tv Arts Unveiled Deutsche Welle September 1, 2024 9:30am-10:01am CEST
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a c or a to reuse a story behind the news. we rolled about fund biased information for 3 months. the hello hello. i am alan b and you here in san a go in the city of that car, my city, my hometown. let me show you the the cars are traded on the north atlantic ocean. the cities in portland, c port on the west coast of africa, the land of the melting pot. an arm in friends and a leg in the air. bold for the heart is here, right here in africa,
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and synagogue became a republican 1960 when he became independent from france. since then it's democracy has been pretty peaceful and stable. the car is a place for lots of extremes and contradictions. the cd never stops. it's always the fault. as an artist, i am drawn to the complexity, as well as the energy of the city of the car to a place where the traditional and contemporary collides. who are we in these complicated world? i combine the traditional and contemporary and my photographs. i like to create narratives and alternate realities in which are the and already people can become heroes in their own stories. the,
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i would like to introduce you to some of the most talented artes of my city. come with me coming up in these episode, dw artsy africa meetings sending sending goals 1st professional email for 50 yards . we checked with colleen, gay and extraordinary multimedia creator was work plants, physics with part i said john shows us her studio and centuries old weaving skills. the tiny bit of any buttons bring easy confusions in black and white. a weeks for photographers, if i channels photos and for families migration the and now we here at the company to seize a place that used to be all about the law. and now it's a base where all these come and express their views on how society should be run.
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right? or in town. you see you touch. all right, so says go, the car lean jane walks me through her work, funk, come tunneling, atlanta for law, for physics in art. it's a commentary on the scientific phenomenon whereby small particles move to a barrier. that's impossible to penetrate. this installation in percentage hope and growth red versity. wow. man, i just need some the explanation of the amazing thing that it just experiment. always that about it is by ration behind that is quite them physics because as i'm a physicist, i mix a lot of physics, the whole reflection behind that the installation that is the signatures in 3
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levels. so the 1st level is about mining especially not for got miners working very, very hard conditions, some diagnosed along with going booking. that's i so, and we use the car calling other things from the ground in our cell phones every day. and we don't think about what happens to them. so the 2nd level of reflection was more about innovation and the turn of that element most dig into us. and the 3rd level of reflection is, is more see 6 or like one hole. right? well, that's exactly on the stuff that i got just somebody was in a warm hole to transport it into a different dimension. and i senses wherever the trigger, that's the whole world that i did that a deal. so i just invited you in what happens in my mind a little bit. thank you. that was amazing, very lighting to thank you. thank you. bill river side. i
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mean to, as you know, we had east to see the work of phones. the car is leading contemporary art collectives, dc's, k, we lo, she's the force behind black truck and it is an artist residents using the car, and that was funded by key hiding the white. the new york based artist repented president barack obama as official portrait. okay, and a why they decided to set a black cross because it was important for him to create a space dedicated to artist and to their orthotic research in practice. he wanted to initiate conversation taking as the point of departure, sniggle the continent to create a new collaboration, a new exchanges between our 2 and a new generation and our assist experience and they got for some of the african american onto the 3 received is their 1st time on the continuance, so it's a very deep and intense experience that house them reconnected with their roots
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each year we receive like 16 are to that. that's all painters fix that or do use for the reference writers to makers. we really highlights the importance of that growth as a face of me, teen gallery, and to build the community the as part of the black rug innovations. this is the impressive work of i said, john, let me take you to its origin and visiting. i says workshop 3 minutes away from the black truck located in the cast or area. good to be here in your face. i saw when i saw what you dida. also the black rug that was phenomenal. and i want to know more about it. can you tell me? so we often said there's a fee of down surprises to mix up in industry. what they asked me because some of
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the i to side the been visiting of my worship and the, i had to make a noise. you know, these. so i was thinking of using my use room, which is a to me to 80 wide and use as low as the left over for each uh like rough. yeah. and it came out very interesting and we use a different side built like the end spend colton. and keen off, which is a fun side that somebody have to see as well as that to restart the lives up in traditional reading that 25 years ago. so that we recreate the for the 6 that industry in the synagogue. because everything has been in boston, well, it seems like the space which is a big place is about that. there's so many things happening. so tell me about like this periods of this page, please. this various of the place is to get together and develop all the know
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how you can find this sending guys. so you have people leaving people doing embroidery people working a lot of the people who are working on woods the. the idea is to say that at the end of that weekend, the put to totally entail design of the house incident, got entire, the maidens in this country. and so we create jobs as well. so you're finding a job that could come to you. yeah, yeah. so it's, how are you? oh, good. i mean and now the love are to our imagination. we hear in the neighborhood of general love feedback. cool. and that'd be based on a place of imagination, performance cost to magic music. lots of things come with me. the
