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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  August 20, 2024 1:30am-2:01am CEST

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but it doesn't seem super likely right now. the nuclear waste that's piling up is a resource. it just doesn't make sense for everyone to tap it. the the part of the home language is furious, getting a call from gaza, telling us another one of our loved ones has died on it. and in addition to the one for already morning has the on the
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mobile phone and all of the children who are suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. chevy with the anxiety, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, the my homeland has been destroyed, my future, my workplace, and my home all destroyed being cut off. and you ask if i'm afraid, and i say the,
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the the best of my best segment. hodge. apple i went on, i had a restaurant and gaza city called all turkey. it was in the remote neighborhood, opposite the isle chief, a hospital, especially for the kenneth of last night. we are in fairly well from the restaurant. we had
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a very nice life as easy to finding is and we almost had lived in luxury in my the had the i have fond memories of the restaurants, which my father opened about 30 years ago. the years had of getting your community served, western and local cuisine, all kinds of dishes and everyone who visited concept that invited to the all turkey . if it was well known, comes with in the past that and try to do more, destroyed all our dreams. genuine. we had a large restaurant and a small one, got it. and in the 1st restaurant was bombed by fighter planes. the 2nd was also destroyed. there's nothing less than the theme of the that
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somebody had the sort of memories and photos of the car. all that remained of my light streams across to them and the on march 2nd, with more raging, relentlessly. i managed to enter egypt and that the okay, and that's when i 1st had the idea of opening a restaurant here. but i, i called it some pile remarks, i get mad after the neighborhood and gone so where i used to live there, you know, what, month and then within seconds here. so i'm asking beneficially. yeah i'm, i'm a guest in this country and about so i feel i should work with locals with the 9 and most of my staff are gibson la, shifts the workers, the management personnel are all egyptian is out. i'm a city. yeah. i sort of 10 percent are gone to and so we're living in egypt without
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a job, which is i guess they work as waiters and cleaners about that. but most of the staff are from egypt are minded at the moment. hello, how are you? well, you remind me of concept as well. so i knew i know, said the mother to get up and have some milk, which will you need to get on with your studies in washington to tell you about those so that my name is more tazz also by we and i am 14 years old. oh, i have houses, i came to egypt on may 1st with my parents, so my sister a lot of our on about the, on the 4th day of the war,
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there was an attack. this is our house of police with a long shot. so we fled and had cause a compliment, how to the whole neighborhood was a hit by artillery, grenay, investment fi. you that'll show up, dennis. if i is that the number for the homeless i have going to, we had lots of problems when we were forced to go to southern gosh, and then how to pass it and that. so can you check the point that even let my father was a team for 3 hours at school, but i'm can we then spend one week in the service and of course there was a lot of industry and hard to live there need a seat, and that's by law, not the last is in our name is were added to the list of who is entitled to leave. uh we travel to egypt, viewed the roof of border crossing. we drove to cairo and finally arrived at our
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new home. then the last of the hardest thing is that we have lost so much for holding. i lost her home and had newer to live feed of the last was the worst thing. that is the process. how is your modern or family of 4 of them? let also the year in each and i mean our lives have changed completely in gaza. we suffered a lot pensively because of the bombing several, several hope hunger and the destruction process to an absolute low point. we fly to
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egypt to save our lives. wow. most i guess will one a lot of that belong to you referencing my education. while i go to all as i should leave school in for her like we enroll me there and go books comfortable. i was afraid i wouldn't be able to go to school anymore. and i get when i'm in the 9th grade, i came and spent the summer bluff chalet, my mental health, it sounds like a totally so thanks for the help of my parents, i'm doing better than when i wake up in the morning plus i get home with my studies and things, and then i catch up on the news from gaza. do you need help? the
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and asked me, so i my name is god. i founded the initiative all his grandson's. but the fact that helps children from kaiser who live in cairo and magazine economic but our initiative has been going to be learning and the feeling and emotional develop. awesome it, i say wouldn't move the
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quiet down. now we're all going to tell me. so we don't disturb the teacher. okay. the level of what's the matter? oh, we reached out to parents and created a platform where we asked parents what they want me from this initiative, but it's so that we can best serve them here. but in terms of education, most families requested that their children complete the palestinian curriculum as their goal is not to stay in egypt permanently, but to return to gaza. unique. and they don't want their children to miss the school year on to a lot of game. it doesn't say any file in, oh i zoom size is still not able to view a side that doesn't. our amazon proves their reading and writing skills and their standards of education. generally, although english software is teaching new things, we learned how to build characters and then move them around as we want. so that kind of in addition to the school education,
