tv Close up Deutsche Welle August 14, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm CEST
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and we say they're never giving up every weekend on d, w. the chip talk has become a political battlefield. i go with this population. my algorithm is the government, the a if these rising to become a minority in our own country, the young people turning to the right the what's happening on slick talk. i guess i'm some say we live in a dictatorship. they only see 2 parties,
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the d and the greens. young people just trust the eye of the post on thursday friday morning, i wake up thinking now i have to do this to myself all over again. besides the who's fighting against the couple guys, platform isn't yours. the internet isn't yours, but we're not putting up with this just because you're loud. we're taking this back . let's follow us down the rabbit. home. the hello world. it's 2024. is this normal now visa apparently we're right. we thought, but we're just normal, sophomore, more miles has on. so what does germany, but normally funny, just because i don't want to leave it in islam is neighborhood. yeah, totally normal. they go is are no go areas. women are preyed upon as a monica for. if you do use are all too eager to stand, people may assess the consequences of population replacement for via where the last generation for re migration gets to turn in. and of course i make policies for
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minorities which ones suburbans. of course, we have from the history and digital publish a hash tag, l team did a deep dive into a gentleman and austrian right when populist take told bubbles, and we travel to a club of people who helped us understand this madness. why the right wing populism in take told go so hand in hand and i, i knew about the fall, you need, or one or 2 snappy sentences. or if you want to rant against the corrupt delete system, you can easily package that into a short video side of the videos for parking how a young people being radicalized on social media, what role the phone i'm writing, it was play for political policies. once these constant barrage of slogans hooks and punch lines doing to a climate of opinion and where will it end if nobody's stands up to it? then thoughts not must be a germany is marching in lock step once again, life marching in long step and against those who think differently against the
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dissidents. king i'm not saying the real man or patriot. that's enough. it's kind of sign up. but we're also here to look at resistance on take told what's working, who's resisting, and what cost. we can take to understand that's 2024 is a super election here with more than 2000000000 people world wide being called to vote, including in the ear to him. and he will see elections in 3 federal states. austria has its legislative election to date polls predicted right when populist will do well. you know, poor elections the far right populace policy and the reaches most people on the take talks in any of the gym and policy without the 6000000 likes of the fine gym. and politicians with the most follow is 3 i f d including miguel klaus us, 100 quick like somebody got it. i'm just so he has his own theory about why the a f d does so well on social media. there's, i don't even mean, but it started with the political talk shows. we weren't invited onto this as we never got invited we cited in the right. and then we'll have to go on to social
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media. i think the a f d hired staff test for social media right from the start. i like on the funding meet up by the or a few years ahead of other parties and parliamentary guides because we've been on line for a long time. i had the expertise, the yeah, the device and when the expertise at all the a f d off and criticizes talk shows, but not inviting them on. yet the leaders have appeared on almost all major talk shows as you really want to leave you in. well yes, at some point, miguel klaus does take talk live streams. he's been on the platform for years and holds a seat handed to him in state parliament. the people come out of it. i mean, i do pretty much all of it took talk channel just makes the videos. i have a sub title list and background music everything. they just search for epic and user guide and then you get suggestions and i choose something suitable. cause i also put an epic user with piano use that a month when it is a 2 dramatic is also the diesel commodities.
