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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 26, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news line from ballad ukraine's president are just allies to lift restrictions on west and weapons, request, photos, massive drone, and miss up on bob minutes talking to you friends. infrastructure keeps says it's a rushes biggest air attack, although also on the shelves, germany's shots of the shots vows to get tough on the port patients as the visits the scene of the night attack. prosecute, just to investigate this, inspect it still is possible links to assign expect unrelenting lenses. monsoon range trigger devastating floods across the bandwidth is
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a left 1000000 stranded and in desperate need of food and clean water sauce promises of vaccines for africa. and that's also a major impulse outbreak. health organizations are holding for more resources to provide the gulf has to have us on cbs and around the world. a warm welcome. ukraine says the latest russian air attack is one of the largest of the 2 and a half year war from sunday night into monday morning. russian forces 5 hundreds of drones and missiles of regions across the country. key says critical civilian infrastructure was the primary target in the small village and those are afraid your region is just one out of 15 targeted the strike killed
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a local farmer down the road. his sister survived the phones of home, busy with the potatoes i had just harvested when suddenly there was an explosion. i got scared, so i went to the basement when my husband, my husband decides to go check the other highest because it was really lived to see with my son. and as it was a direct test and that my brother died, the ukraine says the russian bombardments are the largest of the war with more than 200 drones and missiles fired. ukraine also says the bombardment struck critical civilian infrastructure across its territory, disrupting power and water supplies. while bushes defense ministry claims the facilities were providing power to ukraine's military
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calling russia's attack vile ukrainian president followed him as a lensky, made a police to allies multiple great. there should be no restrictions on the range of weapons for your priorities. while the terrorist you say no such restrictions and no more to defend us of life should face no restrictions and weapons. guar rush i use as a full kind of its own weapons, as well as shot head drones and ballistic miss outs from north korea. the united states, the united kingdom in france and other partners have the power to help us. you know, stop tara, we need decisions. nation decisions that would allow keys to strike targets deep inside russia using weapons supplied by western allies so far restricted over the years as a further escalation or. so what listing these restrictions on weston supplied weapons to make a real difference for ukraine on the battlefield. here's the military on the list
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of marine on the wrong. what president will ask you that essentially asking is to be able to use long range missiles, the lights of storm shuttle and scope missiles on russian territory. the 1st thing we have to understand is that houses missiles would be delivered. does ukraine have the capability right now to use its air power and you were closed as a board there in that would depend on russian ground based era defenses. how much money maneuverability the f sixteens have in that area, and how well the russians can defend that. so it's not sure if these could change anything. and the 2nd part of this question is whether a western allies have enough stock of storm shadow and scalped missiles to supply ukraine with all political considerations and proverbial red lines aside. so
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it does not guarantee that there will be a change of positive for ukraine if it was allowed to use what it is, what it has in stock. would it have political ramifications, perhaps western countries. we don't know about issues from bachman. uh, on a key. if and the other places today is this putting switch allegation for you, friends? progress in the cost region. right. should we link it to anything or perhaps the ukranian there for independence on the 24th of august? russia couldn't obviously launch a strike than because the prisoner exchange was under way could be. but generally speaking, i think russia has been randomly attacking ukrainian energy infrastructure throughout the war. from the very beginning, i was limited degrees of success because of how sturdy, specifically,
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soviet infrastructure has been billed. so i think it's more of a continuation of what russia has been already doing. and it's quite a complex strike we have seen was a lot of missiles and drones being new, some being fired from the caspian sea. therefore, i think that russia is preparing to degrade ukrainian energy infrastructure and how the winter, if we calculate the over a damage. it's a 9 gigawatts that russia has taken them in, in terms of energy. that's half of the winter peak consumption for $23.00 for ukraine. so that's quite substantial to the military unless not in the middle of that. talking to the other. germany's chancellor says he will types in the countries weapons floats, and speed up deportations of people whose applications for refugee status or asylum . i've been refused. his comments follow last week's knife attack and zoning and
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the 3 people were killed and a more wounded of choice visits at the city today. and light flowers and remembrance of the victims, prosecute the se 26 year old man from syria as confessed to the crime. then now exploring possible links to the type of group islamic state, phone of shots. here's respect to the victims of a mass stopping, insulting in the german chancellor, branded the attack is terrorism, and vote not to by when the fight against extremism. that's why i tell all of us, most of this was terrorism, most terrorism against us. oh, leave not to frank tons our lives and the community the way we leave. that is also what those who plan on carry out such attacks always intend enough. and that is something we will never accept. it no tolerate that unless been the months accepted . over the weekend, police arrested the main suspect, a 26 year old syrian mon. these lumnick street, tara group,
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has claimed responsibility. meanwhile, officers search the asylum center where he is reported to have live. according to media reports the legit perfectly to had an application for asylum rejected, but he went on the run before he could be deported. back to bulgaria, country where he had 1st entered through your opinion. all right, groups of helpful tests, since the attacks were met by counter demonstrations, the incident has turbocharged calls to tighten asylum deportation. unsecured if you lose this young man. what is not on the legal basis of germany in concerning the german c o bribes. and he was not allowed to get through them in germany, and i question mark by he was to the germany and to do that 50 was applied to go home. and in case that he would have been sent home, he would have not been able to do this. so terrible attack on friday everything.
