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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 23, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, the neighbors coming to you live from burly harris formally accepts the democratic parties, presidential nomination, the chapter in the most extraordinary we'll take a look at the biggest speech of the vice president for, we are and what it says about for agenda also a head on the program, a historic visit, prime minister, and a render moody arrived in cube in the 1st trip to modern ukraine by an indian
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leader. moody is set to meet president soleski, the hello. i'm clear, richardson, thank you so much for joining us. couple of harris has given what some are calling the most important speech of her career on the last day of the 4 day long democratic national convention in chicago. and actually set out her vision for the future, one offering unity and opportunity. the show of balloons is common to have is officially accepted the democratic policies. presidential nomination didn't have acceptance, speech a pitch to be american. people seemed around hope for fluid facing vision. i know there are people of various political views watching tonight, and i want you to know, i promise to be a president for all americans to
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america fundamental principles from the law to free and fair elections, to the peaceful transfer of power. to the message, the rep, curious, receptive crowd i think are, you know, recapturing of american values. you know, that go to all people who can be proud of our country on the national stage, domestic stage. i'm all of the policy priorities that have been, you know, had by democrats to make this country a better place for not just americans, but for people of all backgrounds and origins. that's something that i'm really excited about. i think is the time of the year of the woman and we're going to change the nation with calling the average of everyone working together,
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you know, lifting everybody off. instead of telling people the very important message from anywhere in the world. you know easier said than done, but i think we can start uh at home have is made the case for himself and the hearing of reno delegates of the days of having big names appeared on stage to make the case to these included towering pallets and figures like full massage couples, the a bomb is in the clintons, the celebrities like oprah and steve, you want to and from how this is running my 10 walls of actual unknown. and lastly, until 2 weeks ago. and so here in the d and c was also a launch pad. com. a lot, harris is top. com a lot. harris is experience. and com or why harris is ready. our job or job, or job or job for everyone watching, is to get in the trenches and do the blocking and tackling one inch out of time. one yard out of time. one, they go out of time,
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one door knock out of time. $15.00 donation at a time. let's let me seduce have and what's, how is this like delegates so me uncommitted event sound to linked to a messaging unless she plans to do about gaza. one of the most divisive issues in the polity. uncommitted delegate, you know, we want her to push for our permanent media as the fire and, and arms and bar go now. and of course, you know, we appreciate the fact that, that it was mentioned. but at this point, we're starting to not do problems is learned enough anywhere. we need to know what her policy is gonna be. but by not the 2024 democratic convention is being one of high spirits enjoy for the optimism. and now the question remains whether that happens can float all the way to the election, and that's into the aspect level or whether it may best. and i've read all these report or pablo fully a list here in the studio with me for more. pablo a, that's
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a rep on the d n. c. case closed there, too much fanfare as we saw at what could you say about commer harris as a politician after watching that much and has anticipated speech reverse with her. this was a big opportunity for combat to come out and show to the american electorate that she is capable of being the president of the united states. it was a very positive message. she used words such as opportunity which came of time and time again. she spoke about a lot of the big issues which we've heard her speak about before, and reproductive rights who spoke about the economy. it was very much geared towards the middle class, her speech. and she was also very at critical of donald trump for republican opponent. and of course, the former president. and in her speech, she spoke of at a precious leading opportunity to move past the bitterness, cynicism and divisive bottles of the past. so it was very much of speech looking forward and giving people in america this hope for the future. focusing on the fact
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that the united states is a country of opportunity. where if you work hard, you can get ahead and you can have a successful life. and there's a fair bit of foreign policy in there to present there. i'll probably stay with us for just a 2nd. i want to take a listen to one of the things she had to say. among other things, she commented on the ongoing war in gaza. let's have a listen that may be clear. i will always stand up for israel's rights to defend itself. for israel has the ability to defend itself at the same time. what has happened in gaza over the past 10 months is devastating. so many long hungry people waiting for stacy over and over again the scale of suffering is heart breaking to. so pablo the binding administrations,
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a support for israel during this war has really been a device of topic even within her own party, within the democrats. at this day and see if she's called for a cease fire, a hosted release deal. do you think that will appease those who have these concerns? well, there is, she tried to strike that balance at 1st and foremost and calmly. harris has been a long time advocate for a 2 state solution. she's also been far more critical in many respects than president biden. for example, if this summer when president at or a prime minister netanyahu was in washington afterwards, she said it is time for the with this war to and now what may not go far enough for those who were quoting, for a shift and policy from the united states is that she has and supported in arms and bar, go on his route. so we'll see how the polling does. and with regards to this topic at next week is right now it's perhaps a little bit too early, but it does appear that she is going to be a bit more vocal in her support for the palestinians. and perhaps continue with
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this more critical voice with regards to is ready policy. right. and what else did we learn about her potential for in the policy platform? if we do see a harris administration was very much focused on these traditional u. s. allies and very pro nato and one big topic of course, was ukraine once again, own wavering support of the united states at for ukraine. she was also very critical of the former president as well, with regards to his position internationally. she warns of the dangers there of at president trump. i'm coming back to office. she said i will not close you up to tyrants and terrorists like him. you jump on for reading for trump, so quite a stinging and comment there from com la harris. but i think the real takeaway for me, with regards to foreign policy is this sort of and continued support of the you s