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that sound straightforward, but what's behind is talk sound. the rhythm is different from other social media platforms. any video can get views regardless of whether it's creation, it has fall, it was on north. what's time is measured down to the milli seconds. those who stay get more of the same. the lawyer to do sympathizers grew up. what social media wasn't the party said is that if you want people to talk about us, if you want these issues to be discussed, whether you want to share, share, share, and they're used to it in time. this is grouped doesn't z if he doesn't, puppies, many or if the supervisor our team at the, by the some of those people set up 2 or 3 accounts on their own and prolong a if the messages by re posting them the funding on in teams. it is a board trust and repulsed them and t 5. and these are the guns that can make a lot of money to do deeper. you'll also find in authentic accounts, which covertly spread a if the messages. gibbs deep. dec i've people, charleston, a couple of items. she is an example of and you know, send,
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take accounts. it has an official sounding name and carefully planted contents, that's hot to support, according to take tops, latest quarterly transparency report, a network of searching to, you know, offend, take accounts with blocks, the accounts posted content to amplify a if the narratives and russian state media arguments to manipulate political disclose in germany, east take talk to now the rhythm, playing into the hands of right. we networks. we all the company, but they just referred us to the community guidelines on height speech, for example. the chinese platform take talk is the fastest growing social media app in germany alone. 20.9000000 people use it one quarter of the population. the situation is similar in australia with 2100000 uses. the average usage time is one and a half hours per day. rapid radicalization of young people on tick tock. what do take talking politics, having comments for condos to me or is
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a social democrat in berlin, state parliament. he posts about radicalization magazine pushing the social media and all social media is also a social space to reclaim reclaiming it from right wing extremists and all extremists in general is a task. we must not fail on because otherwise we will have a huge problem. i'm just but i'm just honest, i'm huge and he he just pulled it up suddenly started making content and expressing our politics b a. if i wouldn't stand a chance. maggie posted one of the 1st videos with the hash tag, reclaim tick tock in march 2024. this concept to concept is simple. we flood take talk with progressive content and have post even content the home. i'm a climate activist i. i've been fighting climate change for 5 years now and join the climate school strikes at 16. schultz fridays for future. didn't the launch
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weekly tick, tock or staff, but the project team from people who are active there on site. it's time to reclaim tick tock that we took to the streets, emilio, some this high treat accounts, to your friends, to join and make videos. just kept with regarding tick tock. we're not just taking the platform back, but we're also we cleaning an entire generation back when we started organizing fridays for future protests. it's this idea that the young generation was progressive. you won't get on a politically engaged and cared about. the world was a give it a home, that's what the us yet. so, but now it's a big question mark, which will start upsized. so let's talk about young people because they're dissatisfied, worried, and clearly drifting to the wrong. so according to a recent online youth study, 25 percent don't know who to vote for 10 percent don't want to vote adult. the remainder of 22 percent would vote for the f d pull than ever before. the studies of 814 to 29 year old to said they feel left behind and generally pessimistic about the future to understand what
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we spoke to. so she'll just, i'll a dean of my philosophy who was recently awarded to him and he's order of merit. so he's with your fax me a few more to of the king. this is how young people are growing up now. so i see the older people don't have answers. there are loads of changes that effect on the can. there's no real outlook for the future. so any to declare experienced increasing that older generations didn't experience assisting me, see the whole system falling apart. so that's what's been overlooked as how politically young people are very 1st noticed that when pride is for future sprung up. but if you look at the middle east conflict now, it's unbelievable how politicized they are, because they realize that it concerns them directly into see. and that's what happens when young people are political, but feel left behind at the same time researching julia. if this is, this is when they become susceptible to radical messages is content. but in my research, i clearly observed that even very young people are drifting more and more to the right. this is probably also because the many are longing for radical change or the
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kind binds right when movements has made it part of their strategy to try to attract the younger generations used to be not thrown onto the social media thrones on participation and take talk allows uses to attain reach quickly and a little cost. it's a tool for requirements who don't feel good. yes, good afternoon mr said on someone at my school is non binary. i'll need this special task course and at least to text. sy, pump is in the well i'm a progressive person, the quality is important to me came assignment protection is important to me that you didn't assign and i'm also jewish. so i know through my family history is what and right we extremism can lead to. as most of all, that is why it is very important to me, to stand up against this and say that there's no place in germany for it in europe or anywhere in the world. the top of that comes from back time, customer climate active is to me, so joined the reclaimed tick tock campaign, including in austria
