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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 20, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the, the, is coming to live from berlin. us present, joe biden, gibson emotional farewell as he passes the torch of the democratic party to come over here. let me ask you for writing to you as president is given a standing ovation, the head of a speech toting his at terraces of treatments and also coming up diva says israel has supported a new ceasefire proposal ahead of for new talks in cairo,
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us specials in the calling on him us to do the same, but it's unclear at the new proposal. addresses any of the militant groups, const kern conserves the hello. i'm terry martin. good to help you with this job. i has given an emotional speech at the democratic national convention to endorse campbell harris as the parties presidential candidate, the rally the crowd around harris's campaign saying a boat for her was a boat for democracy. just 2 months ago, biden had expected to clinch the democrats nomination. for a 2nd term, but concerns about his fitness led the party. instead, to back vice president harris who has managed to lift the party and the polls had been november elections. it was a rock star as welcome as coma iris appeared on stage in chicago. but the rest of
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the week is about fighting for the future. monday night was also about remembering the past. and i want to kick us off by itself. reading are incredible. president joe biden. h wasn't the speech by didn't had planned to give, but it was one that found receptive and loving audience. the president clearly emotional reflected on the legacy and the tax, donald trump. but ultimately was a message of hope and well mocking the end of biden's half a century and politics are ready for free for democracy and to we're ready to call the wires in general
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the when i gave my best for 50 years. like many of you are getting my heart and soul organization and i've been blessed. 1000000 times reserved the support of the american people. the convention will see a row called a democratic grandees addressing the american people on monday nights was the time of the last woman to face. donald trump, this is our time america. this is when we when we the outside the
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convention center, it was mulkins, the nation and celebration of thousands of pro palestinian demonstrates as most the criticism of the policy. and this responds to gaza. the democrats and now looking ahead to the speech by the presidential hopefuls, as joe biden passes on the leadership of the policy and finally propose to exits the political stage. and within the studio is the w, the list of chan who's part of our team covering the us election? well, it's a just a month ago, joe biden thought a be giving a very different speech at this convention here. he's passing the torch or the baton at least to kind of the hair is what is the torch being passed also to a new generation within the democratic party. it certainly felt that way even more
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so than past democratic national conventions and political conventions and monday is always an opportunity. the 1st day of any convention is always an opportunity, whether republican or democrat, to sort of showcase rising stars and also to test them on the national stage, see how they're received when they deliver their speeches. so we saw plenty of that with a large contingent from california because cala harris originally started her political career. their things were really you for inside the convention hall. you could feel that. but outside the protests against us policy towards israel and concerning the gaza war and a couple of harris is associated partly with with that, do you think she might change the policy on that question? sorry, that's a really good question. and the honest answer is, we just don't know. there are hints, she recently met with benjamin netanyahu of israel when he visited the united states. and in that post meeting remark,
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she expressed more sympathy empathy. many would say then president joe biden, in terms of what's happening in gaza and what's happening to the palestinians, but whether that translates into a change in u. s. foreign policy on israel is another matter. and that's still pretty study over the last 2 decades. conventions or chance to get to know candidates better. do you think we're going to learn more about kind of le harris's foreign policy priorities and do you think they'll differ much from what we've heard from what we've seen the tro button. yeah, i mean come on, harris. i was in san francisco reporter when she was attorney general and a senator and so most of her focus has primarily been domestic at the moment that i remember was 2 years ago in 2022. when come on, harris was at the munich security conference on the eve of the russian invasion of ukraine. and i think that was a moment where if she wasn't a trans atlanta assist before she became one in that absolutely stressed,
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worried room of europeans. and we've seen her since return a to that security conference very recently. she's develop a relationship with a good relationship with the ukranian president flooding her. zalinski also in asia . she's attended austin meetings. she's met with a chinese president shooting team. and so if she didn't have for an experience before, she certainly been reading her brief. most of the thank you so much that was most a champ part of our election coverage team for the united us presidential since next spring was. let's take a quick look at some other stories making headlines around the world today. us intelligence officials say it ran was likely pos, responsible for hacking attacks on public and candidate donald trump's campaign team. the api i and other agencies suggested the breach was part of a scheme by to run to interfere with the us elections. they did not reveal what
