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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 29, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news long from our list. the un urges israel to halt its large scale rates in the occupied westbank. when you came to closing, i would say it's a 10, why it's here. we cannot go further at this point. we hear from our, for a spawn and on the ground as israel claims its forces killed in this logic jihad commander in a shoot out at the most. also coming up a tough response to the 9th of attacked. the german government announces new security and asylum measures. after last week's deadly stabbing link to the so
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called islam estates and the top white house 8 holds where direct talks with china's president and beijing with frictions rising across east asia. the us and china try to fund relations on a firm or foundation the 12 years on p b. s, and the united states, and all of your tuning and from around the globe. welcome to the show. nicole fairly. it's great to have you with us. we start in the occupied westbank tonight where hundreds of is really troops are taking part in a large scale military operation that's already left more than a dozen dead. among them, a commander from these allow me to hide militant group killed in a shoot out inside a mosque. the un secretary general is calling for an immediate halt to the operation that started late on tuesday with res taking place in several areas. a
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deer in the shattered streets of toys caught him. israel says it has already achieved significant success. this is the largest military operation in the occupied west bank in years. it says local islamic jihad leader mohammed java. the scene here in file footage was killed in gun fight at a mosque is rarely troops had tried and failed before to eliminate java. he's accused of carrying a numerous attacks on his release. palestinian civilians are once again paying the cost of these rarely raids. knew that we were asleep and woke up to the gunshots at around 3 30 am. i started waking my wife up, telling her the army or shooting at the house. i was barely able to wake her up and they hit the house with the rocket. we ran my wife and i to the other room. they fired another rocket. my son and his wife were on the 2nd floor. they hit them with a rocket, little body on general,
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whose family was able to escape their home with their lives while others are afraid to go outside watching the chaos on full around them. and then, well that's the situation is difficult with the army comes and goes there movements and not normal. and it's quieted. the when the voters is come, they destroy everything. but we're afraid we hear the both. those is the shooting. now there is bombing and gaza. now there is bombing in the refugee camp, is really forces roaming the streets in search of militants have also created serious problems for the health care system. in the areas being rated, medical workers say troops blocking access to ambulances, the addition to sliding these really army refuses entirely to allow ambulances to enter, whether uncoordinated or coordinated, even if we're allowed to enter. as you see, the ambulance is cannot access the camps or even reach humanitarian cases, and people with diseases sending you the u. n. is urging is real to ensure injured
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people can obtain medical care. it's also calling for a halt to the operation in the west bank saying the campaign is fueling and already explosive situation. a dw correspondents on your grammar send us this update with the latest from til car i'm in the occupied westbank. so i'm sending him the main road to the residence of kim who are summit. so you can see here some of the military vehicles coming in your city seeing this and the course of the cost always go through a new came that was close. and i would say it's a 10 y, it's yes, we cannot go further at this point. this is for most of the joining list you're standing right now. no. we came into a 2 car, him city and the city is almost as large as people we've been talking to in the morning. said to a big, big fairly go out of the houses and the safety of the house have very worried about what is happening, of course is not the 1st time experiencing such 10 situational military rates.
