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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 29, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the business, the w news live from the land tongue called convicts to john lists of working to undermine stateful pharmacy. the physician convictions of the 1st of that kind since the territory returned to china in 1997. also coming up on the program at the top, white house aide holds rest direct talks with china is presidents in beijing with fractions rising across east asia. the us and china tried to put relations on us on the foundation. the death toll rises on the 2nd day of israel's incursion into the north in westbank, the un secretary general has called for an immediate to end to the operations.
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the many groups mckinnon. break savvy with us. we begin with breaking news from hong kong, where a quote has convicted to john lists and us addition case seen as a new blood press freedom in the chinese government territory from cute june and patrick lam, round the now defunct stand news. they were convicted of conspiracy to publish material, but undermines stateful thursday. the 170 autonomous territory was seen as a back stand of press freedom in asia until 2019 and pro democracy protests will match with the crackdown on defense stand. news was one of the last media outlets to publish government criticism before it was closed in 2021. i
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spoke to tom grundy earlier. he's the head of the english language news outlet, hong kong, free press. i asked him about the specific seditious publications that the home concord referenced. a prosecutor said the standard is it tied to inside hatred against the government. we've content that promoted radical political ideology is 17 articles are in question. these one editorials, by the way. uh, but interviews with democrats profiles all the activities, a feature about the protests and even the hard news piece about a ride surprise. but so i think 11, it would be 17 ounce close. today was time to be seditious. judge clark saying that the tongue alone knew up and agree with the dish with intention of the articles. and they provided standing news as an application platform to inside hatred, against phone call in china. now some news did have a pro democracy slams that arose from the asked about the,
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the 2014 moxie umbrella movement. it rose to prominence during the 2019 unrest and pro test was very much a go to sol, so demonstrations on the streets. but it's the code 19 restrictions on the new secure table set those protests away again later in 2020 uh long on the stand news news room was rated by 200 and national security police. about $9000000.00 us dollars of their assets are frozen on sundays, deleted it's website uh, shortly afterwards. how does this case impacts what remains of press freedom and necessity as well? the national security police top top called steve li just said that they so terrify matters. the know topics a band, but you kind of publish with seditious intention, but to be honest, every news room will be impacted. and we'll have to,
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uh say called about what rights as they have on their website. and what exactly they will be writing reports is that both as the you and the local journalist association. i've already spoken as a report is that go to sign with this. that's a very dangerous precedent for what remains of the test freedom in the city. and it comes, you know, over the past 2 years where we've seen a 1000 drum inside of work, about 10 news outlets shut down. and, and hong kong, just tumbling in the international press. freedom indices, tom grundy, founder of the hong kong, free press news outlet, joining us from on. com. tom, thank you so much for your time. we appreciate that i q to beijing. now where you as president, jo biden's, national security advisor has met with the chinese president. she is in vain. the read, all right, may staying with china is lead a caps 3 days of high level talks. jake sullivan, of those talks come at a time of heights and tensions between the super powers across a range of issues,
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dw, east asia correspondent chain james chase that has this report. so it communication . china stopped implement wong in talks with us national security advisor jake sullivan, but it's the 1st trip of an american national security advisor to china. since 2060, or in recent years. these 2 officials have met several times in the countries, often to stem spiraling tensions between the 2 superpowers. but this is the 1st time basements engaging on the agenda. managing friction across a range of issues including china is growing relationship with most go as well as tensions with more symptoms asian parts, like taiwan. president biden has been very clear these conversations with president, she is committed to managing a support relationship response. he moved with the taxes, the coming us selection donald trump has promised to double down on his tough
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stones, toward badging from his last time enough that night, including raising terrace on china is good. but coming to harvest is get some a clue how she'll approach relations with china. and he's taking a strong stones at the recent democratic party bench, the user on space, an artificial intelligence that america, not china, wins the competition for the 21st century. but regardless of who wins november's election, a complex security picture awaits in the south china sea. this week, tensions between china in the philippines continue to similar with manila accusing badging of running it's vessels and don't choose day japan public. he claims for the 1st time that the chinese military aircraft had breached as as space tokyo said, the incident with a serious violation of the country itself instead of aging, said that it was investigating the matter. i'd like to emphasize that china has no
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intention of invading the aerospace of any country. just so staging and washington has sold somebody's expectations for outcomes from the tools but with the voters. how few months ahead in us politics simply keeping ties on the stables. so thing will be a wilson result is ready for us is a pressing on with raids and several facies in the occupied. westbank is randy military said it had killed 5 millison some 1st day including the come on the of the group is wanting to had the you and 6th street general has called for an immediate holt to the operation which appears to be the biggest in the west. bank since israel's invasion of gauze, so that the other main palestinian territory more than 10 months ago. here in the shafted streets of telegram, israel says it is already achieved a significant success in its largest operation in the occupied westbank for years.
