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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 31, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CEST

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the, the, the watching dw, you use live from building a campaign to vaccinate. hundreds of thousands of children and gaza against polio begins a large sky rollout is said to begin on sunday. the campaign comes off to the fittest report in case of the deadly disease in gaza. in 25 dues and germany readies full regional elections with a national impact by the far left and the far right could make a big games we devise was concerned about migration and the war. and you cried the
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welcome to the program on jared raid garza has dotted vaccinating children against polio di before a massive vaccine campaign is expected to begin. this comes off to gaza recorded. it's the case of polio in all over 2 decades. a hospital in hon. eunice began administering the 1st doors of the 2 doors vaccine, even though the world holes organ help organizations campaign officially begins on sunday, the wcl h. all the plans to administer the vaccine to move in 600000 children. the war has disrupted routine, vaccinations and destroyed medical facilities allowing the return of the highly infectious and deadly disease. sam roy is using gaza with the agencies of palestinian refugees known as on ross. he has more on the challenges that lie ahead . i certainly going to be extremely challenging. we as, as a, as a system is
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a human, it's our and system and i think is probably 5 says a health system has never faced anything quite like this. i should say that i'm right is a big player. and this, we estimate that will be administering up around half of all those vaccines. they're reaching over 300000 people, but it really is a joint effort lead globally by the world health organization. unicef also heavily involved unwrapped my organization involved in administering a lot of the vaccines and, and the ministry of health as well. the low whole ministry of health. and without all those different entities working together, it wouldn't have been possible to get as close as we are. so this started now and we've really just hoping that we will get over the finish line with these back scenes over the next couple of weeks and, and what you've already said will be a very complex of very fraud efforts. similar to everything that we'd have to do over the past 1011 months and goes and nothing has been easy,
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but this one in particular is, is particularly challenging, given the situation, but also given the consequences and the need to get it right. could you spell out some of these challenges in what is, as you described to an absolutely enormous undertaking? absolutely, i mean, the challenges themselves. it from getting the vaccines in getting the cold chain and as well, the fridge is the storage equipment to allow the vaccines to be moved around, negotiating supplies of fuel so that those vaccines can be transported to distribution centers. then on, on the health points the, the units are info's is on the agreement to avoid if actuation orders over the period of the, the campaign as well. we very much welcome that we, we recognize that it's not been easy and we call on apologies the conflicts with a to those agreements and beyond just the mechanics of,
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of reaching the people wherever they, we estimate 640000 children needs to receive the vaccine, that's everybody under the age of 10 and goals that we don't know precisely how many, how many children are given the situation, the 10s of thousands killed overall in the many, tens of thousands more underneath the robo. so the basic software that we would normally take for granted are extremely difficult, and then it's reaching the people. normally. when we run a campaign like this, the children, the parents are bringing that children to all health clinics. this is what would normally happen. and this is why before the war. busy and run had a 99 percent coverage effects, the nation's uh, through uh, health clinics. a lot of those health clinics, a no longer operational in the people where they would normally be. so we have some fixed points. we set up some health points and shelters. when many hundreds of thousands of sheltering i'm, we'll also have mobile mobile teams who will,
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who will go 10 to 10 to administer vaccines. and they'll be separate. teams are looking at people and trying to capture people on the streets. and it's more complicated by the fact that we're not able to do this uniformly in the same time across the hold of jobs. so they'll be 4 days in the middle of the gaza strip. we will then move south, and then after that we, we will move north. and of course we go through the whole thing again in 4 weeks because every child needs 2 doses of the vaccine or with some rose thoughts from the un agency for palestinian refugee speaking to us from central gaza. thank you so much, sam, for your time. meantime is rails large scale operation in the west bank is continuing for a 4th day with clashes and explosions in the northern city of jeanine. israel says it's targeting terrors, swampy he used talk. diplomat says the operation is a disaster in the making of night is arouse miller. trees stated, killed 2 people attempting to carry out attacks. we have to comp bombs,
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exploding one near. and these riley settlement the militant group homeless praise the attempted attacks as an message of resistance is riley forces have killed at least 20 people in the west bank embracing dies, including a senior. how must come on let's get a quick round off of some other global news headlines now. the nice hose, a peacekeeping force in cost of our has raised its presence on a key bridge. indeed, ethnic, ethnically divided cd of mutual pizza troops. the positions on the bridge which has been closed for more than a decade, attentions, they have been strained recently since the cost of and president announced his intention to reopen the bridge. the social media platform x has gone offline in brazil after the supreme court ordered the shot down of the service, formerly known as teresa, the judge said the decision was taken to tackle political just information and the tax on brazil's democracy, the owner of x, the long mosque has repeatedly claimed the judges actions amount to censorship.
