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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 18, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw, use life from berlin, more pressure on vladimir putin as ukraine hits, another key bridge inside rush. it's the seconds major infrastructure target keeps says it's destroyed in recent days as us forces consolidate games in the course grades and also coming to us secretary of state anthony blank and begins his 9th visit to the middle east since the start of the war and gods to push a cease far plan that homeless cold and illusion, israel's prime minister accuses how most of being obstinate the
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unpopular phone in the us. welcome to the program. ukrainian forces say they've destroyed a 2nd bridge and rushes chorused region as they attempt to disrupt at moscow's combat operations and supply routes. ukraine is still battling russia within its own borders, but after defending home soil for 2 and a half years, keeps troops or 9 securing a foothold inside. southern russia. ukraine's 1st counter offensive on russian soil is taking aim of critical infrastructure in the car. ask region to key bridges over the same river were destroyed by ukrainian forces over the weekend. frustrating rushes ability to resupply troops try and defend off ukraine's incursion. more than 11 days into the sold ukraine is digging in. keep wants to shift the dynamics of the 2 and a half year war and its favor. after moscow's 2022 invasion was for you. cranes, troops the on presidential ground to solid marks the new stage and the conflict. taking the war to the invaders home turf wasn't, of course,
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it's preferable to fight them the temperature, it would be best if they weren't on our it's haven't yet. so that's what i'd call victory label. they are, was up to put them on russia, claims that us supplied high mars missiles are being used in the attack. ukraine is not commented on this, although the us and it's nasal allies have authorized keith to use their weapons to attack targets inside russia. president vladimir zalinski has renewed his call for the west to supply longer range weapons as it tries to take out critical infrastructure. keep claims to have seized over a 1000 square kilometers and chorused, including su, job. when i was a, both the city is still being cleared off. the subject is already fully under control, but a different zones, different basements, we're finding russians and catching them. because otherwise, the situation remains tense for the troops continued to advance. the enemy tries to enter with small sabotage groups, lifestyle,
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and everybody destroys in the listing for those couple to see just the last major transit point for russian pipeline ga, still heading for your reply ukraine, just under half of russia's gothic sports to your come through here are questions about whether guys problem could use the fighting as an excuse to hold gas exports biased due to a parameter already? the security of energy infrastructure is a key factor, and the conflict must goes atomic agency roles that tom was warned. of a growing crisis of nuclear power plants in cost, and russian occupies upper asia and ukraine, ukraine's targeting of rushes infrastructure as whitening ukrainian drones also attacked in all his storage facilities in rushes, southern rust of region early sunday morning, sparking a large fire syria jamante is an eastern europe energy policy experts, we asked her how close operation is to a nuclear disaster. the real answer to that is that we are not that close. and
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there are a couple of reasons for this. to start with this operation, nuclear power plant has already been shut down. now of course, it takes a very long time, hundreds of years for nuclear fuel and nuclear reactions to be brought down to a safe temperature. so what's going on now is that it is slowly cooling inside the reactor core of the plant. the main risk is that the cooling systems will be somehow separate from the inputs that they need, which in this case is water and electricity. when russia bombs, that can cause put down and the hydro electric station there, the entire reservoir, it's escaped, so to speak and flooded. the, the massive area beneath the down. that was the water source. that's the as operation nuclear power plant was relying on to keep itself cool with out that there are risks that said you're not looking at a triple style disaster should one occur. and that's because there isn't the right in the center corps that could burn i. so you'd be looking at something more like
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a flashing that disaster. but at this point, the area around is not usually populated, be behind the front line of the war for so long. and again, the, the powerpoint itself has been shut down. c u. s. secretary of state anthony blinking has begun his 9th visit to the middle east since the war began to push a new plan for a cease fire in gaza. even as israel car is had more air strikes, the hospital and the guns, a health ministry says at least 17 palestinians, most from the same family, were killed in an attack near the central city of dare. above. the u. s. remains optimistic about achieving a cease fire, but how much which carried out the october 7th terror attacks. i said, any signs of progress are an illusion and accuses israel of negotiating in by face . it's a site that has become sadly, all too familiar to the people have gaza. another set of bodies carried away in
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bags. is mona's watch on helpless today. and the night is really abstract, killed the mother, father, and the 6 children as they slipped through tears. the grand father residential, and tried to make sense of the southern massive loss of so many of those that he loved. my daughter, her husband and the 6 children was saved on, on most of the street in the bundle area. when i'm is so struck them completely destroying the apartment. the mother died and all 6 children perish. the whole family, the oldest child was 15 and the youngest, the and the half an hour. what was their crime and no one else? 10 months into this devastating bull garza is teetering on the brink. food is still scarce. the health system is on its knees and the un says 9 out of 10 people and now internally displaced some. many times i have none. the less the white house has