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that's off the local is. lemme just had lead up my have a job, a scene here and file footage was killed in a firefight is riley troops had tried and failed before to eliminate java who was accused of carrying out numerous attacks on his rallies. but palestinian civilians are also once again paying the cost of these rainy raids knew that we were asleep and woke up to the gunshots at around 3 30 am. i started waking my wife up, telling her the army or shooting at the house. i was barely able to wake her up and they hit the house with the rocket. we ran my wife and i to the other room. they fired another rocket. my son and his wife were on the 2nd floor. they hit them with a rocket, little volume. hello, how are you? well, this family were able to escape that home with their lives is really, policy is roaming the streets and such as militants have created serious problems
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for the health care system in the area is being rated medical workers said troops, a blocking access the ambulances. the addition to sliding these really army refuses entirely to allow ambulances to enter whether uncoordinated or coordinated, even if we are allowed to enter. as you see, the ambulances cannot access the camps, or even reach humanitarian cases, and people with diseases and insanity. the un has urged israel to ensure injured people can obtain medical care warning that the operation in the west bank was fueling and already explosive situation. we're going to cross straight to the ws tanya exam, i think joins us from toll karema the occupied westbank tonya. and took them is we just heard in that report in the middle of this escalating violence. can you give us a sense of the situation that right now?
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i say to said it's really military takes place and i think that swimming in the 5th we have a sometimes the army vehicles passing here behind as this is the area where we as during this can a stand here for the moments. know when we came here there was an explosion. um, other than that it would say its really attends quiet. we don't know exactly. now we don't see a for the then at this point, but behind the cameras where we are standing on the lenses and a fire brigade, the waiting and from time to time that actually passing us them and i going hit into your son's. okay, we do have a bit of a lovely collection connection that i'm going to try one more question atanya. now israel says it's trying to eliminate terrorism in the west bank. what are the people who live the saying about what is happening?
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it was not an easy situation for them and old and the connection here comes dis, difficulties from the drone instead of overhead from time to time. certainly. so coming to to a current already is not easy because some of the entrances are close by the military and people i've been talking here this morning. they've said, you know, they mostly stay. i mean, the city is almost deserted. that's to carmen city and of course in your shop this is where the main operation takes place. so people say they stay mainly in the safety of the homes who see some people going out to, to buy some, you know, to go shopping, buy some food for them. of course it is not the 1st time the experience is this. uh so you have to, it's across the west bank uh, even before uh, october is very intensive time. this time and this comes of course on top of the
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already the situation in the occupied wes thing. you have the daily rates, the economic situation next extremely difficult. you have a lot of closes. so people, uh, you know, wondering what comes next and how many times this will happen. there's also a lot of destruction here. we're seeing here on the entrance to the a reference attempt. every time there's rate, there's more destruction, and you know, people are just worried what it said to come to the use atanya same a reporting from to call them in the occupied westbank. tanya, thank you so much for connecting with us and bringing us up to date. i'll talk soon. sean sean, one of japan's strongest ty, phones and decades is pounding southern areas with strong winds in torrential rain . millions of people have been advised to evacuate with a storm. expect since a head ne, toward japan's main island. hon. show at least 3 people have been killed. so i saw
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a typhoon. sean john makes lance all on japan. southern keys, you island, one of the most powerful to hit the nation in decades. authorities are warning of unprecedented whether the type phone is moving slowly. experts say the pro long drain could lead to extensive damage. a quarter of a 1000000 homes were left without power in itself. a journalist speaking to dw says, shawn shawn is causing disruptions across japan. the, the human error mess uh that this i sort of brought really is affecting not just the southern part of japan, but really mall is the whole country even a 1000 kilometers away from the center of the tai food in central japan. rescuers
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pulled the survivor from a home that was buried by a landslide. 3 members of a family died. authorities have advised millions of residents to evacuate and are calling for maximum vigilance. studies have shown that type foods in the region are being made more severe by climate change. cost examples are showing the best buy's bring more rain for wisdom these days that they didn't. because of the rising c temperatures. this affects informational surgeries and the amounts of rain. it's really what's what causes such large damage forecasters say shaun shaun is losing strength but worn, that strong winds and heavy rain fall could persist as a storm has north. this is
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a quick reminder for you about top story, home home courses convicted to john list. so sedition by undermining stateful, thirsty in the chinese territory, the to the editors of the now closed website style news. one of the last outlets to publish government criticism. and you're up to date, thanks so much for watching. the domain is the name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it loud mass would have being nosy, bay, like good, everyone to king the healthy award winning called called the called back. the nato,
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the north atlantic treaty organization was formed to 70.


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