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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 16, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the the, you're watching dw, and it was coming to you live from berlin. garza cease fire tops will resume in cairo next week. your west president fight in the same a deal is closer then after washington has presented a modified ceasefire proposal after 2 days meetings in doha, the u. s. egypt and tar say. it's close as remaining jobs between positions held by israel and also a head on the program. ukrainian troops continue to push into rushes force region as t upsets of humana. terry and 4 doors are 4, responded needs to russians to chosen to police ukraine. countries around the world prepare for the spread of a new, more dangerous variance of the em. fox virus,
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the world health organization is calling for vigilance. but also telling country not to close their borders as typhoid until steam rolls its way toward tokyo. hundreds of thousands are being told to evacuate their homes while flies and frames has been cancelled during a fizzy holiday weekend. the hello, i'm clear. richardson, thank you so much for joining us. egypt because har and the united states have released a joint statement after 2 days of talks in doha backing, a so called region proposal. they hope the new draft will bring him off and is well toward a ceasefire deal. i'm us, which did not take part in the talks, is accusing israel of negotiating in bad faith. the talks are aimed at the end of
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the 10 month long war and gaza, securing the release of his railey hostages, and averting a wider regional conflagration. it's and negotiations are set to resume next week in cairo. speaking to reporters in washington and us president joe biden expressed optimism about the new deal. the reason why i was late for you all with all doing with the cease fire and we are closer to wherever man i don't want to jinx anything here. so we're not very much french across the country. let's get more on this with a journalist about leaks living in it. tell a visas and following the story for us. so by then they are sounding quite optimistic. israel has now also put out a statement to say it appreciates the mediators efforts to convince tomas to agree to a deal. what do you think the statement tells us about as well as thinking on the way
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the talks are going so far as well? um the base us back to uh, the position that the, the drum minnesota and your whole that the, the few changes. exactly, but more clarification that israel has requested from mediator should be actually uh, accepted by them off of the he is, will be more as low as will be the, the mediator, little more pressure on her mazda, in order to reach the deal is, well, there are some top that is the fact that the delineation that, that went through kind of does the state one more mind that he was supposed to come back in the same night, but stayed one more life because of the impression that the saw and the other members of the did it gives you have. uh huh. with the mid date that's already come through marks of the visual, say the or please include the sources,
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the pressure on awesome. that's why they said one more night than they made them more talk on the topic. get on friday as well. so today as well, the talks, as i said, are you said, excuse me, a, are you into a review on the side of the bible and supposed to be dealing with or focusing on the for the, regarding your issue. so tell us more about that. what are these remaining gaps that the mediators are hoping to address as well to main issues as a 3rd bigger issue, let's say the 1st 2 issues that are being dealt with right now. we decided that the car door i messed it up in the old one, the lady or me to stay in the boat of the car door in the 1st um, in the face of the video, the deal is supposed to be faded. so the 1st thing, the major thing that they don't want is lady troops to stay in front of the
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carnival because people lives on board. at the other of us, he goes back to the inevitably, the mazda will be able to rehabilitate himself as fit as role and keeps out of there were some through us modeling the re that's 1st. the 2nd issue is the mean settings, the this thing, cargo that is around me, that's let's the dog tripped into 2 parts. the old ones do one some ways, some system to monitor the people that go back to the, to the trim, not to kind of width is when that's the move this always a 1000000000. so now there's no solution for the monitoring issue. and i'm of course reviews. and the bigger issue is the fact that some of the ones as well to the live in the floor of the source they, that's another bigger issue, i guess. these are the sticking points. thank you for letting those out. we know us secretary of state antony blinking is wine to the region and he's that to meet is
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rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu. do we know anything about what might take place in this meeting as well? this is the 8th, the 9th, if i'm not mistaken, the visit to the region of lincoln the suppose to become like, i don't see that he has anything you to offer to the same as cost a living on a couple of days ago. he didn't have any a have any thing to use to the live and he's up to the phrase uh, with news. the, i guess is going to be the same situation here. of course and brian, we are in friday night and there's also to be shut the statements about this and this time. but i'm in the link and supposed to meet the visual on monday night is right side of the to uh try to convince the ladies to go for
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this. um a ceasefire dealer book more pressure is oh, the emergence and their main concern right now is not to drag that to be dragged into a luna, you are between is all the red and the see here is row. of course i read to that be fine deal. maybe that will be appointed as even the entire strain. the run is the valley to um, so you can dot maybe could also be avoided. all right, well have to sit tight until monday's got news of that meeting. thank you so much for bringing us up to speed. that is journalist about the flooding and tell of eve . thank you. you know, it definitely raid by is rarely settlers on a village in the occupied westbank has drawn international condemnation and calls for accountability. the u. s. france and the u. k. are among those denouncing the attack on the hilltop. village of jets. israel has also issued
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a rare rebuke warning settlers that it's the job of the idea. and israel security forces to quote, fight terrorism. the family of rashid, too late to come for to each other at his funeral. before leaving the mosque to join the hundreds of munos gathered for the final procession . the 23 year old was shot dead during a rage biased really subtle is in the village of jet in the occupied west bank. and the simplest. we're shooting from a very close range. not these really all mean because my nephew was shot and the bullet passed through his body from back to front. he was killed off and it was not the army who shot him. it was the settlers. i'm sure just a little hole insulting in the subtler stool, the village on thursday, setting fire to cause homes and shooting residents.