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military, it's happening across the when's the occupied westbank on a daily basis now also coming into the rest that you come here behind the come or you see the islands this waiting. uh and uh, some of the fire brigades also waiting then uh to move in. now as well, it says this is a major counter terrorism operation. um they say they go in because attacks uh, emanating from the north and uh, westbank. they also say that the comes of flooded uh with a reference infrastructure that was financed by uh, yvonne. now right now we're seeing some of the vehicles here, the fire brigade, it's uh, moving into the town. um, so people here saying, you know, they don't know how long this will take. oh, so the, um you said uh yesterday, this is the 1st phase. so we have to wait and see uh, how long this uh, long skin operation uh will take place in the northern west bank. that was our
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corresponding tinier kramer. zacko schindler is the senior director of the calendar extremism project. and i asked them why this large scale military campaign, by israel in the occupied westbank is happening now. look, i mean, that has been, of course, a spike, an incident called for tax. anything from the response that has been the unsuccessful luckily suicide on attend until i leave a couple of days ago. well, what i can see and what i hear, it says of course, a preparation from these re decide because they assume iran as taking the 2nd option. that was always 2 options. but from what i've taken in response to the beginning of, i mean one was the very spectacular, very open, very massive broker to tax option that he did in april after the attack on it's embassy, you can at damascus or a much more long term, but potentially find more harmful terrace campaign. now you've seen an exchange of
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fire between his spa and his friend in the last couple of days that we've seen a far more aggressive um campaign of the piece against shipping. there is that by the time to visit about the sink in the red sea, and the expectation apparently seems to be the part that responds is now stage where the terrace structures that still exist, that are loyal to iran in the policy new territories are primarily and the respond and jobs are most is hemmed, inc, and they want to prevent this from materializing. is really rains. are part of everyday life in the west bank. how is this operation different? is this just a matter of scale and intensity, or is there something more to it? you know, it's much larger and much more intensive. you seem to have the machinery and the images that you showed there were helicopters involved, the drones and balls that were strikes involved. so this is a really large scale incursion operation and the risk on that you haven't seen be
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leading several years. so there is a major concern apparently on these rating sides, that the situation may be the major, the escalade and the respond, and they doing this pre and definitely analysts say the west bank is at this point in time and boiling point b, u. n. has called for an immediate halt to the range cook this operation, turn the west bank into the next gaza. so to say, well we, we hope not because i mean, gaza is really no longer existing as far as infrastructure is concerned. but of course, there is with these kind of preemptive many general patients as we are in the extremely tense situation in the region. at more times that to be seen in many, many years. any escalation on any aspects, by any side or base pairs. the major danger off getting out of hand inadvertently slipping into a more logical scale region or what situation. so this is of course a, another problem that exacerbates the situation. how does this tie into
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the larger campaign against hamas and is limis extremism in the region as well? the campaign in a mass really has to be send in jobs. i must our success the best bang, but it's nowhere near applies. the structure of score implants is concerned simply because of the fact that our competitors, these lot make state is stronger in the bestbuy infinity. there wasn't garza now how that punish geniune resistance groups. some, it's not many carriers that are competing with, i might say then of course, that's the policy and national authority, who's not going to be strengthened by this massive military rate or security forces . also, a pause is for mr. extreme is i'm, i'm us who are danger to the dna. ask how to israel as i'm jack option, let director the counter extremism project. thank you. always great speaking to you . thank you so much. let's look at some other stories making headlines around the
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world today. world health organization says israel has agreed to limited humanitarian pauses in gaza to allow polio vaccines to be given to children under the age of 10. a campaign is set to start in central gauze on sunday and go on for 3 days. w. i chose as this will be followed by pauses in fighting and southern. and northern gospel. ukraine says one of us made f. 16 jets crashed on monday. this comes just weeks after the long awaited plane started operating inside the country. ukrainian military says the pilots died in the crash . the causes under investigation. the german government is tightening security and asylum laws after last week's deadly stabbing at a festival and zoning and in west germany. 3 people were killed and 8 more were wounded. the suspect as an asylum seeker from syria and the government failed to
