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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 18, 2024 9:00am-9:15am CEST

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the, the life of the from bullying. this is data we use. you create says it's tightening. it's hold on, it's positions in costs. it's forces consolidate that gains as keith comes under attack from russian to besides vitamins lensky calls for more, a defense from the waste and more missiles to keep off the pressure on most of the us pushes for guns. a troops of the more people die it, it strikes the hours of the deadly new it's way the attacks on guns, a secretary of state, and to be blinking heads to way as well. but you get to accept a ceasefire deal. i'm a doubt insults the, the
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i've been visible and welcome molden 11 days into a major ground defensive into russian territory. ukraine says it's strengthening its positions in the cost region. keep one small west and help as it continues its 1st counter offensive on russian soil. presidents, automated so landscape and use his coal for the west to supply longer range weapons as it tries to take out the critical infrastructure. meanwhile, ross is states atomic agency, was a tom as want of a growing crisis that nuclear power plants in cost and environment occupied separate risha in ukraine. let's bring in dw correspondence, so you found the account in case. what's the latest you've been hearing about these power plants festival, as well as the said, the, you know,
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joshua has one to what it says is listening situation at the cruise. a new tape, all of blonde. this is located about 8 to kilometers from the tone of pseudo which you created and forces capture the audio this this week. and that kind of one going incursion into that. a reason that we've seen a lot of claims and come to claims that on the thrushes defense industry yesterday said you couldn't was finding an attack on this nuclear power plant. the russian media have been seeing some misaligned faults have been found in the audit of ukraine has denied all these claims that you created. foreign ministry has as called it a search of what he says in saying propaganda. i'm a new queen of you know, is suggesting that this is an attempt by rochelle to also offer nuclear falls flag operation if you like to kind of distract from its fame, is to, to repair that you can think of creating offensive in the coast regions. so far and with u. k. so holding tower trees in russia has the lensky outlines ukraine's
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overall goals. that what do we don't know is yet how long uh, ukraine plans do to hold onto the state of trees that sees in the co squeeze and it's ongoing a ground defensive there. but we have suddenly heard from separately created officials, including present president zalinski about some of the kind of thinking that went into this incursion and some of the goals for this operation. for one they see that these um, typically, so they've seized, could serve as a bargaining chip could go to ukraine in a stronger position when it comes to kind of any future peace negotiations of 2nd be the vc. this is also in the trying to stop pressure from using that coast region as a kind of launch pad for a devastating cross border area in the tax which i've been targeting, in particular the neighboring ukrainian region. also me and last least, the hoping at least of this, this incursion, really kind of full threshold to re deploy some of its troops from frontline
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positions in ukraine. now we heard from some us officials yesterday who said, hopefully that is beginning to happen, that russia is reportedly, you know, directing, redirecting causes of its troops, substance brigades away from the front lines. but we don't know where exactly that was happening. we heard from one who created winter to officials this week, who said of the moving troops mainly from the southern front line and coastal and then supple issue. but there is little evidence yet that this is really using any of the pressure, especially in on the eastern front, especially in the near region where of your painting defenses are really overstretched and trying to repel. intensifying russian attacks of rebuilding that russian troops. there are now closing in on the strategic tone of across the latest day from dw correspondence. sonya finally caught in keep us secretary of state. and is that a blinking is on his way back to the middle east to present a new plan for us. these firing guns that he says,
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the new proposal has input from continent egypt and addresses some of the key concerns of both israel and thomas assign initially provides for a complete and unrestricted ceasefire of 6 weeks. lincoln's trip comes on for a i'm a spokes person, said that signs of progress of the 2 days of talks and jo, a, we're an illusion. and after another wave of these, by the strikes in central guys it back to back is variety strikes on an apartment block in center. because the off to the dust clears, people bring out the dead, ended to not fall out of the house and know that house destroyed in an overnight xhylia tech to come up and cause i had some industries said, well what a dozen people were killed most from the same family, they mean many,
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they were a sleep and their beds are the kids and babies when the somebody 13 miss, how's car could up their home home model was the place as well known that you'd be jawad is the fish and meat merchant. how is the weather targeting merchants? you know, what else is next? what has to be alone? i'm looking at these riley miller trees said it had just struck me to turn targets in an area with rockets had been fired at duke's troops. it has also called on residence in box of center because on the head of when you made it to albany can well, i'm not sure i do that on there is great suffering. how can we move from place to place without money? i left home. i didn't know where to go about, i swear to god, the people gave me 5 shekels to go to the hospital to treat my son on the latest strike game. after mediators including the u. s. customs and it just expressed
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optimism that the seats 5 data between is right and how much could be imminent as a and then what are the mediators have supplemented an important proposal and there is communication between the israeli and palestinian sides. and if the intentions are sincere, and if there is political will, then a cease fire can be reached 12. this is we're looking at ways to close any remaining gaps. the c a c, a must, did not participate directly in the 1st round of the stocks and uh, and it cost out on the prospect often agreement mean by the cousins, keeping their fingers crossed. put up with the into the breakthrough in the upcoming negotiations, which are set to resume in keidel next week. so as by the excited dean joins us from tel aviv. could some part of these talks paved the way for a cease file? could you envisage the actual signing of a deal at this point in time?
