tv DW News Deutsche Welle August 27, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST
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the, the, this is dw, is leih from by then the governor of another russian region indicates that ukrainian troops may have made a 2nd incursion. get osman from belgrade the follows the 2nd consecutive, the russian strikes the gaze to crane drone and beside attacks killed at least 4 people, unexpected heavy damage including and presidents and landscape hometown also on the program at dw investigation, finds that the ukrainians safety may become a deadly testing ground for russia's military. you're playing yes, a computer game as if they were sitting there and playing building rely on living
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target. presidents of betty slavin parents are being targeted by russian drug and developers. human rights experts say the findings provide strong evidence possible crimes and his protest continue in india over the rape and murder of a young medic dw joins a female doctor on the journey to work to sing. what life is like as a woman on the road at night? the . i'm so glad you're welcome to the program, the governor of russia's belgrade regions as he is aware of reports of a ukrainian incursion that describe the situation is difficult, but under control, bel, good. all these may have a cou, a screech in where your training troops have ceased, hundreds of kilometers of tetra tree engine launching offensive this month. meanwhile, for people in ukraine and have been killed in more than
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a dozen in just following the latest wave of russian aerial attacks. ukraine's air force as scores of drones and missiles will launch from several russian regions. strikes happens as emergency cruise dealt with the aftermath of monday's bombardment, which officials of course, the biggest russian animal attack. since the will be got the small village in those out for read your region is just one out of 15 targeted. the strike killed a local farmer down the road with his sister survived way of the home. busy with the potatoes i had just harvested when suddenly there was an explosion. i got scared, so i went to the basement with my husband and my husband decides to go check the other highest because it was really lived to see where my son died. it was a direct test and that my brother died. the ukraine says the
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russian bombardments are the largest of the war with more than $200.00 drones and missiles fired. ukraine also says the bombardment struck critical civilian infrastructure across its territory, disrupting power and water supplies. while rushes defense ministry claims the facilities were providing power to ukraine's military calling russia's attack vile ukrainian president followed him here. zalinski made a plea to allies no more than the should be no restrictions on the range of what goes for your priorities. while the entire rest of us have no such restrictions and no more to defend us of life should phase no restrictions and weapons. guar rush i use as a full kind of its own weapons, as well as shy head drones and ballistic miss how it's from north korea. the united states, the united kingdom and france and other partners have the power to help us. you know, stop tara, we need decisions,
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nation decisions that would allow keys to strike targets deep inside russia, using weapons supplied by western allies so far restricted over the years as a further escalation, straight to care that we can join us corresponding to nick connelly. welcome nick, and let's start with those reports of ukrainian troops, apparently times across another board into russia. is this the stats of, of another incursion as in cost? i think it's still a bit early to make that judgement 8 has stopped for now. we just have the information from the russian side, ukrainian, so on committing even of the records. we do know that in previous weeks and months that ukraine force have tried to cross the board in other regions of russia beyond cost most the time, that's being pretty limited. a rates that have gone on for it most and few days if that. so for now, it's not really clear with the russian,
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saying that up to $500.00, you can't, your soldiers are involved, which is fairly significant for initial stage. i think location is interesting. it is directly north of heart, given on the board a near those areas where russia went into ukraine again in may of this year, occupying areas near the city of wolf chance. but i think the bigger picture is that ukraine is saying that they can't achieve a lot more with more limited resources on russians. so then they can in don't bass and use in ukraine wherever some positions that dug in. and where the russians have many more resources i base as you cry and stuff as a 2nd. massive russian attack. what's the situation now? lots of people are still without power here and in lots of reasons, that also means without water because no electricity means no water pumps. i think this isn't something close to the new. it is just more of the same. the pattern has been in recent months. every 6 weeks, 8 weeks, the russians send in a big attack, because frankly, they are unable to achieve what they used to be able to achieve because of
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ukraine's now improved defenses. so to be able to get possible those western supplied at defense systems, they have to overwhelm the systems here. send in drones, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, will in one go in the hope that something gets through the ukraine. you the thing that's of the big attack on, on monday that they down by 8 percent of all the missiles coming this way. i think, you know, it is particular difficult where you see it here and you claim time time again when people come back from europe for being a wave ukrainians have been it looks like we sent last assigned to nick connelly in q u. all right, next i said we've lost the sound to just as you were speaking, i think we have it back. let's just see where we got on a personal nose. i understand that to you, one of a number of doing this, being investigated by russia's federal security service of the that's case. and we were expecting it that's being the case for everyone who went
