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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 26, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news lie from the ukraine's president calls on the european countries to shoot down russian drones and miss styles. law them is the landscapes request follows one of the biggest of russian ariel bombardments of its full scale invasion . a few trains, at least 5 were killed in the tag, in the attacks targeting the countries energy infrastructure. also on the program, germany's transfer visits the scene of these holding an knife attack life shots promises tough old weapons restrictions and types of rules for asylum state. because foster king says they're investigating a syrian man who confessed to killing 3 people as a festival. and the claimed involvement of the so called is lum expects. and
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government impacting stan cho does understand a strength of attacks. so it's hard to say medicines, false victims, opposite the vehicle's check that mississippi and then show them the feel. okay, welcome to the program. ukraine has asked for help from it to your pin neighbors following the massive russian ass strikes. these key residents shouted in a subway as explosions sounded across the capitol, ukrainian president of the on demand savanski, set the miss on and drug and bob bob. but was one of the largest of the war is an energy facilities in some regions and disrupting power and water supplies like corresponding economy in keith told me more a. so the error that basically was in place for almost 8 hours, which is an usually long has just finished. so that was going on since early
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morning, kind of mid morning here. the windows and key of were shaking could really feel the force of the defenses. those missiles going into intercept russian ballistic missiles, heading towards key if that was something we haven't seen for weeks now, basically, the last major russian congress kind was early july when that children's hospital was destroyed. that was the last time that rush, i have the capacity do this. i think in fact the rest here is having to send in a 100 missiles at a time, basically tells you that ukraine's air defenses are a lot better than they were. they just can't get policy grant defense if they send smaller numbers of time. and basically now they're having to wait until they're stokes rebuilt, wants to convey about so kind of producing enough. they can then, once every month, so every 6 weeks and in a new policy themselves. but it's not typically wide ranging this time around 15 of ukraine's reasons of being affected more than huff, basically, or across the country from how given these to the death in the south take care of and for the west effect, it looks people still without power and i think basically, you know, the numbers still around, clear how many people have suffered,
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but this was very big and i think people are expecting those casualty numbers to rise. and i think with where this leads us particularly is we're going to have fully missed lensky saying once again to the west. look when you gave me permission to use west to weapons against oppression targets a 100 kilometers inside russia. so just like hard cube, have had a much better time since people being returning normalizing life for life across ukraine to be functional, to be realistic. we need the capacity and the permission to attack the bases in russia, sometimes hundreds of miles away from the boat at the plains. that last these attacks fly from. and, you know, we've had lots of reluctance from western countries to escalate this. but these things will be saying, look, we went into rush probably went to the coast region flooding, recruiting red lines don't mean very much. so give us this capacity otherwise, trying to insect every single missile is a lot more expensive and a lot more difficult than dealing with this problem. so thanks for that. next data be correspondent, nick connelly and keith of the will take a look now at the most doors making headlines around the walls of south and north
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korea. why the leader can jump on the highest goal for his country to develop and produce more suicide drones. images from state media to show him everything the testing of various types of exploding drones, which is designed to crush into talk, it's relevant droppings, bombs, and years comes as b, u. s. and south korea conducted joint military drills. thousands of people are missing after dam collapse, following heavy rains in sedans, read c states. as, according to the countries health ministry, local media site residents at climb to hill tops to avoid the rising waters. officials said the damage from the collapse of the box down was extensive. sources in brazil are investigating with the ongoing wild fires in the southeast with stock. deliberately. police arrested 2 people suspected of austin fire spread rapidly in sao paulo state and killed 2 people. the state governments has declared the state of emergency in the most the threatened areas abundance 5 brigade says
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it's kind of got to major search and rescue operation after building code 5 and the british capital. more than 100 people have been evacuated to take into hospital officials side. the building was known to us to have a number of 5 safety issues. jeremy's transfer has called for loads on weapons on those on migration to be strengthened as 3 days after a deadly knife attack in the west of the country or not shelters. visiting the city of zoning in way like flowers in remembrance of the victims prosecutor's side. to actually secure all serial 9 has confessed to killing 3 people, avoiding each other's investigators and looking for links between the suspect and the so called is lumnick states. terrorist organization claims it was behind the wrong page until this moment, hands brand said this update from southern as a signal of sorta diety. but also
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a demonstration of political action. shawn's level of choice came to sort of thing and to share in the grief of the city. after 3 people were staff to death and injured on friday night. people attending a celebration of diversity and of the $650.00 of anniversary of the city, stopped an agency by a 26 year old sylvia and refugee climbing a legions to the so called islamic state terrorist organization. it was an attack that left the city in a state of shock and anger. people on the street to feel insecure, and all squares such as attack could not be prevented why it could happen at all. trying to sort of show it's cold. it's a terrorist attack, which in his woods left him high right? the chances i promised action on a number of friends, including the control of weapons and public spaces. his visit was welcomed here, exhorting,
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and the dominant feelings on the streets continue to be and go. insecurity and grief, let's get more from actually political. edison mckayla is not a welcome mckayla. i'm so talk us through then the main message of the chance of a speech. well, 1st of all, he wants his route to console. the local community and zoning and, and reassure people that the government as he pushes is doing everything within its powers. and to stop these terrace, who are individuals awful. and, and all of this is happening within a ferocious context of a political blaine game. a one size binding the other, the state where it happened, no time was faded, has a conservative seed, you government. and the task himself is from the social democrats. and his initial reaction now is to demonstrate that the government is acting is pointing to that we've already seen asylum laws tightened. and now he's about to do more of the same
