tv Breaking the Silence Over Deutsche Welle August 18, 2024 2:02am-2:30am CEST
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the people around her, she doesn't want others to have to go through what she did. or if she for the 20 years i suffered them bearable pain. my period only ways meant pain. okay, let's move to tell them the accusation of a hysterical woman patronize in infuriating naturally comes of course it's unacceptable that up to a few years ago, most people didn't even know what ends on how to use it in the slicing for recognition and a life that's about more than chronic pain, the 20 years priscilla at peter could not figure out what was wrong, why she was in such pain. even the people around her couldn't tell. somehow she kept functioning as a nurse as a pop. now, a mother and as a friend who enjoyed going out for the longest time, she thought it was her something else taken of the stomach pain. she to talk to
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stress concern go home to come to now. and so when you grow up as a woman, it's normal to have periods crammed light from the height. is it like you come some of these? and since most don't, as a man goes to take to him to have a lot of empathy for that because they just say you're a woman. that's just the way it is. the way it's always be. think them on exam. uh, when i started getting to the bottom of my pain, i asked the people around me and realized it was normal to have such terrible pain during my period. it looks like himself. it's because you come on saturday. uh, i started asking questions off speakers and learning more about what i could do to make my day today more bearable. well, i mean, you all have moved you up so she's sick. she learned that the pain she had endured for years had an entirely different cause than she thought it was. and during me, 3 years has a chronic inflammatory disease. she'd been guessing through it with pain. tell us,
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okay, cuz it was for me, i've been, she had some damage as time went on, i kept taking strong painkillers at one point, but simply wasn't enough anymore. now the talk being diagnosed with and demetrius this, i am slowly understanding why i feel so bad and i'm learning how to deal with symptoms of the severe period. pain is one tell tale symptom of the systemic disease. others include heavy, period bleeding, polluting, constipation, and other problems as well as for tennessee issues the, it's estimates that that 10 percent of women in europe on living with a disease on average, it takes about 7 years to be correctly diagnosed the disease. yeah. coolness grew up in the city of smoothing and mixing both fall upon
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them. now the student has home visiting her parents at 14 to the z, i began to suspect that something wasn't right. besides the severe pain there was dizziness and fainting, a shot of some kind, and house being so startling, selection as not much shots. in the 1st time i went to the hospital for severe abdominal pain. i was 14, but even though they found this, i know what your typical for. and demetrius is. no doctor even mentioned the word to me, little um, suggested i should have it checked out. instead, the doctor performing the ultrasound is the one who discovered the system just blurted out, well i guess having kids will be difficult of your. i mean, who says that to a 14 year old kid on gynecologist, i went to afterwards and kept telling me for 3 years that it was normal for me to be in such pain as i just met some how like she was saying to quit and making a big deal out of it, that is me. so on, on,
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i don't one point a got so that reminds me it was during my finals and school and of course i was under a lot of pressure. i had to start taking opiates because i was unable to sleep otherwise under. then that was when i went back to the gynecologist and said, i'm not leaving until i have the answers one and i'm for the diagnosis came just as the 1st cubic 19 drop downs went into effect just before highschool finals. the fact that was german does not um, that was matt was born here and i think there i had kind of you right, that was biology method proof of that for me. i still remember that math test was the worst experience i had such bad stomach pains. i kind of stumbled through it, but i was only able to take the test because i had taken really strong pain medication. and i had such a hard time concentrating just confidence you she tried reducing her medication, worried about the risk of a dixon, but there are days when she can't even ride her bike to the z as pain can come at
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any time. not just during her period as i'm used to say in my case, it really depends on my stress levels. if i'm stressed or when i'm not getting enough sleep, then i'm pretty much always in pain. come and it's just one of those things you can generalize and say everyone has the same experiences. that's why. and demetrius is called the chameleon of gynecology. it's so difficult to diagnose, con, everyone experiences it differently to learn more about how people within demetrius is confined relief sooner. she went to a specialized clinic in costa park because i was asking myself, how could it possibly be that i had to go from one doctor to the next for 3 or 4 years without ever being diagnosed correctly or even feeling like i was being taken seriously. and then i realized that many others had gone through similar things. so
