tv Arts Unveiled Deutsche Welle August 19, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm CEST
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is a resource, it just doesn't make sense for everyone to tap in the face sparkle. big laser shimmer, and shine diamonds are rich, regal short for our way to make you feel like a queen, or at least the princess from wrappers to robbers and romantics, diamond to inspire and to rouse our emotion. when i saw the diamond stairs, i mean what makes the mistake? because this most mythical of gems the i don't actually own the diamond myself. and i have always been fascinated by them both as
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a feet of nature and for what they represent. the diamonds are ingrained in our collective psyche as the ultimate symbol of love, status, and power. as carriers of curses, fuels of conflict and metaphors of resilience, humans have always been drawn to diamonds. but why? we're literally we're wired to look for shiny and look for sparkling all living things that can see have been programmed to look for something shiny or look for something sparkly because it means water and water is months and dinings just sparkled best. and they have so many stories to tell diamonds are seductive divisive and essential to our modern economies. but what does their journey look like? and are they really forever to find in doubt,
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had to the world's 5th largest producer of diamonds, south africa, to one of his oldest and richest mines, the colon and diamond mine dates back to 19 no to today it's the flagship assets of the mining company. petra diamonds, and to see 1st hand where diamonds originates their allowing me into the mine. after countless safety and security checks, i'm sued up and ready to go hundreds of meters underground. my heart is pounding as we start our descent. it takes a full 7 minutes to reach the bottom of the mine shaft. by the time diamonds get to where we can mind them, they've come a long way. formed mainly between one and over 3000000000 years ago. more than a 150 kilometers below the surface, their intense heat and pressure caused carbon atoms to crystallized powerful eruptions later brought those crystals closer to earth surface. creating what's known as temper like pipes. but not all types of the same. to come into my mind is
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very special. i'm like a normal volcanic, an option which is, is generally a cat, a cheat, the deeper you go, the more matter with gets the cutting and diamond mine consists of 3 different options in the same spot. so as the result, the pipe is a lot to the reason it's still producing after a 120 years in operations we've ever lived under ground. and if i expected it to be sparkling with diamonds, my 1st impressions of the block case or wind, noise, dirt, and darkness. gargantuan machinery is on the go down here 247. it's hard to believe i'm actually 839 meters below the surface of the earth, down at the bottom of the colon and diamond mine shaft and surrounded by an entire network of sheer kimberly walls. and who would imagine that? a diamond with all of its brilliance can actually originate from something as prosaic as this of our time is limited. so my guides show me around the dark maze
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of collection points, and there's not a sparkle inside. i'm still looking for a diamond in here. are you sure city get us but under the sun. okay. in all the time you've been here, you've never seen. infinity is items you haven't seen one. wow. that's how elusive they are. 30 carrots of diamonds per 100 tons of camber light. and a 5th of a grand per care that's only about 6 grams. and who said diamonds were rare? after extraction the or is hoisted above ground for further crushing, washing and separation. the final step is the sourcing house where the days hall about 4000 carrots is divided by hand according to quality, is painstaking work and evident here that clear white diamonds are few and far between this mine has another surprising distinction. kind of this, the premier sauce off type to glued,
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and one of the more exceptionally stones really competent recent times was the $29.00 cataract type to a boo. it's sold for, for over $40000000.00 us dollars and, and is the highest honors academy we've received for the tech to go up in price tag . indeed. but this line is most famous as the birthplace of the largest gym quality diamond ever found. it weighed in at $3106.00 carrots, which could fetch a dizzy in $5000000000.00 us dollars today. this is a picture from the day it was found an absolute sensation. so this is what the colon and diamond looked like in its natural raw state when it was 1st discovered back in 19 o 5. now this is of course just a replica of it imagined finding a diamond is literally the size of your fist. and then on top of that, it happens to be of the finest gem quality. in the end, it was cut into 9 fantastic gems, and many other smaller stones. and they've never found another one,
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like the largest of the colors in diamonds. now have pride of place in the breezes crown jewels, one in the oil sector, and one in the imperial state. crown. indeed, it was royalty whose 1st course of diamonds is coveted. symbols of wealth and power . frances king louis the 14th was mad about them. and during his reign a most the most sumptuous collection in the west, his passion was fed by zoned up to 70 an intrepid gen merchant and traveller, who brought many exceptional stones back to the french court, sparking a craze among the european powers became a capital of high jewelry, while emphasis queens, even kings, are rarely without their diamonds to this day the already in the 1st century, a deep kleinie, the elder rows of diamonds as the hardest and most precious of all stones. but they
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were 1st discovered in india, where early descriptions date back to the 4th century b. c. prised for their brilliance and hardness. people thought they were created when lightning struck rock. and that they had magical properties. diamonds are distinctive as the only james stone to consist of one single element, carbon, the same material as cold or pro, find a diamond strongly bonded crystal structure and makes it the hardest natural material on earth. the word itself comes from the greek dom us, which means indestructible indian royalty for diamonds in there, and cut form in jewelry or as protective talismans. in bottles. by the early 14th century diamonds were making their way to the major cities of europe, sparking the 1st coughing industries in venice and bruce. but it was in this port that diamonds really till cold,
