tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle August 24, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm CEST
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as we say, there is never giving up every weekend on d, w. the thing and a good mood can make you feel like dancing. it also makes it easier to learn. it helps you accomplish more alone or in a team. we like being together with others, particularly with close friends, audits really feeling good in both psychological well be all the ways to achieve this and what can you do to restore your in a balance when everything feels out of kilter, mental health. this week's topic on in good shape. the
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young parents are always happy. so babies, according to ads, at least. but anyone who has had a child has seen plenty of other moments. it's a similar story with people on vacation. everyone's beams and there's holidays, snapshots. but even minus speed bumps like getting lost on the way to the hotel can post a movie to to social media. stalls always seem to be in especially good spirits incidence as well. grumpy don't have a lot of success. but is that a good say should life be full of only good vibes? even in the midst of break ups crises or personal tragedy? communities on instagram, tick, tock and other social media insist on cheerfulness and positivity for why someone to actually share are only the best parts. so everyone thinks i'm she has such
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a good life. she's never said to send me tell us and vision as you kind of don't want to look at the post to non negative stuff or see sat examples over. you just wanna always see how the implement sir is hanging out on the beach and just loving cocktails. and living the best life and it but is that good for us? psychotherapist amelion hall says it can be dangerous. social media marketing for social media sets, an example always higher, foster more beautiful, better. that means there's a certain pressure. i'm only allowed to show my most positive side and then this dazzling world. anything negative is no longer allowed. and that in turned it is to isolate action at some point or believing. i'm somehow alone with my negative feelings because everyone else is always in such a great mood. and that's the humble thing in the long run. because i then question myself and think i'm different than everyone else. i know i'm not. there's no question that people who can maintain an optimistic attitude are generally better
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off, but that becomes toxic when any negative feelings are instantly given short shrift . experts then speak of toxic and positive. it also shows that to them so much to talk sentences. for example, pull yourself together, it's not so bad, it'll be ok. i've gone through this before. in other words, sentences that don't take the other person seriously and the suffering. and just leave them alone with incheck having even negative feelings make sense because they indicate that something is wrong and that we should take a look in the long run. repressing and blocking out negative feelings can lead to depression. germany's 1st and only happy ologist a public ve income is looked intensively at the topic of happiness and being happy . he also warns against trying to keep negative emotions at arms length. social media is uptake and social media things that presented extremely positively with lots of filters on what everything on these platforms is always going great.
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everything's really nice, but it's mostly for the license fee. i believe that are kind of natural and this is precisely what makes things like people just make out of us. and when someone says this actually happens often in the and then 5 we all and most from what goes wrong . and i think social media expense. so we well advised to also post the mistakes sometimes of these a fina most, of course, but, but toxic positivity on social media just doesn't to allow for that. so many refuse to accept the good vibes trend at face value. inductive liquidity value, cod loose sites of reality. even if you're optimistic about everything at the end of the day, you have to cope with some stuff and then it doesn't matter whether you'd, you'd everything positively. the truth catches up the realities and catches up and ready to go for that reason, i think a healthy mix of both ways is important because off, much make you have to have bad stuff sometimes because only then can you really look forward to something good and then man, if you move isn't so good and you still good, that's okay,
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but it's not good. let's make this month. i know you don't have time or is yourself or the other thing to always only be positive or, and it goes to mood. but how to find a middle ground between optimism and pessimism, between positive and negative feelings by accepting setbacks being able to change perspectives and not losing hope. you just click it by luckily one set of kind of happiness teacher named alfred bell about him. and he said something beautiful is the greatest happiness is hidden in miss 4 children and a few people look for it the way started on helping us unhappiness or balancing act, and that's just positive light. he has another beautiful saying different as a copy. this is not a permanent state thoughts exactly why it's important not to see everything in life through rose colored good vibes. only glasses sometimes being unhappy and feeling sad is just as much a part of a fulfilling life is happiness and to miss him. do
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animals also feel emotions more and more research as a beginning to believe they do in most pieces of right and for example, the served power and to come kissing other bits of to they've been defeated in fine . the rats will come to the aid of other rights if they're in desperate straits, provided they know one another, or are we nature? and friends can also react strongly when innocent self says to dawn. but emotions and where the animals happen is still the subject of behavioral research with human semester as to what's next. so is what causes our emotions and what consequences they have, for instance, being in a bad mood. there are plenty of reasons to be in
