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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 23, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news lie from berlin, carmella harris, formerly expense the democratic presidential nomination. last chapter in the most extraordinary story. we'll take a look at the biggest speech of the us vice president's career and what it says about her agend. also coming up there and promote, he says he's on the side of peace during talking kids is the 1st visit's in ukraine by an indian leader and showed down ahead as the new bonus. lee good season kicks
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off. buyer live, who is in hope to repeat their trying from last time around. bus buyer and munich are planning on re establishing their decade long dominance. the mariana evans team. thanks for joining me. carmella harris has formerly accepted the democratic nomination for president of the united states. addressing the final 9th of the democratic national convention of chicago, vice president harris sent out her vision for the future. one that she said would offer a unity and opportunity. she promised that if elected, she would be a president for all americans. it will come will harris also laid out some of her foreign policy plans. she cover the wars and gaza and ukraine, as well as the us position on the ron. and america's military might as commander
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and see i will in sore a miracle, always has the strongest most lethal fighting force in the world with respect to the war in god. the president biden. and i are working around the clock because now is the time to get a hostage deal and a face fire deal done. and let me be clear, i will always stand up for israel's rights to defend itself. for israel has the ability to defend itself because the people of this real must never again face. so more that
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a terrorist organization called her mom paused on october 7th at the same time. what has happened in gaza over the past 10 months is devastating. so many that live long long very people leave for say over and over again the scale of suffering is heart breaking. president vitamin i a working to end this war such that israel is secure, the hostages are released the suffering and gaza and, and the palestinian people can realize their right to the days before russia attacked ukraine. i met with president zalinski to warn him
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about russia's plan to invade. i helped mobilize a global response over 50 countries to defend against aggressive president wilson's mom would you know how long the necessary to defend our forces and our interests against the run any run back to terrorist. i will not close the tyrants and dictators. light came down on our room and as president, i will never waver into vince of america security an ideal because in the, in, during struggle between democracy and tyranny. i know where i stand and i know where the united states. 7 all right,
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let's get some analysis now and call harris's remarks, and for that i'm joined in the studio by the delay reporter pablo fully lias pablo . get to see, you know, care is, has actually been criticized, hasn't she for not presenting a clear foreign policy platform. this criticism that was heard both the democratic side and also by republicans, did she finally deliver enough details in last night? speech depends who you ask in many respects, a lot of what was said was nothing. you mean, she touched on a lot of the topics we saw it there in that montage of at different sound bites from last night. one thing that really stood out for me is that she's going to continue to be a defender of the us as traditional allies and alliances. and she promised continued support at for nato, which is very interesting. she's always been big supporter of, of nato. and also interesting the to continued support for you frame and,
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and she said that she's going to be us will continue to stand strong with you frame . let's not forget that she attended them unit security conference which spoke about just a few days before. actually the beginning of the war back in 2022. 1 thing that also she didn't shy away from was criticizing former president. and of course, the republican nominee, donald trump's into use donald trump, other lining himself with photographs. and then he was a threat not only to the united states put attention to the world and some very strong comments or we've heard of as well. and in that she said that she was not going to cozy up to tyrants to terrorist who are rooting for donald trump. that one thing also that kind of hires was criticized for am perfectly as vice president was that she didn't have enough experience on the international stage. but we'll just give you a couple of facts here. she actually met a 150 more leaders in this time that she's been vice president. she's visited over 20 countries and also find the i'll finish by saying this,
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she made it very clear where the us under her at presidency would be, which would be that we strength and not abdicate our global leadership. we also heard harris referred to the war in gaza. she spoke quite a bit about that, but just how different are her views compared to those of president biden's? i think the big difference between vitamin harris is that pamela harris isn't afraid to come out. and let's say i'm ashamed to bite and is afraid, but she has come out. i'm being quite vocal in her criticism of his relevance office policy sticky. this regards to gaza and she has been a long time advocate for 2 state solution inches. go for an end to the war in gaza and see why my feeling is she will continue to be quite criticism critical of israel. she wants to see an end to the war in gaza. and also for those critics of the situation there, she did not reject. and we'll say a reason close for an arms embargo started. she did reject calls for an arms
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embargo there in, in israel. and also she once again called for palestinian self determination, and that was met with a lot of applause from the audience. but once again she did at support israel. and she made it clear that she was trying to so i suppose strike that balance right. and i don't know how this is going to go down and with the, with, with the voters. we'll see that in polling next week. but it was an attempt, at least to kind of a strike of balance. you'd have a is have a fully ellis, many things indeed for all your insights, india is prime minister and the render moody is in keys. if the 1st visit fine indian leader to ukraine, since it became independent from the soviet union. mowdy met with president, let them hear zalinski and was expected to push for an end to the war with russian . moody has so far avoided condemning the invasion. and he's also abstained on un
