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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  September 5, 2024 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the, the, basically to the news life from berlin, china as president, rules africa, leaders, as i mentioned badging change and paying promises deeper ties and billions of dollars. he also says he and have grant a 1000000 jobs across africa. also coming up, fighting for justice for this on mama dean was among more than a 1000 people killed during anti dumping protests in bunger. this is fat and say he was shot dead by security forces. last forefront assigns a declaration to fight. let me just intolerance with the head of southeast asia as largest. most francis isn't indonesia on the to the region the
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i bitter strategy. welcome when you get to those stories in a moment. but we begin with breaking news coming in from southern germany, where several shots had been fired outside the is riley, general counsel. they've been doing in munich. dozens of police are at the scene and i'm wanting people to avoid the area. and we will update you with more information as it comes in a breaking your story at the moment. now chinese, the, the siege and being has pledged financing was more than $50000000.00 to africa over the next 3 years. at the summit in beijing, he told african meet as he wants to deepen cooperation with them on infrastructure and trade president, she is a, china would have created 1000000 jobs across the continent. more than 50 african leaders as well as you were in said the general antonio botanist are attending the
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badging summit, which takes place every 3 years. i hear some of the chinese the that have to say, fools, you guys see china africa relations are now at their best period in history. looking to the future, i propose raising china is bilateral relations with all african countries that have diplomatic ties to the level of strategic relationship. signing the binding sheets from you. and i know i spoke with jim sherita from out east ational bureau in taipei. i asked him about cheese problem is to create a 1000000 jobs in africa and invest $50000000000.00. absolutely. well just going through some of the documents that has come out in the last hour. so this action plan from the chinese government's empower, intends to develop ties of africa, nations and it's really a listening of issues that are trying to be addressed there enough to operate. now
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some of the important ones, instead of the chinese government, was going to encourage the chinese companies to invest in critical infrastructure in africa like add ports and ports encouraged trades to be conducted in with the redmond b internationalizing, the redmond, b, as well as quoting on international institutions to revise the way the debt sustainability is, is dealt with around the world. this has been something that's been very critical for african nations as a approach this, somebody's the 1st ones to be held in beijing since 2018 given that a lot of these nations have been facing that sustainability issues over the past couple of months. so a lot of promises when it comes to the actions that are going to take place and, and the plan. so how these ties are going to be developed over the next couple of months, key questions that will remain and whether there's any political conditions, the task given to the only african nation not to be in attendance, who is the only african nation to maintain ties, diplomatic ties with taiwan and children because also proposed elevating ties with those countries that china does have diplomatic relations with to the level of
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a strategic relationship. why is that there? what we see with this strategic relationship is really outlined in this document. what the chinese government says is that the, the supports in the infrastructure investment support that they provide africa is without political strings attached state will. so say that china respects the developmental models of various countries around the world, including in africa. what is really trying to join distinction here with is what they perceive as the conditions that the us and europe implies the infrastructure supports to the african continent. but also in this context where chinese supports for africa has really declines over the past couple of years. and what we're seeing is trying to china, really trying to bring africa back into its little bits. despite the economic problems, the china has been facing over the past couple of years, which has led to that decline in chinese investments into africa. there really, this is a, a theater of grades here. political composition on china is really trying to get ahead in this part of the wealth. now, she also wants to launch the joint military drills with countries in africa. i mean,
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what does this mean for a global security and global competition? there what we've already seen this summer, china are undertaking military drills with countries like tons of new and mozambique. and really questions will remain as a once military and political conditions are going to be attached to this, this most favorable environment that china is trying to construct with africa. some of the key outcomes from this form that we've seen so far as china, promising to trained thousands of african personnel, ministry personnel be on just a minute to context. there's also the political context to look at, see which is that china saying it wants to bring african officials to badging, to train what they say is in more than the governance. now, the question will remain, you know, going forward won't political system and what type of governance that china is going to be teaching these african officials. and whether it looks, i think like a liberal democracy that we see in europe. but again, just to reiterate that this form well was focused on the economy,
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is much about much more than just thoughts. james j to in type a thanks so much for that to to bundle dish. next periods being exactly one month since the former prime minister said because he now fled the country off to the student, led mos uprising, toppled her government. the country's health ministry said more than a 1000 people died in the by then started up to during those processed many where young people did that most spoken to one family whose son was among those killed as i'm due, as may find this next report. distressing. 22, a year to work mohammed dean was planning to pursue his higher education. but his future plans ended on august 5th. these families the shot dead by but not the security for 5th duty and the government protests for them. the law. so for son and brother is unbeatable.