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. let's take a listen. so we would have to do everything in our power to ensure that those people who do not have a right to stay in germany are returned or the portage is under the thing. and the legislation that we have just approved the upper and lower houses, the one to start the bundle slot on the state level. and the national level has expanded our is united states government comprises the capacity to act to deport people. so mikaela, we had the chance of the talking about the strengthening asylum laws so that people could be deported more quickly. people who's, who's claimed for us on, had been rejected. so what is the connection between what the counselor is, is promising and what happens over the weekend because,
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or it's not necessarily directly connected. all right? what is connected when looking at that particular individual who is the suspect and who's also believes to be the killer? because he went to the police himself, but you know, presumption of innocence that let's leave it, that this mine is from syria is asylum claim was rejected here in germany. and he was due to leave the country and to at the very least, back to bulgaria where he initially filed 1st by them. so this, we can go into this functionality of the european assigning system. but that's just leave it that for a 2nd. sometimes that is why and the initial response during a previous attack at the end of may or a mind from afghanistan, and also conduct a nice attack. and a policeman died if a few days after of his injuries. and there was also a link of people who are, or these, these perpetrators potential perpetrators rejected by the system. and then it
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proceeds the inability of the states to send them back. okay, now let's put this into numeric context as a to and 40000 people who are in germany, who should not be here, who's been told to leave the country full out of 5, have a status. that's cool though, where they are kind of tolerated within gemini, and that leaves still thousands of people who are here illegally. and these individual terrace were part of that group of people who were here illegally attend, particularly to a, to see this mine and sent him back the ports him had failed previously because he was not in his residence. so that's where the connection is. but it also highlights the segue into what is now a ferocious migration debate here and many with regional elections coming up. so h just interested the terms. we also talked about germany's uh, changing gym,
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these weapons, those. yes, he did indeed. and the context again is that previous attack, and that was also a nice attack. now we saw a couple of weeks ago. his interior administered nancy sees a announce a, a, a knew that to make it a tougher legally, to make it made more places of a weapons free zone and to type which, which nice link you are allowed to carry. let's just take a listen to what the sounds i have to say about that. and that's with the, there's a great deal that needs to be done. it is clear that we will have to step up a weapons long ago with reference to knives, but many other types of weapons laws that need to be tightened up. but i'm sure this will happen and it will happen quickly very briefly became the chancellor sholtes. he's under so much pressure because of pending your actions. he is,
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and i just want to put this into context as well because the counter argument, not just from the opposition, but also from experts is look, this guy was legally carrying this what weapon involving in on friday nights. so the laws clearly didn't stop him. the existing goals which already made it illegal . now, what i felt was on the huge press up because there's elections into eastern states and saxony on the ring yet, and that the fall, right? a, if the potty is a heading, the poles and this could threaten his own coalition right now. thanks for that update of just shape which will just let me kind of quickly let's practice down where at least 59 people have been killed in a string of minutes, an attack from the south west of the country police. a gunman pulled many of the victims out of vehicles and shot them after checking the f nessie. the security forces of about for decades of baffled by the separatist who are demanding control of their results. rich profits. at least 23 people are dead following
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a terrorist attack on the highway and moose could help a district in pakistan's below just in providence government, officials say ethnic punjabi is were targeted as they were pulled from their vehicles and shot to death before government. also towards their vehicles, the below to liberation army has since claimed the responsibility for the attack. elizabeth a government, 1st of all, the dog did the drugs for july of one them. and after that, the stopped buses and passengers and it came from been job who went out and got off and was shot dead. you just look so far. 22 dead bodies have been brought to the hospital bodies, then below to stand as pakistan's most under developed province, separatists. there have been locked in an ongoing conflict with pakistan's government over exploitation and draining below to stand up its natural resources. in a statement to f p, the below to liberation. army said they targeted military service men dressed in
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plain clothes, but officials say those killed were punjabi workers and to paramilitary soldiers. an earlier statement by the b l. a reportedly warned the public to stay off the highway and that their fight is with the pakistani military. monday's attack is set to be one of the worst in the region in several years. how is too old to jump out of a plane? while the bridges woman obviously believes the skies the limits? man at bailey celebrate 100 and 2nd, to prostate. going, sky diving, become britain's oldest power issue just to shed the glory using the jump to base $10000.00 by charging by that says that beethoven and dreading junkie. she's going to make you to have 100 racing in a ferrari. just don't remind you about top stores that this i'll ukraine has asked for help from is your repeated neighbors following massive asked strikes by russia,
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at least a 5 staples. there's waves of mist files and drums. tugs have power on both sides across the country. executive president asked allies for help to big fell sensor tax that's it's you up to date on a mold world. news of the top of the have a good day. my name is the calls back. said thank you so much for joining in. welcome to the don't hold the bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. most would it be nosy bay like good. everyone to king. check out the award winning called com. so hold back on on i see.


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