tv DW News Deutsche Welle August 16, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm CEST
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the the business dw news live from bell and gaza safe for adults will resume in cairo next week. the diplomatic pushes on off the washington presents. i modified cease by proposing the us egypt and cods of say it's close. this remaining gaps between is runs from us to a whole fine to and free. the remaining hostages, added bangladesh, friends, and relatives of people forced if they disappeared during the previous governments route, demanding onset. the hoping the new administration can offer them information on the plus side. so now until steam rolls its way towards so killed hundreds of thousands of being told to evacuate their homes,
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while flights and friends are cancelled during a busy holiday week. the i'm good. how those welcome to the program egypt comp time the us have released the joint statements after finishing a 2 day meeting and they'll ha, backing a so called bridging proposal that will they hope will bring home us and israel towards the ceasefire agreement. the white house says totes will resume next week in colorado. this both is right. israel and thomas have a choose each other of add a new demands to the terms of the deal which had been approved by the un security council. i'm also the new proposal. does not commit to the deal agreed in july, the almost october 7 turbo tax killed more than 1200 and people in israel.
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the journalist came alga vari is following the story for us from cairo. carried him home us as the proposal does not commit to a deal that was agreed before. where do things stand now with these latest developments? what practice, we don't know much about the substance of the talks, but there is now a joint statement by the me do this uh the us did you purchase. and the company's saying that the washington proposed to a new idea based on the old proposal spot to trying to fill the gaps, whatever that means in the state. but it says the deposit is now sets for the outcomes, saving lives, bringing relief to the people of gaza and the escalating the region. and. ready that's the statement that is rated integration is leaving. now do our victories, right? the private is the name and it's on the all it is really private is that we need to
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the form that you asked for. mr. enter the blinking on monday. that is right. that one of the others we have not much is from these radius sites. me half up for us. and we'll say efficient stipend by home. us saying that the results of this ceasefire talk does not commit to what was agreed to in july of it to step on the proposal that this sort of payment since it's several months now that of course, it's not a good sign, but it is a said that the talks really resumed in cairo next week, and that is a positive step. is it not? yes, i think that is a positive step or that the resume title. lots of good side is the 1st statement of from us. and we have, we have to see what comes out there is a lot of pressure on old sites because especially also the mediator said to us because everyone is afraid that if. busy not the indoor or next week in cairo, and that the reason is pensions at my escalates and that's what they're trying to
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prevent by henry. now that the know the gentleman's kind of who are in cairo, thank you very much. you're welcome. the golf state of caught up is where media is trying to negotiate this. these 5 deal for gaza. it's also west. some palestinians are being treated for severe injuries from the war. dw, special correspondence i. abraham was in the hardware, she met with palestinian medical evacuees and that she's sold the total. the fighting has taken on the most, the gauze of strips most vulnerable and wanting to have us. her report contains some graphic and disturbing images. in many ways, 9 year old, my mood is like a new child. his age enjoys playing with his father and beating his younger siblings at video games. during those moments, he is a happy boy out, let's play, i am kind of genuine. then i am patient. i can take
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a lot of time with time like like him as you everything and sometimes if out of nowhere, what he has gone to over comes him. his mother tells the story my mood can not the image with the no, not so much moved line face down just had was moving and he was breathing, but his right was not there. and his left arm was completely crushed and he told me mom to take my sister and go, i will be murdered. i told him no, my loss. i would never leave you. he fell from my arms appraisal. i was going to, i could not carry an actual machine that was back in december. but what's mother tells me the family were shooting is really calls to be the northern parts of the gaza strip. then it is really rocket landed near my home. and when i came into days after this trying because of the anesthesia and fever,
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he was coming in and out of consciousness. he was hallucinating when he woke up and he would look at himself and asked me where my hands, why am i like this one? and he would cry, i could not make him stop, so i would cry with him after the injury he became like a baby again. he needed help with everything along slowly but surely would, is recovering cute and caught that along with more than 2000 other evacuees from gaza. most of them are women and children. many have serious injuries initially built to house football, world cup fans. this compound is mountain microcosm is human suffering caused by war. israel says, is justified to protect its people. everyone here has a story of loss and tragedy. in november, how much his wife and 2 of their children were on their way to a market and gaza when they worship bite is really air strike. he tells me this
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video. he says, shows the aftermath of the attack. the boy being carried away is his youngest. perhaps the woman lying in the background as his wife had lost his leg. his wife died in the hospital. she was everything all the time. it was life split and thank god she left me the children and then he was civilians walking down the street on lives all we ever asked for from god. what's protection? one special has a little, his son is getting treatment. he misses his mother and his siblings, some of whom are still trapped in gaza. getting the family back together is all that mohammed can think about. that so far, all his attempts failed us for