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and so we're doing it on the phone calls for the german chancellor promised to get a grant pon deportations who didn't have that. and we will do everything we can and must, to ensure that those who cannot and may not stay in germany are repacked created on defaulted to dr. fulton valley salt said he also wants to review weapons laws and improve cooperation with european neighbors and the capital nav. so on edge it's shocking that something like this can happen in germany. they, i who is angry, so they are and you feel safe because they say don't always float to the top. and of course you only ever hear about these things and not about the things that go on normally in a city like this. but of course, it's a bit scary things to get in on those. let's think of it is at the top. the right wing is will profit from this act and they will exploits it and say, look, we have to get rid of all the refugees. this thing a little sad and on gospel,
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i'm more afraid of that. then for a few diesels listed for a loss, schultz, the fall, i may continue. the attack is likely to dominate and tuesday selections lead to this week, where his social democrat party is expected to suffer heavy defeats. that's, i hope not. some of the albany was making headlines around the world today. first, 1st president obama and my call says the rest of the telegram ceo pablo during 2 lessons, also political move, but part of an independent investigation. they rushed. both billionaire was detained at a pair that pours on such as the french authorities accused him of failing just then pop criminal activity on the popular messaging buffalo into a quote from us president donald trump has suggested he might back out of the debate with vice president coming to harris next month, because he considers the abc television network hostile towards republicans.
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science also arguing about with a microphone should be muted. when the other candidates speaks. he will then 17 people have been killed off to a series of the tax and pakistan's, the largest on products, separatist militant targeted police stations, railway bridge, and vehicles on a major highway for decades. security forces have been battling an insurgency over control of the province, which is rich and resources. is one of the deadliest court today. so just thoughts and years in the rest of the province of below, just on the below to liberation army. and that's we can search in group has claimed responsibility. the group set a target said military service men dressed in plain clothes. but civilians are also among the dead in the deadliest attack government officials said the gunman pulled ethnic punjabi from their vehicles and shot them execution style. a
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lot of the 1st big targeted trucks and burn sometime after that they stopped the buses and the passengers on board came from punjab. had to get off and they were shot dead on food that got shape, you know, get everybody saw them. but my nephew, i'm john was 22 years old and i just was about to happen to forget that. but now he's guided his youth for the parents are still alive, but it is now his dead body will go home. we are very distressed. pakistan's military set, its soldiers vote, several gun baffles with the militants. the cost is left to many soldiers and police officers, stead. below just on the spot, the stones largest, the most underdeveloped provence separatists here helping sizing pakistan's military. in a decade, sloane insurgency, over the expectation of its natural resources. i asked the gentlest, i've not, i mean, how serious
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a threat this insurgency is to pocket stop is ready tvs. and in fact, on the 1st, is that going to go that's taking place on the not just on the 5th one since done. so that's kind of focused on and $94.00 piece that one. and this page, it says this is most useful because that over all over the programs and in the past we've spoken to be able to make the domain. but i believe is this time this was that again. so he's been told by carmen, you probably advice that and with that said, you'll find a tax and thank you. adults get the reason because sparks thumbs is separated. so many problems the other fox complement is basically the comics on chuck and them did it or would it get some bible studies done on ex wife on sunburn to nothing but it could be now apparently the insurgents of target saying ethnic punjabi is why yeah. because the, the large stuff like this, so the size of the, i think the boxes up near the box does not mean gave me some houses off at the
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project. so that's why they target, even the common sense of these. i love it and you should for what i mean into that, but they are this evening and then we shouldn't across all the specs of the dense forest. and this is also, we're trying to get to the people open job and look just fine. and this is the exact one thing, so that's why because they want more than what the person driving definitely that can happen once. there is a hit. so they should probably get the one that are it's the boss, one vice for mission, but they don't any good. now let's talk about the pakistani government from bowman and that's but it has been fighting the separatist militant groups for a long time. why have they not been able to crush this in search and see where the, the, the pulled on that is that this is not all. there is no, let me, let me check with this. as of this is the 70 sons. when they take them to keep the