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i'm curious to know what you think, what do we need from them? what have you observed voice the season, little by name, to get off. as soon as he goes, as it generally on the site and demetrius, he says a disease that is highly variable in the way it presents. because of this variable here, we have to take all the time of authority. examine all patients really get behind what's causing that complaints and that, and what might be affected heartily for distributions in the best content event over talking zions. a trained i might recognize this during an ultrasound when someone has end dmitri uses. so similar to the lining of the uterus can start growing outside of the uterus on the ovaries, intestines, or other organs in the pelvic regions. this is all sensitive to hormones and can cause information and considerable pain at the end of her consultation, which is easy. i present her initiative and its end and the silence. we're working
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on providing information as well as we can consider and we're not experts, but we would like to offer some basic facts. her me. she still says and, and there was silence to change the politics around the disease. the initiative launched a petition which reached its targets in just a few weeks cooling of home, germany's government, to take more action to address and demetrius. it's got kind, i'm single, ford, we started our campaign. there was not a single state parliament and all of germany's that had dealt with the topic of endometriosis. if you consider the fact that enemy trios, this affects about the same amount of people as say, type 2 diabetes. and then it's just mind blowing to think that it hasn't even been brought up in politics yet, and they're pretty touched at the different approach. in phones in 2022 remodeling . and nicole launched a national strategy to comb bass and demetrius center. so i thought that was so powerful, i'm seeing him give a speech on instagram, where he says and demetrius, this is a societal problem and we're going to tackle it in. and i thought to myself, how amazing would that be?
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if someone like chancellor slides, we sat down in front of a camera and said, look at this disease that mostly affects the limit on it's a societal problem. just put lame to specifically to the usually us initiative is quoting for more research investment, it's still unclear what causes the disease plan. let me tell little has been researched in the field of endometriosis because historically there's always been less money available for gynecology. so it's understandable that we need to invest more money here than you would in other topics that have seen intentional research for years. and in 2023, a small success. dependence talk decided to invest $5000000.00 bureaus each year end to end. demetrius is research today to the z as meeting flipped aconia, a member of her state parliament. i'd like to see you and sharon how are you? glad this worked out. i'm good. thanks. you're welcome. sure. access to end demetrius is treatment is particularly poor and the state certified treatment
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centers are few. and there are hardly any senses with sufficient expertise on staff one desktop. aside from that, i also think it would be very, very important to introduce the topic, to the public, to educate and sensitize administrators to the issue. so if someone requests recognition for disability, for example, that's not turned down immediately, because officials are sensitized. so the ways that limits people in their daily lives when you know that harrison in the convention of mash that's put together a document summarizing the key points, both in terms of the care situation. now as well as what a plan of action might look like. looks like that we've made. thank you very much. i hadn't realized there was such disparity in our society. this under such was so far behind the germany's government and federal agencies have yet to recognize underneath rios, as as a chronic disease. from such a full run in your, my calls administration has testified 6 times the amount that germany has for. and
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dmitri assessed research, the strategy also rains to make it possible to receive a false diagnosis is anywhere in the country. and it wants to provide more educational, including and schools pushed in a m b, they have to spend a long time searching before she found a place that could finally help her. a gynecological practice specialize. didn't. dmitri uses your muscular electrical stimulation to reduced information and how often in a c t 90 includes the bound, this treatment is meant to improve circulation here, which is a sub damage of this will help supply more nutrients to the surrounding tissue. so 50, they do have to present a nurse. this is a difference in her everyday life. she says you sure this summer i even took my son climbing should have cuz i couldn't have done that. otherwise,
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i would have felt too much pain and my legs and some like that. but there i was driving around with my son. it was incredible. and he was so happy. wow ma'am, you can do that, pray and fix it. there are no limits anymore to go through my head and not to my body. because of christopher to 1st, i feel like i can do anything. so obviously, you know, we'll keep improving. it'll get better and better. you can finally get your body back from one appointment to the next. you'll be able to do more and more. and one day your body will realize i can do this after all. of the, the person that is tackling one symptom at the time. the next step is to adjust to dias . many people within demetrius is struggle with indigestion, diarrhea,
