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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  September 7, 2024 6:00am-6:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life problem. but then we start with breaking news at this point to all i'm, a fee of costs is returning to supplies. images you're watching, right? know off from the new mexico desert. grab a spacecraft, has a landing point. you'll notice that the video is black and white because it's actually lifetime the local time and in products cameras are being used then. now the star line are left for international space station without the asking on. such was supposed to now be faring back home. if you remember,
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the star line know was launched often, many de leave back in june. that was just supposed to be an 8 day trip for those extra not just about 15 seconds away from my dad. just touched on reassuring that the 15 seconds away from expected touch down in the ground there and or screaming as we get closer. and if we could show that or do a bit louder. this was supposed to be an 8 day admission. and now those to astronaut were not being drawn back will be remaining at the international space station for 8 months now after technical issues during liftoff in june. oh, depends what carried out. and this is a boeing, ashcroft. boeing gave several assurances to nasa that it was actually fits to bring the astronauts back. but now, so i decided the problems with the stolen up would not be resolved sufficiently to
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allow for the actual trip to on a touch touch down. star star liner is back on earth. got we got landing coming at 11 o one and 35 seconds central time. and 10 o one and 31 seconds. mountain time and why have white san space armor you at the us armies missile arrange a new mexico? our lane in the recovery teams will now wait for clarence for making their way into the spacecraft. one of the changes required with no crew on board is bent the team and that took like a successful landing for the space cross. but without astronaut, which for them all. and so when he williams, who are due to return to earth on space x, which is competitive. boeing of course, and that's it on will happen in february. now boeing insisted to nasa, as i've mentioned, that the cross was safe to bring the ask notes back. i also keep calling audio, who's the editor at nasa, watch dot com. why not?
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so i was not convinced by that argument. the good thing about this is that they have these long discussions back in the earlier days of nasa or some decisions were made. because yeah, we got to go to the mission and we lost several groups and we had some other your mishaps. so on one hand, it's a good sign that finally, somebody says, you know what, even though you're telling me you'd say, i'm just going to err on the side of safety. it's not a bad thing to do. and they really went through this methodically. so i cannot fault them to that. but everything that led up to this, quite frankly, i don't think it's spacecraft should have been launched until they've got these thrusters figured out which they didn't. and that costs a lot of people a lot of time and a lot of money and it's got a good boy and a very difficult situation. right. exactly about a $1000000000.00 worth spends just fixing those problems. a boeing and now space x . it's competitor is stepping into the rescue, but why is it taking so long
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a why does it, why do i have to wait till february to bring back this astronaut as well, does it is this, is this a bit of a traffic issue here or not? i've been on research expeditions up to the arch, you've been on the pole and yet, you know, x number of people have to go to this island or that base. and there's a plane that can only take 10 people, plus all their food and their fuel and their whatever. so you have to plan this out . what happened was they were supposed to go up there, spend a days, make sure everything works and come home while they're not. but there was a whole series of flights backed up for logistics in for crew. now you have to find 2 seats for them, so they bought 2 people off the elevators and fly. but you can't just bring them home. that mission supposed to go up there and stay there for 6 months. so again, you may ask the next question, the heart of our, the how's the crew doing? i've yet to be a nash not who's upset when they find out they have to spend more time in outer space. and i know a lot of baskets is right, and now, and as i have said, they're really not yet to comment on what happens. relationship with boeing,
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dealing boring is out now essentially gosh, i've watched now. so that's what my website says. i do. i don't know exactly what's going to happen here because the way this contract is written, boeing is pretty much eating to use a technical term, eating a lot of money every time they have a problem with that spacecraft. yes, it's not reimbursing them. and at some point, they're going to have to turn to, you know, the, their management and say, hey, you know, is this, do we want to stay business don't? do you have a contract with nasa that has been flying certain spacecraft flights? would people on a foot, if this is not confident the crew members couldn't go in there? um, somebody is going to make a decision. so i would not, i wouldn't say was a 100 percent certainty that the spacecraft will ever fly again. it might, but i don't think of a 5 many toss. and that's what steve calling from nasa, watch the condo home to us before the lending that reaches. so let's go to kim,
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good now. now where she's 17 children have died off to the fire swept through a boarding school, around 70 children are on accounted for of the place in near to county. so i'm a talked to have been taken in by local residents and officials are asking them to come forward. and an investigation has been launched into the course of the file. parents gather outside the primary school. the morning after a fire killed sleeping students. many still don't know if the children made it out of the dormitory, alive, and described waiting for news as tall chest. firefighter struggled to reach the school. after rain turned the roads around it into mode, a local, residential life to try and rescue the children from the blaze. leo know what to what we saw several children in there that had been burnt. i was just lucky to save
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and one of them, but i heard that he later died. it was a very troubling and sad tragedy by the key officials of working to try and locate the missing. can you, deputy president said dozens of children still accounts at full appealing to each to that child from here to the see, we'd be the number in special ed because of this sort of feeling where i've chosen the countries in t. we administer visit to the school on friday and said that will be full accountability for this tremendous loss of life. the canyon red cross is out the sea and said is offering psychological support services to pupils and teaches um for the families waiting for the news. nobody wants to hear
