliation seen by the wrong and leadership. so what the your on your leadership is trying to do is to basically that's what they say to try to restore the task. strive to prevent israel going visit is right. i'm not really a take a, so the rush and for the iranian president, it was basically a major sabotage before even he, uh, on his own cabinet. but at the end of the day for your own, yours, the wrong president does not really make the final decision on full on policy strategic mathus. it's the so praying lead the wrong idea so many who is the commander in chief. but based on what we know, that then you're arguing president is trying to limit your role as retaliation. because in his thoughts and his phone conversations with the french president and
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the british prime minister stomach, it made it very clear that the way to the escalate is to have a c spot to and the blah blah thing and god. and this is mike, give you on a way out to climb down from the tree. mm hm. now, and this is what we have publicly been told, right? that, that there was a rebuttal of the western nations appealed for restraint. what do we know about the back door diplomacy efforts and in this issue? well, i think this is a very important question. i think what we know, what we do not know is more important than what we know. we know that the united states and you're on uh, communicate directly and in direct they have been doing sofa wide, you know, as soon as they uh, break out to the war in gaza. we also know that your theme governments, whether germany or france or britain are really trying to also uh,
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the escalate the crisis we know pop out and take in egypt. and jordan are also playing a role. but at the end of the day, you're all going to need to have made it very clear they cannot afford met to retaliate. and sadly, to say as a student of international relations. that's what states do the idea prestige. the idea of the time is very important. but at the end of the day, it's been 2 weeks now. and the fact that you're on and phys, by law level as well, i have not 3 delegates. it's so far, it tells me they are trying very hard. that decision will be designed to retaliate without really provoking and a sort of escalation between israel and the united states on the one hand and you're on any it's local allies on all that. that was policy or is from the london school of economics. thank you. so much great to get your insights. but the criminalization of cannabis and germany earlier this year was greeted with wild
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celebration spot to be in from this national bureaucracy has since proved a real downer kind of his clubs were supposed to provide legal access to the drug. but red tape means they're having a hard time opening for business, the scenes of jubilation at berlin's brand number gates on april. first, they marked to decriminalize ation of china. based in germany, much awaited by many adults come now possess and smoke marijuana and public bureaucracy seems to be standing in the way of access to legal cannabis. according to the new law, individuals can grow up to 3 cannabis plants at home. and as of july, 1st people can apply to establish so called kind of as social clubs, associations where members can grow plants together and share the harvest. the problem. some clubs have been unable to apply for a license in berlin. not a single club has managed to hand in their application. frustrated club founders have come together and started organizing to put more pressure on the authority is
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the responsibility for the permit application is being shifted back and forth between city and district authorities. we feel like we are being lied to from start to finish. the berlin city government told the w it is currently clarifying which office should oversee the permits. well, this is being sorted out. the responsibility falls on the district authorities. this still doesn't provide much clarity to the hold for managers of the kind of as clubs and questions remain as to whether this new law really makes it possible for people to access kind of as legally. yeah. is there something i've already signed up to be a club member and now we're waiting waiting. but what's happening more and more and my circles is that people are getting their own accounts for the way they do this. you in germany is a contest. so free. this wouldn't change anything the way it is right now. so people still use cell dealers, you know, because still we have no shops to buy it from somewhere despite some skepticism,
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kind of boost club founders hope they can soon overcome the bureaucratic hurdles. and finally, start growing legal marijuana. and before we go, a quick reminder of our top stories at the sound. the ukraine says if surprise attack on russia's course region is not aimed at becoming a permanent occupation. still, the kremlin has ordered more mass evacuations of civilians. they are keen, says it now controls a 1000 square kilometers, a russian territory and several e. u countries are sending equipment and specialist crews to help grease deal with wildfires near athens. thousands of slender homes north of the capital and some hospitals have closed. commer conditions are now helping, firefighters contained the place as often the news for now up next april, africa loves as
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a way high tech and low tech solutions can add up to new careers that help sold environmental problems fail. gail will have more and at the top of the next hour, i'm out for it today. thank you so much for your company. the
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the co africa wanted to see the future of costume production. look 3, be slow with them. phone is and kind of in on ending how to book sustainable on virtual field. they practice how to deal with tests sustainably. good for the next on d, w. first platform is yours, the internet isn't yours, right?
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we're not putting up with this just because you're loud. we're taking this battling reclaim the struggle for democracy on take this off. the right is the right wing networks in austria and germany. how is social media radicalize in young people waiting, bad, and cold? take talk in politics close in 45 minutes on dw, the is increasing at reason many of watching online services only work. there is holiday destination drowning in plastic white at the cost every year of exports over $1000000.00 tons of plastic. why
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is there another way officer ruled the environment is not presentable? make up your own mind, dw, made for mines the while of the best ways to protect and preserve the environment is through newco solutions that help communities list sustainably, well protecting of some of those ideas on this new edition of eco africa. i am chris at length coming to you from lee goes. nigeria, good to have you with us today about is sold to crease initiatives that start from the ground up can.


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