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to the bits of co squeeze in the ukraine controls. i think the big picture and all of this is that essentially you can only in finale, given the difficulties, given these kind of pressures. you could have any report from one side of the school year. maybe 10 years ago when you had that russian move into crimea and to invest, you have people reported from both sides. but now, you know, even the media, the unlike thoughts about haven't been kicked out of russia. it is basically impossible to tell both sides of the story, because if you're reporting on the ground here in ukraine, you very soon will say things that the russians could construe as being a descriptive taishan attempt to discredit the russian army. so this is all kind of expected. it is just a problem because it means that our kind of black spots are the kind of beats that we don't know about the kind of gray areas that we can really rely on social media . which for instance, that getting bigger and bigger than our job is to try and get everywhere that we can. we can try and get permission from deals ortiz, whether that is possible, but to your office for us, because he's trying to understand what is happening on the ground. and that's why
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we go on the script. and so, just being investigated by the federal security service of rush that does that, will that, does that affect the way you do your job? now? we weren't going to rush it before. right. so it does. your brother has not been able to work in russia since 2022, no accreditation to the visas being provided. so it wasn't as if we have the option to try and report it as well from the other side of the front lines. so in my case, i think it makes it less of a different selves. it also media that is still operating in russia, have to think twice, 3 times about whether they decide to go on these kind of trips these embeds that we were on. i, i think the bigger problem is for russian independent journalists. now you have lots of lesson journalists who have have to leave the country because they're reporting all the journalists who have to basically make a choice between doing a story that will get them in trouble with personal authorities. and, you know, mean they have to stay out of the country and you have the option to come visit the families and to see the, you know, the grandparents here one last time. so for the russians, russian citizens,
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people with, i'm a russian, this is a lot more of a problem. it is far outside. it's like us. okay. and so that they can, i think the corresponding economy in keith and apologies for those technical difficulties. now, why? oh, of ukraine has been effected by russia's war. one city in particular has become a hot spot for russian drone attacks. these 5 having no obvious military significance, dw investigations. taking this on evidence that russia may be testing a new type of drone on civilians. the battery slap on the to the pro river esteem, a disproportionate level of driving activities. residents feel like that being hunted by the unmanned aerial vehicles, which have killed or injured around $150.00 people are human rights experts say the indiscriminate targeting of civilians. my mom's tool will cross the aftermath of a drawing strike near ukraine's front line attacks. like these have been related
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less and very slots in recent months. residents say they are terrorized from dawn until sunset. you've still got the one that they have so many drowned, especially i can't imagine what resources they must have to just hit the home garage. what is the large new above and below the american got fled berries love after their home was attacked in february. let's say, let's say a 100 drones dropped explosives on their garage and car. they managed to escape by an injured many. others haven't moved. since september at least 16 civilians have been killed and more than a 170 had been injured. enjoying strikes. many residents dw spoke to say they were a 100 by drones, and did not feel safe, leaving their homes during daylight. hello . even though they were playing yes,
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a computer game as if they were sitting there and playing in, reload all living target. drones have become a pivotal weapon in this war. also for the ukrainian side, many are typically hobby drones, usually used for racing or aerial photography that have been fitted with explosives . dw has spent 6 months investigating why russia's military is targeting such a small city with seemingly limited to military significance. we identified these 3 russian unit operating drones in the area with evidence that one of them is testing and you, russian drilling. several sources dw spoke to sleep. that is, live could be a training ground for drawing pilots operating across the denique pro river. and by this idea, it doesn't matter if it's a person in uniform, whether it's a soldier or civilian training very shortly. so but as long as hundreds of clips
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documenting russian jordan strikes have been shared on telegram, vehicles are common target. this example shows russian troops declaring all vehicles to be military targets. there are no civilians here. all vehicles are being destroyed to hinder movement and deprived the enemy of mobility. lawyers say that is clearly illegal, is not making any assessment tests to how he's going to minimize civilian damage. and effectively he's a and decided that any individual is a legitimate military target. so the comment plus evidence of the drone being used in the way suggested creates not just a plausible case, but a very strong case of war crimes. but many drones
