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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 28, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching data we can use live from building israel phrase, a hostage from concept call you, for how know cardi is the 1st whole stage to be found a live on the ground since the october 7 attacks on each route by how most, if it's to free to move in $100.00 captives still being held by how much continue also on the program us so far he's file a new indictment against the former president donald trump full. he's the latest attempt to overturn the 2020 election results and another wave of drawings and
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resolves heats ukraine. the president says he's country used f 165 digits to count to the utah the welcome to the program. i am jared read. these riley military has rescued one of the hostages taken in the october 7 tara attacks led by him. us is riley officials and said that kind of made fun of heidi was found in a tunnel in southern gaza. he is the 1st hostage to be rescued. a live underground academy is now recovering in a hospital way. his medical condition is described as normal. moss is thought to be still holding around $110.00 hostages. about a 3rd of them, i believe, to be dead. this is rouse prime minister benjamin netanyahu spoke with al kaji solely after he arrived in the hospital. nathan,
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yahoo found to bring the remaining hostages. 100 bolts of the front, cutting welcome home for her localities. i congratulate these really army engine, but under another successful rescue operation, we're working tirelessly to bring all our hostages back. we're doing this in 2 main ways we can negotiations and the rest of the operations. both approaches require our military presence on the ground and continue with military pressure and a most. we will continue to operate in this manner until we bring home everyone. i'd like to welcome laura bloomfield now she's the middle east analyst a new york times best selling author. i'm a senior fellow at the phillips merrill center for strategic studies at johns hopkins school for advanced international studies. welcome to you, hostage rescues at by israel relatively re what do you make of the slightest release? are they rare indeed is only the 4th hostage rescue in 10 months where the is relays and, and multi nationals have been health and home us. look,
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he humanizes the hostage issue. it's hard to keep those faces to believe that they're real. they're not just posters, they're real people. um and this was a father of 11 who came out squinting because he hadn't seen sunlight per month or 40 pounds dinner. i would say the 2nd notable thing is he's, he's a muslim, he's an arab, he spoke, you know hebrew though, because he's a citizen of israel. and the commanding officer of the is really a military officer who welcomed him, greeted him in arabic, which kind of pushes back on the narrative that israel is an apartheid country. but more and more realistically, a kind of multinational multi ethnic community, the 12 years children who were killed by the hezbollah rock at last month on that kicked off the most recent cycle of retaliation in the north. i'll also we're in junior so i think that's notable as well. and then finally, i think that, you know, today while we were celebrating the rescue one hostage, there was
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a funeral for another 11 of the bodies that was recovered last week. there was 6 hostages who were not rescued. so i think that add some pressure to reach a negotiated deal. i wanted to ask you about that. how do you think this affects any potential sci fi, a deal to bring remaining hostages? heim, as well as the hostage families know that there are at least 70 of the a 100 remaining uh hostages, who they believe are alive and it's not realistic. although prime minister netanyahu says they can do both, they can do rescue operations. but also hosted negotiations is not realistic to think that they'll all be free by the military. i do think that today's operation puts pressure on some wire, the leader of hamas, as well as the unsuccessful attack by his ball on saturday night. because it just shows that, you know how mazda is on the defense, and the military is not the way that they're going to achieve their goal. so i do think that's a good sign. it's harder to reach to and war. now. you know,
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he's cut off, he's in the tunnels the negotiations do continue though. i believe that they're um, they're continuing tomorrow and go ha, with low level of work in groups rep that kind of nuts and bolts details. unfortunately, the devil in this case is in the details and it's going to be hard to get there. so let's take a look now at some other global news headlines. german police have shot dead, a man who attacked offices with knives in the west and city of nice. no one else was injured. chancellor will f sholtes is bound to tighten width and slows following a mass dumping and mix 3 people in nearby building and were killed last weekend. a keeps tom a as in germany and his 1st visit here is british prime minister. he's hoping talks will help reset relations between the u. k. i'm the european union ties have been strange ever since britain left the block stone. i visited burly in front of the gate before amazing that chancellor will actual bend. his wireless president nicholas, my daughter all has put
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a hotline socialist party boss in charge of the security forces rights groups via the new interior minister deals da da cafe. your could step up a cracked on following last month's disputed presidential election. the opposition hugs. popular protest and international pressure could steal over to him. i do, rose victory, prosecutors in the us to have secured a new indictment against donald trump and the case accusing him of trying to of a to in the 2020 us presidential election. prosecute as a pressing ahead with the original 4 charges against the trunk. but the indictments now takes into account a recent us supreme court ruling that form of presidents have brought immunity from criminal prosecution. trump has dismissed the charges as an act of desperation. and i ask benjamin all there is group around correspondent in washington dc. how this new and diamond could affect the case against trump. so we will now hear from trump side from his lawyer as
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a force and also from the office of his special council. they will be discussions on how fast things will now move forward. and that's, of course, something that's not in the interest of the lawyers of donald trump that are seeking to delay a trial until after the november president selects spend a minute off iris group today. well, ukraine's president has consent that if 16 to 5 to jet, supplied by western countries, we used to count to russian attacks this week. so to me is zalinski said the judge, shut down some of the me, solves and drawings that russia launched, a targets in ukraine. the latest wave of attacks killed at least 5 people. the trail of destruction and ukraine suffer read your region. after a 2nd day of heavy russian bombardment, the overnight attack resulted in several casualties. fatal strikes also had president full loading mirror zelinski is hometown creevy, re so lensky said. ukraine used western fighter jets to repel russia's messiah