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port. the new measures include a band, a nice and public events and a long distance buses and trains. berlin will also cut social benefits for rejected asylum seekers if they have claims in other european countries. refugees who travel to their home countries port lose their protection status. the government will also resume the different stations of ask guns and syrians who been convicted of serious criminal offenses or are suspected of being radical islamists at a press conference to discuss the new measures, the german justice minister can see that that banning knives would not keep potential attackers from using them, you know, we use political correspondent, time and young was there and he told me wine german who's planning to move forward with the new restrictions anyway. yeah, they call they the also given to that question was that to defining these powers for police to bind knives, it helps them to target the potential at extreme. they said the dangerous people
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more effectively. what the government coalition policies have said is that they have looked very specifically at what happens in zone and with this attack, and that their response today is deliberately focused on taking measures that might've helped prevent it. so that's why they've had talked about limiting the caring of knives in public. as you mentioned at the festivals, scott sports events that markets exhibitions and other public gatherings like that . giving the power and police powers to impose bands where they think it's appropriate. also at rail stations and on trains it on long distance bus services. and i think they think that full of that will help to, you know, focus the police efforts and weed out to people with bad intentions. simon. yes,
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as we just heard the zoning and attack is fueling debate in germany over its immigration policies. the opposition cpu is calling it a national emergency. and while the far right alternative for germany party is looking to capitalize on the national debate to win votes and to state elections taking place this weekend as pressure bills on the german chancellor to get tough on migration the a. b is hoping to consolidate its position across the country. as our chief political editor may say, like proof now, reports emotions are running high over time of these failure to deport the prime suspect of, of stopping attack, which next 3 people the, the 8 others can do it in the small town. this building and the 26 year old theory in mind should have been since passed about guerria, the country where he 1st of all is in the us. he is 174000 to reject. as a side mc goes, who should have been deported to another you country last year,
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only just over $5000.00 less than 7 percent of those deputations actually took place. is holding an attack, puts a spotlight on the authority, is that the see to handle migration? chancellor, sol, government is on the defensive. i am boss yet. according to what we know now. it is a willing, an attack issue no longer has been in germany, and of the conservative opposition has been quick to of a hard line takes on how they would change germany's migration policy. that hadn't been, i think a few and we have the right. and i think now given the situation, the obligation to declare a national emergency with regard to refugee and in that case, the law of the federal republic of germany is more important than europe and little piece of the fall, right on to migration alternative for germany, pa, t o a s d pro is this to go? he's inside of the bizarre for it and we should do the foldable and so forth. again,
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an immediate band on immigration and naturalization on, for at least 5 years. in this instance yaga, the government is already trying to find ways of sending rejected asylum seekers back to afghanistan and syria. but that are key problems with this. politicians has to be impressed and that they have to this easy solutions to the population. but the underlying problem is big, quite simply, do not exist. if you want a sustainable solution, you need to change your legislation which off needs time. and you also need to change the bureaucratic practice. pull the sessions and tell me, don't have that time. they face a heated election campaign into eastern states, the ring. yeah. and sex any here the and to migration a if the could win both regional elections this sunday because they wouldn't like wait time is a big concern for people here in saxony. our resources are limited and we must face
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up to that while i talk to him. lessons, action is inception. these are really important issue because people here have a deep distrust of the political power is currently in charge. and felon testament building hub, a winning. so the far right is the and regional elections could consolidate the policies role, all of a germany and pressure, other policies, inexpensive corporation, the zoning, knife, attack of sparked and national debate that now since the treats migration as a cause of terrorism, a political success for the fall right onto migration a if the the pressure is now on oil that's sold to bring down migration numbers appear weak on security. just over a year ahead of the next national elections to beijing, malware us presidential binds. national security adviser has met with the chinese president children paying the rare in person meeting with china is leader caps 3 days of high level talks for jake sullivan and comes at a time of increase tensions between the 2 countries. amazing is unhappy about