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movie the always shots, me and hands over the last few months. the is how normal it is in austria to be far right. so if you search as soon as a 247 live stream from 5 or 6 different accounts, this is vicky appearing. and my time line is the time like experience the f pay, the whole freedom penalty of austria is like the a if these big system the pay isn't just leading on tick tock in australia. but also in polls with around 27 percent party lita habits. kiko pushes the rhetoric in one direction. right. right. and the people who eat me or have a barbecue in the garden. right. families where there's a father and a mother to the if the built its own media world. early on with facebook, youtube and f p o t v website to reinforce the messages and distribute the far right content and conspiracy theories. it's a far right that code shame,
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but the sound proofed is the goal of a current system, a campaign against the right of civil war. the f b o has shared it's expertise with its younger sister in germany. the who had in the early years, the advise the f. d. and there are many parallels like setting up a news room is having their own formats and what they should look like. it's all one to one copy the ad building, alternative media networks, etc. who i taught, you know, australia and s p, a politician who donated 16 years ago has been resurrected on take told you a kind of may be the inventor of contemporary right when populism and he's reliable messages a, making a political come back. they're trying to stop me because i'm fighting for u. z amongst which is an expert on the right wing sentiment. he's written a book on digital fascism. let's see how those might know the way i see that they offer space for emotions additional just because they not only allow you to feel
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annoyed by people who use gender neutral language or have blue hair or whatever is on that. but they also enable you to actively oppose that mr. diggs, i know you feel like you uncovered a conspiracy. steve, you've understood a system and that's an empowerment they offer. the bar notes. they want to banish from eating our pork sausage and snips the you know, and i can tell you i was going to let them take my kids. so nobody touches my snips . all my expenses doesnt ultimately populism my algorithms will have to eat the content as dictated. by social media been dictated for and so for me then people just say what's being said to really to, to now if you come along with normal fact checking, who cares or counter arguments or questions about society or forget it of this just wasn't attending, schnitzer finish clutch now, that's a recipe that works internationally. 24 is our final battle. you put us in was uh, as i can tom a list in the usa say great again in the u. k, it's take back control on us, or con us,
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you own in france. we induction isn't nice so i, but in germany harking back to the past isn't so easy. you have to take it even within the f d i. there are different, good old days, not fixed. come about. i don't know for some, it's a post war period under conrad at an hour to do the for others. it's a good old east germany. i use on line for quite a few. is that period from 1933 onwards us will up and on. so at the end, the eyes each box. so this is, tanya is quite typical guns too, cuz we've been human lloyd to and, and this young people feel there's no direction and audience. you won't get that they aren't being considered or can't participate. the thing is tied up and they might find business started perspectives appealing. and what that's going to pass back to you that can happen. you know, as this done, i'll talk to the science comes on such as destiny guys, you have to watch this. now this is how it's done. the zip fascists are sitting here of the zip code, each of the is the political arm of right wing, extremist and fascists. and for the to go on as a politician. i deal with these actors directly. and this being is that's why my
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focus is on those who represent the new righty in the political arena. you know, your best to, for creating the mean. it's odd to accuse me of only talking about the update of nobody because of course being who else is going to talk about them is always on by the yeah. vision. what, what day is it? yes. wouldn't it be good to have a calendar? so this is, this is our, the port chasing calendars, the top 12 of deportation airplanes. and obviously this looks like it does has to be sent. it's gotta be fake, right, mine, and sadly it's real, it's the a d and button written down to show it to what it does. it's definitely escalated over the last few years. is that so i also noticed that within myself and therefore as a new member of state parliament, i hesitate to call the green party. eco terrorists. that wasn't a term i used. i didn't need my books up. i was, you know, i wouldn't be honest. people constantly call, you will not see you naturally, you'll get worked out and things escalated cycles. is he done to the going to the island and solve it? is that the all the
