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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 24, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the the, this is due to be news live from berlin, german police say 3 people were killed in an attack in the western city of zoning and the same man with a knife went on a rampage of the crowd of defense. it is still in the loops, will bring you the latest. also coming up, robert kennedy junior ends, his long shot dead for the white house. the independent candidate backs donald trump for president november's election. and it is prime minister says he's willing to help in the war and ukraine range promote. he makes his 1st visit toward time, keep the
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i'm so you can do the invalid. welcome to our program. we begin with breaking news . at least 3 people have been killed in for seriously injured and a knife attack in western germany. please say the attack happen in the town of solar and at a festival celebrating the towns 650th anniversary. according to police, the man randomly stab people with a knife twisted, the perpetrator is still at large. alrighty to be reported. comic waltz joins me here in studio for more comic. what is the latest? well, the short time and what uh, ghosting. we heard from the states interior minister of the region where this attack happened. harvard oil and he confirmed the 3 people have indeed been killed . and this attack for people are seriously injured and that their police are searching for one perpetrator at the moment. a man who used to nice in the attack, and that's what we've been hearing so far. the comment do know anything else about this perpetrators are in fact he's a man and on the is very little. the police have said they know nothing more than
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that's at the moment. and let's have a listen to the police spokesman and boss. he was talking about the short one ago mission. i didn't know which we are trying to get a concrete description of the perpetrator. but it's difficult because witnesses are in shock and unable to speak before they are mall receiving care. and we need to piece together all the information to continue the search for the perpetrators and let them take as far as a police spokesman. there are lots still unknown, obviously about this unfolding attack and this man. what now can we say at this point, whether this is being treated as a terrace events or a normal crime or, or what? no, we can't police are keeping an open mind on, on this at the moment they have no evidence or indication to suggest in either direction. this may be going in there, have they've launched a very big mind hunch there at the moment. this person is still up the largest, i should say. and they've been stressing to reporters best there's people should refrain from speculation and what's the possible motional fiance's
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a to what extent has germany seen attacks like the public events? they're rare here in germany, but they have happened in the past. we've had mess stoppings and mass. colleen events here before one was in 2020 and a half an hour in germany, which was a rice wing most of the day. so the attack that was a mass shooting were 9 people, were killed. the perpetrator there was known to police to have a rushman extreme is background. he killed himself there a bolt. the results were attacked in 2016, which viewers will probably remember here. that was a christmas time attack on the christmas market, where a tremendous in man, hijacked a truck and drove it into a crowd of people who are attending that market off the time. 24 people died there . and last week he was document intact was claimed by is mistakes, dreams as well. all right, that's conic walsh with the w news here in studio telling us more about that ongoing, seen and solving in western germany, a knife attack there. thank you. corner of the will move on to politics and the
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race for the us presidency. robert f. kennedy junior has joined donald trump on stage. a trump rally in arizona. well, that's after kennedy suspended his independent presidential boot and endorse trump . is accused the democrats of refusing to allow his name to be on the parties ticket and primary ballots. he started free speech, the war and ukraine, and what he called the war on children as the reasons that he is suspending his campaign. kennedy said he decided to support trump after several recent meetings with him. but peter matthews is a political ellis and professor of political science at cyprus college in long beach, california. he told me what this means for the presidential race. well it means we have to become the rotors, which are only about 4 percent now, least to be able to 15 percent the summer they've been dropping since job item drop down. and coming harris came in. many been going to come a as a trump. so only about 4 percent now i think we would really go go away, but most of it's going to go actually happened a house,
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a little bit over half the trunk and we're under half the cumberland harris of those remaining. so it may not make much of a difference in most states, but in swing states it could make a big difference. so this way, states which are the determining states for the election of peter. i think that's interesting that we may see a split between these folders. can you help us understand what makes an r s k junior vote or different from a truck voter or from a harris folder? they're mostly a little bit younger, but they're also rather uninformed, and they are very disenchanted with this. the established parties, many of them are outside of extras because obviously it was a big anti vaccine, a person who is, was really pushing to not have vaccines in this country. and that's what a lot of companies people really some support for that. mainly. and conspiracy theories that are less educated lawyers, they may not, they may not even go to many of them, but the ones that do well, they'll be of us that happen to have 2 hairs. and to trump, well, what about the timing of this announcement from our f k junior coming right at the end of the democratic national convention? it's pretty remarkable, although i think he was shopping around doris k junior,
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went to 1st of all the family harris and asked if you could get a, a cabinet position to be support her. and she didn't even talk to, to the water having to do with that. and then he went on to trump and trump was actually asking him, the police report him and he would offer him something in return, probably a cabinet position. so the timing was probably broke to up, or which is for him to try to get the maximum effect out of it. all right, the interview recorded earlier moving on india's prime minister and the ranger moody has offered to help in the war. in ukraine, only is the 1st indian leader to visit keeps since ukraine became independent from the soviet union. in 1991 ukraine's president, florida is lensky called low, the strip friendly and symbolic a warm welcome in keep the indian prime minister at the timing and significance of his trip did not
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go unnoticed. and looking down on the eve of independence day, this visit is really frankly unimportant, towards the full video crane. yes. ok. and so, you know, range are moody, has maintained ties with both russia and ukraine while the countries are at war to join. below them is the landscape and visiting a memorial to hundreds of children killed in russian attacks on new crane and attended several meetings and talks with the president. just 6 weeks ago, he was on a similar to a to russia meeting with president vladimir putin and embracing him, prompting some international criticism. moody says india is not in different on the war, but is on the side of peace. recently i went to restaurants,
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so i meeting and there also i have said this in clear words that any problem is never sold on the battlefield. some of the way to a solution lies only through dialogue, through diplomacy. and we should move in that direction without wasting any time. india cannot afford to alienate russia and his sofa avoided explicitly condemning its invasion. it is also abstained on you in resolutions that criticize the kremlin, but moody is working to keep you crane and its allies on side to framing, india as a piece make to and offering to act as a mediator to bring an end to the fighting. dw sonya fall in the car as in can you following the story?