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u. s. military support for the self governing territory of taiwan, which china claims as its own and confrontations between chinese naval vessels and another us ally of the philippines over maritime borders and the south china sea are also becoming more intense. the us has impose tariffs on chinese imports and band the sale of some advanced technology to china. here's a national security advisor, jake sullivan. i explain why it is that we feel we have to take some targeted restrictions to ensure that advanced technologies aren't used against us national security. i explained that our approach is one of the risk and not the coupling and described in some detail how we saw the risk in practice. and i also raised our concerns about steps that the p r c has taken with respect to the intersection of economics and national security and the impact that that has had on western businesses i and on supply chains. and so we had a vigorous given take on the issue during jake sullivan's meeting,
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a chinese president, she hailed the traditional friendship between china and the us. so i asked to me 3, a pair of it's founder of the think tanks, silverado, policy, accelerator and author of world. on the brink, if he thinks this is an accurate description of their relationship, i know not, not even close. look, the reality is that we are in a new caldwell with china. as i argue in my book, china knows that the united states knows that even jake solomon has press conference, even though he didn't use the words the cold war, talked about the need to manage this competition with china. so this was not a family meeting by any stretch of imagination, even jake talked about this being a tough conversation. but it was a meeting. and that as a step forward from where we were last year. so how important is it that these 2 superpowers keep it simple? at least a very important because this is the very latest time we are a world on the break. and the reality is that during the 1st couple of course,
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we have numerous conversations with the soviets. we have arms control agreements. we have a variety of other for and which we've discussed issues and try to get the other side to understand our position. and that is exactly what we're doing here. so a jake's on was very clear. this was not about trying to get the chinese to do something that they do not want to do that. they realize that that would be futile, norton, or is it about changing us policy and changing the way that we think we, we need to pursue our national security interest. but it is about trying to explain the issues that both sides are concerned about to try to avoid misunderstanding and miscalculation. now that you mentioned miscalculations, where do you think that the cold war, that new cold war as you call it, is most likely to heat up as well in the meet, submits a long terms. i believe that the tie once rate is really that regional flash point that can bring china's united states potentially into new are aware that we haven't
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seen on the, on the scale since really world war 2. and we need to do everything in our power to try to avoid it. but in the, in the short term, there is potential for the stabilize in the actions in the south china sea, where you have these confrontations on almost a weekly basis. now between the filipino navy and the chinese navy, the filipino navy trying to resupply their ship, the sierra madre that has been grounded on one of the shows in south china sea since 1999. the chinese, confronting very aggressively trying to ram ships using water cannons, enjoying philippines soldiers. and of course, the united states have the mutual defense really with the, with the philippines. but they're also competitors in many other areas. where is that, that the strategic rivalry most acutely felt right now? well i think it's mostly acutely felt in the technological space. and in fact, jake sullivan, when this res, small yard high fans to try to explain the policy of the united states to try to curtail china's emissions in areas like artificial intelligence,
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semi conductor development and others. and the chinese are very unhappy about that . they believe that this is part of the united states strategy to contain china. and frankly, it is even though the united states will not have met met itself in the u. s. is heading into a presidential election later this year. and at this point, it's anyone's guess how that will play out between the 2 candidates. who do you think would be able to better handle china as well. the remarkable thing is that the policies of donald trump, which were very aggressive and actually change from the proceeding providence used to be trying to have largely been continued on divide and actually accelerated and enhanced. and i think you'll see the same thing going forward. whether it's donald trump, who gets back into the white house or count and we'll harness the prospect of the us china relationship going back to where it was in the 2, thousands or early 20 times i think is over. all right, she didn't bring calls into traditional friendship. you call it
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a new cold war. where do you see it going in the coming years? of course, the key issues here is to keep the cold or cold. we have to avoid a hot conflict at all costs. that would be disastrous, not just for united states and china themselves, but all obviously for the rest of the world would take the world into a global depression. not to mention the loss of life that would uh, would be seen in a conflict like that. but beyond that, we need to make sure that frankly, from the united states perspective and the perspective of the democratic world that the united states wins is competition. because what we don't want to see is china establishing germany for us any stage and then globally to material service. thank you so much for your time. it's around me. 3 years into russia's war against ukraine mosque as baltic neighbors are trying to counter the threats of war on their own soil. lot via lithuania and the sonia are constructing the so called baltic defense line toward off
