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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 21, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news lies from the land serrato bomb, a bias of the crowd at the democratic convention in chicago, putting a come a lot higher as twist on his trademark. slocum, yes. the approximate address in support of the presidential portfolio. also coming up on the program brochure recruits new soldiers and conscripts says ukraine's cross for the incursion. shifts the narrative of the war, but some russian families all concerned about what it could mean to them. and
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dearest communities in germany are worried about rising nationalism as the far right looks set to make gains in eastern german elections. we'll have a special report for you, the money to this mccain, and welcome to the program. great to have you with us. it was another big nice, so the democratic national convention in the us with brock and michelle obama delivering headline speeches, the former president's old fellow democrats in chicago. the torch has been paused to combat harris. and that it is time to get to work, to elect to as president it was the obama as night receiving a rock star welcome at the democratic national convention. the
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president buck obama bugler rousing endorsement of democratic presidential hopeful common law head is we do not need 4 more years of bluster and bumbling and chaos stores. we are running the president booth. obama strongly criticized the republican candidate, former president, done his drum. there's a 78 year old 1000000000 there who has not stopped whining about his problems since he wrote down. here's the escalator 9 years ago. it's been a constant stream of upgrades and grievances that,
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that's actually been getting worse now that he was afraid of losing a comma. for years, donald trump did everything in his power to try to make people see or us see him is limited. narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of 2 hard work and a highly educated, successful people. the head is to be formally accept the bodies domination for president at the convention on thursday. it would make her the 1st woman of color to lead a major body presidential ticket. the off the ready go, easy shipping, the presidential these to get behind head. is that the support of the if it goes like the obama democrats are buzzing, but the whole and teens. let's all right, let's get moved from off of my washington correspondent. i mean,
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he says he joins me now. i'm doing great. so you, i mean, so obviously a lot of energy, a lot of excitement. what are your main takeaways from day to the dnc was the night of christmas there with the obama is very popular. stars in the united states still after so many years. 2008 was such a big moment for the democratic party. the biggest moment in my lifetime, any way that it seemed like what the democratic party is trying to do here is, is remind people what politics could be like when obama swept the country and that's 2008 election on the message of hope and change and they're trying to transfer this christmas tacoma harris. she's pretty much unknown for most americans, despite the fact that she's sitting vice president. so it was all about building her character, saying that she represents a new direction. obama, a brock obama said that to you or presents a new chapter. and michelle obama said hope is making a comeback. so trying to take that word, hope and put it on calmer harris to get her elected. so
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a lot about her character and in opposition start contrast to donald trump, who they spend a lot of time attack they did, didn't they? i mean, they really focused on trump, you know, but i mean, in the way that preaching to the converted at this, at this conventional they. so what is the point of these kind of very pointed messages about trump in about the opposition, while the message was for the democrats in the room, they got a lot of cheers and a lot of energy out of that. but i think they're also appealing to republicans who look back on the obama years as a, as a class. the time if you will. republicans who have rejected trump along the lines of his bad behavior here. so we saw stephanie griffin, who was former press secretary for trump, who said behind closed doors, this maliciousness that he uses to attack his enemies. he also attacks his supporters. so she was trying to castigate him as a kind of a bad guy in the democratic party is positioning so as the big tent party of
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america, patriotism, which is kind of new for the democrats. republicans always wanted that mantle and they wanted to make it look like, you know, trump needs to be rejected and what really needs to be rejected as the politics of grievance, which they've accused trump of hang onto talking about character and massive. it makes a difference. and a lot of the excitement that was saying about camelot is, you know, about who she is, but she's a woman, her choice of running mates and rules. but what about concrete policies? i mean, what do we know about her plans if she does, guy likes it. well, she's in a tough position here because while she's projecting yourself as hope and change, and you know, she's a fairly young black woman, it would be a new direction for united states. she has a sitting vice president. so what she is trying to do here is project a new direction, but at the same time, not throw
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a bite in under the train here and not. and, you know, take credit for the, the things that americans like about the bottom ministration, but distance herself from the policies that they don't like. and so far, her strategy seems to be staying very abstract and not giving details about our policy. if you go to our website, there's no policy on there. you can't see what she stands for. she's refused to do interviews with journalists, which was okay in the beginning. but i think a lot of journalists are getting fed up with that. she's answered a few questions on the tarmac a couple of times, but she hasn't done any mean press conferences. so people are still wondering what her policies are. she's represented women's choice for abortion in stark contrast to trump, and she wants to clarify that into law. we know that she wants to build new housing . she wants to carry on the policies of buy them to make tax breaks for the middle class, but not for the rich, but beyond all that, it still has remained abstract and we're looking forward to the next couple of days . uh, a lot of people want to see if i can waltz tomorrow or this evening in the united
