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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 27, 2024 5:00am-5:15am CEST

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the, the you are watching dw news live from building russia, launches another wave of drawer and, and me saw strikes against you crying. just a died earlier, the capital keys and the other regions with pounded by the kremlin biggest air attack since the start of the war. also coming off german chancellor will laugh sholtes vows to get tough on weapons and deportation. as he visits the scene of a knife attack in which 3 people were killed. last month soon, reins treated davis dining salons across spangler a dish of millions of stranded and in desperate need of food and clean water.
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and frances presidencies, the rest of the building is found are of the telegram messaging. as is north political pothole to all the is accused of sending a blind eye to criminal activity on the plan. the welcome to the program on jared read. ukraine says russia has launched waves of me, solid drawing attacks targeting t even other regions for a 2nd strike day. a series of explosions has been heard in the capital key emergency crews will already dealing with the biggest russian emp on boardman. since the start of the war. those a strikes focused on ukraine's of critical energy infrastructure in the small village and those are afraid your region is just one out of 15 targeted the strike killed a local farmer down the road with his sister survived way
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of the phones of home busy with the potatoes i had just harvested when suddenly there was an explosion. i called scared, so i went to the basement with my husband and my husband decides to go check the other highest because it was really lived to see with him. my son died, it was a direct test, and that my brother died. the ukraine says the russian bombardments are the largest of the war with more than $200.00 drones and missiles fired. ukraine also says the bombardment struck critical civilian infrastructure across its territory, disrupting power and water supplies. while bushes defense ministry claims the facilities were providing power to ukraine's military calling russia's attack vile ukrainian president followed him near zelinski made
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a police to allies no more than the should be no restrictions on the range of what goes for ukraine or it is. well, the terrorist you say no such restrictions, no more to defend us of life should face no restrictions and weapons. guar rush i use as a full kind of its own weapons as well as shy head round, but the stick miss how it's from north korea. the united states, the united kingdom and france and other partners have the power to help us. you know, stop tara, we need decisions. nation decisions that would allow keys to strike targets deep inside russia, using weapons supplied by western allies so far, restricted over the years. as a further escalation, well, marina mirror and is a military honest analyst at kings college london. we asked her about the russian attacks and they focused on ukraine's energy production. i think russia has been randomly attacking ukrainian energy and infrastructure throughout the war. from the
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very beginning i was limited degrees of success because of how sturdy, specifically, soviet infrastructure has been billed. so i think it's more of a continuation of what russia has been already doing, and it's quite a complex strike. what we have seen was a lot of missiles and drones being you some being fired from the caspian sea. therefore, i think that russia is preparing to degrade ukrainian energy infrastructure and how the winter, if we calculate the overhead damage, it's a 9 gigawatts that russia has taken them in, in terms of energy. that's half of the winter peak consumption for $23.00 for ukraine. so that's quite substantial. so now was military analysts, marina mirror, and from king's college in london. well, here in germany, the chance that life sholtes has bound to tighten wave bins, lowes and speed up deportations of filed asylum seekers. schultz was visiting the
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western city of zoning and where a knife attack and killed 3 people during a festival on the weekend. prosecutors say a 26 year old syrian has admitted to carrying out the assault. police are also investigating possible links to the so called is lumnick states, tara group phone off shots. here's respects to the victims of a mass, stopping in zoning and the german chancellor. branded the attack is terrorism, and vote not to by when the fight against extremism. that's why i tell all of us, most of this was terrorism, most terrorism against us. oh, leave not to frank tons, our lives and community, the way we live over the weekend. police arrested the main suspect, a 26 year old syrian mon. these lumnick street, tara group has claimed responsibility. meanwhile, officers search the asylum center where he is reported to have live. according to media reports the legit perfectly to had an application for asylum rejected. but he
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went on the run before he could be deported, back to bulgaria, country where he had 1st entity, your opinion for right groups of helpful tests since the attacks were met by counter demonstrations, the incident has turbocharged coals to tighten asylum deportation on security ruse . this young man was not the legal basis of germany in concerning the german c o bribes. and he was not allowed to get through them in germany. and i question mark by it he was to germany and due to the fact that he was applied to go home and in case that he would have been sent home, he would a half not being able to do this. so tell me about tech on friday evening, and so what do you get on the phone calls for the german chancellor. i promise to get a grant pon deportations who can come see of that and we will do everything we can
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and must, to ensure that those who cannot and may not stay in germany are repacked. we have to down defaulted to dr. fulton battles and the capital nav, so run age shopping. that's something like this can happen in germany. i know that spanish these at the top, the right wing is, will profit from this act, and they will exploit to it and say, look, we have to get rid of all the refugees. first thing a little sad and on gospel, i'm more afraid of that. then for a few days of christian, for a lot of shots the fall, let me continue. the attack is likely to dominate and tuesday selections lead to this week where his social democrat party is expected to suffer heavy defeats. he's around off now, some other global news headlines. donald trump says he mind back out of it. defied with pamela harris next month because he believes the hallways to be of in the i. b . c. television network is whole style to republicans. the 2 sides are also,