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resolutions criticising russia. well, during that meeting with the landscape moody insisted that india is on the side of peace, but it goes with the blue commission that we stayed away from the water. but the 3rd, he never meant that the word just in, in the from bystander. we never dealt with eventually. we would never newton buy it . and so the had the site, right. so i'm not close to all the side was peace, the the district, the, the, all the stuff organized a solvent, the and did it go to margaret the this is also by the way an indian foreign minister as josh on car who is travelling with a prime minister justified modi's, embrace of let them you're putting in rush out last month. you know, you know, up on to the world. when people meet people they are given to embracing each other . it may not be part of your car, but i assure you it's part of us. so in fact, today,
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i think i saw the prime minister also embraced presence in ski. and i've seen him do it with a number of other leaders in a number of other places. so i think perhaps we have a slightly cultural a, a gap. so in terms of what these got to cease me, a lot of correspondence. sonya fall in the car in t eventually a job and dally had been following the story. and i asked sonya how moody's visit was going with ukraine has really welcome this was by movie as a kind of significant step and building on growing ties between even daily. it's also an opportunity, of course, for ukraine to engage with a major and i off most goals and movies visit comes just to be a head of ukraine's independence fee. when did the set to mock 30 to 33 years of its independence from the soviet union? so security is really tight and the capital among many digital height and risk of,
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of russian attacks. now we've seen president savanski has just posted a video on his telegraph travel showing human will be attending an exhibition this morning in keep focused on your craving children who have been killed since the beginning of russia is full scale invasion. and this is the force really symbolic, because movie has been criticized for a visit that he made to most school last months to meet a president. 14 on a day when russian besides struck multiple reprint in cities, including a major children's hospital. sure in cave which led to devastating scenes i'm left to kind of wounding. i'm kidding. of patients and doctors. so i think this was, this also suggests that, you know, engine diplomats seem to have taken some of that criticism by zalinski and the width on board. it's an attempt to kind of control some of the damage from that multiple trip. now we just hearing that the 2 sides have met, i'd have a report to be signed some agreements on, on economic cooperation and agricultural. we're not really expecting any big
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announcements. but officials from the 2 countries have said in recent months, so they also want to restore, you know, by electric crane, which is still a bit to get into water and india of forces also in the role in ukraine's postwar reconstruction. this is how i'd like to ask you about the timing. why is moody visiting ukraine this week? it does it have to do with his visit with the rational leader rational leadership a month ago? or is there more to it as well? absolutely. i think, you know, it's hard not to see that you know, it has to do with his visit to my school because the backlash off of that visit was, was quite severe. not just by western nations, but by zelinski himself who put out escaping treat after he met to fulton. and he said in history that he's disappointed to see the lead it off was largest democracy of hugging was most of the criminal. so human snowboards and i think, you know,
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this response was waiting to happen from india. and the timing of this trip is, is really not lost or not. anyone is hard not to see this as a damage control exercise, but exports children into also pointing out that they should not just be seen as the india buckling under the western pressure. because as far as india is concerned, it's made its position quite clear that its relationship with the ukraine as well as russia are independent of each other and it's not a 0 sum game. so i think with this trip in just trying to make a point that it's not taking any side. so in this concept, and what you see in ukraine, you know, the pictures of the prime minister visiting this memorial to pay how much to the children, those pictures that speak a 1000 words. you know, it's diplomacy at its best unfolding in ukraine. and it seems to be working because we've had reactions from a senior or us official here in delhi, who said that he was delighted to see that this important visit by movie has come about. as well as the reaction from the european union ambassador who called this
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visit to historic. so i think for the optics, you know, it's done, the strip has done its job of appeasing all sides really well. moody went to kiff from poland and uh, earlier, the polish prime minister said he sees india and the role of mediator between ukraine and russia. but does moody see himself in that capacity as well? this question has called time and again uh, marianna and india has maintained a very precarious position. it's always a putting itself out as an advocate of for diplomacy and dialogue. the prime minister has been a reiterating that even he and his the visit to portland, or he said that i think that a 2 reasons behind indians in does stance of not uh, offering itself as an elton out, a mediator in this conflict. one is, it's long standing, a policy of non alignment when it comes to global issues. and the 2nd reason,