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dean's father sees his son was shot 5 times now on he once it's just the for his son, the one that does it that will allow me. while others are, i want to appeal to this government to punish the motor is as you know, as well as the autocratic government and the autocratic lead. to shake a scene of the global home minister. i said it was a lot of times the must face just this is out of the water though, is it the senior police officers use the police force to mode to my son? i would all of them to be punished is obviously i want to see the people responsible for the murder, my son, to be punished while i'm alive in this world. i get, i want to let this be a shot. i live found defense. body dean was here in the jot that our body district
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taking part in one of the last and the government protests. just all of us before prime minister should cause enough that the country law enforcement agency started fighting at the demonstrative a dean was one of the dead bodies that hospital officials see there. to see that the dean's father can't afford a lawyer, but to see if that won't stop him seeking justice at the supreme court in tucker, he needs the assistant attorney general who agrees to pursue the case one month on from the violent protests that direct to the hosting of she casino, the interim government has promised justice will be soft to warn affected families for families like mohammedans. that just is going to come soon enough. and i spoke to sarah jose in a senior advocate of the supreme court of bundle dish and asked her how likely it
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is that the relatives of those and legend be killed by police. when get justice, i'm good so that they'll get justice. but i think it's a, it's a challenging and difficult process and it's uh, the boss suggest is filled with many obstacles to so those lights are being said, the like the 1st thing we just saw on camera. i think it's important to realize that, you know, just just means not just just using accountability for perpetrators, but also the finding out the truth of what happened and why it happened. why these nice things took place and there's very short period of time of so many young people and others and also getting reparation so that he can select the family of the, of those big chairs that goes to supply that thousands of people with the thousands of young people with bullets injuries and shouldn't make them feel it. so the bodies and many of them psychologically deeply affected. many of them permanent disabled, many of them blind it. so it's, it's
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a very $20.00. do how we get dressed as all of these atrocities which has happened over such a short period of time. but i think that it will be possible. but many there are many preconditions for that to happen. what all these preconditions and you also talked about obstacles. if a good sort of elaborate on that, as i think, as you just showed in the, in the clip diesel, the person who is the fathers was seeking justice for his sons cooling. i found that he was engaged, he couldn't afford a lawyer. there is a government, legally machinery, but he started to see the government, the lead machine has not assistant people who have faced repression by the state. this could be a moment to change that. i volunteered within the lead organization as do many other lawyers. none of these little over 8 organization has yet been auster such as support and coordinate the process. some of us is stepping forward to do that. as you saw, the assistants. danny jenner was shown, is also stepped forward to assist that further. but there's no coordinated process that's there needs to be some kind of central process led by the government
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indicating how these cases ought to be, how victims, whether the breeds families or whether the individuals who have been, you know, arrested, detailing the engine and so on. how they st put the seek justice, otherwise they're being left to their own devices running from police stations to ports to find the claims. and they really do need legal the next much assistance with that process and how much of a prior to is accountability for the kind of government. they said it's a high priority professor. unison sofa set that up at the outset and instead of opened and speech to the people, often it took offers as to what we have seen from the in term government is they have made some important steps forward in terms of dealing with the reparations be . so the health ministry of the government, for example, has announced that it will then show health care free health, catherine, both public and private hospitals. so all of those who were injured, as i said many thousands were injured in his protest by being fired upon by light,
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bullets, rubber bullets and so on. so that process has been announced as being coordinated with non governmental organizations or the individuals, even the private sector. i believe the pharmaceutical association is donating funds to and to facilitate this process. so i'm the reparation side. things have started to happen. there's little to been an announcement that a foundation would be set up for those for the families of those who appealed so that so that remembrance but also for the support, are you able to do sion of the families. but on the, just as an account is the site that is the big challenge. and i mentioned as i said, we need to not only send to processes for the intake of cases or friction section and also to investigate, investigate space. lots of independent investigations is a real challenge for the moment. thanks so much for joining us today, sir. jose and speaking to us from bakovich. thank you. and if you're just joining us, we have a breaking news story coming in from southern germany where several shots have been fired outside the is really general council. they've been doing in munich. police