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song, they have genuine frequences and the government of parks done has not been named. so the, the being read that's going to address those. there's a vision so the government has use that's not the thing that they can find the force of using force, which is not what i think in the country. was that one or 2? some show the gentlest. i've not, i may have that. thank you very much. i'm going to bangladesh now is continues to baffle devastating floods caused by heavy monsoon rains. officials say the desk troll has no reason to 23 with millions of people stranded in the need of food, clean water, and met as wading through, muddy flood waters of do halim surveys. what's left of his home? the 65 year old farmers, much hot, was swept away in the middle of the night by a 3 metre high surge of flood water. i used to live in this hot with my family. a
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strong current destroyed the house. so i sent my family to a shelter where there's no way of living here in the flood waters of left. many people isolated and an urgent need of food, clean water medicine and dry clothes, particularly in remote areas, were blocked. roads have hampered, rescue and relief efforts. are no goods and no water. barely any one has come with the relief deep inside the villages, you have to physically go close to the main road to collect a quotation. what was the last time you had? right? well, i had some royce 2 days ago since then, i've barely eaten anything in the city of fini, in se, bangladesh is one of the hardest hitting what's being described as one of the countries worst floods in living memory. since last wednesday, water has inundated entire districts leaving millions of people,
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many of them children in need of shelter and to monetary and assistance. it's yes, another challenge, since bangladesh was gripped by violent protests earlier this month, causing then prime minister shade christina, to flee to neighboring india, her departure plunged bangladesh into more chaos until nobel peace prize. laureate mohammed eunice stepped into lead an interim government. he says, all necessary measures are being taken to ensure a swift return to no malady for flood victims. meanwhile, some half a 1000000 people have sought refuge in thousands of shelters in the flood. had districts with the army, air force, navy, and border guards assisting in relief operations. bangladesh is one of the world's most climate vulnerable countries. the nation of 170000000 people is criss
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crossed by hundreds of rivers and has seen frequent floods in recent decades. even as the waters now slowly subside, scientist say, climate change will make such a catastrophic events even more frequent. and i asked professor for hospital tom if such a mess of flooding have taken people by surprise. a yes, this is a massive sledding event in many, many decades. and the floods were pipe wrap it in the onset. so as you mentioned, there's over 5000000 people who are more rude or stranded and devastated across 11 districts. 20 suite reported depths now, but those figures will rise and really cannot reach many people. as communication tires have gone down, bridges washed away, roads are submerged, and the watch reprints are quite strong to be able to navigate to reach people. so
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what caused this is on august 20th, just a few days ago, there are 3 main reasons why this happened and happened so rapidly. so there was a dam breach in india. that meant a lot of flood water came in swift fleet. and without warning, this impacted several $100000.00 people overnight on eastern parts. and now with more of rain walter, that's coming. as more dams and garages are open to india upstream, there will be more rain water coming. this also combined with the 2nd reason which is heavy monsoon on rainfall in this month to assignment. so what we see is that across the country there's been heavy rain and a low pressure over the bath in gall, which prevented reverse from draining very quickly. but these are expected to shift um over time and hopefully improve but the devastation is just big on. now is the most so this time around much stronger than usually it has been quite
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heavy this month. uh or in the last few days. but we are a month, so you know, all seasonal climate, so it's not on natural to get large amount of water in a short period of time. but there are several factors that i mentioned right in terms of drainage in terms of preparedness, in terms of the volume that arrives over what amount of time. now the, how is the, the new entering governments uh, helping people right now. well, the interim government has only been in place for about 3 weeks. right? uh, they were placed by popular demand after a student allowed mass. surprising. i was the former dictator regime that rule the country with an iron fist for 15 years. so then some government effectively inherited quite a big mess, but what they did was they galvanized very swiftly to mobilize various divisions and wings of the government and at the defense of military forces. but as well as
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the civilian corps. so there you have several um, tens of millions of people who have come forward and a galvanized united country and millions of dollars of 8 are being raised right now . but we do know that the damage is quite extensive. it will run into the billions, but the interim government has been very active in raising funds, mobilizing them and in terms of rescue really recovery. and hopefully we have a limitation in the coming weeks. now briefly, if you can, does bangladesh need international help and what kind of the international community do to help on the web page right now? so i think the international community has an opportunity to allied with the balance. there's people who are incredibly mobilized and galvanized and wished to have neighborly relations as well as some partnerships in flood control in climate