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and the most important one is it's long standing relationship with russia, which go way back, you know, as far as the, you know, of soviet union. and both countries have hired each of those back up, you know, for decades on the contentious issues. i'll give you one example that russia has stood behind the india when it comes to its actions in crush me. and in the same for rochelle, when it invaded crimea. so, you know, in this, given this kind of dynamic and the history of the relationship between the 2 countries. i think it'll be hard for the inductor to be immediate though, and be seen as, you know, completely neutral in this case. and to go to indian, no foreign minister just on good. he says that why should it be a problem if windows smart enough to have multiple options? so i guess this kind of multilateral approach that india is sticking to words of global affairs, gives you a sense of why in del wants to be on defense on this one. thank you very much for that show that was shelly and off in deli and d. w as on your phone, the car in key. if we appreciate your reporting. thank you. all right, let's get
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a check. now some of the other stories making headlines around the world to a russian court has sentence 5 people to prison terms of up to 9 years for their role in an anti israel riot. last october, hundreds of protesters and circles, a plane from israel, and my hot chocolate airport in the southern region of dog as done. several police officers were injured in the incident. at least 21 people were killed when a bus plunged off a highway in nepal into a river. more than a dozen, others were injured and rest keywords are still searching for survivors. vehicle was caring indian pilgrims. divers in italy have retrieved the final body from a luxury yacht that sank off the coast of sicily. 7 people died of the incident including the british tech, ty kuhn, mike lynch. the vessel was hit by a sudden storm. well delegations from israel and the united states are in
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cairo, trying to re star tops on reaching a cease fire in gauze on one sticking point is israel's demand to control a strategic corridor in the territory. meanwhile, israel has been holding more funerals for hostages. killed and casa its forces recover the bodies of another 6 captives held by him off, which carried out the over 7th, terra tags. israel has also issued a new evacuation orders for hon. eunice in southern gospel. so has there been any progress on achieving a ceasefire? we asked journalist kareem alcohol right in cairo. the not that we know to be honest as very living use leaking a to the media about this negotiations is really negotiate us reported to me already arrived in cairo. it's a talks will start, start between the mediators. the u. s. u n is the, is there any indications later that they wouldn't be joined by that occasion from
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the other mediator culture. there is no way to get a fault the, i must education. yes, but of course the a brief the by the error of the data is the goal is to research the differences over this choose proposing to end this 10 months wall. main sticking points is the sort of withdrawal from the gaza strip. the phone is really withdrawal from the gaza strip or not until now that then you always trying to keep the presence of the user id. i'm using this for that as the koreans or that's the border between egypt and the gaza strip. and if the so called, they said him corey towards bits, according to the that's the finding, the, the cause us to get to a northern and southern parts. there was a journalist, kareem alcohol, right. speaking to us from cairo. us. all right, let's turn our attention now to some sports news and here in germany, the new bonus league of football season is kicking off reading champions,
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buyer lever crews, and are hoping to repeat their trying from last time around. but buyer and munich, alonzo reestablish, is there a decade long dominance of the top leak? this season has 20 to offer a handful of contenders, famous faces in charge and the club with a cold fall away returns to the top flight. the sky is the limit phones over just labor choosing or they have the favorites after they're undefeated run. last season led by job, the alonzo buyer labor cruising ran through the league like a freight train, winning the domestic double retaining their core talent. they look destined to repeat recently, winning the german super cut over stuttgart. alonzo will be facing 2 former players now coaching a major quotes that have potential to go all of the way as well. no, he shot he took over coaching duties at dorman club, he debuted with an age 16 fan favorites, like mark old royce and miles how most have moved on. but a ton of talent remains don't mean loss and fire power in striker nicholas full crew. but signing several good i see should feel the void. it's the vincent company
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era environmentally. after a trophy with season, the bavarian is opted for the belgian, who once kept in manchester city to lead the team back to winning way. i've made big steps all my life. so why would you then get to this position this place and all of a sudden you're going to stop doubting this. michael, a lease a fresh from winning and olympic silver metal for france has added excitement for a buyer inside that also strengthen with the likes of here. okey doke, enjoy. well, felina decides promoting to the bonus league have different back story, saying probably has returned to the top flight after 13 years fighting to get back . i'll be in without bobby and what's left the code to mastermind. they're essentially based in henberg, left leaving things holly, as long stood for diversity and inclusion, new comers. holstein keel had been on the verge of promotion several times over the past few years till finally secured. they're made in german top flight season, due to a never ending perseverance. last one is the good campaign shock. many. maybe this
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season will see the same level of excitement. all right, or more on the new one, just make a season. i've got chris harrington from dw sports in the city with me. chris, good to see you. so a lot of anticipation for the new one this week of season. i know at our house, especially everybody is gearing up for the new season. and so of course the title is in labor cruises hands, but can they hold on? i think when you look at labor codes, you're looking at a well oiled machine and it all starts with leadership. javi alonzo is every clubs, dream manager, not only has he walk the walk as a players, one, everything. he's proven himself as a manager. he has a manager. no background comes from that type of family has a mental pedigree. and when you look at the weight, labor, cruise, and navigating last season, it was magical. they didn't lose, didn't skip a beat, and then they had their core talent. you know, one of the concerns for teams. they're core talent, can they retain those players?