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china in the philippines have accused the job over branding their ships in a disputed area of the south china sea. china is coast, god said the philippine sample is a legally stranded, it's the lightest in the series of escalating classes in the vial waterway and hundreds of people gathered in the german town, observing in for a visual on friday night to commemorate the nicer tact victims who died around a week ago, 3 people with dot to death of the festivals and what is now being investigated as the terror attack. staying in germany and politicians are making. the final campaign pushes the head of sunday's elections into eastern states, which could have the dramatic impact on the national political same current polls suggest the far right alternatives to germany or a if the could win the modest device in the states of through india and saxony, another anti establishment policy, the newly created left wing populous sovereign commenced alliance is also expected
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to do. will both parties oppose of germany's ongoing military support for ukraine. piano, a small town between dresden and the check border. it's early morning and already members of the far right alternative for germany party are up campaigning. polls indicate their party could win at least 30 percent and regional elections. their best results yet, high above their election tend a dove of peace. the of d is making germany is foreign policy, a big issue locally, especially its dance and rushes worn ukraine. so it's really okay, you know, crime and people have the willingness to take the end of the month. but can one still talk with russia at all? if that's comes, i simply say you can to, to anyone, you just have to do it. that's up. and i also think that a piece totes around. the reason is the food team will definitely be willing to talk of getting further data provide side. this message resonates with some voters
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. many here oppose germany, support for ukraine. they say the war concerns them more than domestic issues. to switch to say it's the most important thing for me is piece, kind of not an arms race dialogue, surprises change my interest. i wish for peace in the world soon. vandorn. and i would like germany not to get involved in this more even more simple. if you had me out with me a elsewhere and p or not, there's skepticism about the influence original vote can have on geo politics. there's a whole the piece is nice, but you shouldn't talk about that to the people here. you should tell it to mr. booted, you really have to think about what the science and government can do and what they can count. and he said it's what does the state problem between sex and they have to do with foreign policy issues. i was in position teams which one, and it's not just the a f d the newly formed the left wing. that of i can connect alliance or
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b s. w has centered its entire campaign around peace. it's a node which strikes a chord in east germany. we're in a stall gym for the regions. socialist passed and resentment towards the us and nato are still strong. more than a 1000 supporters have gathered in downtown dresden to hear the founder and face of the party. a band plays of russian song to warm up the crowd. but not everyone likes what they're hearing. many save are going to connect. piece narrative is playing along with poor teams. propaganda efforts is now putting this in creek. so pressure is a war criminal who started this war of aggression and he belongs before the call within the hate. and how is that? how about expands out of oregon? connect is practically his folks, women in germany. she's spreading his life signing by the volume can, is rejects this criticism, say not, don't let your sales be filled by tales that we are good friends when we are the
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ones advocating for peace and diplomacy. whether these messages prove effective is ultimately down to voters on sunday. and for more on this i'm joined by dw political correspondent, julia sol daily julia. normally state elections in germany don't really get that much attention, particularly abroad, but it's very different this time isn't us? yes, and that's because we expect these elections to deliver on the unprecedented result in germany, unless the pulls are completely wrong, which we don't think is the case. it is likely that the far right a f d party will come in 1st in the state of to ring job. and that is currently in the polls. net connect for the 1st place in sacks and need to. and that would mean that for the 1st time since the nazi era for right party and germany would when a state or national election. and that is quite a big piece of news. now, that wouldn't mean automatically,
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that the ac would go into the governments. that is because of the other parties that are going to be elected into the parliament have vowed not to form any kind of alliance with the a a fee do not want to cooperate with the a if the and what is called the firewall to sort of protect the german democracy in the german state. but this would make it very difficult for a governing coalition to be able to be formed in both of these states. there's going to be a lot of negotiating going on. there might be some instability, a lot of time to form a government. and this would also mean that even though the f d, as in, in governments, if it gets a big enough share of seats and the regional part limits, it could also have a wait there, blocking votes and causing possibly some trouble. certainly a lot of implications. very interesting ones, julia, as we just saw, or not report, roches war and concerns over germany. support for ukraine has won the i f d. a lot of support. but what else voice is concerned about? so traditionally the ac has always been strong in the eastern states of germany
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since it came on the scenes in 2013 at now obviously the, the issue of the war and ukraine has seen voters supporting the if these positions . so a wanting to stop for support for ukraine and wanting to go into negotiations with russia and was pointing. but one of the, of these big topics has always been in the recent years migration. and we've seen both in sex and the ending to range of that migration is the number one issue that is important for voters and the if these position of wanting to strongly reduce immigration, but also accelerate the return. for example, of failed asylum seekers to their home countries is something that they, if the has pushed a lot in seems to really resonate with people in the eastern states of germany. but also there is a general dissatisfaction with the mainstream parties that are in the governing coalition in the central government and berlin. and this is something that the ac is also really trying to bank on that. so it could be more about migration because
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just over a week ago there was a facial stop being in the western city and so willing and just explained to us how that affected the election campaign. yes, so the person who has been arrested for the stabbing is a also a field asylum seeker. and this is something that has really fired up the debate in germany over the last week. we've seen the conservative c d u party, which is possibly coming in at 1st and the state of saxony really pushing for a harder stance on migration calling for the central government to to do more. we have seen the parties in the central government coalition bring forward a package to also slightly tight rules on migration and asylum seekers. so there has been some movement on this topic and the topic has been dominating the news. but we don't really know what kind of impact this will have on the election. well, we kind of imagine is that because of the importance of the story, motors, we'll be thinking of this probably when they had to the polls. toby's political correspondent, julia saw jelly julia, thank you. there's more on that story to on our website
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