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sort of more traditional relationship we'll say with the u. s. is and traditional allies and what about her stance on immigration, particularly at the us mexico border. she's come under a lot of fire from donald trump, from many republicans for her handling for her role within the by that administration of being looking after security there. how does she differ in that sense? from donald trump, her rival? what was interesting because she really went after the republicans and, and basically said, you know, that she urged donald trump. i'm the republicans to reconsider essentially just bipartisan border security bill, which he had really pushed for which would have led to tighter restrictions on immigration into the united states. were seeing images there of donald trump. he was down in arizona at the border yesterday very clearly. and timed to coincide with cala harris's speech. of course this is
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a big topic for many americans. both come on, harris was talking about the fact that she would like to see what she would essentially motiv stricter restrictions on immigration. she realizes that perhaps she needs to go a little bit more towards republican policy in this matter. but without going that far, because going back to that word, which i mentioned earlier, opportunity, she did want to stress essentially that the united states is still a country of migrants and immigrants. they can come to the country and she wants to push for a, an earned pathway and in the us. so there is a difference there. i'm and donald trump as well, was very, very critical over in, in i was gonna say tweets. they're not tweets in his social media messages at during her speech on this topic. so really an appeal from cala harris to the american dream. like as we know, as i could probably put this, give us a sense of where things stand now, how tight is this selection with everybody? so there, it's all the polling is interesting because during this we to of that,
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the, the desk the dns. so you don't get any polling, so we'll have to wait till next week. so that's why i keep mentioning if we're gonna have to wait and see what the result of this is. but in the lead up, i'll give you a couple of stats the abc washington post ex us poll at higher, slightly heading, pulling averages. but it's very, very tight. that's nationally. there's a big focus on a lot of the swing states and pennsylvania, michigan, for example, where it'll be interesting to see what there's any shift there. and the main issues for many, many americans, our economy, inflation and immigration, which she did focus on. but of course, she has been criticized from republicans for being weak on those topics. and a lot of the polls republicans or americans in general, still favor donald trump with regards to those topics. so i'm curious to see what comes out of this week's events and this week's speeches and so forth. one other one that i want to just bring in is from cbs news. you golf poll, which has up more than one and 3 voters say they don't know what ms. harris stands
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for. that to me is key because i want to see what the, that changes after this week because she wasn't very clear with regards to some of those policies, foreign policy, domestic issues, definitely with regards to the economy. and so the world is going to be watered and they will have those numbers to develop pablo, all right, thank you so much for bringing this up to speed there with your insights that i still do, you know, these are puerto pablo fully l. yes. to turning out to some other world news headlines. authorities in bangladesh say 4500000 people have been effected by floods in the south. east. 13 people have died in the heavy rains. electricity and transportation has been disrupted, and rescuers are struggling to reach the affected areas as lots of also destroyed agricultural land and fish farms. in thailand, all 9 passengers of a chartered plane are presumed dead after a craft in south south east of bangkok. they are crumpling down shortly after taking off from the capitals main airport. wreckage was located and the men broke.
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swamp where conditions have hampered search efforts. indian prime minister under under moody has arrived in ukraine where, who meet with president followed him. here's the landscape already arrived in cuba by train. this was the 1st visit by an indian prime minister to ukraine since its independence from the soviet union. india has so far avoided explicitly condemning the russian invasion and has abstained on un resolutions that criticized the kremlin bodies visit follows a trip to poland, where he said, india supports a dialogue and diplomacy to restore peace and ukraine frame. you get in on the bus to raise you. i'm at the the have some good friends home, the situation and you green invest aisha didn't as a matter of deep concern for all of us. yeah. bear to be strong. the family believes that no conflicts or problems can be resolved on the battlefield. only men or a correspondence. sonya found the car and key of told me what we can expect from bodies
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visit to ukraine. when independent of some of the movies visit is certainly being seen, children, kids as a significant step and you know, building on going ties between keys and debbie. but in terms of what to expect to be told, we've really hawk to know would formerly does this? i think you've just given that kind of very tight security measures in place around the printing president, savanski i'm movies visit, you know, also comes on the eve of your friends on independence day when it is set to mock 3333 years of its independence from the soviet union. so security has been, you know, for the be stuff in the capital u. s embassy jordan, keith has also wanted to offer, heightened risk of attacks, my adoption goals and messiah on ukraine. nobody hearing that will be in his integration, our meetings and then skins team this morning. it could be followed by a press briefing, were not expecting any major announcements that are some reports that would be some agreements on things like agriculture defense. i mean,
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that would certainly also be in the role in your principal sward reconstruction. assign you found a car reporting and that is our show for now. i'm clear, richardson and berlin, thank you so much for joining us. the, on the long voyage through the ocean. another humpback well with the cost for a long time, they had to be humans on the journey. now the trenches have become very protective of whales until the results of the ocean consultation. the stats of tend to sold. i'm dw, the.


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