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have said on ex, the bath salts or, or suspect police are also wanting people to avoid the area the, the corresponding about the mall joined us from a capital studio with more on this. matthew, what more do we know at this point? this is a developing situation, be rash. we know that incident involves the area around the if really conflict in munich. we know that the police responded to an incident there and, and the last hour this morning with a lot of police responds, there was a helicopter used and then response. we know the police have said that the shots were fired, suspicious pass and the area not pass and was struck. the police have said that they're no longer, they're not searching for any other suspicious individuals, but they have blocked off and closed off the area around the country so that they are in the hall to munich. i'm what they said, as they said, the boss people to avoid the area to load the police to,
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to continue their work there. they also said that they would like people not to share any videos on social media, but rather to upload those and send them in to the police to sit. they set up a website to, to, to, for people to send, then any evidence they may have of what happened exactly this morning. what was said is that they're going to increase police or running the safety given the nature of the incident this morning. this comes on the university of munich, mazda code, 1972, tara tech, and which published a need, but it's an organization killed to members of these really olympic team in munich. and i think that contributes to a sense of heightened awareness and unconcerned as we deal with and to candice developing situation and read it this morning. but i'll just say, well we know for sure is that police have said that they have shot the suspicious individual in the area in the central pallet and on the do not believe that there are any other suspects involved at this stage. matthew,
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thanks very much for that. i think you meant a munich that you might have said belinda incorrectly, but thanks so much for joining us right now. and the 2 of us, we can all of this. the problem is we will have, we will share more details when we have them ourselves. this is developing story at the moment when we want now to another story and this is about both fronts. this is on going to our of southeast asia. he has now signed a declaration with the grand, the mom of indonesia, as you stuff, a lot of mosque the declaration ones against using religion just the conflict. francisco is the largest and most of the country to move up to its promise of harmony and diversity. and fight religious tolerance. it's a grueling 11 day for nation trip to tropical se, asia and oceania for pope frances, one that will test the island palm to of stamina and health. in muslim majority, indonesia, frances, called for political leaders to use enter religious dialogue to kind of during
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stream is i'm, i'm doing tolerance. francis hailed indonesia is human diversity comparing it to the archipelago, $17000.00 islands. however, he warned to diversity can also become a source of conflict. it'd be financing these differences. people could also lead to hostility and wars, but it could also brings joy to be on the same page. it's a matter of choice. there are roughly 242000000 muslims in indonesia and around 8000000 catholics. they make up just 3 percent of engineers is 280000000 inhabitants. the 87 year old pontiff met with outgoing president, joe co widow and other indonesian officials at the presidential palace. and then greece had catholic clergy and indonesian young people to carter's main cathedral. it's located close to the ground is to cloud mosque. the largest mosque inside the
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east asia, the proximity of the 2 buildings was moving for some of the visitors. this is a symbol of dollars or with differences should be faced and breached. from indonesia, francis will travel to popular new guinea, east to moore and singapore. and what is the longest trip of his papacy? the dental correspondent guild matos in jakarta, he said the message of religious harmony from frances was loud and care of a spontaneous kiss on the head from the great e mom. here is 6 all most games arcada. it was probably the most moving moments on his visits to indonesia so far and a great symbol of religious. how many here in town is like almost southeast asia as large as most, and it's located right opposite to the capital. it can see people here in town, indonesia,