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a little more. in one sense, he's the luckiest lucky. he was able to get out with his siblings in both of his parents. it's a big reason why they say, is having mostly good days, but the memories of his home now a pile of trouble are always with him. that would do now the day i'm used to being in my country. i'm playing with my friends. i'm staying with my cousins and i have i loved what i loved the most was playing with my cousins. i loved him. i have no cause that i've done this kind of even right bicycles together. he would play soccer together. we would go swimming and we were happy and also playing gay. if high we have some good ones. nothing more than to be able to return home one day. but the cause of his childhood no longer
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the united nations says the strong indications that bangladesh, the security forces used excessive force when dealing with the reasons student protests that lead to the i'll step off the phone, the private associate. i've seen a student lead as accuse authorities of violence and in some cases, even abductions. but these are not the 1st such allegations to be leveled against the state forces rights groups in the country say there are thousands of cases that go back many years. and i get noticing search for answers, family members of bangladesh has disappeared. hope the status of their loved ones will be revealed as political change takes hold. i'm doing great. don't say on the streets for the past 11 years will be going to be on december 2nd, 2013. my husband and 3 other people were picked up the 50
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since then. i've not heard anything from him. i ran into a fire bangladesh, the human rights monitors say, security forces, abducted by more than 600 people. after former prime minister shaken siena came to power in 2009, dozens, remain missing. for security forces repeatedly denied any link to these disappearances or ex 330 shall killings. and instead repeating claims that those missing were in hiding were that some drowned in the mediterranean sea trying to reach europe or saturdays also refused to work with the united nations to investigate the abductions, bangladesh as party to old cor. you and human rights treaties. except for the convention, unenforced to disappearances, for the loved ones of the missing desperate for information. it's meant in some cases, years of suffering. i've been waiting for 11 years. it might sound easy,
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but i haven't been able to sleep even for a single night and all this time. no one will understand our pain. if someone dies, my people can visit the grave. but we can't even do that. definitely on the human rights groups have called on the new interim government to make solving the cases of the disappeared a priority talk be a who is a problem, but that's the human rights advocate and knows, the stories of the disappeared during the previous governments will as well, as you see, this is precisely the kind of harrowing stories their comp lists of them were, you know, for the past 15 years ever since, you know, the wrote the previous reading party really instrumental lies. and for us disappearance as a means of punishing opposition and did, did invoices, you know, scores or family have just been trapped in the cycle of uncertainty. and here i might point to the existence of
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a secret detention facility known as i not car from which at least 3 high profile. do you know, prisoners were released earlier this month or the day after she because soon as resignation. a 2 of them were opposition leaders, and one of them was an indigenous rights activist all over presumed to be either dead via their close funds because of how long they had been missing. and so you can see that this secret detention facility really served as a way to kind of, you know, punish all of them for being that for their dest invoices. and you know, these when net to news an investigation a porto expose the existence of this uh, specificity back in 2022. it's the government responded by saying that it does not exist in its, instead filed cases against them for quote unquote, spreading propaganda. not since the end of se, casinos, government have you learn more about how people would disappear and how they would treat it and why that would take him as well. yes. so some of the 3 of the,
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you know, the victims we, i just mentioned for minor guard has started to speak out and they, one of them had been costs and was defending his father, a senior opposition leader who was facing trial under the controversial international crime scribe, you know, so he was disappeared when he was directly involved in the preparation of the defense of his father who was later executed during while he was uh, you know, disappeared. so uh the michael talked about who's the indigenous rights activist was vocal against the militarization of to that on killed track. so there's just a particular region in bottom, the best way to, you know, if i'm to bundle dish army subjects, indigenous people to highly secure tides in deplorable conditions. so he's obviously was targeted because of his activism. but you see, when the us impose sanctions in december 2021, we did see a dip in the rate of enforce disappearance as in 2022. so then the purpose of enforce disappearance isn't that you're actually changed to previously and was long term. and for us as a, as intended to punish dissidents,
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but then it became short term and 1st disappearance as to punish the students who had been later shown as arrested under the book. so, you know, the purpose of shifting, depending on what the context was. now, do you believe that shake has seen a self authorized this tactic of enforced disappearances kidnappings? really? well, it's hard to say without a formal investigation, but here i might point to the fact that in may 2018 she herself announced a war on drugs. and this was followed by at least 466 extrajudicial killings. i missed the internet, so investigated some of these killings. and they found a clear pattern that before these individuals were killed, they were subjected to enforce disappearances. so there was a combination of ins, purchase appearance, followed by extra provincial execution. at the same time, high level government officials repeatedly denied no credible information about and purchase appearance as her son said that these were just people who voluntarily