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becoming an integral parts of the city's dna. so i'm here in beautiful antwerp, which is the world capital for diamonds. elizabeth place has been worried about diamonds. here is a diva diamond museum. following this museum explores the colorful history of the world's most precious materials, gold, silver and diamonds, showcasing centuries of diamond craftsmanship and the dizzy and fascination it has inspired from the science of diamond. cutting 2 are cultures of adornment. visitors can marvel at gemstones galore to raise her catherine who guides me through the highlights of antwerp from nearly 600 year heritage as the world's diamond capitol . the result of a complex convergence of trading cultures brought diamond experts and lasting wealth to antwerp. when trade routes from india were compromised by conflict, portuguese explorer advice go to gamma pioneer. the 1st,
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the route around africa is cape of good hope. giving antwerp a direct line to the world's only diamond source. he found a new route to india overseas and there was much safer and quicker they went up once a year. they go to the india run, the big ships mix fleet took with them, amongst many other things, spices, tech styles. also diamonds went, of course for some days went to home, but then immediately to enter because it was a big harbor and center of, of europe. and it was a safe space in the 15th century, a major innovation seals and trips reputation as the place to be for diamonds, the scale a polishing wheel that revolutionized diamond, coughing, and vastly increased their popularity and trips local here a lot of exxon back and is credited with his invention, and while historic evidence to this effect is in his legend present,
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the fun back in was also allegedly jewish, and part of a community that was key to antwerp, stime and success at a time when many countries restricted where jews could work their diamond expertise flourished in antwerp, jews were not allowed to enter gifts, but one of the professions that they could do was diamond cutting diamonds, trading. so that's what they did. and then the other thing is time is, are small. and you can take them with you very easily and put it in your pocket. you're gonna have a few millions in your pocket. and you can go somewhere else and use were hunted for many, for centuries. and so that was a business they could take with them very well, easily and then start over somewhere else. the historic connection between diamonds and the jewish people is still visible in the entropy diamond districts. where over $1700.00 companies for diamond exchanges and diamond professionals from all over the world co exist in a tiny area, dumped the square miles more than 80 percent of the girls rough time,
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and still passed through here, making it one of the most tightly guarded places in the world, come to 1000 security cameras, make sure millions worth of precious cargo can change hands quickly and safely seen solar and secretive for decades. these microcosm in the center of antwerp has fascinated the film industry. diamonds and not just about money. isn't no, not as the perfect backdrop for crime thrillers. some even based on true events like the famous antwerp diamond ties that's all feeds make off with over $100000000.00 worth of glittering loot. that to this day has never been found when supply in india began to dry up our cheese more miners discovered simons in
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brazil. then an oddly shiny pebble on a farm and south africa, a spark. the world's 1st diamond rush. so i had to africa's very 1st time in mind now in the city of kimberly, from 1871 to 1914, some 50000 miners toiled here under brutal conditions, digging 240 meters into the earth in search of the elusive stones. later, the defunct mind became known as the big hole. today, kimberly's big hole is a major tourist attraction. it's the deepest man made whole on the planet. and a great reminder of how the global diamond industry began and it began largely thanks to the beers, a company that controlled the production of most of the world's diamonds for over a century with a monopolist strategy that increased their value by making them artificially scarce . as one former chairman observed, psychology could do the rest,
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the queen. indeed, no one did more to anchor diamonds in public consciousness than to beers. after world wide diamond sail slumped during the depression of the 1930s, the company decided to whip up demand. we're better to do it then the united states were post for consumers and took off. the result was the most successful marketing slogan in history. a diamond is forever not only a queen should diamonds with romance, and determined love. it even told young men how much they should spend 2 months last forever and to be yours used popular culture to create a need for dime, a diamond this forever. the engagement ring was the anchor of what we were taught to believe and aspire to about diamonds. but they also did it by putting it movies. they paid the studios for that. they paid them to put that
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jewelry in and to use the word diamonds. the movie titles in the book, titles in song, it works like a charm is only 10 percent of american brides had diamond engagement rings in 1940 by 1990. that number skyrocketed to 80 percent the. but what about those blue stones? diamonds come in full colors of the rainbow, often due to trace securities, the element door on makes a diamond flu, while nitrogen makes it yellow. only one in 10000 diamonds has what's known as a fancy color, making them extremely rare. otherwise, the ideal diamond is colorless. the value of diamond is largely decided by the 4 seas apparent weight. how big it is, the color, the clarity, the cost of the diamond created in the 1940s. the force,
