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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 20, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm CEST

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the, the business thing that we in as long from berlin the us as israel stands behind a new ceasefire proposal that could bridge the differences with how much you, a secretary of state antony blinking pushes the revised proposal on a tour of the middle east. he's calling on him off to acceptance for the palestinian militant group is unhappy with the latest adjustments. also coming up for the former president obama gives an emotional farewell as he passes the democratic party
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towards to commodore harris at the bmc in chicago. and a top banker and a tech tycoon are among those still missing after he got things off the coast officially, emergency teams continue to search for remains of the ship and this passenger, the nickel fairly welcome to the program fees, fire talks aimed at ending the war between israel and tomas and gaza are continuing in the middle east. you a secretary of state antony blanket is now traveling to could tar as part of a diplomatic tor that's pushing for a troops. earlier on tuesday, he was an aged where he met with president bill fatah. cc lincoln says israel has accepted the fringing proposal, a mazda militant group that committed. so you have told her 7th terror attacks last
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year. has accused israel of making changes to the proposal that go against what her mouth agreed to in early july. it's still unclear if the girl will accept the concessions blinking says he's managed to get from israel per email. go, laurie is a cairo based journalist, and he told his why a mazda saying the current proposal on the table goes against earlier agreements. yeah, well it seems that they're not very happy with what the onto the police because the bridge should fritchie d, the they say we had an agreement in july was divided, proposing at that time. and in disagreements, there was a group that there was a 2 phases of exchanging, is really hostages and funds to be in prison. this for us, in the 6 spot in 6 weeks periods of a ceasefire. then this extending to a permanent ceasefire. and now they say in this friction proposal,
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and there is new to months by the end of our package that was until the break to the previous proposal. the main points, how much is unhappy was, is that there seems to be no more guarantee for a permanency side dis, package. this has to be negotiated a later time. and the 2nd thing that they are not separate was, is that that is, that is not a phone withdrawal and 5 is ready to some of the gaza strip. they will. busy remain in education border to the gaza strip and also in the middle because it's different according to the bites that got us to pick to northern and southern parts. this karima alga laurie and cairo joe biden has given an emotional speech at the democratic national convention in chicago to endorse cala harris as the parties. presidential candidate you rally the crowd around the harris campaign saying a vote for her was a vote for democracy. just 2 months ago biden had expected to quench the democrats
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nomination for a 2nd term, but concerns about his age and fitness left the party to back lice. president harris instead was managed to lift the party in the polls ahead of the elections and november. it was a rock styles, welcome as cumberland iris appeared on stage in chicago. but if the rest of the week is about fighting for the future, monday night was also about remembering the past. and i want to kick us off by celebrating our credible president joe biden. h wasn't the speech biden had planned to give, which it was one that found receptive and loving audience. the president clearly emotional, reflected on the legacy and the tax, donald trump. but ultimately was a message of hope and well mocking the end of biden's half
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a century and politics are ready for freedom to democracy in the we're ready to call the wires in general the when i gave my best for 50 years like many of you are getting my heart and soul organization, and i've been blessed a 1000000 times, return the support of the american people. the convention will see a row called a democratic grandees addressing the american people. monday night was
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a ton of the last woman to face. donald trump, this is our time america. this is when we when we were in the outside the convention center. it was more cons donation than celebration of thousands of pro palestinian demonstrates as most the criticism of the policy. and this responds to gaza. the democrats and now looking ahead to the speech by the presidential hopefuls, as joe biden passes on the leadership of the party and finally propose to exits. the political stage means he continues today and our importers,
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stuff on simon's is outside the convention center in chicago, covering it for us stuff. on a former us president brock, obama, son of the city of chicago, will address the convention leader. how important is it for come on, harris to have his backing? it was immensely important. that was a big one. you know it, so with endorsements it, it, it there some which really count a lot lot. and then there's others, they just count. this one was a triple account bark of a bomb either for president is still a, it's a going to send you are in the democratic party. he still has a significant cloud, and for that reason it was absolutely instrumental and usually important for kamala harris to gain his endorsement. but that was the expected that he's given. and he just took a little bit longer because he is of the opinion that he should really have the delegates 1st to make their statement. and as soon as she had the, the in theory,