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love scenes. the game in little it was a, it was more they were in full uniforms. the i'll be up under the night as a home with machine guns and silence as old coming. i may move, their attack was clear and how to burn, but they'll kill and destroy me. the best see, i mean attacks against palestinians buys riley's in the westbank, have increased and still to the 7th to her attack by him. us on israel of the un has cooled it. terrific. and part of an ongoing and troubling past and the violence in the occupied territory. yes, it is killing and it is not an isolated attack. and it is the direct consequence of israel's policy of settlement in the west bank. we have been reporting for the past few years about set there is attacking palestinian communities in their land and the west bank with impunity. and this really is the crux of the matter,
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the impunity. that the perpetrators of such great violations had been enjoying in a red move. israel's lead is also denouncing the attack. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he's taking the violent seriously and that the perpetrators will be found and prosecuted. we can bring you up to speed now with some other world news headlines, the palestinian health ministry has reported the 1st case full wheel in garza, in 25 years. it says the victim is a 10 month old baby who had not been vaccinated against the disease. the un is calling for a week long pause in the fighting to allow for a polio vaccination campaign. and washington has condemned the 12 year prison sentence handed to a dual russian american national. on thursday, a russian court found the senate cotton really not guilty of treason because of
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a $51.00 donation that she'd made to a pro crane charity. she had been living in los angeles and was arrested in february, well, visiting family in russia. the ukrainian forces are continuing to advance into the southern russian region. of course, this comes a day after president fulton, there's lensky, sad, ukrainian troops had taken full control of the subject is the largest russian town to fall to ukraine's troops says the start of the surprise incursion. 10 days ago, the ukrainian army has now established humanitarian court or is allowing some civilians to leave. some russians are choosing to make their way to ukraine. or correspondent nick connolly met a mother and son who fled to the ukrainian town of sumi cuz he just the daughter. it's like there's a swarm of bees above your head every way you go to drones or everywhere and suits you. you can't even go out into your god and walk down to the river when the house is almost in the center of town, all the toner buildings in town,
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anything higher than 2 floors. they're all in ruins. and ukraine's only marched into russia's coast region. a lake was away on business in moscow. his 88 year old mother galena left back alone and switch out for you to give a little bit. if i was in the basement, it was dark all the time. i would like to candle to see what i was eating for, otherwise i was in the dock c. like try to make his way back to suit you. by the time he got the rest of the troops had already retreated from the town. the most of the road was already mind on the edge of subject. a drone had my call. no, that's how i had my arm was concussed. i managed to get home and the best tie as you come to you. i spent the next week in the cellar with my mother the moment. busy alexis, such as russian or thirty's, did nothing to help locals leave me alone. the local officials just got themselves
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and their families out. there was no organized evacuation because people try to get out on their own, but sales to a bundle cause everywhere. like with sure the getting across the front lines, direct mail territory was simply too dangerous. in his mother, i'm the advantage of a many of those trying to get out subject to have somewhere else to go. and the 2nd passport, a leg and his mother have joined the american and russian citizenship often living in the us in the 19 ninety's. as a korean soldiers became a more familiar sight on the street to suggest it turned out, leaving would be easy, foster and they could have imagined your store of somebody i saw some ukrainian military vehicles stop outside. i shouted to them out of the window and told them not to shoot. yeah, they told me i could come out and talk to them. i told them i wanted to evacuate my mother. 15 minutes later they came back and put us in the car and drove us to sony
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. it's being just different day now since mother and son go to ukraine, not know me time to get medical help. let's take stuff on. i'm exhausted. i've lost track of time. i can't even remember what month to i remember the 2nd well to the sirens, the rate will nat geo short running for cover news. and now this couple news says there is no. there's a certain unusual story. there are likely to be the last russian refugees heading for ukraine. is fighting the coast creeds and drags on. many russian civilians might soon have to choose between taking a chance and crossing the front lines and taking shots from ukraine. the economy
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reporting, they're turning now to some other news. the european union's health agency has worn to that additional cases of a new em, fox berry, and are likely to be found in europe. in the coming days after sweden confirmed the 1st infection outside africa, officials say the patient had been infected while staying in an area experiencing a major outbreak. on wednesday, the world health organization declared a global public health emergency following an outbreak and the democratic republic of congo that had spread to neighboring countries. but both the w h o and the international federation of the red cross are recommending that countries do not close their borders. and from the i 1st decided we do stand with what is recommended under international health regulations, which is that there's no need to close borders when we are in disease outbreaks, diseases don't recognize borders. people will continue to cross the border whether it is legal, crossing or not, and legal crossing. it doesn't stop a disease from spreading from war on this. i'd like to bring in doctor william