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a good start for the pope's visit to southeast asia because he made the inter religious dialogue. one of his t pillows of the visit, an image. that's a good example for that because it's not just the multi ethnic but also a multi religious country. and catholics are only 3 percent. so 8000000 people here in indonesia. i bought the catholic religion is one of the 6 religions recognized as a referral, official religions in indonesia. and now representatives of the 6 religions were here it is, the goal must wear. the pope signed a common declaration. that's basically a send out the message that one that warms the world, that religions should not be recognized, should not be misused in conflict. and that also stated that the environment needs to be protected. a lot more efforts need to be done to protect the environment of the pope was in good spirits here at his visit. he smiled in last shaken, lot of hands. but after all, this is only the beginning of his 12th day trip to southeast asia. of course,
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there's not other stories making headlines around the world. you can't into linkedin, rebecca chip. the guy has done a doctor being set on fire, allegedly by her boyfriend, she was being fees of as a canyon hospital officer, standing bands of 80 percent of her body. the attack took place just beaks off the chapter guy competed in the madison at the palace and, and fix of the bystander simms have been getting that and these very drones try can be occupied. westbank, according to the husband, is to be there, the son of a prominent minutes in chosen j and was among those that have been killed is rarely so it does have been getting a lot scale grades in the country over the past weeks. police in the state of georgia, say, a 14 year old boy has been charged with mazda for the shootings or for people on a high school campus. official to the suspect was a student at phonology high school, where the shooting took place. and that he gave himself up when a security officer confronted him. we stay in the us and
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here donald trump has had a town hall on family tough on the fox news channel. event took place as trump faces a transform race for the white house. the former president has watched his lead an opinion folded up to date, since joe biden endorse twice, president coming to her as, as democratic party nominee, the 2 rivals would come face to face next tuesday in their fast tv debate, pencils, a basket mall from my dw steven bid state from us election team steven morning ref. what's to dr. you in this event? what were your main takeaways versus wasn't just friendly turf? this was a hosted by sean hannity, someone who is a styled himself as an unofficial advisor to donald trump. it's very clear that this was a campaign event masquerading as a town hall. you had lots of tears, lots of hoping for him. there were no questions actually from the audience the
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whole time, at least in the 1st hour. we learned later that some questions were asked to be here tomorrow on sean hannity show. basically, what stands out is this is really preparation for the debate that's coming up. this is how trump likes to prepare. he likes his name chance he likes he's one side of events, but he also likes to insist that the other side, the complet harris isn't ready for the stage that she is not prepared that she is not. he's still in the, she's going to fail on the stage, and part of doing that is one suggesting that she knows the questions beforehand, coming up to the debate, there's going to be deceptive. what's going on there? another excuse me, another is by talking up about the preparations around the debate, whether they're going to be allowed to stand, be seated. if there's going to be a live mike on the whole time. these issues that really sort of suggests that the other side is trying to manipulate the terms of the debate. and then of course, finally, by having this great big stage, this big presentation that you call a town hall and say i'm here, i'm available, i'm not hiding anything. the other side, however, they're trying to work the details of this coming to be one of the things stood out
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brush. most of america on this day was talking about a shooting that happened, another school shooting in the state of georgia. 4 people killed, i believe, from a 14 year old with a gun. this was barely mentioned in this debate. it just shows gun control, still not a viable issue for this party and for this candidate. so what can we expect from just to be in the next tuesday? yeah, i think this is all preparation for us. so this is the big question. we're going to want to see if, if that sport has been lost by the trump campaign. a lot of people would say, look at the opinion polls. pamela harris has come up, but we also know that in the us, the selection takes place to elect for college. but that means you have to win states, not the overall amount of voters, something the democrats have had better luck doing and recent elections. and then many of those battle ground states would call them the key states of these opponents have to when trump is actually doing better, or he's very close. so in many ways the momentum appears to have shifted. but in reality, not quite so much. what's going to have to happen is we're going to wonder, 1st of all, there's gonna be a policy debates. you know, the republicans would like to stress immigration for one. the economy. harris would