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but the parents also want us to help the children with their fears and anxieties. finishing the handle. so the, especially because of the children's behavior has changed as a result of the war to all 8 through often to difficult and struggle with mental health issues to stay that's the, that's it. so we witnessed a lot of things we had things outside our home for 5 days while we were inside one of the houses where we stayed, but sit on fire. these railways announced by a loud speaker that they were going to palm the sunshine neighborhoods and that it had to be evacuated. we thought that we were sick because we were inside tune, but after 5 days they started bombing us. fair to everything was on fire, including my uncle's warehouse. so we sled running out into the street and tennis was unimaginable for me. i got you all squared. yes, my uncle and my cousins,
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all of us. if someone in finance initiative ourselves, i'll be that's my husband, my friends, and myself, and in my care, we raised the money and created this place whether it be can see what was one of the reasons why it's so successful and doesn't need a lot of funding minimum is because we're all volunteers, couldn't, would that be seen at all? so enough the teachers and psychologist the to treat the children don't charge the what we currently have a 120 volunteers. how many male are she with of the
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one i felt like the whole the thing i lost 2 of my brothers. all that one was 23 years old. the other was 21 in the is really army and visit the old, the raj, and now to fuss, neighbor who does what the fuck lead and waiting for them to follow because the full the house has bomb. well, who is my brothers? my cousin and my uncles were all still inside and possible, but i didn't, we were told about their death a lot of when, when can you? we'd only been in contact with them 5 minutes earlier telling us that when the news was a shot come up. when we return to the police, i know it was another shot confessional, so a lot of were still suffering from the trauma. i didn't say i still can't believe
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they're dead. going to what they were, my 2 big brothers who look type for me. that's actually and the longer the federal cut out and look, let me know even guys what was the difficult decisions for the bond our whole life was there and this well, and when i come up there, i went to school there. well, the teen years and it's one of those i should be out of my social studies when my eyes are relatives, are still there one of those. it wasn't easily my next question of it. yeah, i know it goes sooner, right. when we cross the border in the beginning and then we can later go back to what that would be saying on what was the initial loss. and he had to run away like not to say yes, isn't how this is the 3rd one of the type of experience. the line is the worst of all. and then okay, yeah, sure that piece too many people have lost their lives and its cost, unimaginable destruction in the long run along. i feel so tired and exhausted from all the devastation and indiscriminate phone. what if i bundle up on the front
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of the house? my grief is few years getting a call from guys calling us another one of our loved ones has died. in addition to the ones we're already morning, and i know you may not be having shower you honey. i'm so worried about you. how's the food situation in the north? did they send you aid or has nothing changed since we last called several of them? please try to get in touch if you can. most of the problem, once we have internet, she'll get the messages and reply down and get the product and then are you doing on t? but we heard that was a bomb attack and i hope you're ok the ocean with less on my and the with the relatives that are still in gaza. so we have a lot of families there and that is my grandma uncles, aunts. i'm gonna pull something out and we try to reach them,
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but it depends on what conditions you don't want people. it's hard for them to find an internet connection and it's so we don't always know what's going on. yeah, for the level of the of october, but i'm sure the word began on october 7th that it became more violent by the day the, the laughter, exactly. one week our neighborhood became very dangerous and the army said we had
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to leave it. and it wasn't the plumbing in the system. so that's what we did with us. after a week of war, we had to leave our home and on october, 13th or 14 days to clarify with displace today or of a loss on how to and stayed there for a short time. if you actually then it was sent to one unit is a but then the army told us that we had to leave han units and go to rough up pulling mccann yet. but we moved from one place to another on the orders of the is really army of the time, but it was all more difficult than any one could have imagined. a little bit of these you didn't much, we didn't even have bread to eat. when that comes up as well as you and each time we moved up to the next place of the conditions, got worse until we had neither food nor water fish understood what we had to drink . so he can modern memory and the minute up in the cities the
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look by and when i was mentally exhausted. so i decided to leave garza lesson. i contacted my brother to initiate the exit procedure. that was the arrange that through the american embassy. and then we were able to travel have now been acting as though it seemed to my daughters are married and i took them all with me to egypt as well as my married son. and my brother's family died some time ago in a cabin in the contest, the time of the trip. and i had the whole family with me before my and we let him, john said, with about 50 to 60 people that will get from elaine. and yes, the inside look, let me know if anyone who can leave guys is happy to come in the show, but we still felt the wounded machine. we escaped with our lives as it hadn't been in the concert as close to everyone's heart as these are. and we still have other relatives and loved ones there at the minute. my brother is there in the flat and going through the embassies takes time before they allow their nationals to leave.