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these are universal method for assessing the quality of a diamond. in addition to color clarity, carrot weight, and caught a g i. a grading report certifies for the diamond is genuine. certification came into focus in the ninety's when the term blood diamonds emerge. to describe diamonds used to finance, brutal, civil wars emblematic of the crisis for countries like sierra leone and angola. an international outcry led to the establishment of a global certification scheme to regulate the rough diamond trade. but when hollywood brought the crisis to the big screen in blood diamond stirring jim on home to emily, another dicaprio with the idea of diamonds as perpetuated was a violence and suffering struck a numerous today. only 5 percent of rough diamonds come from ortiz and all sources, but an industry built on the spoils of colonial exploitation. had to do more,
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are to restore credibility for diamond heavy weights like to be yours, right down to smaller to re brands. ethical sourcing. and provenance became a new directive, but no system is water tight. today russia is the world's largest diamond exposure, and it's war in ukraine means russian stones are despite sanctions, the new conflict, diamonds, back to our 4 seas. and it's the cut that brings out the magic, allowing a diamond to flaunt its fire. diamond cutting evolved over the centuries from simple polishing to coughing of facets to better reflect the night. to day laser technology makes cutting easier and more precise, but the fine polishing is still done by highly skilled artisans. putting of them is a, is a master cutter in polish, or at royal cost or diamonds in amsterdam. we're diamond cutting has a long tradition. she's been in the business for 36 years and you can compare, diagnose, let's say research work has grades so as to study the great,
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so federal simons and you only see one of these rules. then i know how to get assessments on this. i really have to study these roof diamonds and then you put it on this. and the, such as will be there. only a diamond can cause a diamond. so putting a coats for scaife and a mixture of oil and diamond dust, you can pull this yourself, you're getting really know, put your hands on the whole there with it there. and then you will feel so great. found this case, do you exactly how lena is doing her part to keep the sparkle on a dying profession? she's the creator of the tiniest polished brilliance in the world, a feat that earned her a spots in the guinness book of world records. just a fraction of the carrots, i need a microscope to see it. it's yet another landmark for a company that made its mark by revamping a signature crown jewels,
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the queen victoria and the silent 18. 52. she had to scold me nor diamonds, but it was very big, but not shiny and not sparkling enough. we sent to publisher from world coastal diamonds to book them about us. and within 2 and a half months we published his diamonds and also that she was really happy, she lost around $77.00 carrots. so that's a lot, and i can tell you, this is the most important diamond in the world. the in the world of diamonds going to or is a rock star. it has seen the rise and fall of many empires. so it has passed to the hands of a local empress bushing show us. and we use of f gattis tens, hodges of bun shop and then find it ends up in the british drone to. at this point the british felt that if they could have the june up and did the quote he moved, they could have india. rena aaliyah is an award winning canadian artist and jewelry
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designer. for years she's been captivated by a stone. she says is ingrained in the indian psychic queen or means mountain of light. originally from india, iran, afghanistan, and pakistan has only planned to it ever since a 10 year old maharajah was forced to hand it over to queen victoria. i always wanted to paint the course, you know, because i felt there was no diamond in all for history. that n g actually it's so much it carries so much of a motion. so much of baggage, so much of beauty is of power and conquests. the fact that legendary diamonds liked the cool he knew or were objects of such enduring desire maintenance, usually mysterious other exceptional stones like the french blue, which later became the same as hope diamond were even said to be cursed, financial ruin, sewage side, and even the headings plate, the hopes various owners,
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before it was safely deposited in washington, slipped sodium for all to admire. the roll of diamonds if, if the visual language shines through in the world of hip hop, where jewelry became its own kind of tough culture. diamonds music came as hip hop started to step into his power like closer to the ninety's, the diamonds, of course, being a more expensive commodity to use became known as a status symbol. so you know, hip hop, joy has always been limited in having something that no one else had in her book, ice cold hip hop to re history. vicky explores how jewelry much of it, diamond encrusted, became a proclamation of identities with diamond studded name place, pendants, rings, and drills. hip hop artist took austin spacious to a new level even enriching our vocabulary. like new orleans, robert
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b. g in 1999. about the term for flashy diamond studded jewels quickly went mainstream getting into the oxford english dictionary in 2003 today, the more the $90000000000.00 diamond industry is in constant flux. 90 percent of polishing now happens in india and lab growing diamonds are gaining in popularity as a vastly more affordable alternative. a welcome development for the fashion industry, but usually energy intensive, and with over 60 percent produced in india in china. their sustainability claims are still debatable. patrice for natural diamonds is still a solid one. with the cost of newer players reclaiming diamonds as a necessary part of the african heritage for design is like sierra leone born such on my tuesday and nigerian born selma, west diamonds can tell a different africans story. i keep talking about what's, why them?