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the w correspondence. felix, modern goodnight will be total smaller. so the fire broke, it's about 11 p. m. at least time. most of the pupils are usually a slip. so many of them. well, course, i know we may buzz within the community, whether fost respond as about the monday to the file was so huge that they had to call for backup, which came 3 hours later. the backup was a little bit late because by the time the fire was put out at about 3 am, 17 kids had already died and 14 as, as badly injured. many canyons have been sending the condolence messages to the families of those who lost their loved ones. the parents flocked this quarter. i lou this morning. they were sad faces throughout the day, trying to come to town this week. what had transpired within the school president
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william, brutal, i'll also send his condolence messages to the families and wish to both for our gospel hospital unless we do recovery is also asked to investigate what he says to expedite by the investigation process, which now the deputy president i said the report would be made public so that everyone can know what the cost of the fire, the kinda red cross has also been offering psycho social supports to the parents and some of the uh, kids who are trying to come to times we what's happened but we'll see you. yep. use felix. modern got in night will be as so now just some of the stories making headlines around the world tie for an yagi midland fall into different provinces of southern china. climbing the region with heavy rainfall and strong winds around a 1000000 people in effect today or drugs. i've left the home summit, widespread power outages. i talk to you soon. yagi is the strongest autumn tie for
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ever hit the country. old francis isn't stuff on your guinea on the 2nd level for south east asia, told her during his 3 day was that he will meet with government officials lead a mass and travel to one of the was most remote catholic communities of the is the military size as investigating reports that it stops cute or the kitchen american woman who was taking thought in a full test in the occupied westbank. allison and media see she was awesome, the head do it in a marsh by active wrist and beta, a town that has experienced repeated attacks by as rarely settlers. now 2 of the thoughts about the 14 year old who was arrested as a consequence of a school shooting that happened in georgia. he has now appeared in front of the charge and as well as his father, who faces charges of 2nd degree murder, men,
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slaughter, and child cruelty. now both of them, the father and the son were arrested on registry. shortly after the incident at apalachee high school using images of that child that right now and the judge has said that the child will not face the death penalty if found guilty. dw washington correspondent benjamin nodded. but his crew, but has more on the new legal approach to prosecute veterans for the insurance tribes to well, prosecuting parents of high school. sure. assess as the chair. and so not that is a debate. the legal experts here in the united states a currently have a cold and grey, the dad of the alleged up a lot issued or is being charged with involuntary manslaughter. and 2nd degree in the related to the shooting. this new charges come 5 months after another similar case here in the us with 2 parents in michigan were the 1st convicted in
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a mass school shooting in the united states. both of them was sentenced to at least 10 years in prison for not securing this weapon at home, but also for acting in different the designs of this sense, the 2 rating mental health before he killed 4 students in 2021. well, this new approach is that only winning support from sense of other groups and said, oh forties that save this, the turn could lead to parents keeping the guns out of the reach of children that critics on the other side and say that the tactic also risk illegal president and may do little to the tabby students. critics also fear that some parents could be even held liable for stage failures to provide enforcement adequate mental health support for teenage school shooters. and the prosecuting parents also knows read causes, what all aspects agree on is it is still too early to know whether prosecuting periods of high school students will promote to tears in any way or not. to south
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america dependents, largest 3 and photos. the amazon has been devastated by wifi o, as while in pedro and bolivia, authorities are struggling to do but the was to buy a season in decades, headaches, shortness of breath, and burning eyes. some of the smoke rises ailments effecting residence in the brazilian municipalities. the library of last month, so over $38000.00 while far as the amazon the highest and nearly 2 decades. and the pollution is impacting people's health organ. leaving the office yesterday i woke up several times because of smoking myroom and wake up feeling very short of breath . tired, being in my eyes, i used to see a pain in my chest. in late august full, 62 municipalities in the state of ama zone. us how to declare a state of emergency because of the severe drives and places that caused heavy smoke to spread our eyes get bad. it gets
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into our noses or noses get congested with bad things. it really is a lot of smoke. dr. periods in brazil, usually last from august, october. this dark drives just cause very low humidity. in some cases comparable to this of the sahara desert. human activities sparks, the vast majority of wildfires inside america. authorities of western flu have sold spell ation believes the fires induced rain on urge local people to report anyone deliberately starting wildfire study. i think she said that i think that's a bit is that there's still some and such troll rituals are believes that say wildfire spring rain. if i don't know if this is false to that email, i got i, when we ask our citizens to help us identify the people who have started fires in different places. of course somebody come to them and the batch it up to date of stick around the suit can shift is up that's looking at if it's helpful,
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the home quotes and controlling national border number such as far as from all of us here in berlin. thank you. so much for being with us the you, how many platforms can you handle single tenuously without having the feeling that is just too much you might see me. how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking these them.


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