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a bad mood, but a trick is very from person to person. the assessment is what puts me in a bad mood. these crowds, you people, negative people mention and that's what got some bad weather. for example, mice, mostly other people, styles, dress, daily, life, school starting process, racism, those issues that i can change. many things, i'd like to rush to venti, digna, when things don't go the way they should. them is, i'm glad i'm boy, it's my move to select the loan of it. capacity is a psychologist who specializes in emotions. he's likes to know that it's bad moods . are more likely a side effect in evolutionary terms. what's crucial or emotions which usually correspond to certain aspects of moving the pacific and something happens and you need to react and your mood is so to speak, a side effect of the machinery we need in order to have emotions from and what ceiling. so grease is sometimes very important, must be
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a be so is being angry. when comes we have reached the sign we must leave for these negative emotions. and that can make is kind of prickly but moods often serve as a warning signal. so finding out what's behind crushing feeling can be a learning experience selection of demo, kinda to something that can be a signal that something's not working well. most of that can lead you to take a look and see if there might be a reason for it to get something you can change us and then come we come to release happiness hormones, none stops. but even if we could, would it be beneficial to be in a good mood all the time at the surface? it's a so just, it's a fact that being in a positive mood has a function which no longer works. if you're in a good mood all the time, but it's somebody, for example, if you're striving for something specific as when you want to eat something or you
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want to have a nice social interaction too. and then the expectation that it will be positive is something that's far as you on that was, doesn't understand. if this positive mood never diminished until you just sit on the sofa, be happy and do nothing. so there really is something good about being in a bad news so it can take time to recognize that one's mind mixed them. and so if it's sometimes you want to concentrate on something and then a slightly negative mood can actually be beneficial. so we can feel that you can, we can also scientifically prove that it has such a fasting. so please believe in disassociate effect, the question is how much and for how long one to be on the feeling slightly melancholic or no stoned. yeah, that's something we actually like can even seek out on that scale. so because that makes is more focused self to go comes productive. so even 5 moods have the good
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side at 1st loans, it might seem like nothing more than a bad mood. but for an estimated 1000000000 suffers worldwide, it's a mental disorder, depression, and it's lucky many more people are affected that we don't really know for sure. the best way to test x. we have indicate that there are an especially high number of cases in africa. and also that more women than men suffer from many don't receive any one big reason why is that in many places, depression is not viewed as a serious illness. is depression or real illness. people who have not experienced depression or anything related to mentor has the thing that they people are making it up for have been, since i think it's treatable with therapy and medication. but uh, yeah, it's a real sickness. but if you're having some sort of meetings, idea of depression,
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it's very difficult to cope of it. even in antiquity, melancholy was already regarded as a sickness. at the beginning of the 20th century, german psychiatrist immediate criplin was probably the 1st person to use the term depression. today, experts agree a being side is a normal reactions. it's a difficult times, it's understandable, but usually status goes away with a little time. depression is different. antonia, so this is a psychologist who spent 10 years researching depression and those most affected by it. we're talking about a mood disorder that can cause severe symptoms that can affect how you feel, how you think, how you handle the, the activities. and in the medical community has certain diagnostic elements by which it establishes that it is a diag, a disorder or a diagnosis today. or if this is considered how patients feel,
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if they're eating or sleeping habits are out of whack, and how will they get through the day? if you decide why spend a this is just on in the mind, it's not a real disease then. and then we are preventing people from receiving the treatment that they need to only certain types of people get depression and where they can have it. that needs to be normalized, just like any other physics. and i stuff into some sort of a insight issue isn't depressing. myself, so i know how difficult it is. patricia fonseca is a senior physician for psychiatry and psychotherapy. she treats people with depression and has expensively studied the subject. in recent years, the spotlight is focused on lifestyle and chronic stress in my eyes. but in my always seeing, available, always online pressure to perform at work, always having to prove ourselves those things are relevant because they have an
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impact on the stress levels. and i'll sleep habits. but it's not just a lifestyle sickness, lifestyle x, amount of i'm of us, victims in february. so other factors life including likes, events like side ration, send relationship stress as breakup, some overlaps of an important person. this didn't mention the control childhood this time. well, the cool months experience says over emotional, look like a watch or shift file and would sonata from athletics to go beyond that. studies show the genes also have play a role for that doesn't mean there's a depression. gene factors that can bring on depression include chronic stress, traumatic life experiences, and genetics. the antidepressants bad for you. i think anti depressants can be addictive, but um i'm not sure about is just a man that everybody knows either be honest,
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i haven't his id, i think medication is what he was id and i'm going them and it's pretty hard. my understanding is that anything that is even noted by someone that fully knows how to, why the contents like a doctor or for 1st and i have there may 1st may harm yourself. many people are critical of the medications. some people even claim the antidepressants only benefit the pharmaceutical industry as so, and that's why sometimes you get such a double edged sword and have, cuz he may have seen the anti depressants, so really no more successful them to see. but as for mild depression, we're still on that for it, have my blood samples lives to their customs. so we would try to treat mild depression to 3 psychotherapy and behavioral change behind and by the images span on spam. but with moderate severe depression, that was a clear effect competitive to see by you by the implants,