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went missing to avoid legal liability. so, and we must note that in the past 15 years, despite so many allegations, it has not been one investigation. there's not been one conviction and you don't have that level of institutional non response on to unless there's some level of a back we have sense of the very top. and very briefly we're running out of time. do you think that the relatives can expect any information from the new government? i think yes, this is a moment of hope. so i will reiterate the maya darts demands that they have ask for perpetrators to be held to account. are you? i'm like investigation and of course we would also urge the interim government to current ratified the international convention on an 1st disappearances and perhaps even disband. the rapid auction battalion was been directly involved in these enforce disappearances. and finally, i must mention golf, but not talking about school has been missing since june, june 1996. it has been 28 years and we still don't know where she is. so this just
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goes to show and for us it's appearance of has an issue as long in the history of bundle dish, and there are many others will remain missing. we demand to know where they are and we hope the interim government will make that happen. the found the vision human rights as a good talk to who to thank you very much. thank you. let's have a look now at some of the other stories making headlines today. the health authorities in practice style and that is the text of the case of impulse and a patient who travels to a gulf states. but it's unclear whether it is the new very end of the virus that prompted the world health organization. to declare a global emergency this week, china has begun monitoring people and goods entering the country for the virus. they made it to or any, and see has reached its highest record a temperature on so it stay the water hit 28.9 degrees centigrade raising concerns for sea life. meanwhile, hospitals enroll my seeing arise and admissions as utilities suffer through
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a heat way. mediterranean region has been classified as a climate change called support. in india, adults, those of code for nationwide shutdown of non essential medical services on saturday as protests continue over the rape and murder or for medical training and co concept. several political demonstrations also planned for the weekend protest. silva, violence against women have grown since the matter was discovered. last week. thailand's parliament has elected depends on tom show, watts to become the next prime minister of 37. she becomes the country's youngest leader, and the 1st member of the should've a family to take this office. both comes days off, the constitutional court remove the last prime minister from office. he was removed off to the constitutional court found him guilty of an ethics bridge. speaking as her policy headquarters officer, the poles that don't sancho to support us,
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she felt compelled to take on the job. i decided that it's about time to do something for the country and for the party as well. and i just, i hope that i can do my best to you know, make the country go forward. jacob goldberg is a journalist with these new human and terry and based in the band khaki told me more about pets. on the end of policy, which is part of the political dynasty and talent, they were not more influential than the opposition party to move forward. party now, now called the deepest part, it was just as bad as they were the 2nd big place, 2nd to none of them, the latest election and the new prime minister, like the one who is just removed from office are seen as prophecies. for addition, one family and the head of the family talks and this is her 1st elective position
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before becoming time minister. and before taking leadership of the party, she ran the hotel arm of her father's business. um and you just use mentioned earlier to baptism a fire that makes sense because she will immediately face a lot of pressure. she'll have to, she's expected to jumpstart the economy somehow toward our challenges from the members of her co vision and challenges. the last there like the other members of her party essays, and to do something about the rising popularity of the opposition to the people's party which beat her party in the last selection. that was the gentlest jacob go, but token to us from bangkok, parts of europe are experiencing and of a summer of extreme heat and raging waters fires. in recent weeks, greece and the bulk of the country is happened by the effective emergency services have to deal with a lot of areas of forest of land going up in flames. near the greek capital s and
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one woman died and thousands more were forced to flee the homes relentlessly. upon temperatures and dry conditions, also boosted wall fires, farther north in bosnia herzegovina and in the bay area bay to heat. as that, the map curious to rise pods, 40 degrees celsius in many bulk and countries like here in mountain echo with a dip into c divided. at least some new study confirms that far as far as i'd be becoming more wide spread across the globe binding at least twice as much tree cover today. as they did 2 decades ago. sky high flames and sick black smoke, just one of many fires confirming what has long been feared that fires are getting worse. set up by the latest data on while tie us collected by global forest watch at the world resources institute. there is hard evidence that are showing that
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there's an increasing frequency intensity and extent of wildfires. world wide record setting for us by us becoming more frequent. 2023 was the worst. see on record with nearly 12000000 hacked events. an area roughly the size of nicaragua, typing the previous record by about 24 percent. one region that was especially effective last year is canada, which experience as most destructive fios he's ever building. there accounted for roughly 2 thirds of all forest by us. and more than a quad off on the forest lost worldwide. we found that the fires in canada and 2023 actually emitted roughly $3000000000.00 tons of carbon dioxide, which is roughly equivalent to the annual emissions of india, which is the 3rd largest producer of fossil fuel emissions. so what's the me to drive up behind this trend?