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information was accessed in the training in the thirty's have ordered families with children to evacuate from the key eastern city of cross russian troops are advancing on the city, a ukrainian logistics hub and the don't yet screech and it's capture could we can ukraine's defensive buildings and suppliers and the tele and coast guard is continuing a search for 6 people missing from a luxury yacht. off the coast of sicily, yachts sank in a sudden storm on monday. morning the missing or british tech entrepreneur, mike lynch and the chairman of morgan stanley international jonathan bloomer. now there's been a rush of diplomatic activity across the middle east aimed at securing a ceasefire between israel and homos. us secretary of state anthony, blinking says, is really prime minister penny and not y'all to has a benjamin. yeah. it's him and nothing. yahoo has accepted
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a bridging proposal to halt the fighting and urged him off to do the same. lincoln has today traveled from televi to egypt. akina go shooting, partner with hum us senior from us, official has cost dealt on progress thing. the terms of the deal differed from previous positions. israel is reportedly demand and control over a border crossing between egypt and garza. seawell, israel's military service, it has recovered the bodies of 6 hostages in an overnight operation in gaza. it's believed militants are still holding over a 100 hostages. captured in the october 7th terror attacks on israel releasing them is a key demand in spar negotiations. it is us secretary of state antony, blinking 9th visit to the middle east since the war and gauze that began 10 months ago following meetings with israel's leaders, he outlined the proposed next steps towards ending the war. this includes
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a so called bridging proposal, which blinking says, should bridge the gaps remaining between the 2 sides. good afternoon everyone. the, the bridging proposal that by mister netanyahu was as accepted and we looked at them off to accept, reflects what is in the cease fire agreement that present button put before the world back back in may. that's incorporated into your own security council resolution. and that makes clear that this process will proceed in phases of a 1st initials, a ceasefire. over the course of 6 weeks in which hostages are released. prisoners are exchange and negotiations commence on the conditions necessary for an endurance these fire. but as blinking heads off to egypt for the next round of talks, disagreements remain between israel and homos. these include israel's refusal to
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withdraw all of its troops from cause a red line for how much israel would also like to retain some strategic control in gauze. the, including along its southern border with egypt, the roof of crossing this and the philadelphia core door. narrow buffer zone. in garza smoke rising above con eunice marks the latest bombardment by is rarely forces. the city in the south of the strip bears the scars of months of fighting. its residents have grown skeptical any attempts by the united states to secure peace. hey, it's evelyn comes, was it to israel will not change anything. every time we hit it will. but it turns out that there are no negotiations, it's all lies about if the clock like is if it's above us then right. then we
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suffer a lot of guns that are good, but i'm ready, you know, what's the categories and we feel that the american us of, of the international community are, can you not on us without mercy, a simple and i had to use this as it to is a real, was just for the us to check in with the israel united, provided with arms and logistics of this. so we continues extermination in war and concepts and the symbol on how to put a better look at. this won't change anything as though we are very pessimistic about his visit to the contrary. i mean, to convince the auto pessimism that grows day by day as the war rolls on. journalist kareem laurie is in cairo covering this story as to whether her mazda is likely to accept the latest proposal. what is keyah? how must this look peppy about what the u. s. is calling the so called region proposals. how much accused the u. s. of buying time for each rate to as how much
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is continued. it's just, i think, gaza how much that's agreed to the original proposal of the president risk by the joe biden already in june. and this proposal was having several phases of exchanging at this rate of hostages and punched in prisoners and, and to accompany that 1st by a 6 week ceasefire. and then by a permanent 6510 to understand to go from us. this is one package. it now it the, it uses the out to significant the edits to this original proposal and to the u. s. setting. this is a preaching proposal and i think get it what is happening that the positive and it seems generally a self thing that you as role is on this broker. in some comments, the u. s. secretary of state entity blinking is even called the lawyer of nathan y'all. so all that is not a good site,
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a green male glory there in. kyra. now countries across the world have been welcoming the night sky phenomena known as a superman and ancient greek temple. south of athens was worked by the moon monday evening. event causes the moon to appear much larger than usual as its orbit passes, closer to per monday. super moon was also witnessed in asia, australia, of the middle east and the americans. if you missed this one, don't despair, the next super moon will be upon us next and just a reminder of the top story we're story we're following for you this hour us present. joe biden gave an emotional speech at the democratic national convention to endorse kimble of hers as the parties. presidential candidate. you said a vote for her was a book for democracy, concerns felt biden's fitness led him to withdrawal from the rights
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you're watching, dw, this up next flow so follows some of the 10s of thousands of people who fled to egypt to escape the war in god's terry martin the you can draw the line between the spacing is because i don't believe that spaces is a morally relevant criteria in any more than i believe that rice or sex is on frontier in. 2 2 2 2 humans closer to a chimpanzee insanity, and pansy is even to a dog. a donkey series about our complex relationship with animals watch now on youtube. d w documentary.


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