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people effect. also antidepressants don't work the same for everyone. so it can take a while to find the right ones. but can people help themselves? healthy lifestyle is a good way of preventing an accompanying your treatment and preventing relapse and there is evidence for at and now with that then which is more than just work less, you need help. your physical activity is really important. the bottom line is antidepressants. and that per se, and a healthy lifestyle can increase their effectiveness as any other signal. if it's not about anything that's your own fault, it's just some something that some people have. and it's treatable that says someone out there who's suffering from depression during the time is about to go out. so feel free and speak can take medication and walk me through through and mental at home when something isn't working as it should, you can try to fix it if you can. but some problems are just too complex,
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then it's time to call the professional for help. it's the same with issues involving mental health. the problem is, in many parts of the road, mental health professionals are few and far between. but if you're lucky enough to have a choice, there are a few things to bear in mind. the therapist people just like you and can be a foothold, quite different views. so i'm very convinced by that particular therapeutic approaches. if the client wants to deviate from that, a therapy can and unpleasantly, it's important for therapist to be able to adjust to an individual situation and to carefully check with a particular approach is the right fit. having a clear roadmap as the central that helps keep the therapy from drifting along and the slate. how should the course proceed? why is lot planned? the milestones, what all of
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a plan should be discussed with the client's depending on the country therapies might be offered by mental health professionals with the range of titles among them . counselor, psychologist, all psycho therapist. but in many places, the field isn't strictly regulated, and at times there's no prescribed or uniform training. critics complain about this shortcoming. so when looking for the therapist, the amount and direction of training one is received can be a central issue. as the question of whether they're allowed to prescribe pharmaceuticals approaches this, the, at the goal of therapy should always be to help clients achieve good mental health . there are many forms of therapy, some seek to draw out childhood memories or focus on dreams, and the sub conscious practitioners. see those approaches as important ways to work so deeply seated issues or traumatic experiences. these
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therapies are sometimes, for instance, helpful and cases of depression. they involve a lot of talking, especially on the part of the client then there's behavior therapy. the goal here is to learn, learn behavior. this can help peoples, for example, which syrians inside t or eating disorders, clients learn to confront the problems in concrete ways. for example, through role playing, whatever type of therapy is chosen, it should be scientific, he recognized and should of course, also help gets feeling place a central role. how does the client feel during and especially after a session? does the therapist seem tired? are they really involved? because all successful therapies have one thing and coming to work, the patient 1st has to feel understood in the drive to
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maintain mental phantoms. there's also a lot you can do on your own. like pursuing a healthy lifestyle, enjoying plays and company. i'm exercising regularly. relaxation is also impulsive . there are lots of activities out there that are supposed to help you relax. but do they really? they promise relaxation at the touch of a button or they get there and just this one is really going for it. it's kind of this feeling of pain and uh on the is experimenting with gadgets that are supposed to relax your muscles. meanwhile, others are looking to relax and let's say more holistic ways. antonio band and sabina, all have high stress jobs, and nature could help them find ways to wind down. studies show that it can and one research projects that monitored stressed by
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a pulse and location. the scientists concluded that the greatest physical and psychological recovery takes place in natural settings, study liter. i go for linda and says to have the fact, nature should challenger senses and gotten along shocked by the frequency for landscape. it's a challenging enough, then it also quickly grows bar and it just doesn't provoke any. all is installed on the it's getting ready to have what promises to be a memorable experience on an i q pressure mat doesn't do by like still acu pressure. matt has over 60000 pointed little plastic bins attached and i'm supposed to live directly on it with my bare skin klein and then these sharp little guys will drill into my back. that's our head suppose to help again for back pain headaches, and also reduce the stress waves. what does an expert have to say? there's these assume when that's what we stimulation via the small trunks, calls us an increase in circulation. and the high above the low means that's
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a good supply to the muscles, which helps them simply relax a bit and just an inch, but there's a lot of so in associated with headaches between your shoulder blades and stimulating the circulation entry. next thing, the muscles i have it also has a favorable effect on headaches. it can reduce them both for goods. dickens of ones with corporate excellence, alice to see if they will touch here. let's see how on uh, react. oh good. it's just not as bad as i thought. it's okay actually 20 minutes later and she feels very relaxed in the woods wellbeing has also set in after about 20 minutes. yes it was. it was really pleasant here. yeah. maybe. yeah, we just agreed that somehow we like it here in lockdown tops and parents was just asking why that is understood. and i think we few anonymously decided that it's kind of finally some forest. it's more cause the green nature lower. that's what we like. disney we have from the stress from that place is very otherwise experience.