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on the same page, i'm just gonna visit, i love displays here, and i would love for you to walk me through. so obviously this is double is this out of within the graph at these, but he lives in berlin and he is doing work in the work or blackface. he's in white spaces and ideals is. so he's been looking at anything different moments of the community in berlin and all the questions or the protest of activist movement. in the exhibition we talk about talking about how to connect doesn't balconies like family or the community. but it's important also to look at the like the dashboard on how to believe that part of the family. absolutely. yes and does the idea to bring also the perspective of this all difficult guy living in berlin? how we can look at that society, man, people need to see this in mind scenario,
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right? and it'd be the soul. so it's good to be here. yeah, man, man, good to see again, you're concerned content that is, is there like you and i need did tell me you are like epic musicians, a kia and sending all everybody i know you in a row too as well. and uh, but i really want it to like tell me more about like, who is the buy crew? oh, oh yeah. i mean the zip code um, it basically is uh, a hybrid. um, he's a mix of uh, an alien and the human the doesn't know to your way is in search of like the renewal like the like who is the
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we and you who is the, the most role in harness version of you. so a few years ago i decided to to, to, to my, my hip hop cadillac to and to remove as you back. cool feedback, cream cheese. yeah. which is me. yeah, yes. right then? yeah. and then today i'm actually really happy because i feel extremely privy lights to be able to hear you in any beta for, for him. can we just take, you know, he has some good news, he gets into it. so when you think about this one was we or at the clinic? the
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a true. let me show you what they're doing. she felt real mature and company. so center for us, no later the society and the we organized here, exhibit shows training for crowds for the practice hosting workshop conversation symposium. but to me, seeing that we wanted to show our tool is too big for people of just that's all, it's me for the community from the community and that we can build the site based in that. so we even produce books, you know, so, okay, these things to be sent and wrong is by all these one go in there was looking to different kind of the place within the greece and that people are facing due to a colonial invasion in different areas of the war, specifically in the time that you get them as he's from just some and the hearing that call when he comes to do his research, he find that that there was a,
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did some you sent it. good news, community women that come into sydney, guys from the war of in the taylor the, the library is the had to fro. we call it through these and the it, he's where everything started. when could you call found a place in 2011? she was looking for as the soon as i call for critical thinking that i was the head for out of the culture. but we don't have enough these for publishing writing about our history in africa and writing our own stories rather than having it written by . we started studies, so we started with a collection of books, and from there we developed different kinds of programs.
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now we often downtown the car. i want to show you my own warrant. i welcome you to my studio. this is the series that actually put me on the wall map of the art world, it's called edification. and if occasion is about how the digital era, the contemporary digital era is affecting the rights of passages of the new generation. so as you can see in all of these pictures, you can see v r glasses and the v on costs. you don't have to symbolize that digital era that we living in, in a position to that you have the traditional aspect of africa. and all of these images, images, archie, rites of passage such as travelling in every culture around the world, you some, at some point you have to go far in order to understand what's new year. and every cultural encouraged that the girl and the cape sexually
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became the mascot of the photography series. when i did this project, i didn't do any testing. i just went on vacation and i had like this face just this . i just knew that like i would find the right people on location. so when there was the cape and the v on the last season, this beautiful young synagogue, these uh girl with that beautiful blue outfit showed up. and i was like, oh it's you, you like my super woman. of this one. i call it kingship. kinship for me is like the human family, like this whole concept that no one's an island in africa, we have a saying that says alone, you go fast. but together you go far, and it's about that it's about leaping into something much further that you could ever imagine. and i'm trying to embark, everybody, you included on that journey. journeys and departures become
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a feature of life and the car because synagogue is a key country for many west african struggling to europe in search of better economy, corporate unity. and eva, eva jello is a photographer, who's ward deals with these kinds of crossings. how are you? i'm good. i'm here with the nice thing. wonderful. as a matter of fact, you know, i to deliver to you to put up your work. and when i look at it, i get so much tardies narratives. it's whole the work and projections. most care about migration through the days of my feminism, because i have like, similar to presents from the lowest of sending getting from let's send again to going us the base enroll and nothing is played directly. and like that's something that is really dangerous for them. so we, oh, that story is that they told me i'm going to be like important places in doing anything. documentarian every pages. so hold work. uh,
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my name is boon. it's me is influence the travel, the way to move a place to go to another. so here there is 3 different countries, so that's may work too late to look for them and they're like, what the thing did. there's a war that she use earlier on or on it in. and in that she knew, i see a different narrative that you hear from the west, you know, like that. trump wall that uh uh, the borders in europe. uh, me grants and, uh i, i hear like, and see here like, sympathy from my point to you. it's very important to show good thing about like the trip, like cuz it can decide and of course his fingers and, but he also needs a lot of good people, a lot of wonderful patients. there's beauty in the struggle. yeah, of course,