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well, that's definitely what the americans are. the other uses our whole before we are approaching dramatic. we have, there are still some gas reason when we heard the occasion that came from cairo on friday. the problem is the, that's according to the parameters as office the, there's some at a cautious optimism as of the statement from the problem is office space a, which means that it could be some of the issues that we made a sol, uh, is typically the, the the kind of the of the 2nd category uh, which is the, uh, the cargo that slips the god forbid to, to, uh, the, the front of the service. so asking for uh, some sort of a system room. is there a way to monitor who goes back from the got it from the south of the street to their home, to the old of the street according to the frame that uh there's and by the folks
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out on the, uh, excuse me. the, um, me, he said the only civilian will go back to the all the from and that's an issue for the front of me. the problem is there's still asking for a way to be sure of that specific thing. now, uh this week, uh the uh there is, uh, the location that will go to, uh, kind of uh to uh, deal with the some of those because of your issue. uh lincoln said to arrive it to israel today and meet with these ladies. we certainly do that. all right, mr. tomorrow, in order to discuss the remaining gas. ready typically the next, the issue that i just, um, uh, massive it blink is being back and forth a time. and again, doing this will. how do you think his presence during these negotiations could change? thanks as well. this is, i guess,
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is the last visit to the region d o is going to see a master of some more development that has been a leak in those. and that's what the present also is that the d a is really sorry to not give up on the meeks or re issue and also the, the, the 3rd or issue. and that's why i think it is essentially come with more pressure all these ways. but i'm not sure exactly how the only way that the americans has to do pressure on these really big white with holding some of the of the nation specifically the heavy bombs, the ministration has yet to deliver to somebody to israel. and that has been uh since the april or may. so we're not talking about anything. you could put more pressure to the right. maybe able to convince the whole, the whole, the, with the radius. because the moving the we proceed to the seas bar and you know,
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the, well, definitely the chart or the radio visible from a 2nd in row, you know, from general hispanic setting, intel to be thank you very much for being on the w news. let's look at some more stories making headlines today. the social media side x is closing, its local offices in brazil because of a class with the supreme court. judge has ordered several accounts accused of spreading this information to be blocked. x says that amounts to censorship uses will still be able to access the site. support of the venezuela's opposition have rallied to demand the candidate be recognized as the winner of a disputed election. national electro counsel declared president nicholas, but doodle victorious in last month's vote. the opposition, the u. s. b, e u, and several that in the american countries old project, the result or london's historic somerset house, has been closed because of
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a fire. no injuries to stuff or visitors have been reported. the galleries extensive od collection, including works by monet, uncle, and says on was on damaged. it's not knowing what caused the incident. here in berlin, 200000 people came together on saturday for brave the planet. the tech i music parade is just the latest spots of what's now officially recognized as a cultural tradition. the emotions, ron high. as the modem textbook capital, the lean becomes an open at dense floor. hundreds of thousands plot the c to sent onto the molto lock. this trunk sample rate in spots. we all fit all this in the legs there on the 2nd,
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a lot of sense to the bits next to berlin's famous landmarks. but secular itself is no less the full landmark. this here, germany is government declared, it's part of the national cultural heritage. the way is because it's, well we don't have anything like this back home. the tech support rate rate the planet just formerly known as the last 3, which came to an end in germany implemented to offset that list compete for its found us. the current event is more than just joining part. does that come? you mentioned people come to berlin and to raise the planet, because they realize even now that the spirit of the loved parade continues as graves, the planets. and the susan's free was a pleased with the love thread success. i love my name checklist. everything to me, it's my life and it's a, it's as much my pleasure to meet as the air i breeze,
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you'll survive. and it certainly seems that many here breeze this same air failed with the united states of text. let me finally use is just coming in of i caught a french accent law. i law, the law having died aged 88 after a battle with ill health is children who have told the use agency a f p. he emerged as one of the principal actors of the 1968 by fans and critics for his own spring presents. he was also often in the headlights, for his to moses personal life. in his life he used to live the more tranquil life in his mansion, info, france, romando, that's up story to sell you a secretary of state. and so they think it is on his way to way as well to push forward, because the thinks my proposal is comes out through as well. carried out, it's fairly new and strikes in central concept of next picture of
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