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one player in particular job and todd the defender was linked to bar munich is as late as last week. byron didn't come with enough money, labor codes and kept them. that's one piece of course defense wins. championships. you're going to want to keep that in together. and then, you know, the other piece is your, your victor, boniface, floyd, advance patrick shek. you know, one thing i do, and concert i am concerned about with labor comes in, is that when there's a target on your back, your mentality has to shift. you're no longer chasing, you know what you are chasing. they had their magic. they experience that now everyone is chasing them. you know, back when i interviewed says cannot be a by munich in the middle of their magical run of titles. he spoke about the crown being heavier. when you're the champion, i think that's a situation labor cruising. we'll be dealing with this season. yeah. for sure buyer and also have their own ambitions. we heard from the new coach and the report. what do you make of him? yeah. first off, vincent company was not buying unix number one choice. they want to javi alonzo. they wanted other managers, you know,
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but sometimes you get opportunity in the strangest sort of ways. that's what vincent company has. he doesn't really have the managerial experience to justify being the biggest club in german domestic football. he's the face of buying music right now. it's a great opportunity. we know him from his playing days at manchester city. what thing he is, he's like a drill sergeant on the pit. she was a captain in manchester. there's even been training footage released of him. you know, i even spent time in the army. he literally reminded me of a drill sergeant. he's really in your face. he doesn't hold words and one challenge for him. of course, he's going to try to get fired back to many ways. he has a mountain of pressure on his shoulders. he seems like he's dealt with that as a player. he can deal with that. he's been dealing well with that, but um, you know, it's, it's interesting to see, i think he has to make the best of his opportunity and the elephant in the room. so, but it's like it finally has a black coach at, you know, i think that's one thing that hasn't really been addressed. i think of just the optics behind. it says a lot that by music has even made
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a progressive step in that sense. but the pressure is on their shoulders, no doubt. all right, also this season, some new teams. some new faces. tell us about that. well, we have holst. i'd kill, you know, making their debut and a top flight. you know, just, you know, this a greeting type of club, not a lot of money to splurge on talent, but they finally got over the hop and you know, it's always fun to see how a made in team does in their 1st season. and then we have st powering st. valley is a different type of creature. they have a cult following really rambunctious, known for standing up for the diversity and inclusion and so forth. yeah, they're making, they returned back to the top flight. they're missing their coach. they're missing one important piece, but nonetheless, i think just the excitement when you look at last season, you saw players really step up and make big names for themselves. this is that i think they'll be similar situations we have. uh, michael, always a from by munich. he won the silver metal people pip, him to possibly walk away with the but it's like
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a rookie of the year award. you know, but a lot of opportunity. you know, i think a lot of goals expected fan turn out would be crazy. i'm expected. i'm happy ecstatic about as well. you'd have to use chris herring thing. thank you so much for that outlook a lot to look forward to and but it's like season thanks. thank you. bye. it's wanda, i has unveiled the 2nd because diamond ever discovered the president of the gym at close quarters. the pretty impressive bare this stone weighs $2492.00 carrots or around half a kilogram. but it's not the biggest, the biggest was the call a man which was found in south africa in the year. 19 o. 5 botswana though is one of the world's leading producers of precious stones. and finally, there been some dramatic features from iceland. a volcano is erupt,
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thing for the 6th time since last december. previous interruptions have caused evacuations of a nearby town. i'm going to vic. this time though, there is no displacement. at least not this far as slice internet as a capital re cubic are not affected. the fisher is around 4 kilometers long. you're watching the w news, a reminder of our top story. cala harris has formerly accepted the democratic nomination for us president in a speech closing the democratic national convention in chicago, paris set out of vision for the future with the slogan, we're not going back there up to date on dw news on marietta evans teen up next. a d w documentary on research into climate change in the remote. how to go near region of latin america. don't forget, you can get lost for news on our website. just go to the w dot com from me and the
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entire news team in berlin. thanks for watching the
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of the ice cold at the end of the passage. got an e. an expedition ventures on 2 places that no one has good explosion while he is the ice melting more rapidly than trees in the ice fields? unknown? patagonia, the next dw who's
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speaking of the only place in news comes here to find some location. the in 45 minutes on d, w, the togetherness, the place even just came off stand. it is 3 to julie zullie, the inventory,
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and click the the, the ice fields in the past to go in on these. a known valley discovered to rain a team of mounts and e as in scientists time to explore these almost a miserable regions where global climate change is more tangible than almost anywhere else in the world. the gym and scientist is leading the expedition in the harsh bath leggings twins and.


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