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because they are shining lights in the industry. i hope that they would be a wonderful template. you know, in terms of an african story where people actually empower from the natural resources that come from the brown. influenza is like tracy allison, a k, a, the diamonds girl agree, actively sharing her extensive diamond knowledge and ethical sourcing advice. with over 1200000 followers on instagram. as the world's 2nd largest producer, what's one it is africa's poster child for the positive societal impact. the diamonds can have diamonds account for 80 percent of exports and unique partnerships with diamond producers have made it a middle income country that provides free health care and education to all its citizens. back in johannesburg, more proof that diamonds are part of real change on the ground in africa is more leafy. late seeking a 2nd generation master diamond culture. and the 1st black on site holder at the
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beers. he's part of a select group that can purchase the beers, rough diamonds in bulk. i remember i mean stories of black people inside the vehicle. they're not even not allowed to to know how to cut in police diamonds. you know. and today to have somebody who's black and who's become the side hold, it goes to show how much change has happened over time. you know, and i think that's what makes me proud about it. it, it via the games, the sense that trends formation is really happened. the notion of beneficiary ation or more industry volume for diamond producing countries themselves is fundamental to empowering a growing community of african diamond professionals. back in antwerp, other players are countering the industries legacy with technology and new business models like h b and for which aims to revolutionize the diamond supply chain. using just one line in both swanner, they deal only in stone. their 10 carrots are more so called industry specialists
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by cutting out all the middle men in the supply chain. we managed to create a upside of 40 percent on the diamonds that they're selling to the world, to the government of what's on compared to the previous officers using block chain technology and its own closed loop system h b and for can trace and log every step of a diamonds journey from mine to finger streamlining diamond processing means higher returns for the value chain and transparency for consumers in south africa, natural diamond support jobs and entire communities. and as petro diamonds, ecologist shows me also bio diversity and extensive restoration efforts from mining. we also have to work sustainably. so what i'm doing is to look at the natural capital, look at your ika system functions and look at ways to actually preserve
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those functions. diamond's needs to show that it's not just taking but keeping back as well. the hardest, most resistant material owners has incredible staying power. and as a finite resource, diamonds, rarity is also being put into perspective. for competition, for men, they diamonds is going to, you know, impact the supply side of the equation. but i don't think that the ultimately going to be, you know, a situation that puts a natural time industry out of business humans. since the beginning of time has have one or, you know, rare and processing valuable, you know, natural gemstones and precious metal. so i don't think that's going to change any time soon as a driver of change and culture through the ages. perhaps the diamonds mystique lies in the many contradictions that represents a stone that's clear tour, devoid of meaning, get invested with countless stories and emotional connections. as natural wonders enhanced by human scale,
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they fled from gaza to egypt, away from your but they remain surrounded by fear and uncertainty. how long will they have to stay here? and can we build a new life? refugees from god, give us a glimpse into their everyday lives. in 30 minutes on d w. hi everyone. this is can i can i join the deaf? well, 1st of all, this is special us setting off. i strongly agree to those will need to young people
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from all over the continents dedicated themselves to improving online use my walk to talk about provides a my work, talk about culture. i have with my big, oh wow, i love it. the 77 percent in 60 minutes on the doctors. why does that? and i think a lot, now i'm leave them under the new host. join us for an exciting exploration now. and everything in between. this is a video and audio production 5 d, w. i hope video will tune in the living independent,
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arise to our society is full of contrasts and inequality is a big many problems can only be solved by working together. yes, i think i pretend isn't misleading. what is home? how do we tackle some major issues about time? let's talk about the there is a significant risk of human extinction from advancing our systems. climate changes the new frontier of social recording. our series continues to attend assessed on the w the
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. this is the, the news line from the us secretary of state anthony blinking says, israel supports and news these 5 proposed lincoln says, prime minister benjamin netanyahu has agreed to that bridge differences holding up the gauze of seized by deal. he's now calling on boss. do the same, but as i'm clear, the new proposal addresses any of the militant groups concerned. couple of harris arrives in chicago for the democratic national convention. she will share the stage with president joe biden approval, formerly in tulsa and organization, as the policies presidential cons. do friends, military.
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