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a russian attack to go where you corresponding your river shadow went to the left in border town of car silva. to find out how the border region is strengthening its defense capabilities. the can these concrete blocks stop harassing the tanks? that's the job for so called dragons to use the lock the as a border with russia. they're part of the bolting defense line, a major project shaft to buy lots of jo. this is a new and estonia against the the potential threats from neighboring russia is don't like a motion to extend them unless by no means underestimate the imperialist attitude and the level of aggressiveness in our neighboring country. so i don't want to make any assumptions here about what someone on the other side of the border might be up to. but we must strengthen our armed forces and our defense capabilities with our partners funding without fear or panic. so space to possibly bring up the specs but possibly another thing is the defense line goes beyond the drag and steve, it also includes on the ground bunkers,
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storage belonged to mines via the boulder and securing supply routes. a few people in the baltic states expect an even interesting that's raise this other these so the of the policy us to visible in riga and dominion lot the items are suspicious of the or for most of the players to day. so to 3 years after the full of the soviet union and the 2 at the house gave us a sense, a rationalist, full scale invasion of ukraine. defending 0, independence is more important. so lots vince than ever. that for this i think it's necessary. i'm glad that it's finally being designed to type the alarm within him. so that will the fact that the external board is being strengthened is very good and upset. so as i'm or not, i think it's an unnecessary waste of money. i'll just hire somebody because it's useless from a military point of view or not move. i sent them off. i don't think russia would
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attack latvia as the thing. lafayette is of no interest to russia. strengthening is a bold also sort of another purpose that they fight against irregular migration. one of the ways that the russia and to neighboring brother was a waging, as so called hybrid to war against the west sauls and some of my friends has been trying to enter you illegally violated baltic states. or sorry to say he's a pose, a threat to the internal security of the new boat. the installation, such as a vase that we simply construct depends a meant to keep him out there. but the scope of them all defense like this is a real deterrent yukon easily climate. so the migrants look for a place where there is no fence, all the damage, the signs and leave traces behind the ball, the gods notice this thing, and immediately stop looking for the perpetrates of the community. so sec
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migrations plus the ultimate leaves, the baltic defense line is intended to stop or at least slow down as possible. rush innovation, an important part of a large scale native defense project in response to the russian hill of aggression ukraine. and we finished with some spectacular images from iceland to 9th worth, locals and taurus have been treated to 2 of the islands nations natural phenomena, namely the northern lights serving as the backdrop to interrupting volcano incredible images there. you can see them taurus watched in all, understandably, as well, but continue dispute from the fisher on the south western rig. john is peninsula, the 6th time this particular volcano as blown its top since december, thirties have advised people not to get to close. luckily there was lots to see
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from a safe distance as well. the stay with us now after a short break, i'll be back to take you through the day. and i certainly hope to see you there. the
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the no global trade with us, but their carbon footprint is disasters. shipping the transition on water. how far has it come in? the future of maritime transport. in 45 minutes on the w, the
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you'll see about the video that goes to the other data media, amiga, la, google. i've gotta be done by to get other stuff into that. and i'll give you the audio video game. but sure to that, i'm jo, media, dog, comment key, more people than ever on the move world wide in search of, of based on life to jump be able to use many, they can t method the only like got 30 already a female exit for pearson mid afternoon, does our peers administer useful or is that i'm was moved to the gets expose, go to lunch when you find out about all the story info, migraines, reliable news for migrant. wherever they may be. do you know which of these 3 industries has the highest c o 2 emission rates, which is good concrete, transforming business syllabus on to figure out what's
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the real new deal just reimbursing the watch now the, the hong kong was once home to a sprawling media landscape journalist there seemed to be worlds away from the censorship. their peers faced across the border and mainland china. but that's all ended in 2020 with the national security law since then life and hong kong has changed and the free press as all but disappeared today marked a new low invasion crackdown on civil liberties and the territory. and the landmark case to hong kong journalists of been found guilty of endangering national security and undermining a store.


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