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the account of delegates will voter in and, and nominate her. he endorsed her at very, very important for anybody in the presidential election that was on the report, those pro palestinian demonstrations that have been happening outside the convention center. you went out to cover them. do you think they will have any influence on what's going on inside the convention center to yes and no, no, because those protests are they were yesterday. they will be in the next few days. so to speak out of sight for delegates who come in here for anybody who is involved inside with a democratic national congress. so it's out of sight out of mind a little. however, of course, behind the curtains, there is some really significant pressure off the people and groups. and remember, the coalition group organized those protests. this is comprised of $250.00 plus
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separate organization. so this is not just a few people. this is thousands and thousands and thousands, and they claim to speak for up to 700000 people who are critical, of course, feel kamala harris went over to make their votes, you know, on the right spot for her. if this is going to happen, and if it's going to play out like this, this is where mates we see you talk about crucial votes. of course, it's a very tight race or a projected to be a tight race. what is the state of affairs right now? how close are harris and trump in opinion pulling? this is very dynamic, actually. so in the national polls and the i will of the game for the and chooses in there. because natural polls in this early stage, relatively early stage for the lectures don't really mean too much. but in the national poll, latest poll kimball a hair is actually leads with a few points before donald trump. that would be the 1st time. however,
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most importantly of the state polls and they are interesting to because independent grown sites like pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, minnesota, georgia, arizona, even couple of harris has a up to what i mean by this is that there is now that this, the statistics say that she is able to motivate her own group, pro group of people who are likely to vote for but she also makes a significant gains which pull her up a little bit in the suburbs with independent voters with female suburban board is absolutely critical for her to win this election as well as for trump, does the double your record or stuff on simon's thanks so much. and the look now and some of the stories making headlines around the world today. us intelligence officials say iran was likely responsible for hacking attacks on republican candidate donald trump's campaign team. the f
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b. i and other agencies suggested the breach was part of a scheme by tear on to interfere with the us selection. they did not reveal what information was accessed in the hack. a german court has of help is sentence of a 99 year old former nazi concentration camp worker. m. god force, you know, was given a 2 year suspended sentence for eating the murder of more than 10000 people. as a secretary at the stove, concentration camp during world war 2. the case could be one of the last, not the trials due to the age of the defendants. a north korean soldier, it has the fact that to south korea are importantly, crossing the heavily militarized border. a sole base news agencies of the country's military had taken custody of the defect or the man wearing a north korean military uniform is being questioned by south korean authorities on his motives for the crossing. for land has summoned be raining in baset or over the
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closing of a german language institute and tear on the calling for an immediate reopening. arrange and media say the closure wasn't retaliation for germany shuddering and his law mac center. in hamburg, back in july, for linux instead of being an outpost of ron's theocracy, a fresh search is under way for 6 people still missing after luxury yacht sank off the italian island. officially, one man has been confirmed that the u. k. tech tycoon mike lynch and his daughter are among those still missing as well as jonathan bloomer, the chairman of the investment bank. morgan stanley, international british inspectors have now been deployed as the search continues the day after super. y'all capsized here. italian rescue teams continue their search for the missing divers began to descend to the rest of the page, and the british flag yacht had 22 people on board,
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including one of britain's best known tech entrepreneurs. my clinch. battalion media says lynch was celebrating his recent acquittal in a mass of us fraud case when the yacht was caught in the storm. lynch is among several still missing. 15 survived. the captain of a nearby boat says he found them on a life raft. the biggest st. peter's sides for people to inject free heavy, injured and we brought them to our ship. and then we couldn't communicate with the coast guard after some time the coast cart came. and later among the survivors, one year old child and her mother who are rushed to hospital just be oklahoma. the mother explained to us that it was a, shall we say corporate holiday in the sense that many were work. colleagues,
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or maybe the survivors are very tired and are constantly asking about the missing people, pass it, rescue divers base many challenges in accessing the deep waters. they continue to search in 12 minutes shift. and if at all the biggest difficulties getting into the ship. when i was into the once inside, we can follow the path and begin searching room by room. as they set out, once more, a bouquet of flowers thrown in by a local fisherman in the memory of those missing floats at the sight. a and a reminder of our top story at this hour us as israel has supported a new, ze fire proposal that could bridge the differences with the palestinian militant groups a month. you will the secretary of state and to be blanket has called on her mazda, except the latest proposal. but the group says it goes against earlier agreement.
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and without here all up to date and stay with us coming up next close up works as a tens of thousands of gauze and refugees trying to start a new life in egypt. and of course, fairly from all of us here in berlin. thanks for watching. the long voyage through the ocean and mother how well was the cost for a long time, they had to be a humans on the journey. now the trenches have become very protective of whales until the results of ocean conservation start september full dw, the
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