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said that optimistic a ceasefire can be reached. between is rad into mass. the mass is called, that's optimism and illusion. and even if deals can be reached. so many people here in gaza, it's already saw too late. is ready. negotiators have expressed cautious, optimism about reaching i see fire deal, but prime minister benjamin netanyahu accuse us i'm us of dragging its feet in the book. i sure love you so much. remains opposite end of it hasn't even sent a representative to the tullocks and bill. therefore, the pressure should be directed at her most and his leaders and was not at these really governmental them. i'm trying to dislike. that's gross and i have to juries them where we're joined by dw correspondent felix tom suit at great to see a felix and so us secretary of state on to the blink. and as we've seen has arrived in israel. it is at 9th visit to the region since the war began in october. so is he hoping that his in person meetings will help get
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a c fire and hostage deal are absolutely, that's the biggest hope among the mediators. in general. not only when it comes to the secretary of state of the us secretary of associate visiting here in israel as there is this general sense of cautious optimism. at the same time, it needs to be said that the, until they blinked and visited the region has another a context. i would say to the extent that uh, over the negotiation, there is the issue of iran and he's by law waiting with you to retaliate on the killings of for ciocca. he's by law chief, and he's one of the, the how much chief, a kid in tehran, and basically this is basically the, the whole issue of their retaliation looms over the negotiations. i think the
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mediators have also have the issue in mind that to, to cease fire be reached and all 4 in the region could be prevented. that's why they're hoping to reach a deal by the end of this week. the phoenix, well these talks are taking place. the war and guys are continues. we're still seeing many civilian deaths. doesn't that we can israel's position in negotiations when it comes to israel itself, the feeling is that it doesn't hurt the negotiations. quite the opposite is ready to seize it's military operations, as part of its co operation of security, the return of the hostages and dismantling come us if it needs to be said to come up with positions of barely change if it's all during the is radio peroration in gaza. so it seems like both sides don't see the ongoing corporation in gaza. is it because they obviously come on once the is ready for
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says out of guns sized parts of its conditions of reaching get cease fire deal. this is one of the biggest fragile reaching such a deal and remains to be seen whether the negotiators will be able to overcome this big hurdle. tanks, village dw, correspondence, felix time suits, of injuries and 4th types. take a look now. it's a more stories making headlines around the world. heavy rain has a to austria causing flooding and the capital vienna, the city. so it's the largest recorded summer dime pours and over a 150 years. a woman was critically injured after being swept under a bus by the floods. batteries in liter, alexander lucas yankee claims. ukraine has stationed more than a 120000 troops along the border between the 2 nations. to ca, shank us as almost a 3rd of batteries his army has been sent to the frontier in response to russia invaded ukraine from batteries and territory when the war began. in 2022,
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a don has declared a cholera epidemic. as weeks of heavy rank contaminate drinking water authorities are appealing for urgent humanitarian aid for thousands of people displaced by flooding. the eastern state of casala is by the effect. cousins of indians have joined doctors and medical staff, protesting the rape and murder of a female training info canada. many doctors have stayed away from work beyond the end of a nationwide strike. demonstrators are demanding a whole to violence against women and tighter security and hospitals. and the veteran french film actor a lot deal has died aged 88 president emanuel my call has described him as a monument to french cinema that don't start in a string of classic movies, but may be best remembered for the legendary looks. he brought to the silver screen,
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a charming, unapproachable, breathtaking, really good looking for decades allowed to loan with, read the edge by fans and film critics alike as the ultimate french. how pray can with the gang store image, or is it too much what this image of me is proof for me? and i hope for you that i'm a good asked her to because this image is the opposite of how i am in real life. you're going to be and down below hed international break for as the star of the crime classic purple noon. then 25 year old play to kill it without a conscience cementing as titled as a new face, a french cinema. its lips and his detached style passed the night to directors right from the beginning, he had an axe, applying the tough guy and for attracting beautiful women in 1958, the low med german actress who will me snyder leading to
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a 5 year engagement that's passed the night to the public, but in 1964 below married another woman naturally and allowed a little son anthony, was born late to that same year in direct look. you know, these countries, historical, 1963 epic. the lab had allowed it also that he could play mode, and just don't. carrick says alongside it's highly and co star cloudy academy not. and he showed off his emotional range and ended nomination for best new come at the golden globes. it was his leading role in the thriller assembled by that made still a global style and immortalized in view. as mine's the iconic image of the emotionless kayla in a trench coat are elated . the loan was reunited with an old flame home each night
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a while filming the freleigh, the swimming pool. once again, he was cost as a motor on skin bundle based on the community to remember her as a woman who was very important in my life. for me, the vision was one of my 1st love so loved when your age 20 is important, just by help. you were also in love at 20 and will also be love at 60. but that's an entirely different thing. in the mid 1919th atlanta and all began walking an outhouse and historical sounds such as one in love, based on a novel by mouth said post this is, will fit or feed them on that i want to do every single film. because with this, with this, that was my wish, and my longing is your skepticism and i have no regret it. as a single one, they take this can can feed him because this was a long day long retired from the silver screen in 2012. after having acted in move, in 18802019. he was awarded an honorary palm doable in 10 for
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his decades. of work and so all right, you are up to date will be back again at the top. austin x x x walk in the on the long voyage through the ocean. and mother, i'm back with account for a long time. they had to be humans on the journey but now the practices have become very protect.


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