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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 27, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the you watching dw news live from the lead ukraine's president judges allies to lift restrictions on waste and weapons, emergency cruise deal with the wave of russian drawing. and we saw on apartments targeting ukraine infrastructure keeps days. it's the biggest here attack comfortable. also in the show, the president of france says the rest of the billionaire, founder of the telegraph messaging up, is not political pabo. jerome is accused of turning a blind eye to criminal activity on the platform. and to him and chancellor, olaf sholtes vows to get tough on weight pins and deportations. as he visits the
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scene of a knife attack in which the 3 people were killed. prosecutors are investigating comfortable links between the suspects of kayla and this. the code is lennox dice. the jared res. thank you for your company. emergency crews in ukraine, dealing with one of the biggest russian a, bombardments since the start of the 4 russian forces. 5 hundreds of miss thousands sent out wives of drawings. they attacked critical national infrastructure right across the crime. presidents zalinski is appealing to allies to lift restrictions on ukraine's use of weapons supplied by the waste. the small village in those out for each your region is just one out of 15 targeted. the strike killed a local farmer down the road to get his sister survived
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way of the home busy with the potatoes i had just harvested when suddenly there was an explosion. i called scared, so i went to the basement with my husband. my husband decides to go check the other highest because it was really lived to see with my son. and as it was a direct test and that my brother died. ukraine says the russian bombardments are the largest of the war with more than 200 drones and missiles fired. ukraine also says the bombardment struck critical civilian infrastructure across its territory, disrupting power and water supplies. while bushes defense ministry claims the facilities were providing power to ukraine's military calling russia's attack vile ukrainian president followed him near zelinski, made
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a plea to allies multiple great. there should be no restrictions on the range of liquids for your brain or just while acquire risk. these have no such restrictions and no more to defend us of life should phase no restrictions and weapons. blood rush i use as a full kind of its own weapons. as well as shy head drones and ballistic miss outs from north korea. the united states, united kingdom in france and other partners have the power to help us. you know, stop tara, we need decisions. nation decisions that would allow keys to stride targets deep inside russia, using weapons supplied by western allies. so far, restricted, over the years. at the further escalation so it would lifting the restrictions on waste and supplied weapons make a real difference for your client on the battlefield. well, here's military analysts, marina mirror and of kings college in london to wait. what president will ask you
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that essentially asking is to be able to use long range missiles, the lights of storm shuttle and scope missiles on russian territory. the 1st thing we have to understand is that houses missiles would be delivered. does ukraine have the capability right now? to use its air power anywhere close to the board there, and that will depend on russian ground based error defenses. how much money maneuverability the f sixteens have in that area and how well the russians can defend that. so it's not sure if these could change anything. and the 2nd part of this question is whether a western allies have enough stock of storm shadow and scarlet missiles to supply ukraine with all political considerations and proverbial red lines aside. so it does not guarantee that there will be
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a change of positive for ukraine if it was allowed to use what it is, what it has in stock. would it have political or, or i'm if occasions, perhaps western countries. we don't know. right. marina mirror and from kings college in london then. well, we now didn't use the french president emanuel not crohn says there's no political, noisy behind the rest of the building. a boss of the telegraph online messaging service possible jerome was held when he landed on the private j as in a ford outside paris. the telegraph founder is accused of turning a blind eye to criminals using the platform and the filing to disclose the details to all parties. i'd like to welcome either counselor and she is the director of cyber security at the electronic frontier foundation, which focuses on digital rights. she joins me from san francisco. welcome to your eva. what do you make of and manual not crohn saying there was no political motif
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into your wrist of durham? well, uh, i am not sure. i put a lot of a face in uh how my ground characterizes this arrest. because right now there's simply a whole lot that we don't know right now. all we know is that door off has been arrested. and there is a press release from the prosecutor's office that outlines a number of charges that are not necessarily against him at the dump site to a specific laws that had been broken or specific details about things that are happening on telegram. so a lot of it is really just speculation right now. i'd like to ask you a little bit more about that because according to prosecute is do or of the wrist was possibly or the suspicion of providing cryptographic services to criminals. you've tweeted that some of this is a big red flag. could you explain what you meant by the us?