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i know also that we've been talking about like doing portraits of each other as a head for your friends? yes. yes. so i would love to like, you know, invite you into a further should. of course, let's do this on the, on the table. and now we're going to face, that's very dear to me. let me do, you know, display says the heart of the creators of the car, the new generation of art is when i am in the media. now, am inspired by the energy up to design, or was it musicians who hang up their displays is the creative, the district of the car. and it is here that as creators,
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we experiment and collaborate. let me do, you know, it's a great place for me to catch up with my friends that 400 years ago. it had a more tragic significance. this was an old slave porter in depth. these people will be taken from here to green gray. this is where you can visit the state house a memorial to commemorate the explanation of the default. the whole island is exceptional as a peace presenting time to unix cool world heritage site. now that in the past was where it kept these africans were held before being sent into slavery. in europe and the america has we're going to meet another one, then the great artist, super talented meat,
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the amazing cynics presented as a heat pump innovator and activities was made. how marcus synagogues premier female graffiti artist dedicates most of her time to empowering other young creators to end up getting my dresses and my 3 like places amazing. i want to know about these, like, you know, can you tell me about it was a whole new policy does the whole cultural institute and became this is my century, the place we, i learned how to do graffiti. the gravity was all this place is my 2nd home. i come here every day for the last of the last of all that to the well, it looks like there's a lot of things going on here. why don't we go over there and you telling me about everything that's happening here the some of the lives. and we're
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in zane workshop, which means anything to payment up to my enterprise. when i put forth the transmission of knowledge to the you for calling about the cost of the show and i see what the, what i've experienced throughout the is to provide the fact that you have inclusion . as soon as it was not so evident to get to this point and noon could be at that time buster to by isn't the word upon upset shows me, but i do provide outlook. i'd really like to provide this terms to the younger generation of now on disk, around the corner. it asks you to me when i buy research on sla elijah within $26.00 shots, that was just you come on, sailor dressed. i saw it did compete at the age of 75 off the last like you, you have young's unique splits most get to drilling, searching except trying to, trying to find my mock about lash or to this. you may just say this jose may just
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shave to limit mock. when i was 17, i was the media painting wants to be directly connected to the painting. in the long run, i discovered completely via tv viewing to seriously, i saw people sprayed onto big goals and what amazed me was the wide space for expression they had the media t. i said to myself that i need the same to show of my talent and stuff. and as a, as a woman, would you say that's like, you know, you have to be brought something on the table that was in here before or should i move as i went along, i been able to learn from my experiences from my life victory. the fact is because you, yes, it could on the, even though we in a heat pump environment that can be very male, very male dominated here in synagogue. 80. so i learnt that art has no 6, my brother. in fact, it is the aunt in the heart and also the human being. at the same time. i said to myself, why not do things my way to court that fetishize my 1st. i love everything that i
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heard here. now want to see a real world, can we got the side and check out something amazing? scope the world has a vision fell on true f just to c d. the young, talented onto to up to one month of training and coffee. tea had realized together, this was with the ideas, with the design to see what they keep from well, in the within. that's it on the, on the, on the law and the, the painting in any way. which means it's time to break the chains and to be free, the main topics of peace love and some of the keep up values and culture according to the local news. i let me like to choose to be on top of this that we do standing on the high end of the,
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the energy meals. my cities, evident in the works of these artes energy that confronts the past, is hopeful for the future and grateful for the opportunities of the present. and remembering that it is an important part for we are finished go our country, my country in one of our local language synagogue means our vote. this is a go our vote because we're all on the same boat, one planet, one people. and this brings us to the end of our journey. hope you enjoy watching the views, arts, the africa infinity go into a vibrant to the of the car. and it's amazing art seeing the
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the protest and us tire. why the mind types to be match with such brutality conditions. owners come in and i just make it to mobile. phones has died, but the gave me this the 7 percent in 90 minutes on d. w. the fluid you do the same to tense. she survived. oh sure, it's thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor. he is martin, the, the genuine 2 musicians under the swastika, a documentary about this sounds of power,
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inspiring story about survival of the home and you go get the tennis. i was the only one. usually in nazi germany, watch now on youtube dw documentary on the long voyage through the ocean and mother, i'm back with account for a long time. they had to be humans on the journey. but now the premises have become very protect the ocean conservation of september dw, the
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this is dw news live from berlin. israel says it's recover the remains of 6 hostages held in garza by him on his really military says they were killed shortly before its forces could reach them. just before the announcement is really as took to the streets to demand, the remaining captives, the free also, and the sho, populous pores for big gains in german, regional elections. the far right alternative for germany parties on track to win and the eastern state of terrain. gm, well, a new left wing populous alliance is also gaining ground there and in neighboring saxony. plus the chaotic rush to c, v o h.
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