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leave little physical traces of their attack. just destruction presenting a huge challenge for authorities in investigating these crimes and holding anyone accountable go lower. the number of all the julia to data is from. i dw is the investigative team which has been working on this for the last 6 months. welcome to the studio to tell us then about these, these russian unit. so do you think a likely to be behind these attacks? yeah, we've identified 3 russian units. one of them is a to a 5th motorized rifle brigade. we have seen them retell around video, systematically targeting vehicles that are moving throughout various left city and its surrounding villages and settlements. the 2nd unit that we have identifies the 10 special purpose brigade and is
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a very so creative unit that falls under the command of ross and intelligence. and perhaps the newest and most recent unit that has been deployed to the area is the volunteer unit bars. 33, it is a unit, made a volunteers or re service. and we have identified that this unit has been designated to test a new domestically produced russian growing. so to tell us more about this 6 months investigation, what did you do? who did you talk to? um, for this investigation, we money toward hundreds of thousands of telegram posts telegram channels. we money towards a telegram post from reported civilian attacks in the area from you creating a forty's, but the also money toward telecom pose from russian units. russian drone operators that were targeting the cdn specific and that was part of the open source investigation that we carried out. and that allowed us to map and relocate where the stars had happened and draw the potential drawing to
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a directory. but we combine this with precision of reporting, and for this, it was crucial to have on our colleagues in the key if euro, who travel across ukraine to conduct interviews with survivors from destroying the tags with volunteers from in deals that risk their lives, travelling to berries left to the liver for the aid and to talk to war experts that are working with prosecutors on the ground. because we collected these pattern of these drone attacks that have resulted in civilian casualties. but it was necessary to combine it with tradition of reporting to tell the human story. the human aspect of it and ukrainian or source is investigating. these criminal stories are investigating these attacks, but prosecuting and finding to the people who are responsible of these attacks. it's a tremendously challenging task because drones like the reports that they leave very little trace behind. you don't have a crater that you get from a missile,
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for example. so the drawing drops, usually the munition and then returns to the operator. these attacks are also happening in the frontline, which makes it more, it's more difficult for police officers to travel and go to the area where these attack happen. and if they do so, they're also at risk of becoming a target of a double top attack. and russian authors is what they say. we have confronted russian authorities like the russian ministry of defense. russian authorities in occupied territory, the territories in her son. and they did not reply to our request for comments. we confront that the company that is developing this new drone that has being seen tested in this city. and they denied the allegations and they say that they do not corporate with the russian minister of defense. and the, there are not a military company. okay, thanks for that sir. do you like to set your lives up in
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a different dw investigatory c? thank or how you can watch the full lens investigation? um uh, documentary youtube channel, that's ab dw documentary. that's india, with ours is updating with the full as of the rape and murder of a female doctor in a government hospital in calcutta. police if use t a gas a was accounted to disperse crowds, demonstrating against health care workers, unsafe conditions. striking doctors of joined the nationwide protests to demand better security correspondent robots reports talked him when jeep demand is leaving that home for the night shift at a local district. costco in hardy, on a state in this part of the country. the 9th is formed by men, women, no way to be seen. the 27 year old doctor looks quite enough to reach out to take her to the hospital. in the middle of the night,
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standing alone on the root can be unsafe. the, the north shines side, she decides to start walking was they gave at least i find the street particularly unsafe because there are no street lights here. you can see for yourself that it starts to get it. i am wary of the passing vehicle since i have no idea who might be in them, what their intentions are. so for my protection, i carry a pair of scissors with me know and protest. finally, when jeep find civic shot lives, even though is because zillow getting to work at night is not easy. soapy man, the young doctor regularly encounters stalking and sexual harassment on her way to the hospital travelling, i small towns is very difficult. transportation is
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a problem. i'm like major cities which operate around the clock. most small town shut down early and that is when our night duty begins to start or what he's don't. and at the hospital she begins 112 hour shift. tonight, when g p is in charge of this busy and which is he won't be dozens of patients stream in one after the other many common cost tools in india, a severely understaffed and under resourced maybe saw night duty on several occasions have felt unsafe on night. duty and safety look, we don't have a central alarm system that we can use an emergency system. the activity, the government is taking some steps, but they are not sufficient. was sufficient to me that when gates hospital,
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you know no security guards. when patients are good, families get angry. i have to work because i don't want to get they go off medicare . the smell is happening when teeth or missing, or medication act moments like these ones you can't help. but think about the recent beef and murder of female coldly cold cut the soil under the same media. it was perfect to read about the cool kind of incident of them. again, this is a minute. i was so scared that i told my mother that i do not want to do night duty anymore to do because what happened to her can also happen to me. yeah, i was scared and emotional and emotions with it because she is like my sister because we doctors at the end of the night shift monday. ted. so it's to restock outside a mother, hover,