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like to stress be productive rights as an area where she does well. abortion rights, but really this is going to be for harris by proving that, that momentum that she's had in the overall polls, that it's legitimate that it's grounded in something real. she's going to have to stay stable. she's going to have to withstand his attacks. he wants to prove, on the other hand, that he can rattler, and speaking about these a battleground states. i mean this debate, sorry, this townhome was held in the background state of pennsylvania. and although the opinion polls seemed to indicate but coming to her as, as a lead over trump, but she's not doing too well in these battleground states. is that correct? yeah, in many of them she's still struggling. right. and so in the state that she has to wednesday, it's like north carolina, maybe not so much this year, but in past elections, north carolina was still in play. virginia of florida. she's going to have to have a clear lead and start showing a cleared lead is going to have to really hook in and take effect. and that's something that we haven't quite seen yet. even if in the general mainstream polls we're seeing, there is more movement in her direction. so this is something that's both
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candidates are going to target during that debate. they want these undecided voters to some extent. they know trump, they know his bluster, they may not know harris as well. and so she's going to have to prove herself by standing up to him on that stage. we leave it there for the moment the, the student to be of late. thanks so much. i now it's out in europe, it's back to school time. and from this testing, a mobile phone band in hundreds of middle schools is part of what is calling a digital pause for school kids. several countries in europe are debating brother to band students from having smartphones wine in school. and if the trial is deemed a success, it could lead to a nationwide by next year. back to school will be different for tens of thousands of students and friends this fall. now they have to hand in their smartphones before they can head to class or next period. well, we're experimenting to see whether it works the earlier we deal with the addiction to these funds that back to me when you say friends is rolling out this experiment,
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which it calls at digital pause, across the 180 middle schools. that's part of the move by francis government to limit the time children spend on screens over fears. it can hinder their development to as well. students were already required to turn off phones in class . now the devices will have to stay locked away for the entire duration of the school day, including during recess. so obviously the students used to being without their phones all day and teachers tend to live differently even during recess instead of being on the phone and follow up with. friends isn't the only country cracking down on phones and schools. the netherlands, greece and belgium have ruled out similar restrictions on smart devices. parents here said they were on board with the van. looks to one as long as i can reach him
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when he's on the road to find out where he's at the bonds, no problem for me. it's reassuring his phone was stolen or lost. friends is phone band experiment. comes the head of a possible plan to enforce that nationwide from 2025. a quick recap of the top. started following for you at these are the beginning with the story coming out of southern germany. a major police operation is under way of the shots are fired outside the eas randy general concept has been doing in munich. what do you say? one person has been shops and chinese, the issues and being has pledged financing worth more than $50000000.00 to africa over the next 3 years at a summit engaging, he told african leaders, he wants to deepen cooperation with them and added china would have to create 1000000 jobs across the company. that's all for the moment, but coming up next up,
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the break and look at 5 plastic surgery procedures also popular in here on and presented, and the pressure back to look good. i'm going to spend a g in they put in the back again in about 30 minutes from now. you then the
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guy who am i just don't think i wouldn't better choose to have surgery for? yes. you're not a big fan of plastic surgery going under the knife for beauty on yesterday, mom. i mean while i want to get a nose job or some other, i think his face is fine. there's plenty of potential for conflict when generations class us and them. next on dw long voyage through the ocean, another humpback whales with a comp time they had to be
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humans on that journey. for now, the private has become they protect of waves the remotes of ocean conservation. in 45 minutes on d, w, the living in our society is full of contrasts and inequality is a big challenge. many problems can only be solved by working together. yes, that's in capitalism is leaving. what is home? how do we talk of the major issue about time? talk about the there is
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a significant risk of human extinction from advancing our system. our series continues to d. w. the of my life, my body is generally not unless war with my head. today i look in the mirror and i think i'm really pretty lost. our bodies are as active for sure that when i per appearance and really bothers me or the lose a little way. there were a lot of comments that hurt and he, my chicago refill. the concept of beauty is a fits defined woman with a tiny way.


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