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change. a given that, you know, climate change is a big issue. what i think what the international community can do right now is actually listen to bung with issues and not to anyone else who may have propaganda . setting agendas or other political agendas in play, assess the situation and assess the interim government and the people with rapid assistance and humanitarian aid, and also for the range possible. dr. products, so ton of the profess at the department of geography and the environment of sofas university. thank you very much for this insight. thank you for having me. let's have a look at some of the other stories making headlines. authorities say it is 30 people have been killed after dam collapse following heavy rains in saddam's, red sea states. local media said residents have climbed to the tops of hills to avoid rising waters. the collapse of the r about them destroyed 20 village
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to reg rebels. and molly claim, ami drones strikes of kills $21.00 civilians including 11 children. you have an open town often to walk 10. the army says it was targeting terrorist, the stripes. follow a recent clash in which to our reg rebels and is the most fights as defeated. malia and soldiers and russian mess. and there is, in the same area in germany says it will deny its a $100000.00 those as of impulse vaccine as part of efforts to combat the major outbreak in africa. the world has organization has declared the outbreak of global health emergency and is launched a 6 month strategy to stop its transmission. and pulse has been spreading rapidly through a dozen countries in east africa. the u. n. is reporting nearly $18000.00 cases and more than $500.00 that's so far this year. but the outbreak is most severe in the
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democratic republic of congo. health organizations say children are most addressed to w's east africa bureau chief money. i'm gonna send this report is i number 3 and a half year old brother. keep in mind that the 2 are recovering from impulse. the mother is relieved that the virus attended one particularly hodges the guns when they own the stuff that he didn't sleep. when he was crying all night in the army in the morning he had a high fever and started to get rashes. so that's why i came here to the hospital and tony but took it's on the doctors gave the children antibiotics and the cream let's get the rafters were hurting me. when i put the medicine on, i feel better, and i just take care of this hospital near goma and the democratic republic of
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congo is full of children and young people with inbox. they're more likely to get it and more likely to die. as a result, the viral infection specially contact with the skin saliva, oprah the also to sexual contact or they put the most that it did was we have a mortality rate of between 5 and 10 percent as the disease is transmitted directly and massively or in the context of goma, if we have a displace population in the camps of what the populace here the risks are really high. the plastic lead, at least the liver, but pretty easily be living and cramped comes for people, displays that conflict is a health risk in itself, cooler and pool. your brakes are common. there's not enough to eat. ok more to now this impulse to renew low at home. life has become complicated. it's difficult to feed my children. i work at a font and money for food,
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but now i can't do that because i have to the cost of them here together with a children. she's now in quarantine here to try to stop the virus spreading by the children's coat to wash them as often as you can. news about the virus, those uncertainty and see if one of them will come up and we can, we all live together. we create each other a lot with our hands and they say touching is one of the main factors and the spread of the disease level. but i'm afraid i might catch that disease. i'm di, we demand more help with medication of that adult health organization. say they edge and you need more supplies to help those effective and awareness complaints to try to stop the virus from spreading it up. would it take you out to the fit? i think it's time for politicians to understand if we need more vaccinations, this is that is also the w h o has to step up here if we delay most but how is recovering from impacts and his mother and i'll be hopes to return to the other
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children soon, but she worries about the new, but it's another danger to can families like has that saved from me and these teams and i'll stay here. i'll be back up with a short break to take you through the day gab downstairs and fairly inform me of the whole team. thanks for the
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ubiquitous and invited guest raskin drive you up the wall on the never ending place. but scientists are now changing their to saying, we've gotten it all wrong. so what are these clever masters of survival? really like urban rooms parallel worth, the in 45 minutes on d, w, the
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this shadows, these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the scorched good farms and destroy side. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression, today? history. we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism on the long voyage through the ocean and mother, i'm back with the account. and the for a long time, they had to be humans on the journey. but now the premises have to come there, protect the
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ocean. con sedation, dw, the germany is reeling from another deadly by foot tack in the city of zoning at a young man from syria. went on a rampage, randomly killing 3 and injuring 8 more of the city festival. and again, the suspect it's kill up as i rejected asylum seeker with possible links to islamic states who should have been deported months ago, particularly cause i guessing allowed them again for the strict. so migration control and tough of the politicians. 3 states elections are coming up next month and 2 anti immigration parties, a set, the big gains grad office in the.


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