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lectures will say club? i do live streams on tick tock almost every day. and the team focusing on the a, m d, and trying to convince people that voting from them might not be a good idea of in comes to supporting funds. well it can you really justify voting for people who deny the holocaust, the design see, i don't know if you can justify it with. okay, but we have a right wing party because we have the cd and c, s. u i. the name of the problem is a cd. you see us, you is to central to center left for people. so that's the problem was yeah, me telling stuff instead of probably have one and we'll do. i have to have moderators who can mute other users system. we've all agreed to use a hash tag,
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reclaim tick tock for this effort. and then the goal is still to spread awareness. see there's something as well, but it's become very, very challenging because some people reject everything we present to the new existence and then shall home the height of this obsolete. and also the fall gift is almost in the finance a donkey song. i'm the you, i did have one case recently where someone joined the young alternative for germany through a friend. we explain what it means to be in there and he said ok, i'm out because he couldn't reconcile it with his own values, signed by a lifestyle, but shocked him. most was realizing he was in a classified right wing organization. it may be under intelligent surveillance skills, but we'll, what's available an organization that's classified is right, we extremist is not compatible with germany's basic lou. it threatens the constitution and imposes democracy. who we use the new royce, what audiology is to buy promotion and what will it lead to? let's go down the rabbit hole. we'll begin with the f d. 's use policy,
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the young alternative. they mainly use social media to recruit members and have easily accessible ledger activities, such as so called patriotic hikes. well, gaming events on discord. they woke up when it woke. politics doesn't want you to feel like you're part of the community. well see, they want you to see your country's house and hides a, hijack hobbies and gaming subcultures with the people quickly become part of a whole new world hired on a computer where they adopt that world's vocabulary inside jokes and references decides that can give someone a new form of group affiliation against? no, i think if i'm hoping to be honest, catchy me. why is that? well, in the supposedly fast free speech tone of cyber space, right wing subcultures have been entrenched for decades in the far right mean accounts forums like fortune conspiracy theory, blogs, trolls massaging is big subcultures and other radical communities. most of which predominantly consist of the young man's, these groups operate with set rules and inside jokes,
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and then migrate to big platforms. just come on. you can actually trays how people who posted right when content and youtube brands and 2010. now the social media experts and so those are the party hires of the so for me to likes about them, but of the, the home depot calls that seems if he gets low to have a lot of money to recruit people. if indeed, you can learn a lot also when you work for the up, the, the, i talk to this people who are in the identity area move mentioned with the young alternative to support themselves while continuing their activism on the street side to it's a win win situation for those working for the a if the husband and convinced that 2050 mentions done felt the of the all. but i think i've just had some, i've applied this approach using maximillian car as a prime example of like now just an upload of these videos would find audiences themselves because this is the so called institute for state policy run by 5, right, publish it goods, cooper, check young right when you're late. so trying to you, for example, on how to use new tech is propaganda tools in recent sized people,
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whether it's bitcoin, it's theme on tele grounds. we must always use the best cutting edge technologies to stay ahead of them via a, a few weeks off the media. uncover the infamous potsdam, missing of the right figures and conservatives. among the attendees was cooper checks austrian foster stone mountain sale. now, to present to the book in which he also drools on the popular far right conspiracy theory of the great replacement expulsion plans we discussed at the meeting up to the media are exposed to the millions took to the straits in protest. zelner presents himself as a dissident and cooling for a press conference, and the majority of the social media accounts have been de platforms including his take talk stuff. this is teller, good size, finance. speed of the many new right networks use a tactic where they reversed things, flipping the narrative and swapping roles and organ photoshoot quickly. so they'll say they're the ones who upholds democracy, freedom and human rights portray everyone outside the group as enemies of democracy
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and human rights. the mention understood fasting, such as the documentation center of all story and resistance which monitors extremist, and has been documenting nancy crimes for 60 years. there's evidence to show the close ties between the f d f pay of the ident, terry, and i can say not as i know, i'm not in selling their belong to the top condo. so, but you appear in neo fascist movement space in new york for she's in recent years and several movements managed to extend the nationalism to a european level. as they say things like europe 1st and europe awakens causing it to another piece. so a whole bunch of a whole part of our bag and we don't use the term new right here that says i particularly have refused to nice clothes because you only need to scratch the surface a bit. and the old fashioned them emerges and come to for she will stop at 4.