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shatner, professor of medicine in the division of infectious diseases at vanderbilt university . welcome, it's nice to see you. to start off for those watching from home. how worried should people be about this outbreak? or i think at the moment there's no need to worry. this is something we in public health and infectious diseases, are keeping a careful eye on. we're trying to help the people in the democratic republic of congo do with this by getting them some vaccine, providing them resources so they can track these infections more carefully. i think there will be more important patients if you will, of this disease from travelers to the congo and from the congo and surrounding countries to other countries in europe, united states, canada, and perhaps other parts of the world. but at the moment, this is not a big issue. as you have said, there's been been only one importation so far, just we to do current vaccines against am fox work against this new variant. you
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said that there would should be, or is an effort that's ongoing to bring those to the d r. c. yes, current vaccines against impacts do work against this war. contagious and more severe strain difficulties. there's only one manufacturer and it's working overtime to produce vaccines. so it will take some time to vaccine to have an impact. now in 2022, many people remember the w h o also declared a public health emergency over an outbreak of and fox. what would you say is different this time around? there's several different things versus there are 2 different strains of impacts that was the milder strain. this one is even more contagious and it's potentially more severe. it does have a fatality rate of one to 2 percent,
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particularly among people who were immune compromised, older and frail. but it is a more contagious, more easily spread strain, then was the other. now when you say contagious as part of the concern, the way in which it spreads, well, it is spread through close personal contact, often intimate and sexual contact. but sexual contact seems not to be necessary for this, for the spread of this more contagious strain. just pro close personal contact. and so that makes it a explain why they've been so many cases in d r. c. so from a public health perspective here, what kind of response would you recommend that governments take in order to help those in the d, r c, and internationally as well? first of all, i think we just have to be mindful, educate people who are traveling to and from the d. r c. and surrounding countries
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that they take care not to be infected. certainly not the kids involved in intimate contact with local people. the other thing is we have to join together with the world health organization to give resources, financial expertise, vaccines and the like sort of the ministry of health and d, r c has a better chance are beginning to control this upper well, thank you so much for your time and sharing your insights with us on dw, that has dr. william schaffner, with vanderbilt university. my pleasure. so now the united nations that says there are strong indications that bank was actually security forces use, excessive force when dealing with the recent student led protests. but let's, the ouster of former prime minister shake has seen the student leaders accuse authorities of violence. and in some cases, even abduction. but these are not the 1st such allegations to be leveled against.
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state forces rights groups in the country state. there are thousands of cases that go back many years and i could not using search for answers. family members or bangladesh has disappeared. hope if they do of their loved ones will be revealed as political change takes hold around 200 of them doing on the streets for the past 11 years will be good to be on december 2nd, 2013 for my husband and 3 other people were picked up the 50 since then, i've not heard anything from him running through a fire bangladesh. the human rights monitors say, security forces, abducted within 600 people. after a former prime minister, shake casino came to power in 2009, dozens, remain missing. for security forces repeatedly denied any link to these disappearances or ex treatment ational killings. instead,
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repeating claims that those missing were in hiding were that some drowned in the mediterranean sea trying to reach a year of authorities also refused to work with the united nations to investigate the abductions, bundle of dashes, party to old core, un human rights treaties. except for the convention unenforced disappearances for the loved ones of the missing desperate for information. it's meant in some cases, years of suffering. i've been waiting for 11 years. it might sound easy, but i haven't been able to sleep even for a single night and all this time. no one will understand our pain. if someone dies, my people can visit the grave. but we can't even do that. definitely on level. human rights groups have called on the new interim government to make solving the cases of the disappeared a priority. well,
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indonesia is preparing to mark. it's a 79th independence day on saturday, would ceremonies and events in its future capital. newsome, tara, the new city has been a landmark construction project of the outgoing president, jo, go with dodo bought. the $33000000000.00 development has face delays and spiraling costs. while the president has already begun working from the new presidential palace, some buildings and before government zone of the new capital remained unfinished. that's forced the government to delay the relocation of civil surface is also affecting independence day events with the gas less significantly reduced due to a shortage of hotel for dw reporter project costume. i put 3 is in nissan tara, she sent us. this updates. the preparations are underway and introduces new capital in his own thoughts for independent states celebration which will be held here for the 1st time as they can see behind me. many buildings are still under construction,