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states at the convention will come up with a solid policy proposals and then thursdays her big day where she'll take the stage and maybe make it a lot more clear because politics of grievance might sound bad, but a lot of americans have grievances and they want this address. and we'll see if she's able to do that. i mean, is this a correspondent form a washington correspondent? i mean, thank you so much. rational authorities say add defense systems shut down several ukrainian drones, but targeted most of the nights, rushes defense ministry set. it destroyed a total of $45.00 drones over russian territory, including 11 over the capitol region. most goes mass at the city faced one of the biggest jordan attacks ukraine has launched against the capital sofa dw sonya pharmaca is in cavan. i also whether ukraine has reacted yet to these alleged road attacks as well. the crate in military has not come in to as yet on those
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electrical and attacks over most going over those other regions which are closer to a border with russia. now these kinds of joint attacks of a most school are quite rare, but we did see a similar attack and made the field when russian officials say they said they have destroyed to go outside the capital, which also led to some temporary restrictions on 2 major efforts. in, in the capital there. and now your queen usually does not clear, officially claim responsibility for any kind of report to the tax on russian sewing . what it does regularly carry out on strikes on russia's oil refineries on it's on . it's f e as in gas inst installations these often on targets, which are located several kilometers, 700 kilometers, promise model. and ukraine says it's aim there was for the tiny age for what it says. i'll repeat it, the tax bible show on its own energy infrastructure and it says that in there is often to kind of destroy the rushes, logistics, it's supplied routes and kind of dismantled rushes flight capabilities. i'm in
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recent days, we've really seen an escalating amount of attacks my washer and ukraine on each other's oil and industrial facilities. that's right. i mean, you crane is advancing in cost, but it's russia that does seem to have the momentum in the east doesn't to. so can you tell us more about that? that's right. i mean, the report suggests that to you, credit groups are kind of inching forward in that course region in russia, ukraine's army chief lennox on the civil case says this troops of now move forward about 20 to 35 kilometers a deeper into that territory. they say, he says the non controller more than 90 settlements, but they don't, they also facing increase resistance that are reports that russia is not moving. some fits troops from other directions to kind of strength, and it's positions that are within ukraine in the eastern. don't yet. sweets in russian forces, or certainly advancing steadily, declaim to have no cap to the town of new york. this is a small settlement,
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which has been for 2 of us since 2014, that ukrainian military has not admitted to live. also by told that the state of washing forces are attacking the attacking in the area of the save option is also deploy additional tools to the front line in the east and one of the targets for the russian pulses. there is the tone of the cross, which is a crucial logistics hub for the ukranian ministry, which is located on a mean on the intersection of a mean highway, but supplies, the cream troops and frontline towns, but is also used to move casualties to what's the city of naples, sonya thank so much for that update. that's the w sonya fall in the color we're forcing from tease now 3 stay selections of slighted so next month in eastern germany and one policy is expected to pull off its best result of a that is the fall rights alternative for germany. b and c immigration and to us pro russia policy is on cost to win all $3.00 races. it would be the 1st time that
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a fall, right? nationalist party has one power at state level in germany since the nazis were impala. dw use. matthew moved, visited jewish community, an effort which is a state capital of to india. as a celebration of 1000 years of jewish history. an effort just to meet before both to his face, a high speech choice. i go on to hold a if d blue. that's a no that's it was the sun is going for use of a new dark chapter to him. she's not just a few jews. he done on slot, so denials, escape kind on. they have no reason to be afraid of your different mention. ryan hodge from survived the holocaust. as a baby, he said as the popularity of the fall, right till tentative for jeremy or re f d is fueling concerned among to run just jewish community by sci fi. and if that's the i the august,
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what unites them is that they're all afraid to view the gain strength and this, and to submit this most, i think has been a phobias anti semitism and racism. a part of the a f d is dna i've taken who i'm to say is it's done to this man view on who the local f, the leader who has huge influence nationwide who could use is not your slogans. well campaigning for which he was fined by a court on has called for germany to dwell less on it's not see past. this is yeah, i think if chic this monday was a be a h clever maneuvering aimed at avoiding breaking the low. that's uh, this spot, he's fundamentally sparing on next visit. and i do see a dining room in that because ultimately it's not just a few jews was sent to your room who died. but ultimately, when nationalism prevails, it leads to the rule that you can there's
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a lot of brushed as a regular at the synagogue. she believes the these popularity has in bold and violent extremist. this is in the song. so we are concerned here because the right wingers are also acting with brutality against not only jews, but against everyone. what they don't like if the face doesn't suit them, then they just lash out unplug populist. before we put those claims to the f d 's leader in the state parliament escape kind unless they have no reason to be afraid, especially not jewish people. there's no reason to fear the a if the leading or being part of the government. we have no plans. neither our program nor any of our proposed measures or even remotely directed against jewish people mentioned listed. despite those we assurances on each prevails. but some here are hopeful that dialogue and dancing can overcome division. the future of to
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india may depend on it and that's what we have time for for now, but do stay tune adult film is up next, exploring how people deal with losing one of the vital senses, the sense of smell, that's office to break the my name is the calls back? said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying a loud noise. what of being nosy bay? like good, everyone to king. check out the award winning called call. don't call back.


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