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tv   Transforming Business  Deutsche Welle  September 11, 2024 1:15am-1:31am CEST

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to i think the lift rate these the stabilizing system, so they are the sort of very patient way just about to and i'll show you, i'm going to have to leave deb, it's thank you so much for your time today. thank you. more on that story on our website, d, w dot com. thanks so much. the categories are thoughts say what the, what old card has to do with new products? here's a hands on the
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really indeed the snow on youtube. the, let me present to you the value of motion, montana. this is where you can see what we saved. this is eunice come pretended areas for manias, transylvania, it would be a luminous landscape. it would be an industrial mining site. romanian government says reading the multinational corporation from trying to mind these maintenance for goals using a potentially deadly chemical is what's happening. another the surface area, another up elliptic landscape in this 0 conservation in climate change. our foreign investors trying to see government sofas or climate policies that say that the family has been on separate site and how our communities sites and in fact defined
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tags. we visit to countries on opposite sides of the world. and this episode of transforming business as we begin at the like, where he's at region of north run columbia. it's home to be al serra own open pick coal mine, one of the largest in the world. for many years the mine has been so ranged in controversy over accusations by indigenous people of human and environmental abuses . these include air, water and noise pollution. it's own like and chorus with multi national mining company. it's code is exported globally, include in to georgia and usa carbon dioxide from co kinds provide 40 percent of greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels underground in the region. there are coal reserves economically important to then calling to.
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5 say that the food or pamela finance, up with phase these farmers say they were forced to be moved from here by colombian police. and the point time to this source to bring those rivers which flows through instead of homes mining concession. it's available was there and a huge and hit by years of extreme trains and there lifeline for locals. plus it's interpreting it less what we do is it means that i connect with us in california down. yes, we'll have to input the cost by the side or would you end up with that? some kind of money for us. i don't know. sometimes you need to see that now and mine goldstein over 33 megan beach. reason for your, for your day after community pressure in 2017, the colombian constitutional court moved to put on a digit, as communities to rely on is did this after can for partially change the course of the river to extract more corresponded to the constitutional court decision,
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but kicking, opening the proceedings to sue colombia for an undisclosed amount of money the on this one, or you don't need a link, go to the see the columbia on board, a lot of fluids i see on the road or when the look at your leisure lane caught a board laid out of the mind that there might be a little bit of phone them in dallas. been one of the, obviously they look in response can course as it supports breakers, social and environmental practices and decent. other changed against the colombian station. money that belongs to the states but intimately belongs to taxpaying distaste should be injected inside the twenties and environmental protection measures. and all the rest of the time rather than going into pockets of fussy to industry. and this is up to my company as environment minister after this interview
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with us refuse to answer questions on the monitoring sizing, potentially the connections in a statement to us concourse. and our preference is to resolve issues of dispute to constructive engagement because the governments for an amicable settlement is kind of be achieved. we may initiate that came via a leak of things that utilizes arbitration processes. when asked about how much and seeking and compensation, it's answered, no comments. the core is trying to sue the columbia and governments. i s t a stands for investors, state disputes estimates. it's a legal framework that lives fine investors to few governments in which they've invested money or assets if they believe their interests have been adversely affected. the rest and now i see this place is that it promotes foreigners incidence because investors be encouraged wouldn't be in
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a jurisdiction where often there are little concerned with the local insufficient to provide a real protection to the investors to buying these economic fights from international investments. cream and signed by states over the last 50 years. in the case of glen cooler versus columbia, it's using the columbia switzerland to my last from investment treating at the time it continues to jump because of the branding of fossil fuels, policy makers, they're opening their gains, curb emissions, and protect the environment. this is leading to a trimming block of fossil fuels, according to a report from the international institute for sustainable development of fossil fuel industry is the most a to just in the system. the 2nd most is the mining i've just been reading 70 was denied and manipulated by corporation who are holding onto their process and