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stressing and the the natural sounds smells and colors of the forest are kind of fun for the. so we brief, more deeply grow, calmer and more attentive and rediscover slowness. what psychologists call, being mindful for us surroundings can help that process. some kind of the ones that i've seen bitten, definitely mindfulness. we usually mean a judgment free experience. the yeah, no, i the that is that i perceive myself as i am right now with all my soul 9, get them both positive and negative and get the result value that i'm going to do to the men of speaking. i take a step back and simply observe myself into a situation and say, and this is how i am. com. this is how i feel right now. this is what us both a ring me right. know that that helps me start all my worries and thoughts and getting some clarity yet. and then i also feel like i'm completely and so he has no guns and see are instead of doing it and then
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a pull to off paying attention to things and nature is positive. it's also something you do with all your sense of somehow and the most of them i do it often . also at home, i actually do it for relaxation is transmission. fact you have to find the time and also prepare for it. type if i'd force myself by saying tomorrow at 3 pm and head into the forest and sit there and i don't think that's so effective as with most effective. but if you have stressful days, you probably have to schedule that time. but i'm gonna want something that works at the push of a button. maybe try a masonic gun with different attachments to my desk. i tried this one, it looks the nice dangerous car. you can adjust the intensity importance for different body regions. although let me call me so let's take your time to reach my bag with my short little arms. with yet it feels good to see the, the be all of us from good. it's fits pretty good to me for pain and realization
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law. that one's bundle. maybe a more classic massage this electric massage cushion employees sets a rotating spears. cough and what i think is really cool is, well, i have it up here now. kindness. but i can also pull the pillow farther down and then come, then it reaches places. i wouldn't be able to get to what the massage come down. it's kind of cool. but can it relieve stress and back pain? my mother. so if you make yourself a cup of tea and sit down with a good book, why using it? it's relaxing, but it doesn't have a long term effect. it's just about the moment or taking out of everyday life of them i to port. and that's what it's about after all, briefly immersing yourself in another world, whether the woods or on an acura pressure mat, a brief journey into the forest, or your own body. a timeout that every once in a while,
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everyone should try to tank. you can also relax actively. what's boat time for another great exercise was okay. the, the high. then when it comes today, you only need a met. let's get started. slide down, spread your arms, lift and bend your legs. bring them down and look to the opposite sides. count to 10 and then we switch the sun. the i have a recommendation for you. do this exercise in your bed directly after you wake up
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as the bully of classical music is our guest at tiny house concerts and of course, making music the to 30 minutes on d w. the fluid you do the same to tense. she survived illustrates thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor. he is martin, the degenerates to musicians under the swastika, a documentary about this sounds of power, inspiring story about survival of the home and you go get the tennis. i was the
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12:00 pm
this is the w news life in berlin, a man hunt in germany after a deadly attack in the western city of southern good authorities, say a man killed 3 people with a knife at a festival, and he's still on the loops. will bring you the latest the, and greetings to you, our viewers around the world michael locus. we begin with breaking news at this hour. a man hunt is underway in western germany after a man wielding in the.
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