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i'm doing about with a mock assign should be we said when the other candidate is speaking like one person has been killed and another seriously injured in ice cave collapse. in iceland, the victims were among a group of terrorists, exploring the cave on a glacier. the others all got out on or at least 70 people had been killed in a series of attacks in pakistan's, but not just on providence separatist, militants targeted police stations around white bridge. and a major highway security forces have for decades baffled and insurgency of a control all of the results rich providence is one of the deadliest chord today. so just thoughts and years in the rest of the province of below, just on the below to liberation army and that's we can search in group has claimed responsibility. the group set a target said military service man dressed in plain clothes. but civilians are also
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among the dead in the database to talk. government officials say the gunman pulled ethnic punjabi from their vehicles and shot them. execution style was the 1st big targeted trucks and burn sometime. after that they stopped the buses and the passengers on board came from punjab. had to get off in and out and they were shot dead on full tank of shape. he again, just give me both of them, but my nephew, i'm john was 22 years old. that is what it was about to happen to forget that, but now he's guided his youth for the parents are still alive for this. now his dead body will go home. we are very distressed. pakistan's military said that soldiers vote several gun baffles with the militants. the cost is left to many soldiers and police officers dead. below just on the spot, the sons largest, the most underdeveloped provence separatists here helping fighting pakistan's military in
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a decade. sloane insurgency over the expectation of its natural resources. at least 23 people have been killed in slots close by monsoon reigns and overflowing resisting bungalow. this some 6000000 remain isolated in urgent need of food, clean water and medicine. vast areas of farm land awesome merge, which is posing a significant threat to crops. wading through muddy flood waters of do halim surveys, what's left of his home. the 65 year old farmers much hot, was swept away in the middle of the night by a 3 metre high surge of flood water. i used to live in this hot with my family. a strong current destroyed the house. so i sent my family to a shelter where there's no way of living here anymore. the flood waters have left many people isolated and an urgent need of food, clean water, medicine and dry clothes, particularly in remote areas,
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were blocked. roads have hampered, rescue, and relief efforts. are no goods and no water. barely any one has come with the relief deep inside the villages. you have to physically go close to the main road to collect a quotation. when was the last time you had right? i had some rice 2 days ago since then. i've barely eaten anything in the city of fini and south east bangladesh is one of the hardest hitting what's being described as one of the country's worst floods in living memory. since last wednesday, water has inundated entire districts leaving millions of people, many of them children in need of shelter and to monetary and assistance. it's yet another challenge, since bangladesh was gripped by violent protests earlier this month, causing then prime minister say close enough to flee to neighboring india. her
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departure plunged bangladesh into more chaos until nobel peace prize laureate mohammed eunice stepped in to lead an interim government. he says, all necessary measures are being taken to ensure a swift return to normality for flood victims. meanwhile, some half a 1000000 people have sought refuge in thousands of shelters in the flooded districts. with the army, air force, navy, and border guards assisting in relief operations. bangladesh is one of the world's most climate vulnerable countries. the nation of 170000000 people is criss crossed by hundreds of rivers and has seen frequent floods in recent decades. even as the waters now slowly subside, scientist, a climate change will make such a catastrophic events even more frequent. the french president t my nu,
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my chrome says there's no political motion behind the rest of the building. a boss of the telegraph on line messaging service pato jerome was arrested when he landed on a private chat at an airport outside of power as the telegram found, or is accused of turning a blind eye to criminal, refusing the platform and for filing to disclose details to authorities of cyber security x, but even gone through and all of the electronic frontier foundation is skeptical about the accusations against the telegraph found. we don't even know what the activity is. no one has pointed to a specific activity. they have described classes of activity. they have a lady to all kinds of, of criminal activity, but no one has pointed to anything yet. one of the reasons why i am really skeptical, whenever a government says to the a platform is simply failing to go after criminals is the government's very
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different ideas about who does and does not qualify as a criminal. if, for example, you are president or the one of of turkey, you may describe your political entities as a, as criminals and telegram failing to censor your political, let them use those aiding and abetting a terrorism. so i'm very skeptical and i would have to see the actual examples, but so a cyber security expert, either gump or an in san francisco, speaking to me a little bit earlier. well, finally, now more than a 1000000 people have joined one of the world's biggest st. potties in west london take a look. the annual nursing hill carnival began the celebration of the cities car being community. hundreds of thousands came to help rebuild bricks and after the 2nd world world thought they were often unjustly treated. and the cannibal started in the optimize of ranks as rides. now the event highlights london's wider to this
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planet is off next after a short break. don't go away. thanks so much. the come have a patient this out. take the highlights you every week in your inbox. subscribe now . the amount of plastic is increasing every so many mcdonough watching online services, the only work that is holiday destination drowning in plastic white at the cost every year of the exports of $1000000.00 tons of plastic white.


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