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sleep. wait for her daughter to return home safely. i'm always worried. i don't sleep at night, i'm constantly restless. i'm actually thinking about the safety of my daughter. thousands of female doctors across the country continue to work under on see conditions with a few for no mission. it was in place to insure this cure. as monday talks about a night, she tries to reassure her mother, but they both know. sometimes it's simply not safe to be a woman in india. ethics for some of these issues with dr. origin desk up to who is of i now logistics, search and based in calcutta, he also campaigns for women's rights and women safety. welcome to the w. how wide spread of problem is this? it is very white space on the well,
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it's not just only about the doctors, it's about the woman who are working, who so what you, what they say of the for all moment. and it's a doctor. ease at that. in their hospital and golden hospital in the middle of the week is a busy street and you said you would just be to reach out on the housing page. and there is for the supposed state of, of the and the reason baltimore really 500 people walking in the hospital that night. and it all happened the at all of them. so that makes things very speedy. you know, and you get the hospital side aside. some santorum either, you don't touch it. most people and in the hospital this happened way between that the state, you know, the, i haven't talked to and when she was in the light. but i get a call that she's working. ok. she's in it. she's bet. she's an institution
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and she must be saving their work. there's all these things that pre as you haven't been shot to. and obviously people are very, really anxious as i said that so much. but that point top and so given the danger is why if you believe the government's a p is not to be taking this issue seriously. i mean, the whole point of view, the government came up with a knee jerk reaction and then they came up with the sake of movies for the woman walking in the night. and these are very well and find rooms that are it from somebody really let me just let me just as i was, i believe. let me just say to interrupt you that. so in response to a woman being attacked and this, this rape incident, the government came up with the rules. we mean must be, rather than doing, i should any thing about the dangerous situations. absolutely, that's the,
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that's the most dangerous thing. i mean i'm, i'm late to be honest, that is, i'm a fan of both points. other domains him of the most of the day my way the move, but 2 points in there is one beach. it main thing is at least say that a woman should not be doing my duties. are they do they should be is that has to be included in the room. is he doing for a lot of the have the your heart of the don't know on so what do you have all this in the sixty's all this these or you've been don't see the $14.00 a think of the bank on how many last and the i mean, letting me in some goes involved in the middle of the night in the sort of the night and deep clean that i to reclaim the lights. and then the gaming draws a bit slow is speed, scan those feet in actual labs. and they said that the home, the nights, and the goal should be 3. what is what they're doing?
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what do you, what do you want to do? you do the, maybe a police moment of the, maybe at your earliest sleep may be a doctor. he may be a lawyer and he's our job as a society, as long as she is and doctors and lawmakers and the, the court, they should ensure that there is, are watching condition. and if there is that correct in the, to me, those are fault unfurnished. uh, the cbs promo, lot daily visual placed at all. okay, that should be the rule of business id. thank you for talking through that dr. women safety campaign. and dr. ogden desk up to thanks so much. thank you. finally, after years of saying, definitely maybe when asked about the possibility of avery union. but these are all the bond oasis is reforming after a 15 year break brothers, liam, and no guy,
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the guy who became homeless. the statements for the sibling rivalry asked for that music will join forces for a total of cities in the u. k. and ireland, next year. they've also hinted that shows outside of your adult will not research. he found a version of the album. what's the story? morning glory, which included the hit song, one double bond split in 2009 after the brothers phelps. this is a reminder of our top story. there's our new kinds president vladimir savanski has promised to respond after another day of russian as strikes. at least the people being county officials that ukraine had defensive shut down 5 marseilles and 16th attacked drums inside the fellow's mondays. ariel bombardments of ukraine. biggest in system of next on dw, in good shape,
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next on d, w, the targeting civilians, how russian drugs terrorized a ukrainian city. what's behind and why are russian forces doing this? our team comes across and outrages claim and decides to investigate. close in 45 minutes on d, w, the this shadows these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the
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scorched coast farms and destroyed livestock. what is the legacy of this wide spread races? depression today, history, we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the thing and a good mood can make you feel like don saying it also makes it easier to learn. it helps you accomplish more alone or in a team. we like being together with others, particularly with close friends, added to the feeling good involves psychological well being, all the ways to achieve this. and what can you do to restore you in a balance when everything feels out of kilter, mental health. this week's topic on the, in good shape the.
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