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although government officials said that it's 90 percent complete. for the 1st development news on the is the signature project of outgoing precedent. juggle, we don't to the capital needed to be relocated because jakarta, indonesia is long time capital as blocked by too many problems such as pollution. overpopulation severe traffic congested and frequent flooding experts predict that your contact good thing by 2050 due to the excessive levels of groundwater extraction to alleviate water shortages, but generally has space heavy criticism due to project, especially it's ballooning costs because the cost was estimated around $32000000000.00 euro and the government's plan is for private investment to fund around 80 percent of that total amount. however, not a single for any investors has committed the spot various efforts made by the indian government to find financial backers in japan, singapore, and united air emeralds. but construction is likely to continue under president
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elect problems. have been to the experts warren that those projects could post a significant findings. your challenge for his administration. as the w report of pretest cause some appropriate reporting from indonesia, new capital there, and that we can bring up to speed. with a couple more news headlines, thailand's parliament has elected at page on time. it's, you know, watch to become the next prime minister at 30 stuff. and she's the countries youngest leaders as a 3rd member of patient, a wash families and takes the office. and the boat comes days after the constitutional or remove. the last prime minister from office for firefighters in turkey have been battling thousands of forest fires, including some on the outskirts of is near the countries 3rd largest city, several homes and businesses in the area have burned authorities. a hot dry and windy conditions have fueled the fires, which are expected to remain a threat in 4 provinces for the weekend. and authorities and eastern parts of
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japan are urging people to evacuate their homes as a strong type food makes its way toward the country. type food i'm fuel has already forced the cancellation of hundreds of flights and frames and has caused power blackouts in some areas. still in the pictures on the tokyo horizon, just days ago, tropical storm the via dumps record levels of rain in the country is no less than 24 hours after lifting a week from mega, quite cooling. a new a lot is in place. this time it's a tie soon. i'm pill. categorized as very strong by the japan, me to a logical agency. i'm pel brings with lashings of ride and the wind gusts of up to 216 kilometers, but our facilities will of the possibility of land slides in other areas. i'm pill isn't expected to hit japan directly, but even so,
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it's still making its present cells for the 40000000. no say people living in the tech region. lot, small po has arrived as japan and box o button a 3 day long produce festival. usually fits of time and millions of people return to the home towns this year. that won't be so easy. the major sections of the country is famous, but at chains are being closed, including the busy take, you know, going that route and travel has been disrupted to hundreds of flights of grounded leaving some stranded at the airport. i'm right down stuck and took him to the side and my next step is to go back to the hotel. i was staying at previous so i can maybe pull them down for the life and then maybe try
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to get some more. japan is no stranger to extreme by that, which is climate change intensifies type things and shopping goal storms are becoming more frequent and that is it. you are up to date, but stay with us. i will be back to take, you will find headlines on the day. i'm sorry, richardson, thank you so much for watching the
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tv. so i use the internet plus i phone or away. no. to see it has returned to the baltic states. the fear is most of the full power, the modem says he is a task. since his tony is nacia and miscellaneous, their independence from rush. lots of people here expect from the future. a trip through the baltic states in person set out in full on d, w, the
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yeah. i lot, you know, dream of beauty and happiness at affordable prices. this is how turkish clinics attract customers from around the world. but hers a scars and even the tests are common. sorry for that for me. now the victims and survivors of medical malpractice are demanding accountability. reporter this weekend on dw d. w, travel l over the side of the street food john is with inside a tips. nicole, hi, nice. well, let's go. here we go. all right, so when it comes to sustainability information and try and do that. when you travel, you can have it all texted. okay, it has to check the bags. so you're planning a trip to make sure you miss nothing about is on the w travel. i hope you enjoy the
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trip here as much as i did. what about you? what's your opinion? feel free to write your thoughts and the comments or ukraine has been on the back foot for much of this year. slowly seating territory in the east to advancing russian forces. but to you have sees the initiative with it's a salt on russia's course region now. and it's 10th of the day on friday, ukraine said the operation was aimed at forcing russia to negotiate on what an 8 to president bought them here, zaleski called fair terms. so is ukraine in a position to push russia toward possible peace talks? i'm clear, richardson in for lynn you are watching the day the well there's really never been.


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