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i'm closing known as and or benny the motor decision making even i'm trying to reach more food that went straight in my digestive system. so the things that are on t, anytime a change on children at all, that's not too easy for someone with a sweet tooth like me to go to the syncing issues. the the hardest for me to avoid all pastries and alcohol. i just love. and the parity definitely that people so if i want to just continue on the phone and i still sometimes eat fried food. i know it's not good for my body, but i just can't help eating
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a few frying and they all 20 just it just because of, of i know i'll get a bit of a stomachache afterwards on these documents about what stopped me from and living my nice if you wanted to just sit on the search as always to easy as next semester has begun. she studies german inferential, the 1st half of her classes were including now in paris. and yeah,
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i'm fine and right in my 2nd lecture i got such bad stomach pains, in part because the room was so stuffy and that just wasn't helping. so i just walked out of the lecture because i knew that was it for me for the day. and i knew the only thing i could do for myself was to go home, live down, take it pain killers, and wait to feel better. the suspense of it, too easy over law is on the help of others to take notes for her. look, compulsory attendance is a problem for her. if she misses more than 3 classes, she fails the course to most americans. although i have to be very careful about how i use my energy look. will i use it to force myself to go to class and hear a lecture? or will i use my energy to wash my clothes and make something to eat? my for me. and dmitri uses is always present in her day to day with a, a temporary fund and then, but i have friends and acquaintances,
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this disease progresses so far that some of their organs were affected. for example, they fuse them. and if you reach that point, you're no longer able to work me out. i'd see except the difficulties and stuff for vice cabbage bins liner. i knew definitely scared of that because i'm such an active person that this your thought of not being able to volunteer as much as i currently do. is the bill of lading. yeah, i don't know how i could even be myself that way. you know, so it's, i'm con priscilla has an appointment with her. go an ecologist to discuss an operation to remove some and demetrius to says she used to be afraid of these appointments. but here she finally feels safe. the, the long wait for a diagnosis is a structural problem. study shows that most medical health professionals take women, especially black women. that's seriously when they say they're in pain.
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the most part with a colleague about your physical therapy. so have you been making the progress you've been hosting? followed by one? yes, i'm still doing my exercising. that's just like working quite well. i thought of jesus, i didn't take any medication anymore. other than so contraception. ok, thank you. okay. and then all that's left is home in therapy. right now i'm tolerating the bill quite well. i don't know if that somehow linked to the fact that i'm not taking any painkillers anymore and have lost into the weight. i'm not supporting anymore. i don't know if that's related to the a nickel and she falls to some kind of thing. so that's more because the body needs
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the time to adjust the whole mind treatment. she says, so if you're responding, well i wouldn't change thing was that the question is more of what we do if this doesn't work. okay. if everything is working, that's great. well, it's passing operation. today we'd say no, they come. so that's not the find alone. so, you know, my goal is to avoid meeting surgery in the future. like when i was on my co abdominal surgery becomes necessary when the disease begins to damage the organs. almost as if you don't have bone. so when before play by mouth, no laparoscopic surgery is the 2nd or 3rd choice of treating endometriosis to be in certain cases. and it is inevitable because organs have been affected by the progressing. and demetrius is eventually, which is especially the case for the urinary tract financially. then there's no other choice. unsaturated becomes a necessary treatment to prevent the stomach and told them i'm not the one who determines the severity of the disease on fixing. that becomes evident from my
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patients daily life. i suddenly totally normal lives, even though ultra sound or am i royce guns? sure they have a severe case of in demetrios is extend on the, on the patients with just a few lesions. the can face considerable limitations. you know, be able to leave the house for 3 days a month, for example. then the disease of savannah is there on a bunch of old on wow, that's a really tell you the link between endometriosis and infertility is especially painful many or diagnosed when they are trying to conceive the a to z z. i was hoping to network and phones. she's heading to an off