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attack. confirming for the 1st time it's use of f. 16 jets in combat. and these huge attack of russians. we destroyed already some of the size and drones using gap 16. i will share how many, but we did it. thanks to bottom this they gave, it gave us an experience provided to us, but the get salt enough us made f sixteens, or one of the most sophisticated weapons supplied to ukraine by allies. that zalinski insists you crean also needs long range missile systems. in the face of such attacks, he said, you, crean had now put its own locally made missiles to the test bull a lot. this was the 1st successful test of ukrainians, ballistic missile green said i congratulate our industrial defense complex on the
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problem so that i cannot get more details about the missile at the moment of capt abuse and the multiple. julie told me that much in the aftermath of russia's era attacked. so lensky is asked allies to lift restrictions on using western long range missiles to allow keys to strike targets deep inside russia, ukraine's allies, warri doing so could lead to further escalation with russia. pressure has responded to cranes, please with the 1st message of whittaker. well, this is blackmail. it's an attempt to pretend that the west wants to avoid excessive escalation is what that's not the case. the west does not want to avoid the escalations, the west, and how do we save in russian is looking for trouble. but let's go with another weiss. russia has warren ukraine's allies. if they do respond to ukraine's request, they could risk another world war and ukraine's army says it's gained control of mobile land in ross as cost region and taken almost $600.00 prisoners since it
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started it's offensive day. the don't we use? sonya found the car has more now on that operation. the will of the press we think today persons the landscapes of some of the objectives of this incursion. introduction, as cost region had already been the treat. the said wanted, the russian will decrease plans to occupy the board of regents of chimney. and so let me also claim that the caution of slowed the advance of russian troops across this is a strategic town in the eastern donates regions with auction forces on the attack. what are the main goals of this incursions? what's to try and ease the pressure in the eastern overstretched of your premium defenses there and to the of the briefing. we also heard from you quinn stopped me to treat them on the antics on the subsea. and he said, russia has indeed begun to re deployed about 30000 troops, the sites and distance like those in ukraine to course, because of that number would increase. one of the interesting things we hooked today from the president savanski talked about a plan for victory, which he said he wants to present to us. he said this ongoing costs incursions is
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part of that plan. he also said it's linked to a new queen's 2nd. please summit, which is set to be his lead to the seal, and that's the some it is all about, you know, whitening golden support for your brain space formula which is centered on this idea that you don't own of russian troops withdrawal from, from on a few frames so i think was certainly seen some movement here about peace negotiations and some indication that one of the goals of this incursion was indeed to get to rush out that the negotiating table. sonya found it convenient now to india with their amo protests against the ripe and the of a female doctor in a government controlled in a government hospital. i'm sorry and cold casa earlier this month, police used it to you guys and was a cannon to disperse, crowns. demonstrating against unsafe conditions for health care workers. striking doctors also joined nationwide prior to demanding better security. the w corresponding deal bad reports now dropped in one jeep demand is leaving that
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home for the night shift at a local district. costco in hardy, on a state. in this part of the country, the night is formed by men, women no way to be seen. the 20 sonya or the doctor looks pointe northville reach to take up to the hospital. in the middle of the night, standing alone on the root can be on safe notice shines side. she decides to start walking was they gave at least i find the street particularly unsafe because there are no street lights here. you can see for yourself that it's star, they get it. i am wary of the passing vehicle since i have no idea who might be in them. what their intentions are. so for my protection, i carry a pair of scissors with me. this being though and protest. finally,
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when jeep find civic sure lives even always pretend, zillow, getting to work at night is not easy, hoping that the young doctor regularly encounters stocking and sexual harassment on her way to the hospital travelling as small towns is very difficult. transportation is a problem. so i'm like major cities which operate around the clock. most small town shut down early. and that is when our night duty begins to can you start when jeep hospital, you know no security guards when patients are good, families get angry. i have to work because i don't want to go out there to get the smell is happening when keep missing medication at moments like these ones you can't help. but think about the recent beef and murder of female coldly
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cold cut the so under, so media to listen to read about the cool kind of incidence of them. again, this is a minute. i was so scared that i told my mother that i do not want to do night duty anymore to do because what happened to her can also happen to me. yeah, i was scared and emotional and emotions with it because she is like my sister because we are doctors thousands of female doctors across the country continue to work under on see conditions. so with a few or no miss shows in place to ensure this cure. as monday talks about a night, she tries to reassure her mother, but they both know. sometimes it's simply not safe to be a woman in india. and watching t w near you see, is
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a quick reminder about top story is ralph military has free to go speak a hostage held in casa 52 year old time, utah han kaji was abducted by hamas during the october, the 7 to tax. he's now recovering in hospitals. more on that on our website, www. dot com. i'm jared reagan business. thanks so much the we are all set. we are watching close in to bring you the story behind the new, the will on about. com biased information for free might say do 2 and then a man turns people's thinking upside down. his profession philosopher,
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his name and model account, his motto, dare to know that was.


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