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we asked her how motives words were received by the training president. i don't think those words actually have been really what have been very welcome in keys, especially if you remember given the control vesee regarding movies visit to moscow early last, last month when he met a russian president putting on the day when russian, besides hit multiple ukrainian cities, one besides struck a major children's hospice and children keys needing to devastating feelings. and that if you remember at the time prompted see what is criticism from presidents uminski who said it was disappointing to see the needle of the world's largest democracy hug, watching for the was, was bloody criminal on such a date. so i think this visit is, is seen widely seen as more di trying to, it'll control some of the damage and fall out from that most go visit. i'm in line with that today. we saw some in ski and we'll be visiting an exhibition in keys that was dedicated to the appointment children who have been killed since the
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beginning of the fresh of a full scale invasion so. so this was slightly india trying to kind of balance its relations between ukraine and russia and trying to show that it's not really needing to us multiple anyone sites in this conflict, sonya found a car there from keys for lindsey was welcome to new giant panda cops. mom gave birth to twins just 11 days after scans revealed she was pregnant dependent cubs were conceived through artificial insemination. one also had twins 5 years ago. those cubs were returned to china like their parents pen to comes belonged to the chinese state, which only means the animals to selected countries. trying to recently get through the parents in san diego zoo. the 1st pan. those sent us in more than 2 decades. professor hole from hong is an american sociologist and political sciences at johns hopkins university. he joins me from baltimore professor, thanks for coming onto the show. we know the pretty much every pen the in captivity around the world is on loan from china. has been called pens of diplomacy and it's
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not necessarily new but help us understand what does china gain from this practice? the extra data in a very 20 sunset and during the cold war china the gift penders to frantic countries. but uh since and i didnt equities and trying to had a program to the grocery with different countries and different through too long defender and then the shows the to pay a have to some of the pretender to, to do the chinese authorities and research institutions do have concerns, tests that you have it off of pender, so it actually, it is more like the rental agreement and stuff. it has been a long time that these tend to attract to is to the sue. and she will also the can gain from the, from, from admissions of those 2 ways. and at the same time, china, definitely god can spread the image of what kind of good will. and also does
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signify china with some kind of acute animals at the same time, trying to also receive the financial benefits of the soon as giving the the agreed upon some to the time it can. we really trace china's relations with other countries just by looking at the panels, but it's meant out or basically we call back the right and reason is that and then he, that's of when you asked and trying to the relation you are way for example, there's a dependence most well on the other one say in the national washington d. c. d being returned to the china because these kind of a loan agreement has a southern expiration date and right before they expire and they usually go straight to see what i think we do. or not over the last 10 years, 20 years, and usually they'll renewed it automatically. but in recent years, there's a lot of cases in which the demo set the renewals. so it reflect the opening
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balance of the us, china, we're nation in china with nation in invest in country. and right now it seems like a lot of places are getting new pairs of penders. it's node kind of a chinese for all these. the building is to, to amend the relation with those west and country by we reviving this kind of a kind of diplomacy. and i was gonna say, we've seen those 2 panels. go to san diego zoo for the 1st time in a couple decades now. following the election or some major political events in the us could we see those? candice come back or other plans come back. i don't believe they will be sent back to china to soon because i, i suppose those are women won't be short term that i believe that those pender, for example, those who were san to san diego sue, will stay there until the end of the agreement. a lot of then abruptly being pulled out with so i don't expect them to to go back to china 1st of all. right.
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professor hoff on hong. thank you very much. thank you. all right, who's reminder of our top story? this our, at least 3 people have been killed and 4 seriously injured in an attack in the town of solving at western germany. according to witnesses, a man stopped passers by with the knife reset, the perpetrator is still at large. robert f. kennedy junior has pulled out of his long shot campaign for the white house and his backing donald trump for us, president kennedy accused the democrats of refusing to allow him to join the parties. tickets in primary balance, and that's our headlines for now. we'll be back soon. with even more and meantime, you can find out more about these other stories online at the w. com. you can also find us on youtube or the deeds of the news channel. i'm seeing there's an invalid,
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as watching the on the long voyage through the ocean. another how well with the cost for a long time they had to be a humans on the journey. now the trenches have become very protective of whales until the results of the ocean conservation stats of tend to sold. i'm dw, i've done a lot of reporting on nuclear waste. this from the line contains over a 100000 barrels radioactive trucks. i also went to the world's fast permanent storage for nuclear.


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