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the country have no way that's so sad to hear that. how are you otherwise, different though, they just bought a machine at the fundamentals. every time i get a call from gaza, i fear they'll tell me about another disaster because they get maybe someone has been killed or a place nearby. bombed as opposed to the people they are totally exhausted to the notary. that that bad. yeah. the i'd be happy to help you with anything you need. i'm just glad you're ok. god bless you. god bless you. tell me what you need. you can just tell me ok, let's use our mouse, mom, and then how many from somebody who has around 320 children are suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. they have depression and anxiety, panic attack, ca and the holes the instead of it
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said that would help the kids to heal by building a safe place for them that yes, you can do right. the way that we work, building this environment, it then a more direct way involves a group therapy sessions as a specialist and art therapy. my like, i mean that's very important, mentor, that as soon as she gets done, would that be seidel or there's something on strong trips for me to express their sadness and anger. i see began to without that anger from deep inside of them they became stronger. and also how to do lots of loved ones and the destruction the experience made them angry from which are. but as soon as we started drawing, they became calmer. the the time that i like the stars and drawing drama therapy and music are all important. we call what we says, we have a music teacher from gaza address and palestinian culture and traditions of students here we came in and we also offer exercise courses that help to
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alleviate the children's depression and apathy and keep them active. a chemicals into full cook. any children loves towards the shape. okay. that will let be. should be able to get better the not to be a school principal. it adds a tune and gaza at the also kind of elementary school. see doing that, that it had a daughter and 3 son and while lead mohammed and more to us on how my god called while lead mohammed to himself is up in the us before. what do you tell me?
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i talked about canceling the photos. i used to find a book printing shop last night to be focused on size and then deluxe to the computer. i have lost everything in the middle of on. so let's do my car, my house, and i'm not going to all of our money so, so you know, sort of today the sudden, the cool no more than that. we will have comes the color we came to egypt on may 1st or now we're slowly. we started to resume our lives, the kids began adapting to live here. level flight, which has has started to get better. he used to be so fearful 5, so can do the has to go up. a danny steve, i yeah. there were days when he just used to sleep with his face pressed into the sofa cushions, which whenever he heard finally, she would run into that room. the short missiles members will lock the
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door. i'm so tired from running errands today. it's very warm. it's $39.00 degrees outside of the same situation. he's very difficult to find god. my brother and jordan is helping us base everything in egypt is okay, but it's not like being in your own um community so. so we live in a rented apartment to you, which adds to own are expensive when they go to have the most lovely, if can you most of them not do that. i mean, we're grateful to egypt into the time people of this nation who are hosting off. i like to modify them. i'm not sure i have been trying to emigrate to canada. so i'm looking at the, the
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evidence enough i you asked me if i'm scared. yes. i am at, but did i have to start over again from scratch prior to my whole life and gone so it was last. did you attend? now i'm here and worried about the future. i don't know what will happen. see if the, the charley, obviously i hope the world will end and that we can return home. but once will i do
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there, if it takes a long time to rebuild the concept, we're even after the war ended and that it will still take 2 years just to get things started, a significant discount on the for the pad, where is this more leading or when will it end? is there a saying individual who can bring a stop to this war or not? the 1st thing this goes on, the people, the schools are me, my friend and the people in our neighborhood. everything has left here unless i want to become a doctor to help my people, if another war breaks so which i hope it wouldn't. but i want to be a doctor. i mean, i'd like to complete my studies and gaza, the seasonal stuff. i hope that let me return to god, the thing will go back to the way it was that it had little to be like it was
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before the words as a mechanical that we can return home. and when the building, i want to deal with it the way and it looked like we used to modify another way, the only it's in my hope is that the children can feel how much we loved them. very simple that we have not let them down enough know that were sad and angry on their behalf homes. and does that. we want to do every waiting for the to oh, my others here are surprised not me and asked me, how can i neglect to own like it's like this was thought of. totally empty is a slip to high ethic, but i feel that what i'm also going to be released to to do that i live, i get the
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say i it's enough for me that these children feel safe am and, and that's funny because know is that they are loved man will have something less because the to respect its own about walk in waves and texting nature. that's why sandra,
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respecting they just studying the new tvs, it's about being up to date with karen tardy is technologies. i'm trying to eat co way of life. the environment magazine, africa in d, w, old friends, new front is made so still prepared to defend itself in case of an emergency. the well, the largest military alliance has been maintaining stability for 75 years. now, some weaknesses probably getting to show this up from this new threats made in 75 minutes on d w category issues with a lot say what the,
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this is the, the news and these are our top stories. the democratic national convention has begun in the us city of chicago. president joe biden is set to give tonight keynote speech urging party members to back vice president cala harris in november's presidential election for boston. in protesters have been rallying outside the venue. i angered at biden's handling of the dogs i wore to see us extra estates on to me, blanket and says israel has accepted a proposal to bridge differences that are delaying
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a ceasefire on hostage release and gaza blinking set.


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