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the activities incomplete disregard of the broader issues. i ask you guys, cases are usually quite secrets of and operate inside of domestic courts. in arbitration, the investor of points in arbitration are the states of points in arbitration. and both can agree on a 3rd independent arbitration engaging out as president or chairman proceedings. and you can understand, this is respect your to take the to the classic example. if your son in factories be disproved, created by local government. do you really want to have that? uh, just use this all the load according to global i s p s tri care, so the number of fossil fuel cases has increased steadily and then the last 3 decades. the international institute for sustainable development says, fossil fuel cases also have nearly 5 times higher and average in mind for compensation awarded in the region of $600000000.00. an article published in the
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journal assigned to test a globally i asked yes, canes from fossil fuel. investors could have made 2 over $340000000000.00 and they've been multiple over towards the international bodies criticizing the bias. the green policy, the former new and special rafter on human rights and the environment statement. boyd said fossil fuel in mining cases as a deterrent for governments and to create regulatory jail. and that's the topic that policy makers and advertises also have be grappling with for a while in 2018 according to when you entered a portion. these sealants withdrew from counseling existing offshore oil permits because of fears of via c s. when france was allegedly trenton by an ice, he has no seat from the canadian multinational green group friends of the or it
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says that the country di least plans for a fossil fuel extraction phase. i bought 2014 and in 10 markets are portions and expensive bias. d. s. games have meant it's chosen 2050 rather than the earlier days for facing as oil and gas production. but the often some interesting developments in at least one i as the as case and we travels to romania to hear more let me present for you the value of washer montana. this is where you can see what we saved. unesco protected areas of transylvania called russia, montana. it would be an industrial mining site. it would be a gigantic propulsion, just imagine trucks that have $1520.00 tons heavy going around and just imagine, you know, tons of explosives per day. the romanian government, driven by a local community entrance as being a multinational corporation in an i s p s. case worth $4400000.00. the canadian
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company, gabriel resources wanted to excavate these maintenance to build one of the biggest gold mines in your and this valley wanted to build a long rest of warranty to collect over 200 tons of waste. walter laced with cyanide attack and chemical used to extract a goat from wrong, the it kind of look something like mine drainage from a copper line. and a ton of rush and montana would have up tend to be different. it would have been another to surface area, another kind of big landscape. well, she, a montana is a very old gold mining region. it dates to before the romans. you'll find extensive funded crimes. roman mind galleries of 817 and we sure as long people are proud of their mining heritage during communism,
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this region was mind by the romanian governments here in this open pit gold mine. gabriel resources one mining bites in the region in 1999 major national protest because of the community mobilization stools, the project and through international attention. we means low gross who are the backbone of they some position in the no d, v and pet 3 sure. he tells us have, for years he was heartbroken and destroyed marley living in constant fear that he will be thrown as bus home. now people are more hopeful as they weren't able to show to the court that they are someone's state and that they can take decisions on what are they want to approve a project or not. regardless of the quotes with grip and pressure that gave appraisals put on them. gabriel was always is now trying to notify the costs of the case. it needs to pay the romanian government and it's a she's most vacation of
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a potential. second. i asked the saxon when we repeatedly asked them for a statement. they never responded. no, they states realized that they can no longer be hostages by corporation. who might want to use that mechanism to present them to not implement it, which him to men climate, to invited to parties back in columbia communities continue to take a stand against coal mining in their beach. and that's the problem we have to meet on a long their futures are on certain with science test cases hanging in the bonds, the look at below what look at the what he told us. so you get a lateral, you'll know simple day as a when the got set go instead of by you get a lot was put in c minus they're looking to romania as an example of an example of change in favor of the promise. what do you think of bias us cases
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that us know in the comments below, and if he likes this episode, please look at the transforming business playlists for video. some topics just like this one. the short reprieve from these children come from the south almost a year ago, they had to flee from slicing along the family situation. the next on d. w. wont hollings, the hydrogen high use guessing involved by packing the sustainable gas
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and click the a living diversity music as a calculus to much need to change the building sustainably. how do you recycle an old military base? the and coping with the how the ruling goza is affecting children in 11 and the .


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