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the answer is simple. human costs climate change, as the problem is, is changing. the likelihood of extreme heat and extreme dryness is increasing exponentially. and this is giving rise to tend to box conditions and devastating walk fast. extreme heat waves are already 5 times more likely today than they were a 150 years ago. and i expect us to become even more frequent as dependent continues to warm according to w, r i for us and for your regions. those the far northern parts of the world, a particularly effective roughly 70 percent of all 5 related to recover lost in the past 2 decades. ok, there is a natural part of how bore forth fund logically there has been a significant increase in the loss of trees to file. so the boil region is warming faster than the rest of the world right now. due to climate change, you saw a mass of wildfires in russia as well in recent years. and so we think this is just
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kind of a continuation of something that we're going to see more of in the future. of the experts point to the so called climate feedback loop as a major consent when forest burden, they reduce carbon and as forest by us become elijah and type and will often they much more carbon through the exasperating climate change and contributing to more fi us. so what can we do to change this trend? the only way to address the likelihood, the increasing likelihood of these extreme fires is to phase out use of fossil fuels and to store it's even close global warming. not all wildfire is a bad, many of them a natural, unimportant to keep for us healthy, but us temperatures rise. so tuesday experts, that's the need to prevent uncontrolled fe upset cost method of construction for communities and the environment that's how
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it's susan eastern parts of japan are urging people to evacuate the homes as a strong type food makes its way towards the country type phone until as already forced the cancellation of hundreds of flights of trains and cost power blackouts in some areas still in that search is on the tokyo horizon. just days ago, tropical storm the via dumps record levels of rain in the country is no less than 24 hours after lifting a week from mega. quite cooling. a new a lot is in place. this time it's a tie soon. i'm pill categorized as very strong by the japan, me to a logical agency. i'm pel brings with lashings of rain and wind gusts of up to 216 kilometers, but our facilities will of the possibility of land slides in other areas.
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i'm pill isn't expected to hit japan directly, but even so, it's still making its present cells for the 40000000 people living in the tech region. lot small compo has arrived as japan and box o button a 3 day long produce festival. usually fits of time and millions of people return to the home towns this year. that won't be so easy. major sections of the country's famous bullet trains are being closed, including the busy take, you know, going that route. the act travel has been disruptive to hundreds of flights of grounded leaving some stranded at the airport. i'm right down stuck into you to the side and my next step is to go
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back to the hotel. i was staying at previous so i can maybe for the, for the life and then maybe try to travel to socket tomorrow. japan is no stranger to extreme by that, which is climate change intensifies tysons and topical stones are becoming more frequent to watching dw, and you see as a reminder of our top story are the zip codes are the us of release the joint statements often finishing 2 days of thoughts and don't just getting a seat, gaza ceasefire. deal. 3 countries are backing what they call a new us, drafted bridging principles. they say it closes the remaining gaps between hamas and israel to hold the fighting and free the remaining hostage. and that's it from me and the news theme club. richardson will have a will use updates late at the top of the hour, but don't go away. coming up next from great green, a documentary,
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w. and so when i used to think natasha is far away, no. c, a has returned to the baltic states. the fear of most of the power, the modem says here is a task. since this tony is not yet and miscellaneous, independent from russian. lots of people here expect from the future. a trip through the baltic states in infinity on d w, the this shadows, these are costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across apples. and he employed scores both farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread race as depression today? history?
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we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the our planet is getting hotter, bringing dramatic consequences for both us and nature. and humans learned to live with extreme weather to some of the same. it changes forcing us to adopt and we have to react and take structural precautions for testing. the weather is out of control. worldwide. the relationship of water and people has been shift. and those broken leaves nice to repair.
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