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sure. um, i was referring to the laugh at the description of the last 3 charges in, in the press release, which are not descriptions of cryptographic surfaces that he was allegedly providing to criminals. but rather of a, a failure to engage in essentially some bureaucratic hoop jumping. having to do with providing the cryptographic services, we think that this is probably in reference to the end end encryption, one on one secret chat capability. that telegram has which is actually just a very small subset of the communications on telegram. but again, the, the press release is entirely unclear of what the arrest is about
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and, and what this has to do with anything. the 3 charges that i'm particularly concerned about have to do with a failure to have essentially button in front of a judge and made an official declaration having to do with some sort of cryptographic tool. that's, you know, proving that the cryptography does what they say. it does i and also with having failed to a prior reg, this to register these tools in, in some way that is familiar to most makers of cryptographic tools that makes themselves available inside of france. okay. if we sort of look at the more broadly at these, this does seem to be a situation where government is trying to hold a provider of a web service liable for the actions of its use is i'm just wondering, do you agree with that and, and do you think this is an attack on a free speech like a one, mosques is or a genuine attempt to,
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to tackle criminal activity. it depends. we don't even know what the activity is. no one has pointed to a specific activity. they have described classes of activity. they have a lady to all kinds of, of criminal activity, but no one has pointed to anything. yeah. one of the reasons why i am really skeptical, whenever a government says do the a platform is simply failing to go after criminals, is that governments have very different ideas about who does and does not qualify as a criminal. if, for example, you are president or the one of, of turkey, you may describe your political entities as a, as criminals and telegrams failing to send surgery or political let them use those aiding and abetting terrorism. so i'm very skeptical and i would have to see the actual examples before i can really have any kind of opinion. okay, thank you very much for your time. if that was even gone,
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present director of cyber security at the electronic frontier foundation speaking to us from san francisco. thank you. thank you. let's look now with some other stories making headlines today. donald trump says he might back out if a defiant we'd carmella harris next month because he believes the host of the events, the i base the television network is hostile to republicans. the 2 sides are arguing about with the microphones should be muted when the other candidate is speaking. one person has been killed and another seriously injured in an ice cave collapsing iceland. the victims were among a group of tourists exploring the cave on iglesia. the others old got out on homes is on the football manage us and you are on index on has died age the 76, the sweetheart, a long korea, managing international teams,
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including england and mexico. he also laid 12 clubs among them. manchester, cd, aroma, and lot sealed. ericsson previously announced that he was suffering from the terminal cancer. well, here in germany, the chancellor olaf schultz has vowed to ties in width and lowes in speed up deportations of filed asylum seekers. sholtes was visiting the waist and city of the building and where a knife attack and killed 3 people during a diversity festival on the weekend. prosecutors say a 26 year old syrian has admitted carrying out the assault. police are also investigating possible links to the so called islamic state, tara group are full of shots. here's respects to the victims of a mass. stopping in solving in the german chancellor, branded the attack is terrorism, and vote not to by when the fight against extremism. that's why i tell this most, this was terrorism, terrorism against us. oh,
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leave not to frank tons of our lives and community the way we live. that is also what those who plan on carry out such attacks always intend enough. and that is something we will never accept that no tolerate that. and the spending much like 50 and over the weekend police arrested the main suspect, a 26 year old syrian mon. these lennox, the payroll group has claimed responsibility. meanwhile, officers search the asylum center where he is reported to have live. according to media reports the legit perfectly to had an application for asylum rejected, but you went on the run before he could be deported back to bulgaria, country where he had 1st entity your opinion far right. groups of helpful tests, since the attacks were met by come to demonstrations. the incident has turbocharged coals to tighten asylum deportation unsecured if you lose. this
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young man was not on the legal basis of germany concerning the german c o bribes. and he had was not allowed to get through them in germany, and i questioned mark by it. he was there to germany and to, to the fact that he was applied to go home and in case that he would have been sent home, he would have not been able to do this. so tell me about tech on friday everything . and so we're digging on the phone calls for the german chancellor promised to get a grant pon deportations who and cut the of that. and we will do everything we can and must to ensure that those who cannot and may not stay in germany. the re packs, we have to don, defaulted to go to the doctor's holdings. having sold said he also wants to review weapons laws and improve cooperation with european neighbors and the capital nav. so on edge, it's shocking that something like this can happen in germany. i. he was angry, so they are and you feel safe because they say don't always float to the top. and
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of course you only ever hear about these things and not about the things that go on normally in a city like this. but of course, it's a bit scary things to get in on those that's think it is a top the right wing is, will profit from this act and they will exploits it and say, look, we have to get rid of all the refugees. first thing, a little sad and stuff and i'm more afraid of that. then for a few days of listed for a lot of shots the fall, let me continue. the attack is likely to dominique and tuesday selections lead to this week, where his social democrat party is expected to suffer heavy defeats the modem in a 1000000 people have joined one of the world's biggest st. potties in west london . the annual nursing kill cannibal began as a celebration of the cities car, b and community. hundreds of thousands came to help rebuild bruce and after the 2nd world war, they were often unjustly treated. and the carnival started in the aftermath of
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racist riots. now the event highlights london's wide diversity the planet is off next after a short break. thanks for watching the or the .


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