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ready and human talk, if someone says with the last generation that can stop the great replacement, they should expect that someone could believe them to take the perpetrator of the new zealand attack and by the sea wrote into the manifesto. and this confession, because if i hadn't done it since i hadn't killed people, i would have been guilty if you should take it. what you see on the show, no understanding as mr. selma said, i have nothing to do with that. it's going to feel how can i help it if someone takes a great replacement literally? well, of course, why wouldn't it be taken literally walmsley's home, some information about this naming the
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right thing symbols part 3 and to get straight to the point. yes, i know that this flag, it's listed long before the nazis on. look for the nazis. this whole story on the notion of the nato is germany for germans corners out good enough in noise. that's what the right we want to order, but they come up with new things where it likes german culture of germany. but normal immigration and the decent attention travel because we keep elevating the right wing instead of focusing on people doing something against the right. and it was my for on people who are working to make society function differently rather than in a big competition. owens comes on, so the
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more and more codes kept appearing under my videos. yeah. so at 1st there were ones i knew like $88.00 or ones i could figure out like that waving emoji. that looks a bit like the hitler salute resemblance i of a. but then words and emoji is started coming. that didn't seem to fit at all. i was suddenly confronted with all these codes on queen 20 of them, that isn't even call us, never lose. there's never lose. your smile is a cheesy wall sticker and a right wing co then escape because the smiles, the 1st is this one as this is so it's more like never lose your smile and never stop continuing hitler's mission us fluctuation is a thoughtful for randomly popping up on completely different topics is a huge advantage and i think that's how many people realize they're interested in the topic, but at their own pace and to see and then the in about an m temple start to finish . looking at of non footage from the final days of the war, and let's say when us troops liberated the city from the nazis, or this photo of jewish business men being herded through labor thing. this all
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belongs to the united states, holocaust memorial museum selection. but what about the nazis on your doorstep today? i'll show you how you can research that and the archive you mentioned to me and people are extremely interested in nazi crimes exist. they don't know much, but that's not a bad thing. i find it admirable that. so many of them as so called stupid questions and the comments on the fun. i'm not a historian and i don't have deep knowledge of the period, but i just know where to look things up and do research on these days. the questions people ask until they give me a really feed into how i plan my content and it's a tips vender. so perhaps the comments are too harsh as it contains seriously. theories are trivialized or denied the whole of cost. i usually delete them myself. everybody come and it's a safe space for me to but, and i don't want to read that every day. it's amazing. listen, that's the comments that bothered me. the most was when someone wrote and had
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a left wing. as far as i know you live on streams, which is roughly where i live on the federalist, which when the when that, that's good, like the flinch of a but it doesn't scare me kind of maybe it's not. you have to say this, but i think these people are much stronger on the internet than in real life. shitstorm. but to shit, storm and threats and insults are practically inevitable. who, by stupid, no longer surprises anyone. that's who it's even part of the deal. and then i'm thinking we've reached a point where you ask yourself, is this normal not up, could you categorize it not to? is this a death threat? cuz there's something to report to the police. like, i mean, we often report people like, you know, they give me assist you. um, but i'm honestly, this is honestly, it's not pleasant. don't read too much of it. and so if you try to have someone else handle it for you, you can take care of yourself as customer offers by us and someone's writing initiates, can never use again the agitator and so hosting sunsets, session copeland this i also wonder where the line is between populism in
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indoctrination because they often are people who are fundamentally reject sources that don't fit their own narrative out of those to. it doesn't matter if it's from public broadcasting or private stations is and isn't the case and such as les this or fascist as well. so if it's doesn't work, nissan. tasha them is always right wing holiday. luckily fascism is a political turn. the right use us to deal legitimize opponents in people don't understand that you can be anti fascist. and right wing conservative saying human dignity is inviolable that every human is equal. so that makes us a clear message against fascism on. so if they stand behind the basic law i, they're already anti fascist. the quote is that the 75 years of germany's basic law, but the mood is an old but celebratory. society hasn't just become polarized, but also fragmented. what's missing is solidarity. numerous politicians have incorporated reclaimed,
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take talking to the videos. as of the summer of 2024. they were more than $45000.00 post tons of the hash tag. and the initiate has reported 120000000 views. but he's not enough to spock, a trend when most people make use of the voice. at least one thing is certain, the political battle ground of take talk is no longer being left to its own devices . you mentioned off to people on tick tock aren't stupid, don't like an engaged and intellectually with no means cost. and were you speaking of rooms? but all sounds crazy. i know, but i make videos about nancy crimes and it works for me to get all the sound. so i was a major vision to getting more women on stage. life never played an instrument
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before. not a problem. ruth miller sounded the unglamorous music collective with a single goal to have time she was the pump mom in 30 minutes on d. w. in good shape. it keeps guessing wholesome, which can be dangerous. how high temperatures affect all these changes? we'll face. nope, just to stick elderly and children how can we please the heat that spoke in good shape in 16 minutes on dw the
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w news by sometime in germany, 6, the rest of the ukrainian mount of the sabotage of the node stream gas pipelines 2 years ago. germany investigations believe he was one of the divers implanted explosive devices ending germany's main supply of russian gas. also on the program . trade in president for the landscape discusses the possible creation of a military administration to govern captioned russian territory. is comes as ukraine claims to have taken more ground and the prisoners chose to bring an end to the 10 month war in causes store of the day before they do to begin by mass refuses
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