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to work event organized by an endo, from an organization that promotes awareness of the disease. much like to the us initiative on the see the properties. so i'm pretty sure today i'm going to tell you a bit about and imagery is this. you might already know a thing or to do this. paperless way for you is that maybe you'll learn something new. we'll learn from each other. imagine cause that as you can imagine, everyone here has been diagnosed with and demetrius this is katie on that, is there anyone here who has known some less than the way? okay, okay, so the diagnosis is still fresh ink when they told me, oh no female and not to me know, we call a 10 demetrius this because we're fine membrane. the lines, the uterus is called the end dimitria. i long tell you,
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is that these new terrain like sales are responsible for the disease are savvy, do damage it. back to me on the evenings, like these amount of your code. t also explains the different theories about how and dmitri uses develops. the still so much. i know that because you spend most people may dispatch, keep your chin up. there's a note that can help. you just have to get started for you. to model meditation helps me because it's good when i hope you now have a better understanding of what's happening in your body's car equally as important as how talks other chances to share stories of this. i told my doctors that i was in pain and that i didn't feel well, i mean, but they just said that was normal. women just got their periods, and menstrual pain was always bad. it takes us to go to school to the frontier. then i kept dealing with doctors who said this wasn't in the field, so they sent me to a specialist who said they couldn't help me and sent me to
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a general practitioner. i felt like a pink campbell you're talking to others helps me feel like i'm enough to know. that's what sort of tv z as already planning her next steps. and you'll see that present minutes. and there's still a possibility of taking this to the european parliament with the european citizens initiative for the bandwidth. okay, what is the 1st in this journey to better managing how chronic disease now includes routine massages don't need it for like a cleansing like a room. daisy with myself, but it's my main you know
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the measurements on. if i feel so relaxed and peaceful when i come in, i feel like i'm myself. i'm good for more than i'm not just my disease, but not just the pain in my psychotic. now i have or in my abdomen, she's the moods naturally i'm me, everything begins. yeah there's and there is the christina, i'm to the is the i learned about each other. while this film was being made,
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priscilla proposed, they mentioned her favorite cafe. the that i loved this cafe. so it's, you know, it was it to, this was the 1st cafe i visit is when i came to parents to study to see the immersive. and for me, it was the 1st cafe i visited, often moving to parents about the breakfast, the phone. and so what's up there now the time to take
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a step back. i've realized that in the past 20 years, which was very chaotic. i lost a lot of time. i see cool. that time. i thought it was all in my hand. customer phonetic, feel it. now it's important to me that people affected them. no. you don't. yes, it is painful you. yes, you do have stomach pains, there's pros, they don't, you can't really even get out of bed. and the only thing you can do is bring your kids to school use, and that feels like the end of the well to be fun. but you all know. so no one or 2 . and it is possible to lead a normal life with and demetrius as you know, i big there is, this is douglas of when my greatest wish is that i might find a better way to deal with my disease and roast over time. because right now i think i'm kind of sticking a band aid over anything that starts bleeding booth, bluetooth, but i haven't really found a long term strategy for managing this on this information for further research. i think i'm getting better because i just have the list hovers,
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not through this emphasis on a societal level. i hope that this stops being a taboo topic. but in this step school start teaching children about endometriosis, but it's taught him lecture halls that it's debated and talk shows on it in talk show stuff of this place. and that jeremy's bundis talk finally passes the decision on the matter and it's right inside on the go from them to anyone who is affected. and anyone who has just recently been diagnosed and did things to give out pump. and there are plenty of solutions. and we believe you of the
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run. see with like catching and always where it's 09. in 60 minutes. on d, w, the d w. travel decides phase 3, food, honest with inside it tips. merkel high. nice. well, let's go here, we go lower. so when it comes to sustain efficiency information and trying to do that, when you travel, you can have it all fixed in it. it has to check the bags. so you're planning a trip to make sure you miss nothing about is on the w travel. i hope you enjoy the
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trip here as much as i did. what about you? what's your opinion? feel free to write your thoughts and the comments. what did you have for lunch today? healthy easing is fashionable and not just on social media, but opinions differ on what counts as healthy. you've probably seen this parent met before, but in recent years, new trends have turned it on his head. take the key, so diet, kind of high fat diet, really be good for us. and can what's called intermission to fostering really help us lose weight facing is about community enjoyments. but can we have too much of a good thing find out on, in good shape.
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